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System functionality of the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare 011-40060110

This page contains descriptions of system functionality in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) including screen field description, shortcut keys and system codes.

Screen field descriptions A - B

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 1: this table lists screen fields and relevant descriptions for CDMS.



Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Status

Indicates whether the customer is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or neither. Mandatory field.

Account End Date

The account end date is the date the account ceases to be used by Services Australia.

Account Name

The customer's account name (mandatory field).

Note: this field may be amended for recorded Account details.

Account Number

The customer's account number (mandatory field).

Note: this field is protected. To record a different Account number, new account details must be recorded.

Account Start Date

The start date of the account details displays DD/MM/YYYY.

Note: account start date defaults to today's date and cannot be changed. Banking details cannot have a past or future start date.

Entering new account details automatically ends the existing account if one is recorded.

Additional name

The additional name of the customer displayed in a continuous string in the following order:

  • title
  • first name
  • second name
  • family name
  • name suffix


The first 2 lines of the address displayed in the following order:

  • address line 1 (mandatory)
  • address line 2 (optional)

Note: an arrow displayed before the address indicates that the customer has other recorded addresses, such as a mailing group address.

Address Details Indicator

When selected, this checkbox indicates that the address is to apply to all listed customers.

Address Source

A code indicating the source that supplied the address, for example, CDMS (Consumer Directory Maintenance System) or MCENR (Medicare enrolment file).

See also: Address source codes

Address Type

A code indicating the type of address of the customer:

  • MAIL (Mailing)
  • RES (Residential)
  • GROUP (Group)

Address Usage Type

Description of the address usage type, for example, Medicare cardholder address.

Age or Age Range

Service Officers can enter the customer's age in the first field, for example, 25, or enter an age range in the first and second and fields, for example, 20 to 30.

Note: Service Officers cannot specify a date of birth if an age or age range is entered.

Alternate date of birth

The alternate birth date of the customer or group member, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Applicant or Applicant name

Unique to Newborn enrolments submitted via Medicare online accounts. Located in Manage Provisional Enrolment Details screen.

A field indicating the person who has parental responsibility for adding newborn to Medicare card.

  • Birth or Biological Mother/Father
  • Adoptive parent
  • Guardian
  • Intended Parent or
  • Other person with parental responsibility for the newborn

Applicant Address

Displays Applicant’s address in Manage Provisional Enrolment Details screen.

Applicant Contact No

A field which displays a contact number for Applicant in Manage Provisional Enrolment Details screen.

Applicant ID

The application receipt number that is generated when newborn enrolment submitted via Medicare online accounts.


Indicates the customer association to a group Medicare card:

  • Y indicates that the customer is currently associated with the group Medicare card
  • N indicates that the customer is not currently associated with the Medicare card or group
  • 'blank' for new customers

Association End Date

The date the customer or group member ended their association with the group Medicare card.

Association ID

A unique ID number allocated to the association.

Association ID Type

A code indicating the type of association ID, for example, HICCID (HIC Consumer ID).

See also: Association ID type codes

Association Start date

The date the customer or group member was associated with the group Medicare card.

Association Type

A code indicating the type of association, for example, EXTID (ID issued by an external organisation).

See also: Association type codes

Birth Date Accuracy

The accuracy of the customer's date of birth, indicating which part of the date of birth was estimated.

Branch Name

The name of branch where account is held.

Note: this automatically displays once the BSB code has been entered and validated.

BSB Code

The customer's BSB number (mandatory field)

Note: this field is protected. To record a different BSB, new account details must be entered.

Business Comment

Comments relating to the business phone number. Maximum of 80 characters.

Business Phone Number

The business or daytime telephone number of the customer, if provided.

Screen field descriptions C - D

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 2: this table lists screen fields and relevant descriptions for CDMS.



Client ID/Visa No

The client ID or visa number of the immigration client.

Client Status

The status of the immigration client, for example, Granted.


A code indicating the country of the immigration client.

Comment End Date

The date the customer comment is valid to, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Note: the end date can be left blank if the comment is to be permanently retained.

Comment Type

A code indicating the type of comment recorded, for example, MCETM (Medicare Entitlement Comment).

