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Quality Management Application (QMA) quality checking in emergency claims 111-23103055

This document outlines how Quality Management Officers (QMOs) complete quality checks in emergency claims using the Quality Management Application (QMA).

Quality Checking

Emergency claims are selected for quality checking using QMA. These include:

  • Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP)
  • New Zealand Disaster Recovery Payment (NZ DRP)
  • Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA)

QMOs are allocated these work items for quality checking through Workload Management (WLM). They receive allocations aligned to their:

  • skillset (the type of work they are skilled to do), and
  • business and technical knowledge in the work type

QMA Checking Interface

Emergency claims are quality checked using Integrated QMA. When completing a check, this means that QMOs will:

  • have the QMA Processing button greyed-out under the More Options button
  • complete the quality check by:
    • selecting Next
    • moving through screens and/or the workflow with provisional data that has been updated by staff
    • using the Task Selector

Disaster Recovery Workflow

Emergency claims use a question-based workflow to capture the online claim responses. These screens will display FORM on the Super Key. The following are not available in the question-based workflow:

  • QMA Action column
  • No-Error and Error buttons

QMOs must:

  • record errors identified on the QMA Summary
  • take additional steps to:
    • quality check the workflow
    • record outcomes, and
    • undertake corrective action, where required
  • take extra care when quality checking this component to ensure the correct outcomes are applied

The Resources page contains Quality Management contact details, Intranet links and QMA error codes.

Quality checking in Process Direct and Customer First

Quality Management Application (QMA) in Process Direct

Quality Management Application (QMA) quality checking

Quality Management Application (QMA) sampling policy and process

Quality standards in service delivery

Process Direct