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Indigenous Education Training Programme (IETP) 010-01030070

This document outlines the Indigenous Education Training Programme (IETP) which was the main source of supplementary assistance to government and non-government education providers to ensure Indigenous students achieve success in education until May 2019.

The National Indigenous Australian Agency (NIAA) was then established and took over funding of certain programs.

Aim of the program

The primary objective of IETP was to achieve performance targets aimed at improving Indigenous education outcomes.

IETP provided funding under a number of programs:

  • Supplementary Recurrent Assistance (SRA)
  • Targeted Outcomes Programmes (TOP)
  • English as a Second Language - Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)
  • IETP Away-from-base

IETP also provided some funding towards the National Indigenous English Literacy and Numeracy Strategy.


IETP was administered by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C).

Services Australia does not handle enquiries regarding IETP. Customers with questions about IETP should contact PM&C.

The Resources page contains a link to the Prime Minster and Cabinet (PM&C) website.

Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS)

Vocational Education Guidance Assistance Scheme (VEGAS)