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Determining minimum and maximum age for Youth Allowance (YA) 010-06030010

Services Australia website

Payment and Service Finder

Scenarios - Age qualification for YA




Full-time student, currently receiving YA and about to turn 25 + Read more ...

Sarah is turning 25 tomorrow and is studying a Bachelor of Arts, which is due to be completed at the end of the current study period.

Sarah will continue to receive YA after turning 25 because YA was being received just before turning 25 and Sarah is continuing in a course which started before turning 25.

After completing the Bachelor of Arts, Sarah starts a new course, a Certificate IV in Business at the local TAFE. There is no break in study.

Sarah cannot receive YA for the Certificate IV in Business, because Sarah did not start the course before turning 25. Sarah must apply for Austudy.


Deferral of studies after turning 25 + Read more ...

Hafiz was a law student receiving YA. Shortly after turning 25, Hafiz deferred studies and worked for a year. Hafiz has now restarted studying for the degree.

As Hafiz is over 25 and has not studied continuously since turning 25, Hafiz has reached the maximum age for YA. Hafiz must apply for Austudy.


Studying but not on YA just before turning 25 + Read more ...

Lachlan did not apply for YA when starting a course even though all the eligibility requirements were met, instead living off savings. On Lachlan's 25th birthday, after realising the savings will not last until the end of the year, (the final semester of studies) Lachlan lodges an application for YA.

Lachlan cannot be paid YA as the maximum age has been passed and despite being eligible, YA was not being received just before turning 25. Lachlan must test eligibility for Austudy.


Resuming a part-time course started before turning 25 as a full-time student + Read more ...

After leaving secondary school, Lila enrols in a Bachelor of Arts and completes a semester of part-time study. Lila defers this course and enters the workforce. At age 23, Lila enrols full-time in a Bachelor of Science and claims YA. Lila receives YA until age 26 when the course is completed.

Lila wants to recommence the Bachelor of Arts started after leaving school, and enrols in this course full-time, starting in the study period right after completing the Bachelor of Science.

As Lila has:

  • continuously studied full-time since turning 25
  • returned to a course of study started before turning 25, and
  • was receiving YA just before turning 25

Lila remains eligible for YA.


Changing course after turning 25 + Read more ...

Filomena could not gain direct entry to the Bachelor of Engineering degree and instead started a Bachelor of Science. After a year of study in the Bachelor of Science, Filomena was admitted into Bachelor of Engineering and changed to that course. YA was received for both courses, and Filomena turned 25 whilst studying in the Bachelor of Engineering. Filomena has just finished the Bachelor of Engineering and wants to complete the Bachelor of Science. Filomena is now 26 years of age.

Filomena can be paid YA to finish the Bachelor of Science as Filomena started the course before turning 25, and there has been no break in full-time study.

If Filomena changes to a new course, not started before turning 25, Filomena will have met the maximum age for YA.


Continuing full-time student has a break in YA after turning 25 + Read more ...

Oska started a Bachelor of Paramedicine as a full-time student before turning 25 and received YA. Oska will continue to receive YA after turning 25 as YA was being received just before turning 25 and Oska is continuing in the same course started before turning 25.

Oska started casual work while receiving YA after turning 25. After a period of time, Oska's earnings preclude YA payment and YA cancels due to income being too high.

Oska continues to study the Bachelor of Paramedicine full-time. Oska ceases work and wishes to re-claim a student payment. As Oska has continued to study full-time in a course started before turning 25, and there has been no break in full-time study, Oska will be eligible for YA.


Turning 25 when in a nil rate period + Read more ...

Pam is receiving YA as a student and works part-time. On the day before Pam turns 25, Pam is in a nil rate period due to employment income.

Pam will not be eligible to remain on YA as student after she turns 25. This is because YA students in a nil rate period due to employment income do not meet the legislative requirement for the maximum age provision. See Definitions - Receiving Youth Allowance.


Turning 25 in between completing their current course and commencing a new course + Read more ...

Beth is 24 and completes a degree in Social Work in December. Beth intends to enrol in an approved Masters course in the following February. Beth remains on YA until their 25th birthday. This is because Beth is a continuing student. Beth should be advised to apply for Austudy to ensure payments continue once Beth turns 25 and commences a new course.


JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer applies for YA as a full-time student + Read more ...

Eric is receiving JSP and is 23 years old. Eric intends to return to study and undertake an Honours year that is one academic year in duration. Eric is not considered to have reached the maximum age for YA as the course is one academic year in duration (that is, it is not less than one academic year in duration), so is able to be transferred to YA, once it has been established all other qualification and payability criteria for YA have been met.


JSP customer who started a course while getting a different payment + Read more ...

Samantha is receiving JSP, is 22 years old and has lodged a YA claim as a full-time student. Samantha was receiving YA as a job seeker until turning 22.

Timeline of events:

  • On 1 February, while receiving YA as a job seeker, Samantha returned to full-time study in a course of 7 months. An employment service provider approved the course as a short course approved activity
  • On 20 February Samantha turned 22 and was automatically transferred to JSP
  • On 15 March, Samantha applies for YA as a full-time student

Even though Samantha is undertaking a course of less than 12 months (one academic year) duration, Samantha was not in receipt of JSP just before starting the course (on 31 January Samantha was in receipt of YA as a job seeker and not JSP). Samantha has therefore not reached maximum age for YA.