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eServices quality checking in QST 111-21062214

Enterprise Quality Framework


Health Service Delivery Division – Quality, Performance & Technical Support

Error codes - Error free

Table 1

Error code

Error definition


Error free.

Error status codes - Form related

Table 2

Error code

Error definition

It is an error when



The provider number does not match the name listed on the form.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed when the provider number does not match the name listed on the form.

This also includes the absence of a provider number and details have been updated in PDS.



The incorrect provider number is updated that is not stipulated on the form.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed to the incorrect provider number profile in PDS.



The provider number does not match practice address.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed where PDS records do not match the details on the form.



Form incorrectly rejected.

Banking forms have been rejected incorrectly.



The declaration/form has not been signed by the applicant or accepted with invalid signature.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed without a hand written signature. Digital signatures not acceptable. This includes signatures that are not original and/or signatures that are copied.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed without the applicant's signature.



Bank details signed form dated in the past or future or with no date

Banking forms have been accepted and processed with a signature, without a date or exceeding 30 days from the date of lodgement.

Future dated signed forms are not accepted. This excludes effective start dates for banking details and/or Minor ID’s.




All pages of HW027 or HW052 have not been received and details have been recorded.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed where all or part of the Provider Agreement/ banking form is absent.



The additional document to authorise the update provided with the bank details form has not been signed by the provider but has been actioned.

Additional correspondence was attached requesting to update multiple providers but the attachment was not signed by the applicant. Banking forms have been accepted and processed.



The additional document with the form signed by the provider has not been actioned and no contact was made to the provider

In the instance of requests to update multiple providers the documents have been signed by the applicant but was not processed. Provider was not contacted to confirm date of effect.

Error status codes - PDS

Table 3

Error code

Error definition

It is an error when



The provider number is closed and bank details/Minor ID have been updated.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed where the provider number is closed end dated in PDS and banking details/Minor ID have been updated.



Minor ID PDS

Banking forms have been accepted and processed but the Minor ID has not been updated in PDS for the provider’s bank details.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed without creating the new Minor ID in PDS.

Minor ID registration details in PDS have been created incorrectly, but bank details have been accepted and processed.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed with the incorrect Minor ID updated to Provider Number in PDS.



Minor ID and/or banking details are recorded before effective date on form.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed with Minor ID but with incorrect effective commencement date.



Bank Account number details

Banking forms have been accepted and processed with incorrect details:

The account number and/or BSB entered does not match the form.

The bank account number end/start date is incorrect.

The bank account details have not been recorded at all.



Bank account name is not recorded correctly

Banking forms have been accepted and processed where the account name is not entered correctly, excluding abbreviations. This would include a change from an individual to another type of legal entity, or one type of legal entity to another.

Error status codes - PaNDA

Table 4

Error code

Error definition

It is an error when



Incomplete PaNDA WID processing notes

Provider Agreement is not attached/ attached with limited or no processing notes.

Processing notes on a PaNDA work item should clearly explain all action taken to complete that WID as well as identifying what is required.



Pended PaNDA WID – incorrect Pend reason/incomplete processing notes

Pend reason (if applicable) - incorrect and/ limited or no processing notes.



Naming convention has not been entered correctly

The PaNDA work item has not been named to include the provider number/stem and name of practice, or name of provider.


Non critical

Alternate PaNDA work items not associated

All relevant work items that have been received within 3 months have not been associated.



PaNDA WID – Case ID field not saved with Source Work Item number

The PaNDA work item Case ID field does not display the Source Work Item number.

Error status codes - Email

Table 5

Error code

Error definition

It is an error when



Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) box is ticked but not forwarded to AIR.

Banking forms have been accepted and processed, and AIR selected however no evidence email forwarded to AIR for actioning.



Email notification for Rejected EFT registration incomplete.

Email notification sent to provider did not state the relevant reason/s for rejection.



Email to provider

Banking Details/Minor ID have been accepted and processed


Email sent to incorrect email address

Email sent to invalid email address

Email not sent to provider after any updates are made.



All emails

Email not sent on behalf of Provider.Forms.

Email has not been uploaded in the PaNDA WID.

EFT email has not been moved from your personal Sent Items folder to ‘Sent Items’ folder in Provider.Forms.

AIR email has not been moved from your personal Sent Items folder to ‘Sent Items’ folder in Provider.Forms.

Email notification sent to provider did not state the relevant reason/s.

The email template is missing information. For example, Name/Date of lodgement/Work ID.