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Errors and exceptions with newborn child enrolments in Medicare 011-19042341

This document outlines the types of enrolment errors and issues that may arise where the newborn is already enrolled, enrolled on an incorrect Medicare card, enrolled on their parent's Medicare card and how to remove return mail indicator to process newborn child enrolment.

On this page:

Newborn enrolment applicant still on their parent's Medicare card

Newborn enrolment applicant still on Medicare card with ex-partner

Newborn already enrolled in Medicare

Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card and is eligible

Newborn enrolled twice on the same Medicare card

Removing return mail indicator to process newborn child enrolment

Newborn enrolment applicant still on their parent's Medicare card

Table 1: this table outlines the enrolment process Service Officers follow when the applicant is still enrolled on the existing family Medicare card.




Applicant still on existing family card + Read more ...

Where either the Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) or Medicare Enrolment Application (MS004) form is being actioned, and it is confirmed that the applicant (parent) is still enrolled on their parent's Medicare card and is not enrolled on any other cards:

  • Contact the applicant (parent) either by phone or face-to-face to obtain consent to transfer to a new or existing Medicare card (this could be the partner's card)
  • If transferring to an existing card after receiving consent from the applicant, consent must be obtained from the other cardholder. Contact them by phone to obtain this
  • Action DVS over the phone or sight Identification
  • Notate either FA081 or MS004: 'consent was obtained to transfer'
  • Transfer parent to new or existing Medicare card
  • Register newborn
  • In the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) add comments to Group for new card: 'consent was obtained to transfer'

It is not necessary for an Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another (MS011) form to be completed. Verbal permission to be transferred is sufficient. See Transfer person to new or existing Medicare card in CDMS table.

If both parents (notated on the FA081 or MS004) are present at the time of calling and both have given consent (identity has been successfully verified through DVS), the parents and newborn can be enrolled together as a family under the same card number. See Parents and newborn to be on new Medicare card table.

If the application was submitted via Medicare online accounts, complete it manually, see Process newborn child enrolments (MOA) from CDMS Provisional Registration screen table.

If contact is unsuccessful:

The parent must not be transferred to their own card:

  • Newborn must be enrolled onto their own card with the applicant (parent) as the group contact. See Process newborn enrolment to their own Medicare card in CDMS table
  • If enrolment was submitted via:
    • post or Centrelink online accounts, add comments to Group in CDMS for newborn's card: 'unsuccessful attempt was made to contact applicant'
    • Medicare online accounts, add comments to Process Digital Newborn Enrolment in CDMS for newborn's card: 'unsuccessful attempt was made to contact applicant'
  • Notate MS004 or annotate the DOC on the Document List of CRN with the same details

Procedure ends here.


Parent is enrolled on 2 Medicare cards + Read more ...

If the parent is enrolled on both their own Medicare card and on their original family card:

  • Enrol the newborn on the applicant's (parent's) own Medicare card, see Copy or transfer to an existing group table
  • With consent from the applicant (parent), they can be removed from the original family card by ending the association, go to Step 3


To end association on existing family Medicare card + Read more ...

Obtain consent from the applicant to end their association on their parent's Medicare card.

  • On the CDMS home page, select Amend Consumer Details
  • The Group Members Details screen displays
  • Select Members tab
  • Select Members

To end the customer's association with a Medicare card:

  • Select End Asn checkbox for the customer
  • Select Validate

Newborn enrolment applicant still on Medicare card with ex-partner

Table 2: this table contains steps to follow when the applicant has given a Medicare number with an ex-partner on it.




Contact Applicant + Read more ...

Before the newborn is enrolled applicant must be contacted

Is contact successful:


Contact is successful + Read more ...

Discuss transferring to a new Medicare card.

Does the applicant want to transfer to a new Medicare card?

  • Yes, Service Officers must:
    • DVS identification document or sight identification
    • Read the Privacy note and confirm declaration from the MS011
    • Transfer parent to new Medicare card. Any other children already enrolled on previous Medicare card can be copied to new Medicare card
    • Enrol newborn
    • In the CDMS, add comments to Personal - privacy note read, declaration agreed, consent obtained to transfer to enrol newborn
  • No, applicant wants to transfer to a card with someone else, go to Step 3

An Application to Copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another (MS011) form does not need to be completed. Verbal permission to be transferred is sufficient. See Transfer person to new or existing Medicare card in CDMS table.


