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Amend address in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare 011-40060050

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines information about amending address details in CDMS.

On this page:

Amending group address details in CDMS

Amend personal residential address details in CDMS

Amending an address in the Medicare Eligibility and Enrolments (MEE) Portal

Remove a family domestic violence (FDV) return mail indicator

Amending group address details in CDMS

To change a residential address in Personal, manually amend the address on the Amend Personal Details screen.

Note: if an address is amended on the Amend Medicare Card Details screen in Group, the personal mailing address is automatically amended for the customer. Where the customer has provided a postal address that is different to a permanent address, the postal address is entered in CDMS as the mailing address.

Table 1




Authenticate customer for enquiries by phone + Read more ...

Was authentication successful?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the customer is unauthenticated and must:
    • call back with more information, or
    • attend a service centre with an approved photographic identity document. Procedure ends here

See Authenticating a Medicare customer.


Group address details + Read more ...

When updating an address, Service Officers must ask 'Does the change of address apply to everyone on the card?'

  • Yes, the address can be updated. Go to Step 3
  • No, tell the customer they may need to transfer to their own Medicare card. The address can only be updated by the individual customer on the phone or in person under Personal.
    See the Resources page for a link to the 'Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another (MS011)' form. Procedure ends here.

Note: Service Officers must use an Australian address when recording the group address. Changing an address on the Amend Medicare Card Details screen in Group also amends the personal mailing address for the customer.


On CDMS home page + Read more ...

Select Amend Consumer Details:

  • Key the Medicare card number, in the ID Number field
  • Select Group

Note: a Medicare Payment Integrity (MPI) restriction may exist that prevents an amendment. If this occurs, refer to Suspected Medicare fraud and Business Integrity (BI) flags.


Change customer's address details + Read more ...

To change the customer's address:

  • Select the Name/Address tab
  • Clear the 4 fields - Address line 1, Locality, Postcode and State if it is a different address in a different suburb. If the same suburb, clear Address line 1 only
  • Key the new address details. Note: the mailing address must be an Australian address. For a Production Control address, select the Address is a production control address checkbox. Do not over key the address details
  • Select the auto-populated address where it matches the customer's address
  • Select the Address Source from the drop down box
  • Select Validate:

Does Error Message 12219 display?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • if there is a residential address recorded on CDMS, an information message displays to advise the residential address has not been changed.
      Select Yes to proceed
    • an information message displays to advise whether the amendments were acceptable or not.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the amendments as required
    • Select Validate:
      the Confirm Amended Medicare Card Details screen displays the updated details
    • Select Change to change any details
    • Select Update when the details are correct

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

If an information message displays for address matching in the Postal Address file (PAF), go to Step 6.


Error Message 12219 + Read more ...

This message displays when the address line is greater than 24 characters.

  • Select Ok to acknowledge the error
  • Try to shorten the address using the abbreviations on the Resources page
  • If the address is still over 24 characters, key the:
    • house number including any unit numbers in the Embellishment line
    • street name in the Address line
  • Select Validate:
    • the Confirm Amended Medicare Card Details screen displays the updated details
  • Select Change to change any details
  • Select Update when the details are correct:
    • an information message displays to advise the residential address has not been changed.
      Select Yes to proceed

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

If an information message displays for address matching in the Postal Address file (PAF), go to Step 6.


Check address + Read more ...

If the address:

  • matches an address in the Postal Address file (PAF):
    • an information message displays to advise whether the amendments were acceptable or not.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message
  • matches an address with correction:
    • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating that the address matches with correction.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message
    • select Accept to accept the address correction
    • select Continue to continue with the address keyed
  • does not match an address:
  • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating the address is not found.
    Select Ok to acknowledge the message
  • Select Change to change the address
  • Select Continue to continue with the address keyed

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

Note: for some address changes Service Officers cannot select the Validate option. This is because the standardised address is too long to store. When this occurs, select the Continue option.


Record comments in CDMS + Read more ...

If a customer has updated the group address of the Medicare card, record a comment in the Personal Comments tab of the customer's CDMS record.

'<insert customer name> updated group address. <insert customer name> confirmed address applies to all persons on the card'.

Amend personal residential address details in CDMS

Table 2: this table describes how to amend personal residential address details where they are different from a mailing address.




Authenticate customer for enquiries by phone + Read more ...

