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Determining the appropriate travel destination for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) 010-02100080

Scenarios - Assessing FAA for a destination other than the permanent home or usual study address

Table 1




FAA for air travel between home and place of study

Guy's family lives in Tennant Creek. Guy is studying in Brisbane and therefore is eligible for FAA for air travel between home and place of study. Towards the end of first semester, Guy's parents temporarily move to Townsville to look after Guy's grandparent (who has flu). Guy applies for FAA to stay with them in Townsville for the holidays.

  • FAA to Townsville is payable as this is Guy's temporary home. Air fares would not be payable, however, as this is not the appropriate mode of transport between Brisbane and Townsville

Guy's grandparent recovers and so the family returns to Tennant Creek before the end of the holidays and Guy travels with them.

  • FAA is not payable for journeys between different homes so the trip from Townsville to Tennant Creek is not covered. Guy will however be able to claim the journey from Tennant Creek to Brisbane to resume study

At the end of the year, Guy's family temporarily move to Darwin. Guy claims FAA to travel there from Brisbane.

  • FAA is payable for the trip but the amount payable will not exceed the equivalent of the cost of travel to Tennant Creek


Not eligible for FAA as reasonable travelling time has not been exceeded

Kath's family lives at Fremantle and Kath studies in Perth. Although Kath does not live at home the situation does not qualify for the away from home rate or FAA as travel between home and study does not exceed reasonable travelling time or distance. Towards the end of first semester, Kath's family go to Adelaide for a few weeks holiday. As they will still be there when Kath's holidays start, Kath applies for FAA to return to the temporary home.

FAA is not payable. Although Perth to Adelaide exceeds reasonable travelling time or distance it does not make Kath eligible for FAA as this is based on her permanent home (Fremantle).


FAA approved for travel to a destination other than the permanent home-temporary home due to a funeral

Susan from the educational provider contacts to request travel for a child, Tanika. A family member has passed away and Tanika will be required to attend the funeral in Broome. Tanika is a secondary boarder in Perth WA and the permanent home address is Gibb River. Susan advises that the family have already left the permanent home address and are currently in Broome to undertake funeral arrangements and support extended family. Susan advises there will be no one available in Gibb River to supervise Tanika or to arrange transport to Broome.

FAA can be approved from Perth to Broome as the following circumstances apply:

  • the family is considered to have temporarily moved, and
  • the student is undertaking the travel in order to join the family


FAA approved for travel to a destination other than the permanent home - Weather events

Fiona from the educational provider contacts Services Australia to request a change in travel destination details for a student, Billy. Billy is a secondary boarder in Townsville, QLD who lives in Daly River, NT. Billy's family is currently in Darwin, NT and have been unable to return to Daly River due to a recent cyclone. All roads in and out of Daly River have been closed due to widespread flooding. Fiona advises that there will be no one available in Daly River to supervise Billy and there is no way for Billy to get from Daly River to Darwin.

FAA can be approved from Townsville to Darwin as the following circumstances apply:

  • the family is unable to return to the permanent home temporarily for reasons outside their control, and
  • Billy is undertaking the travel in order to reunite with his immediate family


Return travel to school from another destination

Megan is the parent of ABSTUDY student, Bella. Megan contacts Services Australia to request a change in travel destination details for the beginning of the term. Megan has advised that during the holidays, a family member has been hospitalised. Megan's family have temporally moved from their permanent home in Mt Isa to Rockhampton caring for the family member. Megan would like Bella to travel from Rockhampton, instead of Mount Isa to return to school in Brisbane.

FAA will be approved from Rockhampton to Brisbane as the following circumstances apply:

  • the family is considered to have temporarily moved, and
  • the student is undertaking the travel in order to return to school


FAA approved for travel to another destination other than the permanent home

Rod is the parent of ABSTUDY student, Ethan. Rod contacts Services Australia to change the travel arrangements for the end of term. Ethan's term address is Brisbane and permanent home address is Cairns. Rod is planning to visit family in Toowoomba during the semester break and will arrange to meet Ethan at Toowoomba. Rod explains that Toowoomba is part of the usual travel route as this is where Ethan changes flights.

The travel request from Brisbane to Toowoomba is approved as it is deemed more convenient or appropriate. Rod is advised that student travel is approved from the term address to Toowoomba.


FAA approved for travel to another destination other than the permanent home

Michael is the father of Mahayla who is in year 10 at boarding school in Townsville and the permanent home is in Alice Springs. Michael has contacted Services Australia regarding Mahayla's journey home for the school holidays. Mahayla normally travels the full journey home but Michael is staying in Darwin with family and has asked if Mahayla can end the return journey in Darwin.

Services Australia checks the normal travel route for Mahayla and it is a flight from Townsville to Darwin then Darwin to Alice Springs.

As Darwin is at a point along Mahayla's normal travel route back to the permanent home, and the different location is more appropriate, this is approved.

Michael has also asked if Mahayla can commence their journey from Darwin to return to the boarding school at the end of the school holidays. As Darwin is along the normal travel route and it is more appropriate, this is also approved.

Michael is made aware that the leg of the journey from Darwin to Alice Springs cannot be claimed as reimbursement as they will forfeit that entitlement by terminating the journey early.