See also: Comment type codes

Consumer End Date

The effective date the customer record was ended, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Consumer End Notification Source

The source that supplied the end notification. This is a mandatory field if a customer end date is entered.

Consumer End Reason

The reason for ending the customer record, for example, living overseas. This is a mandatory field if a customer record end date is entered.

Consumer ID

A unique ID number (generated by CDMS) allocated to the customer or group member.

Consumer ID Type

A code indicating the type of consumer ID allocated, for example, HICCID (HIC Consumer ID).

Contact Address

The group contact address shown in the following order:

  • Address line 1
  • address line 2 (mandatory)
  • locality or suburb
  • postcode
  • State or Territory

Contact Comment

Comments that were recorded for the contact details, for example, telephone availability.

Contact Details Indicator

When selected, this check box indicates that contact details are to apply to all listed customers.

This check box is only displayed when more than one customer record is involved.

Contact Name

The name of the contact for the group. Mandatory field.

When displayed, the group contact is shown in the following order in a continuous string:

  • family name
  • first name

Contact Reference Number

The Medicare card reference of the contact person. This is a mandatory field if the Group Association indicator is selected.

Contact Type

A code indicating the type of comment recorded, for example, HPHONE (home phone number).

Copy/Transfer Type

A code indicating the type of copy/transfer required. This is a mandatory field.


The actual number of records associated with the address.


The country of the customer or group address. Mandatory field.

Note: for a mailing address, the country must be Australia. For a residential address, the country can in any country.

Country of Relevance

The country of relevance for the recorded entitlement type (if required). This is a mandatory field if the entitlement type requires that a country of relevance be entered.


A number which indicates how many copies of the Medicare card have been issued. For example:

  • 1 indicates the first copy of a Medicare card
  • 2 indicates a duplicate copy of a Medicare card

Curr Etm

A code indicating the current entitlement type of the customer, for example, A (Australian Citizen).

See also: Entitlement type codes

Curr Etm End Date

The effective end date of the customer entitlement, in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This field is blank if no end date is recorded.

Curr Etm Start Date

The effective start date of the customer entitlement, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Current Contact Name

The name of the group contact, for example, the cardholder.

Current Unresolved

Indicates whether Fact of Death (FODD) records from the most recent runs are available to be resolve. Values are Y or N.

Cyc No

The number of times the issue number has been used for the group Medicare card.

Date of Birth

The birth date of the customer or group member, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Note: the year can be entered on its own, if necessary.

Date of Death

The date of death of the customer or group member, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Date of Effect

The date the address became effective, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Date of Processing

The date the External ID was recorded, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Death Notification Source

The source that supplied the death notification, for example, Health Professional. This is a mandatory field if a date of death has been entered.


Indicates the number of records currently being displayed out of the total number of records available.

Document Category

Indicates the document category recorded, for example, E (Medicare Eligibility Documents).

See also: Medicare document category codes

Document Name

The description of the document.

Duplicate Card

When selected, this check box indicates that a duplicate card is to be produced.

Duplicate Current Card

When selected, this check box indicates that a duplicate is to be produced of the current issue of Medicare card.

Duplicate Replacement Card

When selected, this check box indicates that a duplicate of the replacement Medicare card is requested.

Screen field descriptions E - H

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 3: this table lists screen fields and relevant descriptions for CDMS.



Eligibility Document

Indicates the type of eligibility document supplied by the customer. Mandatory field.

Eligibility Type

The eligibility type of the group.

Email Address

The email address of the customer, if available.

Email Comment

Comments relating to the email address. Maximum of 80 characters.

End Asn

When selected, this check box indicates that the group member's association with the Medicare card is to be ended.

End Date

The date the association ID was ended, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Entitlement End Date

The end date of the current entitlement period for the customer or group member, in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This field is mandatory if the entitlement type requires an end date.

Entitlement End Reason

A description of the reason for ending the Medicare entitlement, for example, Entitlement ceased. This is a mandatory field if an entitlement end date has been entered. This field is blank on initial entry.

