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Liaison between AIR and Centrelink staff for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) 011-10030010

Contact Details

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Escalation template

Email to: AIR Centrelink Liaison Officer

Subject Heading: Payment affected – CRN XXXXXXXXXX [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive, ACCESS=Personal-Privacy]



Today’s date

Your universal logon

Your name

Parent Name

Parent/Guardian CRN

Child Name

Child CRN

Child’s Medicare Number/SIN (if available)

Customer Details: Phone

Payment Affected


Additional Notes* required

What was the reason the customer contacted us?
Have payments been cancelled/cut?

*All fields required.

Call transfer process from an AIR Service Officer to a Centrelink Service Officer

Table 1: this table describes the process for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Service Officers to transfer a call to a Centrelink Service Officer.


Transfer process


AIR action prior to transfer

  • Determine if a call transfer to Centrelink is required. See also: Call transfer scenarios
  • Ensure the customer understands:
    • why they are being transferred
    • what they need to ask of/say to the Centrelink Service Officer
    • that their call may be placed into a queue
  • Cold transfer the call to 136 150

Call transfer scenarios between AIR and Centrelink

Table 2: this table describes scenarios that may require a customer call to be cold transferred between Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and Centrelink.

Cold transfer from


AIR to Centrelink

  • Customer contacts the AIR requesting specific payment advice

Centrelink to AIR

  • Customer's Centrelink record shows a child as not up to date for immunisation, but the customer has confirmed the child has had all required immunisations.
    A self service option is available for customers Customers are encouraged to first check the immunisation history statement using their:
    • Medicare Online Account
    • Express Plus Medicare mobile app, or
    • myGov if they are not eligible for Medicare

Note: only vaccines under the childhood National Immunisation Program (NIP) schedule are assessed for family assistance payments. Adolescent NIP schedule vaccines are not assessed for payment purposes

Questions for AIR Service Officers to ask when contacted by Centrelink

Table 3: this table describes questions Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Service Officers can ask when they receive a call from a Centrelink Service Officer to re-direct them to follow the correct process.


Question to ask


Question: Is there a link and immunisation status on the Child Immunisation Summary (CIS) screen in Customer First?

Answer: If:

  • 'yes/has met requirements', they are up to date with immunisations and the AIR cannot provide further assistance
  • no/has not met requirements’, the AIR record shows that they are not up to date with immunisations.
    A self service option is available for customers Customers are encouraged to check the immunisation history statement using their:
    • Medicare Online Account
    • Express Plus Medicare mobile app, or
    • myGov if they are not eligible for Medicare, and
    • talk to their vaccination provider
  • there is no link in place’, the Centrelink Service Officer should refer to Operational Blueprint article Establish a link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)


Question: Have you referred to the Establish a link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) procedure?

Answer: Operational Blueprint provides the documented process for Centrelink staff to follow.

Centrelink AIR Liaisons referrals

Table 4



By email:

Centrelink AIR Liaison Officer

Centrelink AIR Liaisons get referrals via email from:

  • Services Australia service centres
  • AIR Centrelink Liaisons, and
  • Authorised Review Officers (ARO)

Allocation through Workload Management (WLM)

Centrelink AIR Liaisons get referrals from WLM, that include:

  • date of birth (DOB) discrepancies
  • scanned immunisation (immu) history, and
  • Immunisation Change of Circumstances (Immu CoC) activities

All allocated work is:

  • checked, and
  • corrective action completed as required


Table 5

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)



Linking issues

Investigate and respond to linking issues including:

  • Error codes (all error codes starting with a 9)
  • De-link/ re-link immunisation details

See Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

Referrals from AIR Centrelink Liaison Officer

Check for payment impacts after linking maintenance completed by AIR.

Cancellations and claim rejections due to immunisations

Investigate and confirm correct Immunisation details were presented at time of cancellation and/or claim determination including:

  • CDMS check
  • AIR referral if required
  • take corrective action and process claims, including Social Online Application (SOA) and Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) in limited circumstances
  • referral to:
    • Service Officer, or
    • Workload Management (WLM) for corrective action if required

Medicare date of birth (DOB) mismatches and name corrections

Check the Centrelink systems and CDMS, arrange referral for correction.

Exception coding

Confirm Immunisation details if a customer:

  • indicates the child was immunised at date of claim determination, and
  • the customer's CCS claim was incorrectly rejected

See Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

Table 6

Family Tax Benefit (FTB)



Linking issues

Investigate and respond to linking issues including:

  • Mismatch codes
  • Cancel link/re-establish link

Referrals from AIR Centrelink Liaison Officer

Check for payment impacts after linking maintenance completed by AIR.

Rate reduction periods

Last Immunisation Update Event (LIUE) overrides.

FTB supplements

FTB immunisation status received after allowable timeframe (MET override) coding/override.

See View and update a child's immunisation status and assess or update immunisation exemptions for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Medicare date of birth (DOB) mismatches and name corrections

Check the Centrelink system and CDMS, arrange referral for correction.