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Updating proficiency for QOL 111-20071707

This document outlines the national proficiency procedures for Quality On Line (QOL).

On this page:

Navigating and searching in QSS

QOL Proficiency - initial checks

Automated QOL Proficiency Assessment

Manual action required - QSS automation not applicable

Manual proficiency assessment

Annual proficiency review and non-standard proficiency assessments

Applying for alternative proficiency assessment

Navigating and searching in QSS

Table 1: This table contains information on how to access and search in QSS.




Navigate to Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen + Read more ...

In Customer First/Customer Record key ‘QSS’ in the Next field.

The header contains fields to help find staff and view proficiencies.

QSS can only be updated by staff who are APS5 and above.

For help of what can be used in each field, use the field help (?) in each box.


Search for a staff member + Read more ...

Before updating QSS, search for the staff member:

  • key the logon ID in the Officer Logon ID field

Note: QSS will not display lines if the staff member has no lines recorded.


Recording Team Leader/Line Manager details + Read more ...

QSS will prompt for Line Manager details if there are no details recorded:

  • key the Line Manager logon ID in the T/L Logon ID field


Filter information + Read more ...

When the staff member and/or office is found, information can be filtered in the following fields:

  • System: displays proficiency coding for the related system
  • Display By: sorts the display into:
    • System
    • Activity Code/Type
    • Proficiency rate
      Note: use '/' between coding to sort more than 1
  • Office: key the office code to display the QSS coding
    Note: appropriate access is needed

QOL Proficiency - initial checks

Table 2: This table contains information to determine if Automated or Manual QOL Proficiency assessment applies.




Initial checks + Read more ...

Proficiency levels must reflect the staff member's current capability to ensure the correct amount of work gets quality checked. Proficiency levels in QOL is either automated or manually updated on the Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen in Customer First/Customer Record.

Is the staff member a recent starter with no lines recorded on QSS, or undertaking work in one of the excluded systems? (see Resources)


Check if staff member meets criteria + Read more ...

Is the staff member:

  • in training or in consolidation periods?
  • receiving additional and/or targeted support?
  • returning to work/duties after a period of more than 3 months, or
  • have discretionary exemption reason assessed?

  • Yes, Staff member is not eligible for QSS automation. An exemption must be coded. See Table 4
  • No, QSS Automation will occur. See Table 3

Automated QOL Proficiency Assessment

Table 3: This table contains information about QSS Automation.




Initial proficiency assessment on the QSS screen + Read more ...

The QSS screen will be updated by Rapid Automation Digital Enabled Processors (DEP). Each DEP has a unique Logon ID that will be contained in the Last User Updated column on the QSS screen. This will include the date an update has occurred.

The automated process will add system and/or benefit lines on the QSS screen where QOL data is available on the Selection Report in QOLStat.

System and/or benefit lines appear in QOLStat where one or more activities have been processed in Customer First/Customer Record.

The automated process will check for a corresponding system and/or benefit line on the QSS screen. Where one is not found, it will be added.

Subsequent benefit lines can be added at a lower proficiency level than what is recorded on the QSS screen for the generic system line.


Advancing proficiency + Read more ...

Proficiency level advancement from Learner to Intermediate or Proficient is actioned by the automated process, using QOL data from the Correctness Report in QOLStat.

The system will determine highest correctness rate achieved for each system and/or benefit and apply the relevant proficiency level to the corresponding line on the QSS screen.

Proficiency advancement will automatically occur where the correctness rate achieved is higher than what is recorded on the QSS screen.


Annual Proficiency Review + Read more ...

The automated process will reassess system and/or benefit lines currently recorded as Proficient on the QSS screen that have not been updated in more than 52 weeks.

If an annual proficiency quality requirements have been met, the line will be assessed as proficient and the date will be updated on the QSS screen.

If the annual proficiency quality requirements have not been met, an email will be generated for manual action by the line manager. See Table 4.


Proficiency Expired + Read more ...

System and/or benefit lines do not appear in QOLStat where zero activities have been processed in Customer First/Customer Record within a 12 month period.

Proficiency lines at any level will be expired from the QSS screen where a corresponding line is not found in QOLStat.

Manual action required - QSS automation not applicable

Table 4




Exemptions from QSS automation + Read more ...

There are components of the QOL proficiency assessment process that cannot be automated. Email summaries will be sent to line managers for manual action.

The automated process is unable to determine when staff:

  • are in training/consolidation periods, or
  • receiving additional and/or targeted support

Where automated updated on QSS are not appropriate, an exemption should be coded (preventing automation from occurring).

