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Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study 010-07010170

This document outlines how to assess if a student needs to provide POE and acceptable documentation.

When POE is needed

For ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement, and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES):

Customers must provide proof of enrolment where they are enrolled in a:

  • tertiary course at a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) or a private education provider
  • secondary course at an education provider other than a secondary school. This includes, university, TAFE or a private provider

For all other student payments:

Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) (student) customers are not normally required to provide POE unless specifically requested. This may include a request, as a result of a Student Payment review, or where the study details provided by the student are not clear.

If a Tertiary course is normally delivered as a:

  • full time course, POE is not required unless the study details received from the student or education provider are not clear
  • part time course, no further evidence is required unless the study details received from the student or education provider are not clear:
    • students can undertake the course via a flexible study option (accelerated or otherwise), where:
      - the flexible study option is on the education provider's website or handbook
      - the education provider has advised that the student is undertaking the equivalent of a full time study load
  • part time course:
    • where there is no flexible study option available on the provider's website or handbook, POE from the education provider is required to confirm the student is considered to be full time
    • where the POE confirms the student is enrolled and undertaking the equivalent of a full time study load, the student is a full time student
    • where the POE provided by the education provider confirms the student is not full time, regardless of study load/hours etc.:
      - the course will not meet the requirements of the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2019
      - the student is not eligible

Students under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme are not required to supply POE.

Students enrolled in a Startup Year Course must supply POE. Payment cannot commence until POE and evidence they have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan have been supplied. See Startup Year Courses for more information.

Note: study at Open Universities Australia (OUA) should only be coded for one study period or session at a time unless the customer has provided POE that confirms enrolment for a longer period. See Eligibility for student payments when enrolled in Open Universities Australia.

Requesting POE

For ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement, and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES):

If POE is required, the customer will be asked to provide it within 14 days of the course start date.

The customer's record should be coded as requiring verification (VRR) on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or the Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First. Payment will automatically suspend if POE has not been received and coded within 28 days.

Customers enrolled in a Startup Year Course must provide POE and have their entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan verified prior to:

  • their payment being granted, or
  • being paid as a continuing student

See Startup Year Courses for more information.

For all other student payments:

The EDC screen does not need to be updated when POE has been requested. This is usually because it will be requested as a part of a review, and payment will automatically stop if the student does not comply with the request.

POE is not the same as proof of study load

Service Officers should carefully assess documents provided by students to ensure the specific information required by Services Australia is included. For example, some enrolment documents may outline the study load of the student or the units they are enrolled in, but will not provide the name of the course or enrolment dates. Where proof of study load has been provided, Service Officers should ensure it is recently dated, as students are able to vary their study load throughout their course.

Acceptable POE documents

The format of POE documents varies from one education provider to another. If a customer makes an enquiry about the enrolment information they have been asked to provide, Service Officers should check the reason for the request to determine what evidence is required. For example, verifying the course name to determine if it is an approved course, or verifying a non-standard course start or finish date. POE must include the student's full name within the POE document to be deemed acceptable evidence.

Acceptable POE documents may include:

  • the education provider's enrolment advice to the student (offer of place)
  • an enrolment fee receipt
  • Mainstream Enrolments Via the Internet (MEVI) receipts - (for TAFE courses only, and can only be accepted if the nominal course hours are on the receipt)
  • a Commonwealth Assistance Notice (this document shows enrolment in subjects at census date, subjects may have different census dates and customers will receive a separate Commonwealth Assistance Notice for each census date)
  • a student identification card (where period of enrolment is specified on the card)
  • a statement from the education provider advising acceptance into the course
  • proof of registration for Open Learning Students
  • Productivity Places Programme letter of notification
  • electronic confirmation of a placement in Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
  • placement by Workforce Australia in a short course (the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen must have 'SHD' - short course, and the course number must be included in the Job Plan)

Note: these documents are acceptable POE, but not proof of study load.

Either the original or a copy (photocopy or fax) of the above POE documents, including printed versions of online documents, are acceptable.

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer before finalising the decision.

The Resources page contains a link to the Open Universities Australia (OUA) website.

Changing or correcting course of study for Youth Allowance, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement students

Eligibility for student payments when enrolled in Open Universities Australia

Coding new study details

Coding ABSTUDY education details

Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process

Requesting information (CLK)

Restoration of ABSTUDY payments

Startup Year Courses