Entitlement Start Date

The start date of the current entitlement period for the customer or group member, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Entitlement Type

The entitlement of the customer, for example, E (Migrant). Mandatory field.

See also: Entitlement type codes


A code indicating the entitlement type of the immigration client, for example, P (Conditional Migrant).

See also: Entitlement type codes

Etm Type

A code indicating the entitlement type of the customer or group member, for example, A (Australian Citizen). The field is blank if the person is not registered in Medicare.

See also: Entitlement Type codes


A description of the change that has occurred to the group record.

Note: the description of the event records will depend on the security function or role assigned to the operator.


The expiry date of the current Medicare card issue.

External ID

The external agency ID number of the customer. This is a mandatory field if External ID type is selected, for example, HRN (Hospital Reference Number).

External ID Type

A code indicating the type of external ID, for example, Hospital Reference Number.

See also: External ID type codes

Family Name

The family name of the customer, immigration client or group member.


  • Where a person has more than one recorded name, for example, additional names, an arrow will be displayed before the family name.
  • The combination of the first name, initial and family name (including spaces), cannot be more than 25 characters.

Fax Comment

Comments relating to the fax number. Maximum of 80 characters.

Fax Number

The fax number of the customer, if available.

First Name

The first given name of the customer, immigration client or group member.


  • the combination of the first name, initial and family name (including spaces), cannot be more than 25 characters
  • Service Officers cannot use a first name if the Only Name Indicator check box is selected
  • where the customer's first name is Baby, a full stop (.) must be entered immediately after Baby to allow the card production system to emboss the name Baby on the Medicare card

First POA End Date

The date the first Power of Attorney (POA) ends (if an end date has been provided), in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

First POA Name

The name of the person or organisation holding the first Power of Attorney (POA).

First POA Start Date

The date the first Power of Attorney (POA) became effective, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

From Group ID

The group ID number of the group that the customer is to be copied/transferred from.

From Group ID Type

A description of the type of group ID that the customer is to be copied/transferred from, for example, Medicare Card Number.


The gender of the customer. See Gender Guidelines Implementation.

Gender Change Reason

A description of the reason for change of gender details. This is a mandatory field if the gender has been changed.

Given Names

The given names of the immigration client. If the given names are longer than 18 characters, only the first 18 characters will display.

Group Association

When selected, this checkbox indicates that the contact person for the group is associated with the Medicare card.

Group Eligibility

System generated. Indicates the type of eligibility for the group, for example, Eligible for Medicare Benefits.

Group Eligibility End Date

The end date of the eligibility of the group, in the format DD/MM/YYY. This is only a mandatory filed when the eligibility type associated with the Medicare card requires an end date.

Group Eligibility Start Date

The start date of the eligibility of the group, in the format DD/MM/YYY.

Note: a date prior to 01/02/1984 cannot be entered.

Group ID

A unique ID number allocated to the group, for example, Medicare card number. The group ID includes the current issue number.

Group ID Type

A code indicating the type of Group ID allocated to the group, for example, MCCARD (Medicare Card Number).

Group Name

The name of the group member (customer) currently associated with the group, in the format:

  • first name
  • second name
  • family name

Group Reference Number

The Medicare reference number for the group member (customer).


The number of groups the customer is associated with, that is, the number of Medicare cards the customer is on. Maximum of 4 groups/cards.

Grp Con

Indicates whether the group member is the group contact:

  • Y indicates the group member has been nominated as the group contact
  • N indicates the group member has not been nominated as the group contact

Hold Date

The date the hold status was set for the group, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Hold Status

The hold status of the group or Medicare card. Possible status values are:

  • Card Held - Threshold Exceeded
  • Card Held - Under Investigation

Home Comments

Comments relating to the home phone number. Maximum of 80 characters.

Home Phone Number

The home telephone number of the customer.

Screen field descriptions I - P

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 4: this table lists screen field and relevant descriptions for CDMS.




The initial of the second name of the customer or group member.

Service Officers can amend or remove the initial if the customer requires a different initial to be embossed on the Medicare card. The combination of the first name, initial and family name (including spaces), cannot be more than 25 characters.

ID Number

The ID number for the customer, for example, Medicare card number. This is a mandatory field when an ID number type is selected.

