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Assessing eligibility for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) after the customer has died 010-02100030

This document outlines how to assess payment of ABSTUDY FAA after a student has died.

Amount of FAA to be paid after a student has died




ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) + Read more ...

Note: an Australian Apprentice (apprentice or trainee) is not entitled to FAA for the Australian Apprenticeship.

Issue an SY032 claim to the applicant and ask them to complete it.

If one or more people apply to receive the FAA of a deceased student, consider each case on its own merits. E.g. next of kin, solicitor or executor of estate, or person who has paid, or is liable to pay, funeral expenses.


When form is returned + Read more ...

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Eligibility criteria for FAA for ABSTUDY + Read more ...


Evidence is required of the journey(s) taken + Read more ...

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Tickets, dockets/ticket stubs or other evidence which gives full details of the journey(s) taken is considered acceptable.

If the student travelled by private vehicle:

  • ask for details of the journey in a written statement, and
  • any available evidence, e.g. receipts for purchase of fuel

Fares are not usually reimbursed unless verified. However, it may be considered in exceptional cases if the Service Officer is satisfied that the student made the journey.

  • If applicant can verify journey(s) taken or if the Service Officer is satisfied, go to Step 5
  • If applicant cannot verify journey(s) taken and the Service Officer is not satisfied that the travel was taken, go to Step 6


FAA is payable + Read more ...

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To determine the amount of the FAA to be paid and record the details on the Travel Management Application (TMA), see Reimbursing Fares allowance after the customer has died.

Procedure ends here.


FAA is not payable + Read more ...

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Advise the applicant that FAA cannot be paid. Explain the reasons for the decision, and their review and appeal rights. See External review of ABSTUDY decisions.

Record details of the fares reimbursement claim on the Travel Management Application (TMA):

  • Finalise the Travel Booking status as 'Rejected'
  • Record details of the decision in the Notes field