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Assessing scholarships and mobility provisions for secondary students for ABSTUDY away from home rate 010-02060170

Scenarios - determining IBS scholarship approval

Table 1




Independent Boarding School (IBS) scholarship offered before 1 January 2019

In October 2018, Fairholme Grammar School offer a scholarship to Lilly for the 2019 academic year. Because the offer of the scholarship was prior to 1 January 2019, the IBS scholarship rules apply.

Fairholme Grammar School meets all the criteria to be an approved school to offer an IBS scholarship under the pre 1 January 2019 rules. This includes a SES score of more than 100, a contribution of at least 15% of board and tuition charges and the involvement of the local Indigenous Education Consultative Body (IECB).

Lilly submits a claim for ABSTUDY in November 2018 and is approved for Away from Home payments under the IBS scholarship provisions.

Lilly's twin Meg also wants to board away from home and in November applies to Fairholme Grammar School for an IBS scholarship. Fairholme acknowledges that it would be beneficial for both siblings to study together and in December 2018, also offer Meg an IBS scholarship for 2019. Meg submits a claim for ABSTUDY in January 2019. Meg is approved for Away from Home entitlements under the pre-1 January 2019 rules as that is the date of her scholarship offer, even though the ABSTUDY claim was lodged in January 2019.


Boarding School scholarship offered after 1 January 2019

In January 2019, Guilderton Boys College offer a scholarship to Isaac for of $5800 the 2019 academic year. Because the offer of the scholarship was after 1 January 2019, the new Boarding School scholarship rules apply.

In 2019 Guilderton Boys College's total board and tuition charges are $23,000 per annum.

25% of the school's combined board and tuition charges is $5750, which is less than the minimum Boarding School Scholarship Approval Threshold amount. Therefore Guilderton must contribute at least the minimum Boarding School Scholarship Approval Threshold amount for Isaac to be approved for Away from Home payments.

As Guilderton Boys College does not contribute the minimum Boarding School scholarship amount, Isaac is not approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School scholarship.


Boarding School scholarship offered after 1 January 2019

In January 2019, Brisbane Boys College offer a scholarship to Lennie for the 2019 academic year. Because the offer of the scholarship was after 1 January 2019, the new Boarding School scholarship rules apply.

In 2019 Brisbane Boys College's total board and tuition charges are $44,000 per annum.

As 25% of the school's combined board and tuition charges is $11,000 which is greater than the minimum Boarding School Scholarship Approval Threshold amount, the minimum scholarship contribution amount required by Brisbane must be at least $11,000.

Brisbane Boys College contribute $11,000 towards the scholarship and Lennie is approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School scholarship.


IBS scholarship offered prior to 1 January 2019

In November 2018, Glen Isla College offer a scholarship to Missie for the 2019 academic year. As Glen Isla College's total board and tuition charges are $36,000 per annum, Glen Isla College offer a scholarship to Missie for 25% (or $9,000) of their total board and tuition charges.

Because the IBS scholarship was offered before 1 January 2019, it is offered under the old rules. Whilst the school has contributed a minimum of 15% towards the scholarship, the school does not have a SES score of 100 or greater, and has not involved the local Indigenous Education Consultative Board in formulating the scholarship.

Missie cannot be approved for ABSTUDY Away from Home payments based on receipt of an IBS scholarship. The scholarship offer occurred prior to 1 January 2019 and therefore a scholarship must be offered under the existing rules in place in 2018.


Boarding School scholarship initial approval - cannot swap between scholarship financial contribution criteria

In February 2019 BJ is approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School scholarship at Lundy Grammar School. Lundy Grammar School's total board and tuition charges in 2019 are $32,000 and the school contributed $8,000 (or 25%) to the scholarship.

In 2020, Lundy Grammar School advised that the scholarship for BJ would now contain only a $6,000 Scholarship Contribution Amount.

The Boarding School scholarship cannot be approved for BJ in 2020 because the school must continue to make a scholarship financial contribution under the same criteria (either the minimum Boarding School Scholarship Approval Threshold amount or 25%) as was the initial grant, for the life of the scholarship.


Boarding School scholarship approval in second and subsequent years - Scholarship contribution dollar value

In February 2019 Alina is approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School Scholarship at Mt St Bernard's College. Mt St Bernard's total board and tuition charges in 2019 are $27,000 and the school contributed $6,000 to the scholarship.

In 2020, Mt St Bernard's College advised that the school would again contribute $6,000 towards Alina's scholarship.

The Boarding School Scholarship cannot be approved for Alina in 2020 because the minimum Boarding School Scholarship Approval Threshold amount for 2020 is $6,096.


Boarding School scholarship approval in second and subsequent years - Scholarship contribution percentage value

Cameron was approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School Scholarship of $11,000 at Scotch College for 2019 based on 25% of Scotch College's total board and tuition charges ($44,000).

