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Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment 101-03080100

This document outlines how eligibility for the Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment was assessed from 2013 to 2016 when Schoolkids Bonus was payable. School Leaver Payments (arrears) and adjustments (debts) will continue to be assessed.

Processing manual payments

Manual assessment and payment of School Leaver Payment

This table describes the steps to take to make an assessment for School Leaver Payment.




Assess payability + Read more ...

Have eligibility criteria and notification requirements for Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment been met?

A School Leaver Payment is not payable if the study end date is 1 July 2016 or later.

Check that a School Leaver Payment has not already been paid for the student. Payment may have been made to the student or to their parent/guardian.


Not eligible for School Leaver Payment + Read more ...

The parent/guardian or school leaver is not eligible for the Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment as they do not meet all of the criteria for the payment.

Record a DOC using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > SKB School Leaver Payment

For income support customers

If a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is on the Activity List (AL) screen with keyword SKBISP:

  • Select the MFU and go to the Assessment Result (AR) screen
  • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen and correct SKF payment to $0.00. Ensure payment is not being made before finalising the activity

Procedure ends here.


School Leaver Payment for ISP customer + Read more ...

Automatic payment of SKB School Leaver Payment to ISP customers has ceased.

MFU processing - manual payment

If the system identifies Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment eligibility for an ISP customer, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created and can be identified by the keyword SKBISP.

Is the customer eligible for a Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment?

  • Yes,
    • Calculate the amount of School Leaver Payment (SKF) payable
    • Select the MFU and go to the Assessment Result (AR) screen
    • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen and code amount to generate payment type SKF
    • Check the AR screen. Ensure the correct payment is being made before finalising the activity
  • No,
    • Select the MFU and go to the AR screen
    • Go to the OOP screen and correct SKF payment to $0.00. Ensure payment is not being made before finalising the activity

Go to Step 7


School Leaver Payment for FTB customer + Read more ...

Run the Child Education Details workflow.

To be assessed for the Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment, the date completed secondary study must be recorded.

Accurate dates must be used when coding child education details to ensure correct entitlement and to prevent previously paid Schoolkids Bonus entitlements being raised incorrectly as debts,.

For study requirements, see Schoolkids Bonus.

For help with coding and more information about study requirements and exemptions, see Study requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years or over

  • If there are no education details recorded, add secondary education before coding a completion date. When recording secondary study use the actual date the child first started secondary education. For most states this will be the date the child first started year 7
  • If secondary details are already recorded, check that the start date reflects the start of secondary (Year 7) before coding the completion date
  • Do not use 31 December of the relevant year as the ‘end date’ for Year 12 unless the child’s last day of Year 12 is/was actually the 31 December of the relevant year
  • In most cases children will progress through secondary study without interruption. This needs to be reflected as one line of coding that covers senior schooling. Years 11 and 12 should not be coded as separate years of study
  • If there are multiple secondary education details do not code ‘ceased study’ between secondary years, e.g. when a child ceases Year 11 on 28 November 2013 and is starting Year 12 on 26 January 2014 an end date of study should not be coded as the gap in education details can effect entitlement to Schoolkids Bonus and FTB
  • A child repeating year 12 can be paid Schoolkids Bonus. This can be coded using the workflow


Is School Leaver Payment generating? + Read more ...

If the School Leaver Payment generates as a result of coding education details, finalise the activity. Go to Step 7

If the School Leaver Payment is not generating at the time of updating the child’s education details, this may be because the FTB customer is no longer current on payment or the child has not been recorded as being in secondary study on the bonus test day.

Manual coding will be required to pay the School Leaver Payment: Families Override Contacts.


Families override staff only + Read more ...

Check the customer's record to see the last day they received FTB Part A for the child and cross reference this date with the Blended Family percentage and Shared Care percentage on this day.

Once this information has been obtained, update the Family Tax Benefit Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment screen:

  • 'S'elect the relevant child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • 'S'elect SKB School Leaver from the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen
  • Code the following fields:
    • Pay SKB School Leaver Payment: 'S'elect 'Y' or 'N' from the drop down box
    • FTB adjusted Shared Care%: percentage as at the last FTB current day
    • Blended Family%: percentage as at the last FTB current day
    • DVA Paid: 'S'elect 'Y' or 'N' from the drop down box
    • Source: and Receipt: date
  • Once the data is entered, click the Calculate amount button to allow the system to calculate an amount of the Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment
  • Select Continue and go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen

Before finalising, ensure the payment is correct.


Record DOC using Fast Note + Read more ...

The Service Officer must ensure a DOC is recorded on the customer record.

Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families> Updates> SKB School Leaver Payment.

DOC should include:

  • Payment type: Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment
  • Outcome: eligible/not eligible (delete which is not applicable)
  • Reason for decision: decision made under Section 35UC (if eligible in respect of a child) or 35UF (eligible as an individual) of the Family Assistance Act.