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Eye surgery (Ophthalmology) services in Medicare 011-20062640

Medical terms for eye procedures

Table 1: This table lists terms and descriptions to support the assessment of claims.




Someone who has an astigmatism is unable to focus on close or distant objects. The condition can be accompanied by myopia (short-sightedness) or hyperopia (long-sightedness).


Inflammation of the eyelids.


A Yag capsulotomy is a special laser treatment used to improve vision after cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery

Eye surgery that involves removing all or part of the lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens implant.


A condition where the conjunctiva has become inflamed.


The transparent (clear) front part of the eye. The cornea covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber.

Cyclodestructive surgery

An eye operation that treats glaucoma by destroying the ciliary body with a laser.

Electroretinography (ERG) test

Measures the electrical response of the light-sensitive cells in eyes. This test looks at the back of the eye known as the retina (also known as an electroretinogram).

Filtration surgery

Eye surgery that opens a passage allowing excess aqueous humor to drain into surrounding tissues. This is generally a treatment for glaucoma.


A disease in which the pressure of the fluid inside the eye is too high. This results in a loss of peripheral vision.


Where people can see distant objects clearly but are unable to focus on close objects.


Eye operation that treats closed-angle glaucoma by surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye.


A surgical procedure that makes an incision in the iris of the eye in order to enlarge the pupil or to treat closed-angle glaucoma.


A surgical incision into the cornea.

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)

A laser eye surgery procedure.

Lasik laser eye surgery

A procedure used to correct vision. Lasik is used in a refractive surgery procedure that reshapes the cornea.

Note: this is not the same as LASEK.






The medical specialty studying eye disease and surgery of the eye.


Physician who practices in the specialty of ophthalmology.


The examination of the interior of the eye using an instrument.


The instrument used for eye examination in ophthalmoscopy.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

A non-invasive imaging test. OCT uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina.

Optic nerve

The bundle of nerve fibres that connect the retina with the brain.


An examination to measure the thickness of the cornea.


The inability to focus on close objects.


The black circular opening in the centre of the iris (the coloured part) of the eye.


The area of light sensitive nerve tissue that is located at the back of the eye. It converts the images that the eye sees into electrical impulses. These electrical impulses are sent along the optic nerve to the brain, which then interprets them as images.

Refractive errors

When light enters the eye it is refracted (bent) as it passes through the cornea and lens.

Strabismus (squint)

Is a condition which causes the eyes to be misaligned. They are not directed at the same point at the same time. It occurs when the eye muscles are not working together properly.

Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

A form of laser surgery that is used to lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma.

Ultrasonic echography

Ultrasound of the eye.


A surgical procedure that removes the vitreous humor and replace it with saline solution.

Diagnostic procedures and investigations

Table 2: This table is a guide to assist with the most frequently claimed items.



Helpful information

Useful facts

The text/notation required



Explanatory note DN.1.5 Electroretinography.

Can be claimed for 1 or both eyes

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Optical Coherence Tomography

Explanatory note DN.1.5 Electroretinography.

Only 1 service can be claimed per eye per lifetime

Which eye(s) was assessed e.g. Left, right.


Full Quantitative Computerised Perimetry

Explanatory note DN.1.6

Computerised Perimetry Printed Results.

Explanatory note DN.1.7

Computerised Perimetry.

This a bilateral item a maximum of 3 services can be paid in 12 months



Full quantitative computerised Perimetry

Explanatory note DN.1.6

Computerised Perimetry Printed Results.

Explanatory note DN.1.7

Computerised Perimetry.

This a unilateral item maximum of 3 services can be paid in 12 months

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right


Ultrasonic Echography

Explanatory note DN.1.8 Orbital Contents.

Measurement of one eye prior to lens surgery on that eye

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right


Ultrasonic Echography measurement for both eyes

Explanatory note DN.1.8 Orbital Contents.

For a bilateral eye measurement prior to lens surgery on both eyes



Ultrasonic Echography measurement for one after surgery

Explanatory note DN.1.8 Orbital Contents.

The measurement of an eye previously measured and on which lens surgery has been performed

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right


Ultrasonic Echography measurement for both eyes after surgery

Explanatory note DN.1.8 Orbital Contents.

For the measurement of a second eye where surgery for the first eye was more than 3 years ago

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left or right

Eye surgery items

Table 3: This table is a guide to assist with the most frequently claimed items.



Helpful information

Useful facts

The text/notation required


Complete removal of embedded foreign body

Explanatory note TN.8.1 Surgical Operations

Explanatory note TN.8.78 Imbedded Foreign Body

Where the imbedded foreign body is not completely removed, benefits are payable under the relevant attendance item.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Corneal Incisions

Explanatory note TN.8.79 Corneal Incisions

This is an Independent procedure to correct blurred vision.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Cataract surgery

Explanatory note TN.8.80 Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery

Explanatory note TN.8.80 Cataract surgery

This item is for removal of a cataract in the first eye.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Cataract surgery

Explanatory note TN.8.80 Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery

Explanatory note TN.8.80 Cataract surgery

This item is for the insertion of a lens, following the removal of cataract in the first eye.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Paracentesis of anterior chamber or vitreous cavity or both

Explanatory note TN.8.21

intravitreal injection

Item 42738 is cannot be claimed with other intraocular surgery.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Intravitreal Injection of therapeutic substances, or the removal of vitreous

Item 42740 as a procedure can be claimed with other intraocular surgery.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Posterior Juxtascleral Depot injection

Explanatory note TN.8.81 Posterior Juxtascleral Depot injection

This injection is to treat age-related macular degeneration.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Cyclodestructive Procedures

Explanatory note TN.8.82 Cyclodestructive Procedures

For the treatment of Intractable Glaucoma, can only be claimed twice in a 2 year period.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Insertion of drainage device for glaucoma

Explanatory note TN.8.83 Insertion of drainage device for glaucoma

Item 42752 is payable twice on the same day if the services are performed on separate eyes.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Laser Trabeculoplasty

Explanatory note TN.8.84 Laser Trabeculoplasty

A laser treatment for Glaucoma. Benefits under this item are restricted to a maximum of 4 treatments to 1 eye in a 2 year period.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Laser Iridotomy

Explanatory note TN.8.85 Laser Iridotomy

This item is for the treatment of glaucoma. This item can be claimed up to 3 times for each eye in a 2 year period.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Laser Capsulotomy

Explanatory note TN.8.86 Laser Capsulotomy

Item 42788 covers all laser capsulotomy treatment performed on 1 eye. A second item 42788 can be paid.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Laser Vitreolysis or Corticolysis of Lens Material or Fibrinolysis

Explanatory note TN.8.87 Laser Vitreolysis or Corticolysis of Lens Material or Fibrinolysis -

Item 42791 covers all treatment performed on one eye. Item 42791 is claimable up to 3 times for each eye in a 2 year period.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Division of Suture by Laser

Explanatory note TN.8.88 Division of Suture by Laser

The treatment to one eye, a maximum of 2 treatments are claimable to that eye in a 2 year period.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.


Ophthalmic Sutures

Explanatory note TN.8.89 Ophthalmic Sutures

This item can be claimed for 1 or both eyes, as an independent procedure.

Which eye(s) were assessed e.g. Left, right or left and right.

Processing eye procedure items – indicating left or right

Table 4: This table includes abbreviations required for processing eye procedures.

Category title


Claiming Channel


Left eye



Right eye



Right eye

All channels


Left eye

All channels


Right eye treated

All channels


Left eye treated

All channels