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Assessing secondary students satisfactory progress for Austudy 010-04050060

This document outlines information on assessing satisfactory progress of secondary students receiving Austudy.

Assessing secondary student satisfactory progress for Austudy




General advice + Read more ...

While general advice based on information provided by the customer can be given over the phone, the customer should be encouraged to test their eligibility in person.

For help with enquiries about the assessment of allowable time contact Local Peer Support (LPS).


Satisfactory progress + Read more ...

Satisfactory progress requirements only apply to secondary students studying Year 12 level. A secondary student in another year is automatically considered to be making satisfactory progress.

Is the secondary student undertaking study in Year 12 or a Preparatory Course that is specifically designed for entry to University?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, the student is automatically considered to be making satisfactory progress. Procedure ends here


Preparatory course + Read more ...

A student will usually only be paid Austudy for two attempts at Year 12 or a Preparatory Course that is specifically designed for entry to University. Count all attempts at this year.

Is the student making a third or subsequent attempt at Year 12 or a Preparatory Course that is specifically designed for entry to University?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, the student has not yet exceeded the limits placed on secondary study. They have satisfied the satisfactory progress criteria for Austudy


Previous attempts can be disregarded + Read more ...

Not all previous attempts at Year 12 or the Preparatory Course (that is specifically designed for entry to University) will necessarily be counted towards the limit of two. A previous attempt can be disregarded if the student:

  • failed the year because of:
    • an illness that had not been diagnosed when they started study in that calendar year, or
    • other circumstances beyond the control of the student that were not evident when study was started that year
  • failed the year because English was not their first language
  • studied part-time
  • completed or ceased studies within six months of the start of the academic year, or
  • undertook the previous courses more than ten years ago

Can any of the previous attempts at Year 12 or the Preparatory Course, be disregarded?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, the student has not met the Austudy satisfactory progress rules and is not eligible for Austudy to undertake Year 12 or the Preparatory Course. Go to Step 6


Enough previous attempts + Read more ...

Have enough previous attempts at Year 12 or the Preparatory Course, been disregarded so that this present attempt is no longer viewed as a third (or subsequent attempt) at Year 12 or the Preparatory Course?

  • Yes, the student has not yet exceeded the limits placed on secondary study. They have satisfied the satisfactory progress criteria for Austudy. Go to Step 6
  • No, the student has not met the Austudy satisfactory progress rules and so is not eligible for Austudy to undertake Year 12 or the Preparatory Course. Go to Step 6


Record decision + Read more ...

Record the decision:

  • Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > Allowable Time Assessment, or
  • Type 'Allowable' into the Search field:
    • Select Allowable Time Assessment from the available menu options
  • Select the Display on Access (DOA) DOC button, if not already ticked. This automatically populates the DOA DOC field with the correct reason of 'SCC', which does not require an expiration date. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

Make sure the DOC includes:

  • the name, academic level and allowable time of the student's current course
  • a summary of the student's previous study, semester by semester (including all other levels of study if this is available - although it will not be counted in this assessment it may be useful if the student applies for another course under another payment type)
  • details of any study that has been disregarded and the reasons for disregarding the study
  • the total of the previous study
  • the period of payability (if any) that still remains