ID Number Type

The ID number type. This is a mandatory field if an ID number is entered.

Iss No

The latest issue number of the customer or group Medicare card.

Issuing Party

The organisation that issued the External ID, for example, Northern Territory Government.

Language Spoken at Home

The preferred language of the customer.


The locality (suburb) of the customer or group address.

Long Name

The long name of a customer or group member.

A long name can be entered if the customer requires a name other that the Medicare card name to be embossed on the Medicare card. Line 1 of the long name is mandatory. The total number of characters (including spaces) cannot be more than 59 characters.

See also: Long name enrolments


Indicates whether the customer is registered in Medicare:

  • Y indicates the customer is registered in Medicare
  • N indicates the customer is not registered in Medicare

Mailing Address

The mailing address of the customer or group member in the following order:

  • address line 1
  • address line 2
  • locality (suburb)
  • postcode
  • state
  • country

Mbr Role

A code indicating the role of the group member within the group, either the group contact or group member.


The number of customers currently associated with the group.

Medicare Card Name

The name of the Medicare card name of the group member.

Medicare Long Name

The long name of a customer or group member.

A long name can be entered if the customer requires a name other that the Medicare card name to be embossed on the Medicare card. Line 1 of the long name is mandatory. The total number of characters (including spaces) cannot be more than 59 characters.

See also: Long name enrolments

Mobile Comment

Comments relating to the mobile phone number. Maximum of 80 characters.

Mobile Number

The mobile telephone number of the customer, if available.

Multiple Birth

Indicates whether the customer was delivered in a multiple birth, that is, the customer is a twin or triplet, etc.

Multiple Birth Indicator

When selected, this check box indicates that the customer was part of a multiple birth, for example, a twin or triplet, etc.


The name of the customer displayed in a continuous string in the following order:

  • title
  • first name
  • second name
  • family name
  • name suffix

See also: Additional name

Name Source

A code indicating the source that supplied the name, for example, CDMS (Consumer Directory Maintenance System).

See also: Name source codes

Name Suffix

The suffix for the name of the customer, for example, Jnr.

Name Type

A code indicating the type of name, for example:

  • CURR - current
  • PREV - previous
  • AKA - additional
  • GROUP - group

See also: Name type codes

Notification Source

Indicates the source where the banking details were received eg Claim form. Select from drop down box.

Only Name Indicator

When selected, the checkbox indicates that the customer has only one name, for example, Cher.


  • If the customer has only one name (that is, they do not have both a family name and a given name), key the name into the Family Name field and select the Only Name Indicator check box.
  • This is a mandatory field if a first name is not entered.

PAF Match

Indicates if the address has matched an address in the Postal Address File (PAF):

  • Y indicates the address does match an address in PAF
  • N indicates the address does not match an address in PAF

Permission ID

The permission ID of the immigration client.

POA End Date

The date the Power of Attorney (POA) is valid to, (if an end date has been recorded) in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

POA Name

The name of the person or organisation that holds the Power of Attorney (POA). This is a mandatory field if other POA fields are entered.

POA Start Date

The date the Power of Attorney (POA) became effective, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

POA Text

A description of the Power of Attorney (POA). This field is only required if a POA type of 'Other' has been selected.

POA Type

A code indicating the type of Power of Attorney (POA), for example, EI (Enduring Individual).


The postcode of the customer or group address.

Postcode or Postcode Range

The postcode or postcode range of the customer or group address.

When processing a new enrolment, it is necessary to conduct an Australia wide search 0001-9999, to ensure customer has not been previously enrolled.

Note: if nothing is entered in either field, the postcode range defaults to the State of the operator, for example, 4000 to 4999 for a Queensland Service Officer.

Previous Address

Only displays if Previous Address button clicked and details held. Section will be removed when button clicked again. Displays most recent previous address.

Previous Unresolved

Indicates whether Fact of Death (FODD) records from previous runs are available to be resolved. Values are Y or N.


A description of the process that initiated the event, for example, Medicare enrolment migration.

Processing Date/Time

The date and time the event occurred.