Applicant wants to transfer to a card with someone else + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

  • Obtain authorisation from the other person to include applicant on their Medicare card
  • Read the Privacy note and confirm declaration from the MS011

An Application to Copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another (MS011) form does not need to be completed. Verbal permission to be transferred is sufficient. See Transfer person to new or existing Medicare card in CDMS table.


Contact is unsuccessful + Read more ...

The applicant must not be transferred.

Newborn must be enrolled onto their own card with the applicant (parent) as the group contact. See Process newborn enrolment to their own Medicare card in CDMS table

Note comment in Group in CDMS advising of unsuccessful contact

Procedure ends here.

Newborn already enrolled in Medicare

Table 3: this table describes the actions Service Officers follow when a match has been found for a newborn and no Medicare card has been issued.




Newborn details where a match was found + Read more ...

Consumer details display a possible match of a newborn.

  • Select the person by using the radio button
  • Select Add to list
  • The Registration Type screen displays

If an error message displays ALREADY ON MEDICARE CARD, further investigation is required to determine if the newborn has been enrolled on the correct Medicare card. See Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card and is eligible table.


Registration + Read more ...

The newborn details display with the other consumers.

Check all details are correct.

Asn, Curr Etm and Curr Etm Start Date fields will be blank if there is no entitlement recorded.

Select Entitlement tab to continue.

Complete enrolment. See Step 7 in the Process newborn enrolment to existing Medicare card in CDMS table.

Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card and is eligible

Table 4: this table describes actions Service Officers follow when a newborn has been enrolled on an incorrect Medicare card and is eligible for Medicare.




Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card - identified same date of processing + Read more ...

The enrolment cannot be deleted.

  • Transfer the newborn to the correct Medicare number
  • Contact a Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)
  • LPS will email Medicare Consumers Program Support - Medicare Consumers Section - Medicare Branch with the following information:
    • incorrect Medicare number
    • correct Medicare number (if known)
    • customer's personal details (name, DOB)
    • any other relevant information

A file fix will be arranged to remove any record of that person being associated with the incorrect Medicare card.

Then enrol the newborn correctly using Get Details, see Copy or transfer a person or child to another Medicare card.

Note: the newborn may have been registered onto the incorrect Medicare Safety Net family registration. See the Removing a consumer registered to wrong Medicare Safety Net family table.


Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card - identified the following day + Read more ...

Note: the extracted card does not need to be returned as the error must be rectified immediately.

See Resources page for a link to the card extraction form.

  • Once completed, contact a Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)
  • LPS to email Medicare Consumers Program Support - Medicare Consumers Section - Medicare Branch with the following information:
    • incorrect Medicare number
    • correct Medicare number (if known)
    • customer's personal details (name, DOB)
    • any other relevant information
  • Place a comment in group: 'person Ref No.( ) enrolled incorrectly sent for a file fix'

A file fix is done to remove any record of that person being associated with the incorrect Medicare card.

Note: the newborn may have been registered onto the incorrect Medicare Safety Net family registration. See the Removing a consumer registered to wrong Medicare Safety Net family table.


Newborn enrolled on incorrect Medicare card - identified after processing date + Read more ...

Check to see if a Medicare card has been sent. This can be identified under the Group Interactions tab in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS).

  • Transfer the newborn to the correct Medicare number
  • Issue a new Medicare card for the incorrect card
  • Contact the Group contact of the incorrect card and advise them of an error and inform them they will be receiving a Medicare card with an incorrect person on it. Ask them to destroy this card or send it back to us and advise them that they will be receiving a new Medicare card shortly
  • Once completed, contact a Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)
  • LPS to email Medicare Consumers Program Support - Medicare Consumers Section - Medicare Branch with the following information:
    • incorrect Medicare number
    • correct Medicare number (if known)
    • customer's personal details (name, DOB)
    • any other relevant information
  • Place a comment in group: 'person Ref No.( ) enrolled incorrectly sent for a file fix'

A file fix will be arranged to remove any record of that person being associated with the incorrect Medicare card.

