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Concession Entitlement System 101-06060000

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document outlines information about the concession entitlement system and the procedures that it manages.

Details about the screens in the Concession Entitlement System

This table describes details to assist Service Officers with information obtained from the screens in the Concession Entitlement Systems.




Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen + Read more ...

This screen is a display only screen, providing a summary of a customer's concession entitlements. It is the starting point to navigate to other more detailed Concession Entitlement System screens.

Current and historical occurrences of all concession types are displayed on this screen, except for concession entitlements for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) and Foster Child Health Care Card (FST) which can be viewed on the Concession Dependant Summary (MCDS) screen, see Item 3.

Each concession entitlement for a customer is displayed on a separate line. Multiple selections cannot be made. The priority concession for the customer will be the first one listed, with a blank line between it and the next concession entitlement. If there is no priority concession then there will not be a blank line.

This screen displays:

  • the Concession type:
    • HCC (Health Care Card)
    • PCC (Pensioner Concession Card)
    • SHC (Seniors Health Care Card)
  • the concession start and end dates
  • the qualifying concession source for example, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • period start and end dates
  • the end reason (i.e. reason the concession holder ceased receiving a concession entitlement from the qualifying concession source)

Navigation to the Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen is by either:

  • keying 'MCCS' in the Nxt field
  • keying 'MCCD' in the Nxt field, which will default to the MCCS screen
  • pressing [Enter] in the Concession Detail (MCCD) screen
  • keying 'M' on the Assessment Results (AR) screen in the Go to: field

Valid values that can be used in the selection field on the MCCS screen are:

  • 'S' - select a concession entitlement to view. Navigates to the MCCD screen
  • 'M' - select a concession to manually override entitlement. Navigates to the Concession Override Entitlement (MCOE) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'O' - select a concession to manually override the concession start date. Navigates to the Concession Override Continuity (MCOC) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'N' - navigate to the Concession National View (MCNV) screen
  • '?'- display field help


Concession Detail (MCCD) screen + Read more ...

The MCCD screen displays details of the selected concession entitlement and the dependants included on the entitlement, including relevant ex-partner details.

Each dependant will be displayed on a separate line. Only one dependant can be selected at a time. All current and historical dependants included on the entitlement will be displayed. Note: an ex-partner's DOB and Gender fields will not be filled and their name will be replaced by their Customer Reference Number (CRN) for privacy reasons.

Changes within the currently viewed entitlement can be accessed by pressing:

  • [PF7] to view the previous page of dependant changes
  • [PF8] to view the next page of dependant changes
  • keying a page number in the Page: field

Note: when the page is scrolled, the Date field will change to reflect the currently viewed entitlement.

When the number of dependants linked to a concession entitlement is more than can be displayed on any one page:

  • [PF23] will display the previous list of dependants
  • [PF24]' will display the next list of dependants

The Dependant field indicates the number of dependants listed on the page currently being viewed. Keying a number in this field will move that dependant to the top of the list of dependants.

The Date field defaults to a date which is the most recent change date. Keying a date in this field will navigate the user to the prior change date if there is one, otherwise the next change date will default.

If the concession entitlement selected from the MCCS screen has been manually overridden, 'Manual' will be displayed immediately following the expanded literal in the End Rsn field.

Valid values that can be used in the selection field are:

  • 'S' - select a concession entitlement to view. Navigates to the MCDD screen
  • 'M' - select a concession entitlement to manually override. Navigates to the Concession Override Entitlement (MCOE) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'O' - select a concession entitlement to manually override the concession start date. Navigates to the Concession Override Continuity (MCOC) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'N' - navigate to the MCNV screen
  • '?' - display field help

Other information displayed on this screen includes:

  • The Concession type:
    • HCC (Health Care Card)
    • PCC (Pensioner Concession Card)
    • SHC (Seniors Health Care Card)
  • The concession start date (concession continuity date)
  • The qualifying concession source for example, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Period start and end dates


Concession Dependant Summary (MCDS) screen + Read more ...

The MCDS screen displays a summary of all dependants that are linked to a concession entitled customer. Concession entitlements for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) and Foster Child Health Care Card (FST) as well as dependants linked to the current partner of the customer will also be displayed. The only concession types displayed on this screen are HCC and PCC.