A code indicating the program that the group is associated with, for example, MCARE (Medicare).

See also: Program type codes

Program ID

The Medicare Personal Identification Number (PIN) allocated to the customer when the customer has been registered for Medicare. The field is blank if the customer is not registered in Medicare.

Program ID Type

A code indicating the type of program ID allocated, for example, MCPIN (Medicare PIN).

See also: Program ID type codes

Program Review Status

A description of the program review status.

Property Usage Type

A description of the usage type of the property, for example, Boarding House/Hostel.

Provisional ID

An identification number used for a provisional newborn enrolment application submitted via Medicare online accounts.

Screen field description R - S

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 5: this table lists screen field and relevant descriptions for CDMS.



Reason for no EFT details

Indicates why EFT details have not been recorded. Select from drop down box.


The position of the group member within the group (reference number on the Medicare card), for example, 2.


Audit trail information relating to the comment in the following order:

  1. user ID code and user ID
  2. processing date
  3. processing time.

The following values can be displayed:

  • C - data is current
  • D - data is deleted
  • M - data created through the data load process
  • U - data has been amended

Reference Date

The reference date of the selected document, in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This is a mandatory field if the document requires a reference date.

Reference Text

The document reference number or reference text of the selected document.

Registration Date

The date the customer or group was registered, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Registration Source

A code indicating the source of the customer registration, for example, CDMS (Consumer Directory Maintenance System).

Replace Current Card

When selected, this checkbox indicates that the current issue of the Medicare card is to be replaced.

Note: the system populates this field when additional consumer(s) are associated with a group, and when a replacement card has been requested on the same day.

Replacement Reason

A description of the reason for replacing the current card.

Note: the system defaults to 'Card Information is Outdated' when additional customer(s) are associated with the group, and when a replacement card has been requested on the same day.

Request date

The date the current copy of the group card was requested, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Residency Document

Indicates the type of residency document supplied by the customer.

Residential Address

The residential address of the customer or group member in the following order:

  • address line 1
  • address line 2 (mandatory)
  • locality (suburb)
  • postcode
  • state
  • country

Residential Address Indicator

When selected, this check box indicates that the residential address for the customer is the same as their mailing address.

Note: if the Residential Address Indicator check box is selected, you do not need to complete details in the Residential Address fields.

Returned Mail Indicator

When selected, this check box indicates that mail has been returned from the address of the customer or group.

Review Status

A description of the review status of the group, for example, False Identity.

RHCA Country

A RHCA country for the recorded entitlement type (if required). This is a mandatory field if the entitlement type requires that a RHCA country be entered.

See also: Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) eligibility for Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)


The gender of the customer or immigration client. See Gender Guidelines Implementation.

Second Name

The second given name of the customer.

For FODD, the second given name of the deceased.

Note: a first name must be entered if a second name is entered.

Second POA End Date

The date the second POA ends (if an end date has been recorded) in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Second POA Name

The name of the person or organisation holding the second POA.

Second POA State Date

The date the second POA became effective in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Sight POA Due Date

The date the POA document is due to be sighted again, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.


This displays in the form of a code. For example, MCCLM for Medicare claim form.

Note: this field is protected and cannot be amended.

Start Date

The date the association ID was recorded.


The State or Territory of the current address.

For FODD, the State or Territory which supplied the Fact of Death (FODD) record.


The current copy status of the group card, for example:

  • Card Cancelled by System
  • Card has been requested
  • Card Information is Outdated

Status (Banking details)

Indicates the status of the Banking details. Select from drop down box.

Note: this displays in Recorded details as a code. For example, INVBSB for invalid BSB number.

Status Date

The date the status of the Medicare card was recorded, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Stop Card

When selected, this check box indicates that issue of the Medicare card is to be stopped.


Indicates whether the name of the group member has been suppressed from being printed on the physical group Medicare card:

  • Y indicates the name of the group member has been suppressed
  • N indicates the name of the group member will be printed

Suppress Date

The date the name of the group member was suppressed from being printed on the physical group Medicare card, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Screen fields descriptions T - Z

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 6: this table lists screen fields and relevant descriptions for CDMS.




Comments relating to the current details.


