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Medicare patient claims history or claims history statement has incorrect or missing information 011-43010130

This document outlines what to do when a customer advises that their Medicare claims history or claims history statement contains incorrect or missing information. All references to the claims history in this document also apply to the claims history statement.

Medicare claims history incorrect

A customer may become aware that their Medicare claims history is either incorrect and/or is missing information by viewing their history via:

See the History and statements table for more information.

Customer enquiry by phone or in person at a service centre

The Process page contains information on how to respond when a customer makes an enquiry by phone or at a Service Centre about incorrect and/or missing information on their Medicare claims history.

Service Officers should consider that the customer may not understand the information on their statement. The Resources page contains a link to the Services Australia website 'Understand your Medicare Claims History Statement.’

Note: there are restrictions on who can request information relating to claims history.

See Release of claims information in Medicare for more information.

Investigation of incorrect or missing information

Where a Service Officer has been unable to resolve a customer enquiry, Service Officers complete a Customer enquiry form and email to MPS Assessing. See the Resources page for a link to the Customer enquiry form.

The Process page contains information on the procedures that Local Peer Support (LPS) undertake regarding claims history that contains incorrect or is missing information.

Missing items on claims history

The Process page contains a table outlining the different ways for gathering information based on the claiming method.

If the claim affects other service lines, or the maximum number of adjustments has been made on that claim, refer to Medicare Claims Helpdesk.

See Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims for more information.

The Resources page contains contact details, and a link to the Customer enquiry form, mySupport and the Medicare Digital Services intranet page.

Release of claims information in Medicare

Incorrect or missing information in My Health Record