FAA approved for travel to another destination other than the permanent home when usual travel route cannot be accessed

Nioka is studying at the University of Newcastle and requires travel to be pre-booked home to Perth.

When making the booking on the dates requested, there are only flights remaining via Adelaide.

Nioka is contacted by Services Australia and advised of the alternate journey that is available and that it has been approved, as it is the most appropriate and cost effective in the circumstances.

Nioka has relatives in Adelaide and is actually travelling back there 2 weeks after returning to Perth for a large Christmas gathering. Nioka requests the agency to cease the return journey to home in Adelaide.

As Adelaide is along the approved alternative route, and Nioka has provided an appropriate reason, the agency approves the journey from Newcastle to Adelaide.

Nioka is made aware that the leg of the journey from Adelaide to Perth to be undertaken after Christmas, cannot be claimed as reimbursement, as this entitlement is forfeited by terminating the journey early.

Due to the circumstances of the alternate journey, Nioka is also made aware that the return journey can be claimed from Adelaide, if required, when returning to Newcastle to commence study after the Christmas. It can also be approved, as it would normally, from the permanent home in Perth.


FAA not approved for travel to another destination other than the permanent home

Wendy is the parent of ABSTUDY student, Rebecca. Wendy contacts Services Australia to request a change to the end of term travel destination. Wendy advises that the non-custodial parent is requesting access to Rebecca during the semester break and would like Rebecca to travel from school to the non-custodial parent's location at the end of semester.

Wendy advises there is a parenting order in place and there is no other way of getting Rebecca to the non-custodial parent's location.

The non-custodial parent's location is not along the normal route that Rebecca travels to return from school to home.

The travel request will not be approved to a destination other than the permanent home under these circumstances, as it is the parent's responsibility to arrange access for the non-custodial parent to the student.


Temporary study location

A boarding school in Herberton, QLD contacts Services Australia to arrange school vacation travel.

The boarding school is requesting that the students travel from Townsville to their respective home addresses as the students are attending a netball competition and NRL Confraternity.

Normally FAA is only approved from the usual study location of Herberton to their home addresses, however, as the events are considered school activities and will be attended before the commencement of travel, the location of the events is considered to be the study location.

FAA will be approved for the students to travel from Townsville to their permanent home address for school vacation travel.


FAA approved for supervisor when student travelling to another destination other than the permanent home

Jedda is 11 years old and in Year 7 at a boarding school in Darwin and the permanent home is in Hermannsburg. Travel has been requested for Jedda to travel from Darwin to Miniyeri to attend a funeral. Jedda’s parents have left their permanent home to commence arrangements early and there is no family to supervise the student or to arrange transport for the student to the temporary location of the parents. Fares Allowance can be approved to travel to another destination other than the permanent home.

Services Australia checks the normal travel route for Jedda and confirm the flight from Darwin to Hermannsburg exceeds the costs of travel from Darwin to Miniyeri (the temporary location of the parents). As the costs do not exceed the costs of previously approved travel, FAA can be approved for Jedda to travel to the temporary location of the parents.

As Jedda is 11 years old, mandatory supervision is required. The supervisor, Minnie, is considered an approved traveller. Minnie will be traveling from their permanent home location in Miniyeri to Darwin to collect Jedda and returning with Jedda to the temporary location of the parents in Miniyeri. As Minnie is travelling from their permanent home location to Jedda’s location of study the previous costs of FAA for Minnie do not need to be considered. FAA can be approved for Minnie as a supervisor as the supervisor is entitled to one return journey between the supervisor's home and the student's place of study or other location to which the student is travelling.

Scenarios - Payability of FAA in specific circumstances

Table 2




State/Territory housing

Kyle had travelled from Broken Hill to Sydney for study. Kyle could not afford to pay market rent and applied to the New South Wales Housing Authority for rental accommodation. Kyle has now finished the course and has applied for FAA to return to Broken Hill.

  • FAA is not payable. To be eligible for state or territory housing Kyle had to declare as a permanent resident of Sydney. FAA on completion of study is only payable between the place of study and the permanent home. As Kyle's place of study and permanent home are both Sydney there is no entitlement

It is Kyle's right to ask for a review of the decision. The argument is that Kyle lied to the Housing Authority to get cheaper rent. In any event, due to a shortage of suitable premises Kyle never obtained a place.

  • The decision stands. Kyle has formally declared residency in Sydney. Services Australia cannot take into account the intent of Kyle's actions regarding another organisation and can only look at the fact that the declaration was made. The fact that no accommodation was available is not relevant to the decision


Student does not return home

Nova is in the second year of a law degree in Melbourne. Nova has not returned to Alice Springs since the start of the course and wishes to travel there now. Nova applies for FAA.

FAA is rejected. Nova did not return to the permanent home for the long holiday at the end of the first year of study and so it is deemed that Nova has established a new permanent home in Melbourne.

Nova asks for this decision to be reviewed. Nova did not return home at the end of the first year due to undertaking summer school and so could not return at that time.

The decision is overturned and FAA is granted. Attending summer school as part of the course is an acceptable reason for not returning home.