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Assessing parents moving frequently for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate 010-06040060

This document outlines the assessment of the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA) in cases where parents move frequently. This criterion only applies to dependent YA customers undertaking secondary study or an Australian Apprenticeship.

Determining eligibility for the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA) when parents move frequently




Independent or dependent customer + Read more ...

If the YA customer is:

  • dependent, and:
  • independent, the customer does not require an approved reason to live away from home. Procedure ends here


Parents move the principal family home frequently + Read more ...

If the customer's parent/s move out of the area at least 5 times a year, they are considered to move frequently. Each case must be assessed individually.

Do the parents move the principal family home frequently?


Customer required to live away from home + Read more ...

A customer can only be paid the away from home rate if there is actually a need to live away. For example, to attend school on a daily basis, or to continue work as an Australian Apprentice.

Is the customer undertaking continuing education at a school where they attend classes on a daily basis or travelling to their place of work as an Australian Apprentice?


Customer is eligible for the away from home rate + Read more ...

The customer would qualify for the away from home rate of YA during periods when the parent/s are not living locally.

If the parent/s return to the area, the customer would revert to the at home rate.

Due to the frequency of the parent/s' moves, the possibility of overpayment is relatively high. Service Officers must inform the customer of this possibility and the requirement to keep Services Australia up to date on the parental movements to avoid any debt.

The Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen coding for this criterion is 'AMF' (parents move their principal home frequently). See Commencement, cessation and coding of the away from home rate for Youth Allowance (YA), for coding instructions.