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Reimbursing ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) after the customer has died 010-02100060

For ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing staff only

This page contains tables that describe the steps when reimbursing Fares Allowance (FAA) after a customer has died.

On this page:

Processes for death action, changing status from DEA to CUR and reimbursing fares

Zeroing arrears, debts and finalising the activity

Processes for death action, changing status from DEA to CUR and reimbursing fares

Table 1: This table describes the preliminary steps to pay FAA after a customer has died.




Check eligibility for FAA + Read more ...

Note: an Australian Apprentice is not entitled to FAA for the Australian Apprenticeship.

Ensure that the procedure, Assessing eligibility for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) after the customer has died, has been followed before commencing to reimburse fares.


Death action been performed on the student's record + Read more ...

Does the Centrelink record shows DEA on the status line?


Reimburse the student's fares + Read more ...


Record the death and cancel the customer's payments + Read more ...


Restore record, undo Death Action + Read more ...

Undo the death action (i.e. restore the record) to allow the action to pay FAA to proceed.


Check travel + Read more ...

The customer's status changes from deceased (DEA) to current (CUR).

Check if the student had travelled on public transport, other transport, or a combination of both.

Reimburse fares as appropriate but do not finalise the activity

See Reimbursing fares and additional costs after travel has been undertaken for ABSTUDY.

Zeroing arrears, debts and finalising the activity

Table 2: This table describes adjusting the Period Rates Summary (RATS) and Period Rate Components (RAC) screens and steps for finalising activity.




Zero adjustment line + Read more ...

The coding of the reimbursement is initiated in the Travel Management Application (TMA) in Process Direct. See Coding Fares Allowance (FAA) reimbursements and Away from Base entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

A reimbursement activity is then coded on the Travel Details (TRVD) screen in Customer First. Within this activity, the system navigates to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to allow finalisation requirements. It is vital that any adjustment line be zeroed before finalising the fares reimbursement, to avoid payment of arrears or the creation of debts.

To do this, from the AR screen, type 'R' in the single space field to the left of any payment line that shows an adjustment amount (look for a column headed Adj Amt). This line or lines will appear under the One Off Payment (OOP) line.

Press [Enter].


Coding RATS screen + Read more ...

When the Period Rates Summary (RATS) screen displays, type 'R' in the single space field to the left of any line showing an adjustment amount and press [Enter].

Note: choose only 1 line at a time. Multiple lines cannot be selected.


Adjusting RAC screen + Read more ...

When the Period Rate Components (RAC) screen displays, type '0' (zero) against any line that has an automatic adjustment in the field under Manual Adj $.

  • Type 'ADJ' in the Man Adj Rsn field
  • Type 'Y' in the RATS field
  • Press [Enter] twice


Continue adjusting until RATS screen shows correct FAA amount + Read more ...

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the only payment showing in the Total field at the bottom right hand corner of the RATS screen is the amount of the FAA.

This is a scrolling screen so press [F7] and [F8] to move up and down respectively as required.

When only the FAA remains, return to the AR screen by pressing [Enter].


Inhibit the production of any letters and advices + Read more ...

  • Type 'Y' in the Go to ASC field and press [Enter]
  • At the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen, type 'INH' in the field under Letters Action
  • Type 'Y' in the field under Inhibit Cards
  • Type 'Y' in the field under Inhibit Forms
  • Press [Enter]


Check the Payment Summary (PS) screen + Read more ...

Ensure that the only payment is for FAA and then finalise the activity.


Finalise the deceased status + Read more ...

As the customer's record is now current, it will be necessary to finalise the deceased status on the Death/Executor (DEA) screen.

Note: if the DEA screen cannot be updated (usually due to outstanding activities) then you must immediately suspend (see Suspension of ABSTUDY payments) or cancel the claim from DPT+1 and inhibit any advices (see Step 5 above for how to inhibit). Follow up to ensure that the deceased status is reinstated immediately. Outstanding activities will normally be finalised that same day by the Daily Driver so check later in the day to see if the DEA screen can now be updated.