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Factors to determine self-employment 043-03030000

This document outlines the factors used to decide if a customer is self-employed or not.

Difference between self-employed and employed

A self-employed customer will:

  • have control over their work
  • supply most of the plant, equipment or materials
  • have responsibility for losses or damages caused by their business activity
  • have control over the use of any profit
  • work under a contract for service to produce a result

An employed customer will be:

  • receiving a wage or salary
  • likely to have some kind of supervision
  • integrated into the business they are supplying their services to
  • working under a contract of service, meaning they are usually paid an hourly or daily rate

Determining if a customer is self-employed

Make a decision by weighing up the facts to decide if a customer is self-employed or not.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website contains a guide called 'Are you in business?' which can help work out if some activities count as running a business. See the Resources page for a link.

Factors to consider

Factors to consider to determine if a customer is running a business include:

  • Does the activity have a significant commercial purpose or character?
  • Is there more than just an intention to engage in business?
  • Is there a purpose of profit as well as a prospect of profit?
  • Is there repetition and regularity in the activity?
  • Is the activity of the same kind and carried on in a similar manner to businesses in the industry?
  • Is the activity planned, organised and carried on in a business-like manner?
  • What is the size, scale and permanency of the activity?
  • Is the activity better described as a hobby, recreation or sporting activity?
  • Does a contract exist to produce results or for labour?
  • Who has the power or right to make decisions?
  • Is the work done for the business or as part of the business?
  • Does the risk of the profit or loss from the work rest with the person or the business?
  • Who owns the business premises, tools and equipment?
  • Has the customer received a payment summary?

Decision Support Tool

The Decision Support Tool:

  • is included in the Self-Employment workflow in Process Direct
  • will display if a Service Officer selects ‘Unsure’ to the question ‘Is the customer self-employed?’
  • gives a recommendation

The information, including the recommendation, will be recorded in a Process Direct Note.

The Resources page contains the Decision Support Tool. It can be used to help Service Officers in working out if a customer is self-employed or an employee.

Commission sales person considered as employees

Commission sales person considered as self-employed

Income for an independent contractor and commission income


Self-employed or employee?

Sole Traders

Treatment of lump sums