The threshold for the address, that is, the number of Medicare cards that can be issued to the address.

Tick indicator

When selected, this check box indicates that the details of this customer group are currently displayed.

CDMS will default to the first customer group in the list. When the customer group has been associated with a new Medicare card, the system will default to the next customer group in the list not associated with a new Medicare card.


The title of the customer, if available.

To Group ID

Group ID the customer is to be copied/transferred to, with or without issue number.

Note: this is a mandatory field to copy or transfer to an existing group. Do not use this field to copy or transfer to a new group.

To Group ID

The ID of the group that the customer is to be copied/transferred to.

To Group ID Type

A description of the type of group ID that the customer is to be copied/transferred to, for example, Medicare Card Number.

Total Records

The total number of records available.

Type of Mail Returned

A code indicating the type of mail returned from the current address, for example, MC1 (Medicare card). This is a mandatory field if the Returned Mail Indicator has been selected.

User ID and Source A code

The user ID of the user, user ID code and code of the source office that initiated the event.

Year of birth

The year of birth of the customer.

Screen field descriptions and dropdown menus on the Sensitive Information tab

In CDMS, mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the field name.

Table 7: this table lists field descriptions and dropdown menu options on the Sensitive Information tab in CDMS.




Sensitive Information Indicators are grouped into 5 categories:

  • Care of a child
  • Communication
  • Identity
  • Safety
  • Service


An optional free text field to record supporting information. Example: a password for enquiries or document reference number.

Text recorded in this field:

  • cannot be more than 80 characters
  • appears in the Sensitive Information pop up table
  • can be released under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request


A dynamic field to provide more information about the customer’s circumstances.

For a list of dropdown menu options for each Category and Indicator type, see Sensitive Information Indicators in the CDMS.


An optional field that indicates supporting documents.

Dropdown menu options:

  • Centrelink document
  • CIRT record
  • Complaint record
  • Court Order
  • Family Violence or Protection Order
  • Letter
  • Managed Service Plan
  • Specialist advice
  • Statutory Declaration
  • Not applicable

End Date

A mandatory field where a date is keyed in the End Date field.

Dropdown menu options:

  • Court adjournment date
  • Court order end date
  • Customer advised no longer affected
  • Customer request
  • Display on access no longer required
  • Document end date
  • End of arrangement
  • No longer required
  • Resolved

End Date Reason

A mandatory field where a date is keyed in the End Date field.

Dropdown menu options:

  • Court adjournment date
  • Court order end date
  • Customer advised no longer affected
  • Customer request
  • Display on access no longer required
  • Document end date
  • End of arrangement
  • No longer required
  • Resolved


A mandatory field to select a Category.

A customer cannot have more than 1 indicator with the same combination of Category and Indicator.

Dropdown menu options:

  • Care of a child
  • Interpreter language
  • Hearing and speech
  • Gender identity
  • Password for enquiries
  • Serious privacy concerns
  • Family and domestic violence
  • Complaint
  • Customer incident
  • Full service restrictions
  • Partial service restrictions
  • Urgent Medicare benefit paid

Notification Channel

Indicates how the information was relayed to the agency.

Dropdown menu options:

  • CAPS
  • Email
  • Face To Face
  • Form
  • IVR
  • National Office
  • National Relay Service
  • Online
  • Phone
  • Specialist


Indicates the date and time the indicator was added or amended, the user ID and source office.

Specialist Referral

An optional field that indicates any referrals offered or made at the time the Sensitive Information Indicator was added.

Dropdown menu options:

  • Already supported
  • Declined offer
  • External
  • Internal
  • Internal and external
  • Not applicable

Start Date

  • An optional field to indicate the start of a care or protection period or service arrangement
  • The start date cannot be earlier than 1 Feb 1984 or the customer’s date of birth, and must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY

Shortcut keys for navigation

Table 8: this table lists shortcut keys to navigate in CDMS.


Shortcut key




Goes to the bottom of the screen











History Summary



Alt+Page Down




Alt+Page Up







Search Page




Goes to the top of the screen





Address source codes

Table 9: this table lists the address source codes for CDMS.




