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Management of the Staff Feedback Tool 111-24020000

This document outlines the process for line managers and non-line managers to apply for manager access to the Staff Feedback Tool. It explains how to action feedback items and retrieve statistics and feedback.

On this page:

ISP Resource request for Manager Access

Supporting business cases

Finalising feedback

Reallocating feedback

Retrieving statistics and feedback

ISP Resource request for Manager Access

Table 1: this process is used for line managers or non-line managers who have a legitimate business need that requires them to view, action and/or finalise feedback in the Staff Feedback Tool.




Requesting manager access to the Staff Feedback Tool + Read more ...

Manager access to the Staff Feedback Tool is limited to the length of role or up to a maximum 12 months. Upon expiry or positional change, line managers and non-line managers must reassess their need and apply for access via the ICT Security Portal.

To request access, line managers and non-line managers must:


Open the ICT Security Portal + Read more ...

Go to the Application tab.


Request Resource + Read more ...

Select Request Resource under Request Management.


Select who requires access + Read more ...

Select Me if the line manager or non-line manager is themselves or Someone Else if requesting access for another staff member.

Note: Org Unit cannot be selected as Manager access can only be provided to individuals.


Select Reason + Read more ...

Complete the Reason field. Document the details of the business need to view, edit and action feedback in the Reason field. This must include:

  • role or the role of the staff member for whom the access applies
  • why the role requires access to the feedback data. Give detail about the legitimate business need. This may include:
    • Direct management of feedback items
    • Monitor trends or issues
    • Identify and address learning and development needs
    • Identify continuous improvement opportunities

Note: manager access is generally not granted to staff below APS5 level. Exceptions include but not limited to contractors with line management responsibilities.

Access will be rejected if sufficient information is not outlined in the Reason field.


Add Search Criteria + Read more ...

Complete the Search Criteria fields:

  • Select the Search icon to open the category selection window
  • Select the expand symbol beside Active Directory
  • Select the expand symbol beside INTERNAL Domain
  • Select Access Group to populate the Category field
  • Type NFT in the Containing text box
  • Select the Search button
  • Select SharePoint-NFT-Office-Managers-(ISP Category: Active directory - INTERNAL Domain - Access Group) in the Search Results field. This will populate the Resource Details field which contains information to ensure a suitable business need is provided in the Reason field
  • Select the right arrow button to add the resource to the Resources to Request field
  • Select Submit

Once the applicable line manager approves the request, the business owner will review and take appropriate action in 2 business days.

Supporting business cases

Table 2




Business case with endorsement + Read more ...

Line managers and non-line managers may be required to supply a supporting business case where a legitimate business need is difficult to establish. All business cases must be forwarded to the Staff Feedback Tool team for assessment.

Business cases can be lodged for an individual or team.

It must contain:

  • An outline of the legitimate business need, including:
    • Why access is required for the role
    • What information is required from the Staff Feedback Tool
    • What is the intended use of the Staff Feedback Tool data
  • Log on, APS level and position number of applicant(s)
  • Length of time access required
  • Confirmation of the roles and responsibilities
  • Confirm an understanding on the disclosure, holds, use and purpose of personal information under the Australian Privacy Principles (the APPs) at Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) and APP 6 (Use or discloser of personal information)
  • Outline control measures if storing extracted Staff Feedback Tool data. Note: formal control plans are required
  • EL2 endorsement

If Staff Feedback Tool manager access is required urgently, this must be outlined in the endorsed business case.

Once the business case has been endorsed, forward to the Service Delivery Quality Centre.

Business teams should consult with the relevant contacts in their branch to see if business cases already exist for non-line manager Staff Feedback Tool access.


Business case review + Read more ...

The Staff Feedback Tool team will review the business case and notify the outcome, including ISP resource approval (where applicable) to the requesting officer/business team/line manager in 5 business days.

The Staff Feedback Tool team will remove access where necessary or where data misuse has been identified.

Finalising feedback

Table 3




Access to feedback email + Read more ...

  • The Staff Feedback Tool automatically sends an email, including a link to the feedback item to the Receiving Office selected by the feedback provider when:
    • a staff member submits a feedback form, or
    • an item has been open for 21 days
  • If the feedback provider has completed the Manager field, the email is also sent to that manager
  • Only staff with manager access can use the link in the email to access the feedback in the Staff Feedback Tool

Note: if an error is returned when staff select the hyperlink in the email, this could indicate that manager access is needed as per Table 1.


Action feedback email + Read more ...

  • Select the link to the feedback in the email
  • Feedback must be finalised in 30 calendar days of being created

Note: if an officer was not selected, the Service Details can assist in identifying the appropriate manager to action the feedback item.


Review and action feedback + Read more ...

If the feedback has been sent to the incorrect Receiving Office, follow the steps in the Reallocating feedback table.

To action the feedback, consider:

  • if the compliment or feedback is about an individual or a team process
  • if the feedback requires any more action and if so the urgency of this action
  • the best method to communicate the feedback
  • if the feedback identified a training or development need and if so, how best to give this
  • if the feedback indicates local work practices are being used instead of the appropriate Operational Blueprint procedures

Where appropriate, managers reviewing staff feedback may also access and listen to a call recording.