In 2020, Scotch College advised their combined board and tuition charges is $47,000 and that Cameron's scholarship will again contain an $11,000 Scholarship Contribution amount.

Scotch College must continue to make a scholarship financial contribution under the same criteria as was the initial grant, for the life of the scholarship. As the Scholarship Contribution Amount in 2020 is less than 25% of the school's combined board and tuition charges ($11,750), Cameron is no longer approved for Away from Home payments based on receipt of an approved Boarding School scholarship.


Grandfathered IBS scholarship holder

Lilly and Meg were approved for IBS scholarships at Fairholme Grammar School under the pre-January 2019 rules. Both students complete the year successfully and will return for the 2020 academic year.

Because both students were approved for an IBS scholarship prior to 1 January 2019 under the existing rules, both scholarships are grandfathered under the existing criteria.

Therefore, Fairholme Grammar School are required to continue to meet the pre January 2019 IBS scholarship rules, other than the requirement for involvement from IECB, and are only required to contribute 15% of the school's total board and tuition charges to the scholarship for the 2020 academic year and beyond.


Grandfathered IBS scholarship holder discontinues and later recommences and is approved based on exceptional circumstances

Gus was approved for an IBS scholarship in 2017 (prior to the simplification of rules on 1 January 2019). Gus is considered grandfathered and retains eligibility for Away from Home payments based on ongoing receipt of an IBS scholarship.

In September 2019 Gus's mother died. Gus went home for the funeral and completed 6 weeks of cultural obligations within his community. Both Gus and the school agreed that under the circumstances, Gus should not return to school until the start of the 2020 academic year. Gus' Away from Home rate was ceased for term 4 2019 because of discontinuing school for the year.

Gus returned to study at the same school for Term 1 in 2020, and is approved to retain the Away from Home payments based on receipt of a grandfathered IBS scholarship. Gus' discontinuation was due to exceptional circumstances and he recommenced study within 2 years.


Scholarship discontinued due to poor behaviour

Greg was approved for an IBS scholarship in 2018 (prior to the simplification of rules on 1 January 2019). Greg is considered grandfathered and retains eligibility for Away from Home payments based on the on-going receipt of an IBS scholarship.

In July 2019, Greg fell in with some trouble makers at school, was caught stealing from other students on 2 occasions and was expelled from the school. Greg's IBS scholarship was cancelled.

Greg cannot be considered for ongoing grandfathered status of the scholarship because of the expulsion.

Approved Third Party Indigenous scholarships list

Table 2

Scholarship Name

Funding Providers (if known)

Sporting Chance Programs (SCP) or equivalent programs funded by IAS - often called Academies

Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS)

Clontarf Foundation

National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA)

Singleton High School

Stars Foundation

Wirrpanda Foundation

Koya Aboriginal Corporation

Glass Jar Australia Limited

Department for Education and Child Development (SA)

AFL NSW/ACT Commission Ltd

Djarragun College Ltd

Swan Districts Football Club

Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program scholarships

Madalah Limited

Cape York Institute (CYI)

Australian Government Dept of Education

Indigenous Youth Leadership Programme (IYLP)

Presbyterian Ladies College (Indigenous scholarship program)

The Smith Family (TSF)

Yalari Limited (Yalari) Education Pathways program

Madalah Limited (Madalah) SOAR scholarship (Opportunities, Achievements, Results scholarship)

MADEC Australia (MADEC) Indigenous Young Peoples Program

Townsville Catholic education Office (TCEO)

Cape York Institute (CYI)

Dubbo College Senior campus Maranirra Project

Australian Government Dept of Education OBO AIEF

Wunan Foundation Inc.

The Goodes O'Loughlin Foundation (GO) Limited

Cape York Leaders Program

Program was previously known as Cape York Institutes Academic Leaders - Secondary (ALS)

Cape York Institute (CYI)

Kimberley Education Excellence Program (KEEP)

Wunan Foundation Inc. (Wunan)

Indigenous Youth Development Program

Townsville Catholic Education Office (TCEO)

Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Townsville

Aboriginal Advancement League's First Nations Scholarship

Lady Gladys Nicholls Hostel

Kajji Foundation Scholarship

Woomera Education Scholarship Trust (WEST)

Northern Territory Government's Indigenous Education Excellence Scholarship

NT Government

Ngurra Jirrama Foundation Scholarship,

Moriarty Foundation's John Moriarty Football scholarship

Moriarty Foundation

Higher Expectations Program NT

Rosemary Bishop Indigenous Education Scholarship

Australian Indigenous Education Foundation Scholarship program (AIEF)

Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF)

Contact details

Department of Social Services, see Third Party Indigenous Scholarships