Consumer Directory Maintenance System


Migrated (Medicare Enrolment File)


Medicare Enrolment System


Medicare Patient Claims


Consumer via Online Services


MyGov Tell Us Once

Association type codes

Table 10: this table lists the association type codes for CDMS.




ID issued by an external organisation


ID issued by Medicare

Association ID type codes

Table 11: this table lists the association ID type codes for CDMS.




Department of Home Affairs Client ID


Centrelink Customer Reference Number


Department of Veterans' Affairs file number


Fact of Death ID


Department of Home Affairs Group ID


Medicare Consumer ID


Hospital Reference Number

Comment type codes

Table 12: this table lists the comment type codes for CDMS.




Consumer comments


Medicare card comments


Medicare entitlement comments


Medicare patient claims comment


Program review comment


Address comment


Online service

Consumer end notification source codes

Table 13: this table lists the consumer end notification source codes for CDMS.




No end date recorded


Determined through Medicare Australia Operations


Health professionals


Migrated (Medicare Enrolment File)


Medicare Enrolment System


Notification received from other sources


Member of Public/Family Member

Consumer registration source codes

Table: 14: this table lists the consumer registration source codes for CDMS.




Consumer Directory Maintenance System


Migrated (Medicare Enrolment File)


Medicare Enrolment System

Entitlement end notification source codes

Table 15: this table lists entitlement end notification source codes for CDMS.




No end date recorded


Determined through Medicare Australia Operations


Health professionals


Department of Home Affairs


Migrated (Medicare Enrolment File)


Medicare Enrolment System


Updated by Medicare Card Issue System


Notification received from other sources


Initiated by consumer

Entitlement type codes

Table 16: this table lists entitlement type codes for CDMS.




Australia citizen


Diplomat - ineligible




Fulbright Scholar


Ministerial Order (447 Visa Offshore Entry)


Ministerial Order (785 Visa Temporary Protection)


Ministerial Order (786 Visa Temporary Humanitarian Concern)


Ministerial Order (070 Visa - Removal Pending)


Ministerial Order (Criminal Justice Stay Visa)


Ministerial Order (Unauthorised Maritime Arrival – can work)


Ministerial Order (Unauthorised Maritime Arrival – cannot work)


Ministerial Order (449 Visa Humanitarian Stay Temporary)


Ministerial Order (Support for Victims of People Trafficking Program)


Ministerial Order (Individuals)


Ministerial Order (790 visa - Safe Haven Enterprise)


National Office use only - Ministerial Order (Ukrainian Bridging Visa E, subclass 050 and 051)


National Office use only - Ministerial Order (Israel and OPT Bridging Visa E, subclass 050 and 051)


Contributory Parent (Temporary Visa 173 - Offshore)


Contributory Parent (Permanent Applicant Visa 143 - Offshore)


Contributory Parent (Temporary Visa 884 - Onshore)


Contributory Parent (Permanent Applicant Visa 864 - Offshore)


Conditional migrant (Applicant for permanent residence)


Ministerial order (Visa 403 PALM family accompaniment visa)


Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 494


Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 491


RHCA (United Kingdom and Northern Ireland)


RHCA (Belgium)


RHCA (Netherlands)


RHCA (Finland)


RHCA (Norway)


RHCA (Sweden)


RHCA (Italy)


RHCA (Malta)


RHCA (Slovenia)


Eligible diplomat (not specified)


Eligible diplomat (United Kingdom and Northern Ireland)


Eligible diplomat (Republic of Ireland)


Eligible diplomat (Netherlands)


Eligible diplomat (Finland)


Eligible diplomat (Norway)


Eligible diplomat (Sweden)


Eligible diplomat (Italy)


Eligible diplomat (Malta)


Eligible diplomat (Slovenia)


Applicant for Permanent Protection (866 Visa)

Archived Entitlement type codes no longer used for CDMS

Table 17: this table lists entitlement type codes for CDMS that are no longer in use but may be assigned to existing entitlement records.