  • Exemptions must be recorded by line managers/leadership staff (at or above APS5 level), with the appropriate delegation
  • Newly recruited staff with no system and/or benefit lines on the QSS screen will not be automated
  • Line managers/leadership staff can make a discretionary decision to apply an exemption at any time
  • Proficiency must be assessed manually where an exemption has been applied

To code an exemption:

  • Use Customer First/Customer Record, and go to the QSS screen by entering QSS in the Next field
  • Key the staff members Logon ID in the Officer Logon Id field
  • Update the staff members T/L Logon Id field with the Logon ID RCO898, and select continue

The staff member is exempt from the automation process until the Logon ID RCO898 is removed or replaced.


When to remove an exemption + Read more ...

Team leaders/Line Managers must consider the overall performance of staff before removing an exemption. This can include but is not limited to:

  • learning and development needs
  • volume of Local Peer Support (LPS) contacts
  • national feedback reports
  • other quality indicators

Does the exemption need to be removed?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, continue to monitor the staff member's performance


Removing an exemption + Read more ...

  • In Customer First/Customer Record go to the QSS screen by entering QSS in the Next field
  • Enter the staff members Logon ID in the Officer Logon Id field
  • Remove the Logon ID RCO898 from the T/L Logon Id field
  • Select Continue

The staff member will be included in the Automated Process from the next cycle.


Proficiency Reassessment required + Read more ...

If the annual QOL proficiency reassessment requirements have not been met, or the QOL results do not reflect the current proficiency level recorded on the QSS screen, the line manager will receive an email requesting further action.

A manual proficiency review must be completed as outlined in Table 6.

Discretion must be applied by line managers or approved delegates where the most recent accuracy results do not reflect the automated proficiency level identified. Items such as QOL dispute outcomes, support contacts and national feedback numbers are not factored into the automated process. Only lines that have not been updated on the QSS screen in more than 52 weeks will appear in this category.


Manual Line Update required + Read more ...

If the automated process is unable to complete a QSS line update due to an error, the line manager will receive a request by email to update the line manually.

E059PK - A duplicate sampling profile cannot be inserted

This error occurs where the generic system line has been expired at some point in the past, however subsequent benefit lines remained on the QSS screen. To resolve this error:

  • Take note of all the subsequent benefit lines under the generic line being added and the corresponding proficiency levels that apply to each line (these will need to be recorded later)
  • Expire (E) the subsequent benefit lines
  • Insert (I) the generic system line (e.g. NSS NNCL) recording the appropriate proficiency level
  • Insert (I) all the previously expired benefit lines as noted above


Manual Line Expiry required + Read more ...

Where the automated process is unable to expire a QSS line, the line manager will receive a request via email to update the line manually.

A manual proficiency review must be completed, see Table 6.

Manual proficiency assessment

Table 5: This table contains information about Initial Proficiency Assessment and Proficiency Advancement.




Initial proficiency assessment + Read more ...

  • For new starters to the agency
    • QSS is to be left blank. Line managers will be responsible for assessing proficiency advancement. Once staff member has obtained proficiency this should be updated on QSS. The automated process will apply
  • For staff who have commenced processing a new piece of work
    • Lines should only be recorded on QSS once the staff member has achieved an Intermediate or Proficient rating (See Advancing Proficiency)

Note: when commencing a new benefit line, a generic system line must be recorded before the corresponding benefits can be added. This line needs to be recorded for both NCL and NNCL where applicable. Refer to Quality Sample Summary screen (QSS).


Advancing proficiency + Read more ...

Manual proficiency advancement applies to activities sampled under QOL.

Proficiency assessments are actioned by the staff member's line manager or appropriate delegate and should updated once the appropriate proficiency level is achieved.

Assessments can be done 2 weeks after starting the work. It will be repeated until proficiency can be moved to ‘P'roficient.


Standard proficiency advancement + Read more ...

To advance through proficiency levels in QOL, staff must achieve all of the following:

  • Time - processed activities for a minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum of 14 months from the date of the proficiency advancement assessment
  • Volume - 20 or more activities checked through QOL during the period
  • Accuracy - achieved the minimum correctness rate required for the proficiency level

Where the work has transitioned to Process Direct, QMA and QOL results can be used to determine the above requirements.

Note: for QOL purposes, DMN RCV needs a minimum of 5 activities.

Does the staff member meet the quality requirements for Proficiency advancement?

  • Yes, update QSS
  • No, if the staff member has not met the quality requirements, continue to assess until the requirements are met

Annual proficiency review and non-standard proficiency assessments

Table 6




Annual proficiency review + Read more ...

Proficiency reviews are to be undertaken every 12 months for each benefit type.