The MCDS screen can be accessed by:

  • Keying 'MCDS' in the Nxt field
  • Keying 'MCDD' in the Nxt field, which will default to the MCDS screen
  • Pressing [Enter] in the MCCD screen

Information displayed on this screen includes the following fields:

  • Dependant, the first and family names of the dependant
  • DOB, the date of birth of the dependant
  • Gender, the gender of the dependant
  • Type, describes the dependant type (Partner or Child). A (Dec) beside the type indicates the dependant is deceased. A (P) indicates that the dependant is linked to the concession holder's partner. If no (P) appears next to the type 'Child', the dependant is linked to the concession holder
  • CDA, 'Y' indicates that the child dependant currently is entitled to a concession as a result of being a cared for Carer Allowance (CA) purposes
  • FST, 'Y' indicates that the child currently is entitled to a Foster Child Health Care Card
  • HCC, 'Y' indicates that the dependant is linked to a HCC associated with the selected customer
  • PCC, 'Y' indicates that the dependant is linked to a PCC associated with the selected customer
  • For each of the four above fields, an 'N' indicates that a dependant did appear in the past on the concession entitlement, and a blank field indicates that they have never appeared on a concession entitlement

Valid values that can be used in the selection field are:

  • 'S', select a concession entitlement to view. Navigates to the MCDD screen
  • 'M', select a concession entitlement to manually override. Navigates to the Concession Override Entitlement (MCOE) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'O', select a concession entitlement to manually override the concession start date. Navigates to the Concession Override Continuity (MCOC) screen (system access to this function must be approved via SAMS)
  • 'N', navigate to the MCNV screen
  • '?', display field help


Concession Dependant Detail (MCDD) screen + Read more ...

The MCDD screen displays the concession entitlement details of a dependant linked to a concession customer and their current partner, including concession entitlements for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) and Foster Child Health Care Card (FST). The screen is for display purposes only.

All current and historical entitlements are displayed on this screen.

Information displayed includes a dependant sub-header and the following fields:

  • Concession type:
    • HCC (Health Care Card)
    • PCC (Pensioner Concession Card)
    • SHC (Seniors Health Care Card)
  • Concession Start Date, the date the dependant was first included on the concession entitlement for the concession type
  • Conc Source, the qualifying concession source for example, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Period Start Date and Period End Date, the dates the concession entitlement started and ended for the dependant
  • End reason, the reason the concession holder ceased receiving a concession entitlement from the qualifying concession source


Concession Benefit Action (MCBA) screen + Read more ...

The MCBA screen refreshes concession entitlement. It can refresh concession data to be sent to Medicare Australia and can also refresh the customer's concession entitlement, allowing correction of summarised data in the case of a system fault (for example, a corrupted record).

One action is allowed per concession.

To refresh a record:

  • In Process Direct, select the Confirm concession entitlement workflow from the Task Selector, or
  • In Customer First, run the Confirm Concession Entitlement guided procedure

If the workflow/guided procedure is unavailable, use Customer First to manually refresh the record.

Manual refresh

Valid actions are:

  • The selection field appears when all data has been keyed and the [Enter] key has been pressed. It provides a (D)elete option for provisional data entered on the MCBA screen
  • Action field - RSH (refresh the concession entitlement)
  • Reason: field:
    • HIC - refreshes the concession entitlement and data that is sent to Medicare Australia
    • If left blank - refreshes the concession entitlement only
  • Effect Date field - the date the action is to take place. If no date is entered the effect date will be the system date
  • Confirm Delete field - displayed when 'D' is keyed in the selection field and [Enter] is pressed. Valid values are:
    • 'Y' - data will be deleted and a fresh MCBA screen will be presented
    • 'N' - no deletion to occur

If a refresh has recently been performed and the concessionally entitled customer is still experiencing difficulties accessing PBS pharmaceuticals, then refer the case to ICT as per normal protocols.


Concession National View (MCNV) screen + Read more ...

The MCNV screen is a display only screen that provides a consolidated national view of concession entitlements for a customer. It summarises current and historical concession entitlements associated with the customer across all environments.

The screen can be accessed by keying:

  • 'N' in the Selection field beside a:
    • concession entitlement on the MCCS screen
    • dependant line on the MCCD screen
    • dependant line on the MCDS screen
  • 'MCNV' in the Nxt field

Input fields on screen are:

  • CRN, request concession entitlement information for a specified Customer Reference Number (CRN). Valid values are a valid CRN or '?' for field help
  • Display Concession Type, enables the display of all or specific concession entitlement information for the CRN
  • Sort By (Rel/Date), sort the concession data by relationship or concession start date. The default is 'R'. valid values are:
    • R - sort by relationship
    • D - sort by date
  • Order (Asc/Des), sort concession start dates by ascending or descending dates. Valid values are:
    • A - ascending
    • D - descending

Other fields displayed on this screen are:

  • DOB, the date of birth of the person whose CRN is displayed in the CRN field
  • Gender, the gender of the person whose CRN is displayed in the CRN field
  • First Name and Surname, the name of the person whose CRN is displayed in the CRN field
  • Concession type:
  • HCC (Health Care Card)
  • PCC (Pensioner Concession Card)
  • SHC (Seniors Health Care Card)
  • Concession Start Date, the concession continuity start date
  • Conc Source, the qualifying concession source to which the concession entitlement belongs
  • Period Start Date: and Period End Date:
    • The dates the concession entitlement started and ended for the customer or cared, or
    • The dates the dependant first became a dependant and when they then ceased being a dependant
  • Relationship to Concession Holder, values that can be displayed are:
    • Self
    • Partner
    • Child
    • Caree
    • Ex-Ptnr