Academic/Teaching staff


Diplomat ineligible


Ministerial Order (451 Visa Relocation Secondary Movement)


Ministerial Order (Chernobyl child)


Ministerial Order (695 Visa Return Pending)


Ministerial Order (Migrated from Medicare enrolment file)


Generic Enrolment Ineligible (PBS IME)


Generic Enrolment Ineligible (Nursing Home Patients)


World Scout Jamboree


Government research funding


Employer Nomination Scheme


Skills Transfer Scheme


Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (not specified)


Subsidised overseas student


Eligible diplomat (not specified)


Unidentified children


Parent Visa (prior eligibility)


Temporary Protection Visa (Applicant for permanent residency)

External ID issuing party codes

Table 18: this table lists the External ID issuing party codes for CDMS.




Australian Institute of Health and Welfare




Department of Veterans' Affairs


Department of Home Affairs


Northern Territory Government

External ID type codes

Table 20: this table lists the External ID type codes for CDMS.




Centrelink Customer Reference Number


DVA file number


Fact of Death ID


Hospital Reference Number

Issuing party codes

Table 21: this table lists the Issuing party codes for CDMS.




Australian Institute of Health and Welfare




Department of Veterans' Affairs




Department of Home Affairs


Medicare Australia (formerly HIC)


Northern Territory Government

Mail returned type codes

Table 22: this table lists the Mail returned type codes for CDMS.




Medicare card


Medicare cheque


Medicare card and cheque


Medicare mail


No mail returned from this address


Online Services password letter

NBCSR correspondence

Medicare document category codes

Table 23: this table lists Medicare document category codes for CDMS.




Eligibility document


Residency document

Name type codes

Table 24: this table lists Name type codes for CDMS.




Current Name


Previous Name


Additional Name


Group Name

Name source codes

Table 25: this table lists Name source codes for CDMS.




Consumer Directory Maintenance System


Migrated (Medicare Enrolment File)


Medicare Enrolment System


Business To Business

Potential issue alerts for CDMS (Manage Provisional Enrolment Details)

Table 26: this table lists potential issues codes for CDMS.

Potential issue code


Applicant under 15 years of age

Applicant is under 15 years of age. Further investigation is required to confirm whether applicant meets criteria for their own Medicare card

Applicant mail restriction in place

There are no mail indicators or sensitive indicators on file

Card cancelled

Applicant’s card has been cancelled

Card lost/stolen

Applicant’s card is lost or stolen

Complex eligibility document

Applicant has complex eligibility document/s

Complex Medicare entitlement

Applicant may have different entitlement to partner

Complex relationship to child

Applicant is other than biological mother or biological father

Consumer match

Potential consumer duplicate

Deceased Customer

Applicant’s record has a deceased customer indicator

Fraud flag on card

Claimant has a fraud (BI or MPI) flag on their Medicare record

Long name provided

Applicant’s name and/or newborn’s name is more than 25 characters

Name formatted incorrectly.

Applicant’s name and/or newborn’s name incorrectly formatted in wrong name order

No active Medicare entitlement

Applicant’s record has no Medicare entitlement active

Potential duplicate newborn found

Newborn may have existing Medicare record and/or consumer id

Potential third generation

Applicant still on parent’s card

Provisional Data Match

Newborn has a possible data match

Record end dated

Applicant’s record has an end dated record

Restrictions on applicant record

Applicant has a restriction placed on their Medicare record

Returned Mail indicator

Applicant has a returned mail indicator on their Medicare record

Suppressed card on record

Applicant’s card is suppressed

Truncated long name

Long name has been shortened or abbreviated

9 members on card

Applicant’s card has/had 9 members on record


Potential duplicate found


Long name provided

Program ID type codes

Table 27: this table lists Program ID type codes for CDMS.




Medicare Personal Identification Number

Program type codes

Table 28: this table lists Program type codes for CDMS.






All Programs


Online Services

Property usage type codes

Table 29: this table lists Property usage type codes for CDMS.




Not known


Caravan Park or camping ground


Goal, prison, or correctional institutional




Boarding house or hostel






Health services




Mail collection point


Medical practice


Migrant centre


Military establishment


Nursing home


Company, department, or organisation




Rural property


Public or state trustee


Apartment or unit


Usage Unknown