Was authentication successful?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No: the customer is unauthenticated and must:
    • call back with more information, or
    • attend a service centre with an approved photographic identity document. Procedure ends here

See Authenticating a Medicare customer.


Access CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the CDMS home page:

  • Select Amend on consumer details
  • Key the Medicare card number in ID Number field
  • Select Personal

Note: a Medicare Payment Integrity (MPI-1) restriction may exist that prevents an amendment. If this happens, see Suspected Medicare fraud and Business Integrity (BI) flags.


Change customer's residential address details + Read more ...

To change the customer's residential address:

  • Select the Address tab
  • Scroll down to Residential Address
  • Clear the 4 fields - Address line 1, Locality, Postcode and State if it is a different address in a different suburb. If the same suburb, clear Address line 1 only
  • Key the new address details. Note: the mailing address must be an Australian address. If Country is not selected, select from the drop down box
  • Select the auto-populated address where it matches the customer's address
  • Select the Address Source from the drop down box
  • Select Validate:
    • an information message displays informing whether the amendments were acceptable or not.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the amendments as required
  • Select Validate:
    • the Confirm Amended Personal Details screen displays the updated details
  • Select Change to change any details
  • Select Update when the details are correct

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

If an information message displays for address matching, go to Step 4.

Note: update the mailing address in Group only. If the customer says they are no longer residing at the group address, tell them about the copy/transfer process.


Check address + Read more ...

If the address:

  • matches an address in the Postal Address file (PAF):
    • an information message displays to advise whether the amendments were acceptable or not.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message
  • matches an address with correction:
    • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating that the address matches with correction.
      Select Ok to acknowledge the message:
    • select Accept to accept the address correction
    • select Change to change the address
    • select Continue to continue with the address keyed
  • does not match an address:
  • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating the address is not found.
    Select Ok to acknowledge the message
  • Select Change to change the address
  • Select Continue to continue with the address keyed

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

Note: for some address changes Service Officers cannot select the Validate option. This is because the standardised address is too long to store. When this occurs, select the Continue option.

Amending an address in the Medicare Eligibility and Enrolments (MEE) Portal

Table 3: this table describes how to change an address in the MEE Portal. It covers when a customer submits a digital Medicare enrolment (DME) application, they are not registered in CDMS, and their address has changed while waiting for their application to be processed.




Access the MEE Portal + Read more ...

To access the MEE Portal:

  • Open the Services Australia Intranet
  • Go to My Tools
  • Select Medicare Portal. The Medicare - eBusiness Gateway displays
  • Select the Source Office from the dropdown box
  • Select Medicare Eligibility and Enrolments (MEE) Portal from the eBusiness System dropdown box


Application search details + Read more ...

If the customer:

  • can provide the Application ID:
    • Select Search by Application ID
    • Key Application ID
    • Select Search
  • cannot provide the Application ID:
    • Select Search by Name and DOB
    • Key Family name
    • Key First name
    • Key Date of birth
    • Select Search

Search results display at the bottom of the Application search page in the MEE Portal. Select the Application ID link to view the DME application.

Note: Service Officers must authenticate the applicant before disclosing any details or updating information. If it is an initial enrolment, authenticate the customer using the details provided on the form. See Authenticating a Medicare customer.


Update address + Read more ...

To update the address:

  • Select Applicant tab
  • Go to Contact details and select Edit
  • Update the address
  • Select Update

See Digital Medicare enrolments (DME) and the MEE Portal.

Remove a family domestic violence (FDV) return mail indicator

Table 4: this table describes how to remove a family domestic violence return mail indicator on a CDMS customer record.




Return Mail Indicator + Read more ...

When a customer contacts to update their address and the Return Mail Indicator reason is family domestic violence (FDV):

  • select Name/Address tab in Group
  • confirm the address with the customer

Is the address the same?

When the address is updated, the Return Mail Indicator is automatically removed. The exception is when updating an address and requesting a card at the same time. An error message appears to prompt the Service Officer to remove the Return Mail Indicator before updating and validating.


Remove Mail Indicator + Read more ...

  • Untick the Returned Mail Indicator
  • Select blank in the dropdown box, Type of Mail Returned
  • Select Card Request tab
  • Select Validate, Validate
  • Select Update

Note: ensure the Returned Mail Indicator has been unticked in both Group and Personal which will enable the customer to link to online services.

The Medicare card record has been successfully updated in CDMS.