Take the appropriate action to give the feedback to the individual, team or work area.

If the feedback recipient needs to complete follow up action, , make sure this is completed in the agreed timeframe.

If the feedback is:


Complete manager comments + Read more ...

  • Select the Edit button
  • The Manager Comments field is a free text box
  • Document the specific actions taken in response to the feedback
  • Only staff with manager access can view these comments
  • Finalise feedback, go to Step 5

Note: select the Save button once the entry is complete. Once an entry has been saved it cannot be edited, however a new comment can be added if needed.


Finalise feedback + Read more ...

  • Select the Finalise button to open the Complete Item pop-up window
  • The information documented in the Complete Item window is available to the staff member who provided the feedback. If the feedback is incorrect or inappropriate:
    • Document the reason and outline the correct process. Include relevant references to policy/legislation or Operational Blueprint etc
    • Select the Feedback incorrect or inappropriate checkbox
    • If a reply was not requested select the Send Reply checkbox
  • If the staff member requested a reply, the responsible manager must update the Complete Item window to provide a reply
  • If the staff member did not request a reply, the responsible manager may still choose to send a reply, for example to thank them for taking the time to provide the feedback, or to advise the feedback was incorrect
  • Select the Send Reply checkbox to send a response to the staff member
  • Select the OK button to save the information to the Managers Response to Feedback field in the Comments section
  • The feedback is now finalised and can be closed

Reallocating feedback

Table 4




Open Feedback + Read more ...

  • Open the feedback item from the link in the notification email or by searching via ID
  • Select Edit


Receiving Office field + Read more ...

The Receiving Office field should automatically update based on the officer’s details.

If the office is:


Select Receiving Office + Read more ...

If the Receiving Office field was automatically populated with incorrect details:

  • do not change it
  • save the completed Staff Feedback Tool form
  • contact the Service Delivery Quality Centre

If there are no officer details entered, manually select the office that should receive the feedback. Use the SFT Org Unit Lookup Tool to find the correct organisation unit for the Receiving Office.

To manually look up an organisational unit, see Recording feedback in the Staff Feedback Tool.


Save item + Read more ...

  • The revised Receiving Office will automatically get an email. Staff do not need to manually forward the initial notification email.
  • The staff member who provided the feedback will get an email saying that a new Receiving Office has been selected.

Retrieving statistics and feedback

Table 5




Retrieve statistics + Read more ...

The Staff Feedback Tool sources data from Office Locator. Office Locator uses Services Australia Organisation Structure data (org units) from ESSentials.

Records created before 1 January 2023 are now archived. Requests for access to these are to be made to the Staff Feedback Tool team.

Select Statistics in the left hand menu of the Staff Feedback Tool.

Using the Statistics select:

  • Feedback statistics – records created from 1 January 2023

Select one of the following charts:

  • Top Receiving Sites
  • Top Sending Sites
  • Feedback Status
  • Outstanding Feedback by Site
  • Completed Feedback by Site

Refine the search results by selecting the:

  • Date Range - defaults to 7 days prior and can be edited to a specific period
  • Service Details - to identify a specific work type
  • Sending Office - multiple offices can be selected (up to 50)
  • Receiving Office - multiple offices can be selected (up to 50)
  • Status - select from Any, Open or Completed
  • Select ‘No’, ‘Yes’ or ‘Both’ to exclude or include feedback finalised as incorrect or inappropriate

Select the Create button to create the search results.


Feedback Search + Read more ...

Select Feedback Search in the left hand menu.

Using the Feedback Search select:

  • Feedback search – record created from 1 January 2023

Refine the search results by selecting the:

  • Date Range - defaults to 7 days prior and can be edited to a specific period
  • Service Details - to identify a specific work type
  • Office - multiple offices can be selected (up to 50)
  • Status - select from Any, Open or Completed
  • For Feedback - select from Sent to this office, Sent from this office or Both sent to and from this office
  • Select ‘No’, ‘Yes’ or ‘Both’ to exclude or include feedback finalised as incorrect or inappropriate

Select Search for the result of the defined search to be returned:

  • select Export on the right hand side to export the data to MS Excel


Save Preferences - Feedback Search + Read more ...

The option to Save Preferences will enable pre-populated search options the next time you select the Feedback Search function.

Note: only the Service Details and Office fields can be saved.

Select the Save Preferences button after completing the Service Details and Office fields.

To clear preferences saved:

  • remove items saved in the Service Detail and/or Office fields
  • select Save Preferences


Search for specific feedback item + Read more ...

Select Search by ID in the left hand menu.

Enter the identification number (ID) of the individual feedback item.

From the search result, select the hyperlinked ID number to open the feedback item.

The ID number is located:

  • in the original email notification, or
  • in the list of feedback resulting from a Feedback Search, see Step 3 Save Preference - Feedback Search, or
  • at the top of the Feedback record (once created)