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Scholarship study requirements 010-07030050

Examples - assessing eligibility and determining scholarship debts




Changing courses + Read more ...

Toby commences his first year at the University of New England studying a Bachelor of Business. This is an approved scholarship course. Toby's normal place of residence is Moree and has been approved for the Away from Home rate of Youth Allowance due to excessive travel time. Toby receives the Relocation Scholarship.

Toby's actual start date for the course is 15 February. Toby finds the course more challenging than first thought and has decided to go to TAFE at home in Moree instead.

On 6 April Toby withdraws from the Bachelor of Business and returns home.

Toby undertook the approved scholarship course for 51 days from the actual start date of 15 February, which means Toby was undertaking full-time study in an approved scholarship course at day 35 after qualifying.

Toby meets the 35-day requirements and no overpayment will be raised for the Relocation Scholarship.


Change in allowance rate + Read more ...

Melanie starts studying a Certificate III in Hospitality and Tourism at Lismore TAFE on 8 February 2015 and receives ABSTUDY Living Allowance at the At Home rate. On 1 March 2015, Melanie is successful in gaining entry to the Bachelor of Business at Newcastle University and moves from Lismore to Newcastle to start the degree on 3 March. After relocating, Melanie is reassessed and is eligible for the Away from Home Rate, and automatically qualifies for RS from 3 March 2015.

The end date of the Bachelor of Business course at Newcastle University is 20 November 2017. Melanie qualifies for RS in 2015 because of:

  • starting a full-time study in an approved scholarship course within 35 days of qualifying for the scholarships, and
  • studying full-time in an approved scholarship course 35 days after qualifying for the scholarships

Melanie will remain qualified for the Relocation Scholarship in subsequent periods while studying full-time in an approved scholarship course as long as there are 35 days of study remaining in the course each time.


Withdrawal from course + Read more ...

Ming-Xia is living at home with parents, and on 2 March recommences the second year of the course at Tabor College. On 15 April, Ming-Xia moves away from home and is granted the Unreasonable to Live at Home rate and receives a Relocation Scholarship. On 25 April, Ming-Xia withdraws from the course.

Ming-Xia's Relocation Scholarship (RS) entitlement is different. Ming-Xia's qualification date for a RS is 15 April when the Unreasonable to Live at Home rate is granted. Although Ming-X continued with the course after that, it was not being studied 35 days after qualifying for the RS (35 days after the qualification date for RS is 19 May, but Ming-Xia withdrew from study on 25 April).

Ming-Xia has not met the 35-day requirements for the RS and a debt will be raised for the RS payment paid.


Break in studies/change of course + Read more ...

Zafar moves from a country town to Canberra to begin a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Canberra on 7 February and receives the Relocation Scholarship at the beginning of his course.

Zafar returns home to Melbourne after two weeks of study and contacts the Services Australia to advise them. There was a seven day break in studies before the started a Bachelor of Economics at the Deakin University on 7 March.

Zafar did commence the course in Canberra, so there has been no change to the initial qualification for the scholarship. On the 35th day after qualifying, Zafar is studying an approved scholarship course at Deakin University. Zafar has, however, had a break in study within 35 days of commencing the course, and is no longer living away from home.

In terms of the legislation, it is irrelevant whether there is a break in qualification or a break in study, or whether the student is undertaking the same approved scholarship course on their qualification date and on 'day 35'. The relevant factor is whether the student is undertaking full-time study in an approved scholarship course at day 35. This refers to the general class of approved scholarship courses, rather than a specific course. This means that Zafar remains eligible for the Relocation Scholarship payment that he received.


Dependent student turns 22 after receiving Relocation Scholarship payment + Read more ...

Michael is a dependent Youth Allowance student who moved away from the family home in rural New South Wales to attend university in Canberra. Michael qualifies for the Relocation Scholarship on 14 February 2017 and starts the course on the same day. Michael receives the Relocation Scholarship on 25 February 2017.

On 2 March 2017 Michael turns 22 and becomes independent for Youth Allowance purposes.

As long as Michael is studying full-time in an approved scholarship course on 21 March 2017 (the 35th day after qualifying), Michael will remain eligible for the scholarship payment already received.

However, Michael will not be eligible for the Relocation Scholarship in February 2018 because on the day eligibility is assessed for the scholarship in 2018 Michael will be independent due to age.