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Payment of away from home rate for ABSTUDY 010-02060020

Scenarios for determining payee of ABSTUDY AFH allowances

This table describes scenarios of how the age of the customer and their boarding arrangements determines the payee for ABSTUDY AFH allowances and entitlements.




Customer under 16 years, boarding school is payee and residual amount left over after payment to school + Read more ...

Millie is 14 years old and approved for Away from Home rate, as the permanent home is isolated from a government school. Millie is boarding at school.

The school charges $9,000 for boarding costs and $7,000 for school fee costs per annum. Millie is entitled to the full rate of Away from Home allowances totalling $16,614,000 in boarding assistance and $12,816 in School Fee Allowance per annum.

As Millie is boarding at a school, ABSTUDY payments must be paid to the boarding school. entitlements are delivered for the year via an ABSTUDY boarding instalment method, with the first instalment in each term delivered after confirmation from the school that Millie has commenced studying.

Millie’s total entitlements exceed the board charged by the school by $7,614 per annum. As Millie is aged less than 16 years, the residual amount is paid directly to Millie’s parent as a fortnight-in-arrears amount of $292.85 per fortnight.


Customer 18 years and older boarding privately + Read more ...

Jenny is 18 years old and approved for Away from Home rate . Jenny is boarding privately with an aunty who has advised that less than 5 students will be residing on the premises. As Jenny is aged 18 years or older, and not residing in a boarding school or a hostel, she determines the payee for the ABSTUDY entitlements.

Jenny has not requested payments be directed to the aunty providing the private board, and full Away from Home entitlements will be paid to Jenny fortnight-in-arrears.


Customer 16-18 years, boarding at hostel signatory to an ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, no residual entitlements + Read more ...

Jessie is 16 years old and approved for Away from Home entitlements as Jessie’s family are itinerant workers. Jessie is boarding at a hostel and attending high school in Perth. The hostel is a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement and therefore payments must be directed to the hostel.

The hostel charges $14,000 per annum boarding costs which exceed Jessie’s total ABSTUDY boarding entitlements of $12,400 per annum. Jessie has a scholarship at high school and no school fees are charged.

As Jessie is boarding at a hostel that is a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, ABSTUDY payments must be paid to the hostel. Entitlements are delivered for the year via an ABSTUDY boarding instalment method with the first instalment in each term delivered after confirmation from the hostel that Jessie has commenced studying.

As Jessie’s total entitlements do not exceed the boarding charge, no residual entitlements are payable.


Customer boarding privately with 5 or more students + Read more ...

Tarni is 13 years old and approved for Away from Home rate of ABSTUDY. Tarni is boarding privately with a cousin who has advised that 6 students will be residing on the premises. As the private board provider is housing 5 or more students, they are now considered a hostel for ABSTUDY purposes.

Until the hostel signs into an ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, Tarni will not be entitled to the following ABSTUDY allowances:

  • Living Allowance, and subsequent payments:
    • Rent Assistance
    • Remote Area Allowance
  • Group 2 School Fees Allowance

Full ABSTUDY entitlements will be back dated to the students start date once the private board provider signs into an ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, and it is approved.

For more information, see ABSTUDY Hostel Agreements.

Services Australia website

ABSTUDY payment rates



ABSTUDY request for private board provider (person providing board) details (SY115) form

If a secondary student is boarding privately, the ABSTUDY request for private board provider (person providing board) details (SY115) form will need to be issued to the person responsible for making payment decisions.

The person responsible for redirecting payments to a private board provider is either:

  • A parent/guardian for a dependant student under the age of 18
  • A student aged 18 years or over
  • A student claiming independence

This form cannot be used to verify rent for the purposes of Rent Assistance (RA). A rent certificate will need to be issued if the customer is claiming RA.