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Home schooling arrangements for ABSTUDY 010-02080030

This document outlines under what conditions ABSTUDY can be paid for students being taught at home. Some families choose to teach their children themselves at home rather than have them undertake formal study. Formal study is undertaken when attending a school or enrolling for distance education.

Conditions for ABSTUDY to be paid for home schooling

ABSTUDY may be paid for home schooling for secondary students if certain conditions are met. These conditions are that the relevant State/Territory Government school education authority:

  • has given specific, individual approval for the home study,
  • confirms that the study is full-time and conforms with the secondary qualification accredited by that authority, and
  • confirms that the study will be counted towards the secondary qualification accredited by that authority

If there is no education authority approval, ABSTUDY may still be approved for home schooling only if the student is:

  • formally registered at an approved secondary school
  • studying accredited subjects, and
  • undertaking a full-time workload

Proof that these requirements are being met would have to be provided by the secondary school. They would provide a letter confirming enrolment, the subjects being undertaken and the workload.

ABSTUDY will usually only be paid where the student is studying an accredited course at an approved institution. It is not intended to be paid to families who have chosen, without considering the educational requirements of their child, to withdraw from formal schooling.

The Resources page contains a table detailing home schooling arrangements for States/Territories, -Home schooling arrangements for ABSTUDY.

Approved courses of study for Centrelink administered payments for students