Where the system and/or benefit line is currently recorded as ‘P’roficient on the QSS screen, and the Date last updated is greater than 52 weeks, a manual proficiency review must be completed by the line manager.

To maintain the ‘P’roficient level, the staff member must meet all quality requirements below:

  • have a minimum of 20 activities completed/processed (not quality checked)
  • have had a minimum of 5 activities quality checked by system/benefit (NCL and NNCL are assessed separately), and
  • have achieved the minimum correctness rate of 95%

Activities processed and checked must be in the past 12 months from the date of the review.

Does the staff member meet each of the above quality requirements?

  • Yes, update QSS. Procedure ends here
  • No, if the staff member cannot meet the proficiency review requirements, a non-standard assessment may apply, go to Step 2

Note: For QOL purposes, DMN RCV needs a minimum of 5 activities. Where the work has transitioned to Process Direct, QMA and QOL results can be used to determine the above requirements.


Non-standard proficiency review assessment + Read more ...

If a staff member cannot meet the standard annual proficiency requirements, a non-standard assessment may be applied to each of the requirements and implemented by the line manager.

If staff are unable to meet:

  • 20 activities processed in the period, but met all other requirements, go to Step 3
  • 5 checks being completed in the period, but met all other requirements, go to Step 4
  • the minimum correctness rate of 95%, go to Step 5


Unable to meet the volume of 20 activities processed + Read more ...

If the staff member has not processed at least 20 activities in the last 12 months, further quality checking is required.

An additional 5 activities will be required to be completed and quality checked for each system/benefit (whichever is under review) to maintain current proficiency for that system/benefit

By completing the additional checks, the staff member can meet the requirement.

Where the work has transitioned to Process, QMA and QOL results can be used to make up the numbers needed and Options noted on Step 4 can be applied as needed.


Staff unable to meet 5 checks completed + Read more ...

  • Option 1 - complete additional quality assurance checks up to 5. This can include (but is not limited to) activities/work items that have not been quality checked, check the checker etc
  • Option 2 - revert the proficiency to ‘L’earner to achieve benchmark

If all options are fully exhausted, line managers can apply for an alternative assessment. Requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Service Delivery Quality Centre, see Table 7.


Unable to meet the minimum correctness rate + Read more ...

If the staff member’s correctness rate is 80% or over.

Complete additional quality assurance checks until a minimum correctness rate of 95% is achieved. This can include:

  • reviewing activities already quality checked through QOL and/or
  • undertaking a quality assurance check on activities processed that were not sampled for QOL checking, for example, check the checker analysis, manual post checks

The activities must be within the assessment period.

If the minimum correctness rate of 95% is not achieved after the additional checks have been completed, proficiency should be reverted to: ‘L’earner for QOL.

If the staff member’s correctness rate is less than 80%

Revert proficiency for QOL to ‘L’earner until a benchmark is achieved.

An alternative assessment would not apply.

Applying for alternative proficiency assessment

Table 7




An alternative assessment can apply to an individual or a business type + Read more ...

All applications for alternative assessment are to be forwarded to the Service Delivery Quality Centre for assessment:

If the assessment is for:

Note: the correctness rate of 95% is a mandatory requirement.


Business case with line manager endorsement + Read more ...

A business case must be provided with line manager endorsement, along with the form. It must have the following:

  • the description of the type of work being actioned
  • the reason that proficiency cannot be achieved
  • the achievable solutions sought, including the measures that make sure the integrity of quality is upheld, see the Resources page for examples
  • the additional assessment that may be in place and the quality results, i.e. quality assurance checks previously not subject to QOL, for example
    • work not selected for checking
    • check the checker
    • skills validation etc.

Once the form has been completed, forward to the Service Delivery Quality Centre email contact

Go to Step 4.


Provide a business case with EL2 endorsement + Read more ...

Using the relevant form, a business case must be provided with EL2 endorsement. It must contain the following:

  • why an alternative assessment is required, including
    • a description of the type of work being completed, and
    • why the proficiency assessment cannot be met
  • proposed alternative proficiency assessments to be used, that uphold the integrity of quality
  • duration of the proposed alternative proficiency assessment (ongoing -vs- set period of time)
  • outline other quality assurance checks that will be done
  • one main contact to be established for future requests under the proposed alternative proficiency assessment

Business teams should consult with relevant quality contacts within their branch to see if arrangements already exist for prior alternative assessments.

Once the form has been completed, forward to the Service Delivery Quality Centre email contact.

Go to Step 4.


The Service Delivery Quality Centre will review alternative proficiency assessment + Read more ...

The team will review the alternative proficiency assessment. The outcome will be communicated to the requesting business area/line manager within 10 business days.