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Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 010-04060020

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Approved free text – Requesting evidence for external students

Table 1: This table provides text for use in an Online Advice (OLA) when requesting evidence for external students undertaking a compulsory component of their course at their institution. Note: in Process Direct these rules will be automatically applied. In Customer First, each free text paragraph can have 9 lines, has a limit of 74 characters per line and does not line wrap.




This request relates to the claim for Fares Allowance you have recently

lodged. People in receipt of a payment may be eligible for Fares

Allowance if they are enrolled as an external student and are

required to attend the relevant educational provider for a period

under a compulsory residential component of the course. Please provide

evidence of your compulsory residential component to determine your

eligibility for Fares Allowance.


If you do not provide this information to us by ([22 days from date of notice:]DD Month [in words] YYYY)

your claim for Fares Allowance may be rejected. If you cannot provide the

information by the due date, you need to contact us. This is a notice

requesting information under Section 63 of the Social Security

(Administration) Act 1999.

Approved free text – Claim lodged before journey

Table 2: This table provides text for use in an Online Advice (OLA) when a customer has lodged their claim before going on the journey. Note: in Process Direct these rules will be automatically applied. In Customer First, each free text paragraph can have 9 lines, has a limit of 74 characters per line and does not line wrap.



Journey to course address

You have recently claimed Fares Allowance for travel on DD Month [in words] YYYY

Fares Allowance cannot be processed until the journey is completed.

Please provide boarding passes and itineraries for this journey. If you

do not provide this information by DD Month [in words] YYYY, your claim may be

rejected. This is a notice requesting information under Section 63 of the

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.

Return journey

You have recently claimed Fares Allowance for travel on DD Month [in words] YYYY

and DD Month [in words] YYYY. Fares Allowance cannot be processed until

the journey is completed. Please provide boarding passes and itineraries

for each of these journeys. If you do not provide this information by the

DD Month [in words] YYYY, your claim for Fares Allowance may be rejected.

This is a notice requesting information under Section 63 of the Social

Security (Administration) Act 1999.

Examples of assessing Fares Allowance (FAA) eligibility

Table 3: This table contains examples on how to assess eligibility for FAA.



Online student

Aaron is receiving Austudy and is an online student at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

Aaron lives with their partner in Melbourne. However, Aaron has to attend the University in Brisbane for a compulsory residential unit.

Aaron should submit a claim for Fares Allowance, with evidence of the residential component requirement. Aaron can either submit a claim asking Services Australia to pre-book their travel arrangements or they can submit a claim to have the travel expenses reimbursed after they have travelled.

Dependent student using private transport due to excess luggage

Maikeli is about to move from Dubbo to Sydney to commence the first year of university. Maikeli needs to take 3 large suitcases, bedding, kitchenware and study materials. There is a bus route between Dubbo and Sydney, however the bus company restricts luggage to one large suitcase per passenger.

It is not practicable for Maikeli to travel via bus on this occasion, and Maikeli will be entitled to the private vehicle rate of FAA if they decide to travel from Dubbo to Sydney using their car.

Dependent student, living away from home

Sonya is studying at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, NSW. Sonya is receiving Youth Allowance (YA) as a dependent student at the away from home rate because their parent's home is in Townsville, Queensland.

Sonya paid for an economy flight home to see their parents at the end of the study year and had to take a bus to the airport.

Sonya should submit a claim for Fares Allowance for both the cost of the flight and the bus ticket. If Sonya chose to travel by private vehicle instead of the bus, they would only be paid the amount of a bus fare as this is the cheapest form of public transport available.

Combined pre-booked flights and reimbursement of ancillary costs after journey made

Elizabeth is receiving Youth Allowance (YA) as a dependent student and lives in Sydney to attend university. Elizabeth's permanent home is in Perth.

Elizabeth wants to travel home to see their parents at the end-of-year break, returning to university in the new year. Elizabeth can ask Services Australia to book and pay for the most practical mode of transport to travel, for example, return flights from Sydney to Perth.

Elizabeth catches the local bus to and from the airport, which cannot be pre-booked. Elizabeth will need to submit their bus travel expenses for reimbursement after they have travelled.

1st year Uni student

Kim has completed year 12 in 2021 and will commence a 3 year Bachelor of Education at Gold Coast University in 2022.

Kim needs to travel from their home in Victoria to the Gold Coast to commence studies in February 2022.

Kim's Youth Allowance (YA) is granted from 1 January 2022 as they are deemed a continuing student due to completing year 12 in 2021.

Kim is eligible for travel from their family home to the university at the start of the study year and return back to their family home at the end of the study year.

Kim will also qualify for a mid year return trip back to the family home once they have been in receipt of YA for 3 months.

Mid year semester start

Jodie is granted Youth Allowance (YA) from 17 July 2022 as they have been accepted in the midyear intake at Uni to commence their nursing degree.

Jodie is entitled to the following travel while studying:

  • in the first year of study (2022):
    • travel from the family home to the Uni to commence studies and return at the end of the study year
    • one mid year return trip to the family home once they have been in receipt of YA for 3 months. As Jodie is a continuing student, the mid year trip can be completed on or after 1 April 2023 as they have been receiving YA for 3 months from 1 January
  • subsequent years of study:
    • travel from the family home to the Uni to commence studies and return to the family home at the end of the study year
    • one mid year travel from the Uni to the family home and return to the Uni once they have been receiving YA for 3 months

Travel outside the study year

Bella is a dependent 20 year old who will live away from home to commence Uni in March 2023. Bella's Youth Allowance (YA) is granted with a start date on 15 March 2023. Bella needs to travel from their parental home to the student accommodation on 1 March 2023.

As Bella is assessed for YA and deemed eligible, FAA can be approved and can be undertaken before the YA payments commencing. Bella lodges a FAA claim for reimbursement on 5 March 2023, however the claim is held until the YA payment is issued after 15 March 2023.

In September, Bella is unwell and has had to discontinue studies early. Bella's YA is cancelled on 15 September 2023 as they are no longer a full time student. Bella still has a lease on the student accommodation until October. In October Bella, travels back to the parental home and lodges a FAA claim for reimbursement before 1 April of the following year. The travel is approved and reimbursement paid as Bella received YA within the study year.