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Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study 010-07010030

This document outlines how allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study is determined for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Austudy, Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and Youth Allowance (YA).

Allowable time and reasonable time

Payments for students are not made indefinitely, there are limits on how much study a student can undertake and still remain eligible for a student payment. The time students have to complete their study may be impacted by any previous study undertaken or completed.

This assessment process is known as:

  • reasonable time for ABSTUDY
  • allowable time for other payment types
  • satisfactory progress for YA. Under legislative provisions for YA, this is defined as completing the course within the allowable time limit

This process does not apply to

  • the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
  • YA, Austudy and PES for secondary students studying below Year 12 level

Additional rules for ABSTUDY

ABSTUDY has additional rules (other than those based on course length) that govern how long a student may be paid for a course of study.

Exceeding allowable/reasonable time

Exceeding allowable/reasonable time is where the student continues to study beyond the allowable/reasonable time frame given for their studies.

Austudy and PES customers are only disqualified from payment when they have exceeded their allowable time for the course.

For ABSTUDY rules, see - Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY

A student's allowable time is affected by previous study in their current course or other courses at the same level. In certain circumstances, it is possible to disregard previous study.

For further information see:

Allowable time limit for student payments

For student payments (except AIC which has no satisfactory progress rule), the time allowed for a course is based on the normal duration of that course (sometimes called minimum time). The time allowed also depends on the type of payment the student is receiving. Study load concessions may further extend the duration for which payment can be made.

The allowable time limit for a tertiary course is calculated on the basis of a combined course if the customer:

  • completes a first course and starts a second course at the same institution, and
  • the institution where they are studying offers an approved course combining the two courses

Study undertaken in the last 10 years (Austudy and PES only)

For Austudy and PES customers, include any course of study undertaken in the last 10 years, whether completed or incomplete, in an allowable time assessment unless it can be disregarded. See Disregarding previous study for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

10 years is counted from the first day of the customer's current course, not their current year of study. All previous study attempted in the 10 years prior to the first day of their current course is counted. This is regardless of whether the customer was receiving a payment when they first commenced their course, or if they are returning to complete a course after a break in study. Once an allowable time assessment has been completed, it cannot be 'reassessed' at a later date to allow previous study to 'drop off' and produce a different outcome regarding payability.

Where the customer completed a course within the last 10 years but the course started more than 10 years ago, the entire duration of the course must be included.

Progress rules for Year 12 students

The Austudy and PES progress rules for previous Year 12 study means students will not usually be considered a full-time secondary student for Austudy and PES purposes while attempting Year 12 for a third time. A previous attempt at Year 12, however, can be disregarded in certain circumstances. See Disregarding previous study for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

A Preparatory Course that is specifically designed for entry to University that is at Year 12 level, also falls under these progress rules for secondary study.

Note: a student who is not making satisfactory progress for Year 12 or a Preparatory Course may be eligible for assistance for a different level of study.

Students aged 18 years and over will not usually be considered a full-time student for YA purposes while attempting Year 12 for a third time. However, a previous attempt at Year 12 can be disregarded if the student was affected by circumstances beyond the student's control. See Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) secondary students and Assessing secondary students satisfactory progress for Austudy.

ABSTUDY has no allowable time or limits of assistance rules for students undertaking secondary (or eligible primary) school study.

Startup Year Courses

Startup Year Courses are not subject to allowable/reasonable time where the course is a stand-alone course. This is because students can only receive up to two STARTUP-HELP loans. The loan limitation replaces the need to conduct an allowable time assessment for these courses.

If the Startup Year Course is a combined course the allowable/reasonable time is calculated based on the overarching degree, such as a bachelor degree. See Startup Year Courses.

Allowable time calculation

Some Youth Allowance students will have their allowable time calculated automatically by the system when they lodge a new claim. The Allowable Time End Date field will be populated in Process Direct on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen or in Customer First on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen.

The Resources page contains a link to the Student Programme Resource tool, which includes the Allowable Time Calculator that can assist with allowable time assessments. It also includes a table describing examples of allowable time for full-time and concessional study load students based on the normal duration of the course and type of payment.

Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Determining minimum (normal) time for a course of study

Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY

Assessing secondary students satisfactory progress for Austudy

Assessing satisfactory progress for tertiary students for Austudy

Disregarding previous study for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Disregarding previous study for Youth Allowance (YA)

Assessing satisfactory progress for secondary students for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing satisfactory progress and allowable time for tertiary students for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Youth Allowance (YA) student reaches the allowable time in their current course

Effect of articulated short courses of study on continuing payment

Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) secondary students

Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) tertiary students

Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students

Assessing eligibility for 25% concessional study load for Austudy

Assessing concessional study loads for Youth Allowance (YA)

Assessing eligibility for the 66% concessional study load for Austudy

Assessing eligibility for 25% concessional study load for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Startup Year Courses