Note: the newborn may have been registered onto the incorrect Medicare Safety Net family registration. See the Removing a consumer registered to wrong Medicare Safety Net family table.


Newborn enrolled to a card of their own in error - identified same date of processing + Read more ...

The enrolment cannot be deleted.


Newborn enrolled to a card of their own in error - identified the following day + Read more ...


Newborn enrolled to a card of their own in error - identified after processing date + Read more ...

The child can be transferred onto the parent's card.

Contact the parent to advise them:

  • of the error
  • they will receive a Medicare card with only the child's name on it - ask them to destroy this card or return it to Services Australia
  • the child has been registered to their family card and they will receive this card shortly
  • Once completed, contact a Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)
  • LPS to email Medicare Consumers Program Support - Medicare Consumers Section - Medicare Branch with the following information:
    • incorrect Medicare number
    • correct Medicare number (if known)
    • customer's personal details (name, DOB)
    • any other relevant information
  • Place a comment in group: 'person Ref No.( ) enrolled incorrectly sent for a file fix'

Newborn enrolled twice on the same Medicare card

Table 5: this table describes the steps Service Officers follow when a newborn has been enrolled twice on the same Medicare card.




Newborn enrolled twice on the same Medicare card- identified on day of processing + Read more ...

The enrolment cannot be deleted.

  • The issue will need to be escalated via the Duplicate Referral Form, as per Duplicate Medicare enrolment and Consumer IDs in Medicare
  • In CDMS:
    • go to Amend Personal Details
    • key Consumer End Date as today's date
    • for Consumer End Reason, select Ended for Other Reasons
    • for Consumer End Notification Source, select Notification Received from Other Sources
    • add Comments in Personal Details tab stating “consumer enrolled in error, dup pin referral form sent”

The team who actions the duplicate record will determine the appropriate action.

Staff should not end association in group.

For further assistance, see Escalation process for Medicare Eligibility


Newborn enrolled twice on the same Medicare card- identified after day of processing + Read more ...

The enrolment cannot be deleted.

  • The issue will need to be escalated via the Duplicate Referral Form, as per OB page Duplicate Medicare enrolment and Consumer IDs in Medicare.
  • Contact the parent of the newborn, advise them that there has been an error, and inform them that they will be receiving a Medicare card that will have the newborn on it more than once. They can continue to use the card but should use the lowest card reference noted for the newborn (for example, if the newborn has been enrolled as reference 3 and also as reference 4, then their correct reference number is 3).
  • Advise the parent that they will receive a new Medicare card once the error has been resolved

The team who actions the duplicate record will determine the appropriate action, and arrange for an amended card to be issued.

Staff should not:

  • End date the consumer or the card association for the duplicated enrolment, or
  • Add comments to consumer record

If assistance is required see Escalation process for Medicare eligibility

Removing return mail indicator to process newborn child enrolment

Table 6: this table describes how to remove a return main indicator on the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) customer record to enrol a newborn and then replace the indicator to complete the enrolment.




Return mail indicator + Read more ...

When enrolling a newborn, an error message appears for Replacement not allowed:
'You cannot request a replacement card when the RETURNED MAIL INDICATOR has been ticked'.

  • Select Name/Address tab
  • Contact the applicant to confirm the address with the customer

Is the address the same?

If unable to confirm the address with the customer, complete process Steps 2 and 3.


Remove Mail Indicator + Read more ...

  • Untick the Returned Mail Indicator
  • Select blank in the drop down box, Type of Mail Returned
  • Select Card Request tab
  • Select Validate
  • Select Validate
  • The new Medicare card record has been successfully updated in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS), Medicare number is displayed
  • Select Update
  • The newborn is now enrolled on the Medicare card and the Amend Medicare Card Details screen displays

If contact was:

  • unsuccessful, go to Step 3
  • successful, procedure ends here


Replace Mail Indicator + Read more ...

  • Select Name/Address tab
  • Select the Returned Mail Indicator tick box
  • Select type of mail returned from drop down box
  • Select Validate
  • Select Validate
  • Select Update
  • The Amend Medicare Card Details screen displays