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Searching for archived records in other environments 111-02020020

This document outlines information on the environment in which a customer's information is stored and explains how to search for and retrieve archived records from environments other than the customer's current environment.

Searching for archived records in other environments

This table describes the process in searching and retrieving archived customer records in other environments.




A Service Officer or other officer wishes to locate customer records archived in environments, other than their current environment + Read more ...

Clues that indicate there may be records in other environments include:

  • Address History (ADH) screen indicates movement between environments
  • no archive records in the current environment
  • apparent gaps in the archive records

A customer may have archives in several, or even all environments.


Access the ICOA Log Information (ITLG) screen + Read more ...

The ITLG screen records a customer's transfers between environments. Details of each completed transfer are logged on a separate screen page:

  • From the customer's record, key 'ITLG' in the Nxt field and press [Enter]. Previous environment transfers will be recorded in the Transfer from - to - field (for example, Transfer from: A to B)
  • If additional pages are indicated, use the [PF7]/[PF8] keys or [Page Down]/[Page Up] to scroll through and note other environments the customer has records in

If necessary, write a manual list of all the environments that are to be searched.


To request retrieval of archived data + Read more ...

  • Access the CAR system (from any of the customer's environments) by typing 'CAR' in the Sys field and press [Enter]. The Archive Main Menu (MM) screen will display
  • Key 'AR' in the Nx: field and press [Enter]. The Archive Retrieve (AR) screen will display, showing a list of archive records available. (If more than 10 records are listed use the [PF7]/[PF8] or [Page Down]/[Page Up] keys to scroll through)
  • Key 'S' in the Action field for the archive that is to be retrieved and press [Enter]. (Only one line at a time can be selected.) The user will be returned to the MM
  • Repeat the last 2 steps if additional archives are to be retrieved

The retrieval requests for that environment have now been logged


Switch to the next environment to be searched + Read more ...

  • In the Env field, key the code for the next environment to be searched and press [Enter]
  • Repeat Step 3
  • Continue this process until all required archives from each of the customer's environments have been requested

Customer details (name, address etc.) only display in the customer's current environment. CAR can still be used in other environments even though the customer details are not displayed.


Checking for and accessing retrieved archives + Read more ...

Retrievals for each environment remain in, and can only be accessed in, that environment.

Each of the customer's environments must be accessed separately to view or print the archives. In Customer First and Customer Record, the User Profile (UP) screen needs to be updated for all environments, otherwise records may not print at the user's location (a script is available to update User Profile).

When archive retrieval has been completed the Archive Display Summary (ADS) screen (in each environment) displays a list of the records retrieved. Retrieved archival data is retained online for 14 days. Options are provided for either viewing or printing the data.

The user may also check the archive Retrieval Status Display (AS) screen for outstanding archive requests. When a CAR request is logged it will appear on the AS screen as a status line and remain there until the retrieval is completed (or fails). When the archive has been retrieved that status line disappears from the AS and the relevant record displays on the ADS.

For more information, including how to view or print retrieved archives, see Using the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system and microfiche requests for archived information.