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Creating a Q021 letter for customers claiming Fares Allowance (FAA) 010-21120902

This document outlines the process for creating a Q021 letter advising the customer of their Fares Allowance claim decision.

Create the letter




Online Advice (OLA) + Read more ...

Advise the customer via an Online Advice (Q021) when:

  • approving, amending or rejecting a Fares Allowance (FAA) reimbursement claim, or
  • rejecting a 'paid in advance' FAA claim

Before creating the letter, check the OLA User Profile (OAUP) screen to ensure the:

  • printer details are correct, and
  • the Letter Ref: field contains the correct logon ID. The letter must identify the decision maker


Decision made to approve, amend, or reject a Fares Allowance claim + Read more ...

If rejecting, approving or amending the customer's FAA claim, in Customer First:

  • in Next: key 'OASR' and select [Enter] to go to the OLA Accept Service Reasons (OASR) screen
  • key the required Service reason: (use '?' for a list of valid codes)
  • key 'Q021' in the Advice Letter Code: field and select Continue


Create the Q021 letter + Read more ...

The Letter Display (LDT) screen displays the Q021 letter shell.

Select the relevant options and enter free text if required:

  • If the rejecting the claim, select a pre-set reason, unless none of these apply
  • If selecting 'Null' for any option, that reason will not be in the letter
  • For some selections, for example, 'Other', the free text paragraphs will open to allow entry of the approved free text

Select Continue to confirm each selection. Select Next to scroll to the next page.


Letter option selections + Read more ...


If the customer has a correspondence nominee, create a copy of the letter for the nominee.

  • Key '1' to create the nominee's copy of the letter:
    • Key the Nominee's name and address details, then
    • Key '1' if the letter has been created for the customer, or
    • Key '2' if the letter will not be sent to the customer
  • Key '2' to create the customer's letter


Depending on selection, other field options may require completing. For example, if 2 (part pay) is selected, the <NOPARE option becomes available.

  • Key '1' for full pay, when full payment of the FAA claim is approved
  • Key '2' for part pay, when only part payment of the FAA claim is approved
  • Key '3' for no pay, when FAA is rejected, for either reason:
    • public versus private transport, or
    • <MAXTRI, key '1' if the customer has already been paid Fares Allowance for the maximum of four trips this year


Key the date the customer lodged their FAA claim. The date displays in the letter in DD Month YYYY format.


Key the amount paid to the customer. Do not key a $ sign.


Choose the account the FAA payment will be paid into.


Key the date the customer will be paid.

<NOPARE (available only when '2' is selected in <TRA.DAT)

  • Key '1' if cheaper transport located
  • Key '2' if a concession was available for the journey
  • Key '3' for any other reason. {FREE TEXT PARAGRAPH A} opens when this option is selected


  • The Q021 letter must contain a clear explanation of the reason for the approval, amendment or rejection
  • When entering free text, check spelling, grammar and wording to make sure the details are correct. The Resources page includes links to User Guides to assist with wording
  • Free text allows 9 lines of text with a limit of 74 characters per line. There is no line wrapping in Customer First, so text longer than this must be on a following line
  • Text cannot be formatted. For example, there is no option to bold or italicise text


Option selections - Pre-set rejection reasons + Read more ...

<MAXTRI - Maximum number of trips exceeded

  • Key '1' if the customer has already been paid Fares Allowance for the maximum of four trips this year
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<IFRESI - Residential course rejection

  • Key '1' if FAA claim is being rejected due to a residential course
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<CLA31M – Claimed after 31 March

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected due to the customer claiming after 31 March
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<NOTAWA – Not paid away from home rate

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected due to customer not being paid the 'living away from home' rate
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<NOTFTS – Not a fulltime student

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected due to customer not being a fulltime student
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<FAICOM – Failed to commence course

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected due to customer not starting their course
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<PTRSEP – Separated from partner

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected because the customer separated from their partner and was not considered to be living away from their permanent home at the time of travel
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply

<PAPRCH – Parent, partner, child overseas

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected because the parents/partner/child were living overseas at the time of the customer's travel
  • Key '2' if this reason does not apply


Final selections - other reasons and transport details + Read more ...

<FANOPA – Fares allowance not paid for other reasons

  • Key '1' if FAA claim has been rejected for any other reason not listed above. This selection opens <FANOP1
  • Key '2' if the rejection reason is listed above


  • Options 1-4 are additional pre-set reasons:
    • Key '1' - not undertaking an approved course of study
    • Key '2' - receiving the at-home rate of YA and not required to live away from home
    • Key '3' - not living away from parents/partner/children while studying, or
    • Key '4' - did not travel to their permanent home
  • Key '5' for other reasons, where the approved free text wording for reasons listed in Step 7 will be included in FREE TEXT PARAGRAPH B, if necessary


Key '1' to include what Fares Allowance does not cover.


Key '6' to include all.


Key the date the customer travelled.


Select the transport type claimed.


Key the place the customer travelled from.


Key the destination they travelled to.


Key the amount claimed. Do not key a '$' sign.


  • Key '1' if customer is claiming more than one journey, then repeat the following fields in the letter based on the number of trips included in the customer's claim
  • Key '2' if customer only claiming for one journey


  • Key '1' if the customer has claimed for all 4 journeys available in the academic year
  • Key '2' if the customer has not claimed for all 4 journeys available in the academic year


Key '2'.


Approved free text wording options + Read more ...

These options are only needed if there is no appropriate pre-set reason.

Copy and paste the approved text as a block into FREE TEXT PARAGRAPH B. Customer First has a 74 character limit per line and text does not automatically wrap to the next line. Any blank lines in FREE TEXT PARAGRAPH B must be removed.

Complete and replace sample dates (XX/XX/20XX) if they are part of the text.

Use the approved free text when rejecting FAA claims for reasons not included in the Pre-set letter options. The Resources page contains approved text for the following options:

  • 3 month rule
  • 3 month rule, return journey already taken and paid
  • Independent - not eligible
  • Private Transport Claimed – Public Transport Reimbursement
  • Airfare reimbursement – reasonable fare
  • Airfare not including add-ons
  • Return journey – outside study period
  • Did not provide tax invoice/itinerary

Once all letter options are completed, review the letter.


Review the letter + Read more ...

After completing all relevant selections, review the letter to ensure it is correct.

  • To make changes to the selections, key 'OPT' in the Command: field and select [Enter]
    • Change or delete the selected number next to the option being changed
    • If the number is deleted, the option will re-display for selection on the Letter Display (LDT) screen
  • To make changes to the free text, key 'DATA' in the Command: field and select [Enter]
    • Change the text as required
    • Select Next Page to scroll to the next screen

Return to the letter by keying 'TEXT' in the Command: field to review the letter.

To print a draft copy of the letter, key 'DRAFT' in the Command: field. The system will prompt if any fields are not completed.

A draft version of the letter will print locally with the DRAFT watermark. To make changes:

  • key 'OPT' or 'DATA' in the Command: field
  • select [Enter], then
  • make the necessary changes

To print another draft of the letter key 'DRAFT' in the Command: field.


Finalise the Q021 letter + Read more ...

To finalise the letter, key 'FIN' (Finalise) in the Command: field and select [Enter].

The system will prompt if any fields need completing.

Check the History Summary (HS) screen to confirm the letter has a status of PQ (queued to print), or PR (printed).

Note: if the status is GE (generated), the letter will not be printed. 'S'elect the letter and ensure all options are completed and the printer ID is correct before keying 'FIN' in the Command: field and selecting [Enter].

If the customer has a correspondence nominee, issue the same Q021 letter to the correspondence nominee.

Return to the Activity List (AL) screen.