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ABSTUDY Activity Agreements 010-02090000

This document outlines procedures on how to negotiate Activity Agreements for ABSTUDY students.

ABSTUDY Activity Agreements

Secondary school students will incur a breach if they have more than 5 full days of unapproved absences in a term. To retain their eligibility for payments, they will need to enter into an ABSTUDY Activity Agreement.

An Activity Agreement is a written commitment by the secondary school student. To retain their entitlement, the student will need to negotiate and agree to undertake certain activities with Services Australia.

The Activity Agreement:

  • is designed to reaffirm the student's commitment to full-time study
  • takes into account the student's circumstances
  • is based on reasonable and achievable activities that lead to educational outcomes, and
  • includes a requirement that the secondary school student must participate in full-time study, including attendance at school where required

Activity Agreements are not required for students:

  • getting Schooling A Award
  • less than 16 years of age receiving ABSTUDY Living Allowance
  • of any age approved for Away from home entitlements residing at a boarding school or hostel

Exemptions from requirement to enter ABSTUDY Activity Agreement

A secondary school student may be exempt from the requirement to enter an Activity Agreement where:

  • circumstances make it unreasonable for the student to meet normal attendance requirements, for example, major personal crisis, homelessness, caring responsibilities, bereavement or confinement, and
  • the school approves the student's exemption from normal attendance requirements


Study exemptions for ABSTUDY and Activity Test exemptions for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA)

Determining Activity Test breaches for unapproved absences for ABSTUDY secondary school students

Negotiating ABSTUDY Activity Agreements (ABAA) for ABSTUDY secondary students with unapproved absences

Negotiating Job Plans for under 18 year old at risk job seekers

Action to be taken when full-time students fail to notify they have ceased full-time study