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Business has ceased or has been sold 043-03130090

This document outlines information on the assessment of income and assets when a business has ceased to operate or has closed.

On this page:

Assessing income and assets when a business has ceased

Assessing income and assets when a business has been sold

Assessing income and assets when a business has ceased

Table 1




Advice of business cessation + Read more ...

Has the advice about cessation of the business been received as part of a new claim?


Advice received as part of new claim + Read more ...

For advice of cessation of a business received as part of a new claim, evidence is only required where a customer is claiming a payment which requires a customer to verify that they have ceased work. This is to determine if a relevant waiting period is required to be applied, see Employment Separation Certificate (SU001).

Payment types include:

  • Austudy
  • Disability Support Pension (DSP) (except customers who are permanently blind)
  • Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
  • JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
  • Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP)
  • Parenting Payment Single (PPS)
  • Special Benefit (SpB)
  • Youth Allowance (YA)

For other claim types, verification is only required if the delegate has doubts about the accuracy of the information provided by the customer.

Is verification required?


Advice received, either verbally or via correspondence from customer or customer's accountant, of the complete cessation or sale of business + Read more ...

Request the lodgement of documents to verify their information with a Request for Information (RFI) letter using the Request for Information guided procedure. Ask for the information to be returned within 14 days.

Suitable verification could include:

  • a contract of sale
  • Company deregistration
  • Liquidators Report
  • Proof of deregistration of business name
  • Letter from ATO or a copy of the ABN Lookup page for the business, verifying ABN has been cancelled
  • confirmation a lease on a shop has expired
  • confirmation plant and equipment have been sold
  • a copy of the last contract
  • a copy of notice showing expiration of the contract
  • Deed of Vesting
  • Trustee Minute as to final distributions
  • a copy of last Income Tax Return with Final Return indicating ‘Y’
  • balance sheet dated post sale or cessation
  • a letter from the customer’s accountant confirming the cessation of the business

If the customer is unable to provide any of the above documents, ask them to provide a signed statement advising the date the business ceased and the reason.

Record the details on a DOC.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngProcedure ends here.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngWhen verification has been provided, go to Step 4.


Is/was the business conducted by a private company or trust? + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png


Cessation of business activity + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

Is cessation of current business activity due to regular seasonal factors?


Has the business been sold? + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png


Has the business ceased due to a change in circumstances or some event which is not part of the normal cycle of activity for the business, for example, illness? + Read more ...


Is anyone else operating the business for the customer during their absence? + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png


Has a letter from the customer's accountant been received which states the business has ceased? + Read more ...


Does the business have a current contract or any work on hand? + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png


Confirmation required + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

Does the customer and the documentation confirm the business has ceased to operate or has closed?


Each business must be assessed on its merits + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

  • Discuss whether the business has ceased or is just in a period of downturn
  • Do not cease business income unless it is proven the business has ceased/closed

For trust and company businesses, CAOs must update the entity income and asset details. See Assessment of income and assets from trusts and companies

For sole traders and partnerships, if it has been proven that the business has closed or has ceased to operate, update the business details to reflect this.

On the Real Estate Business Details (REBS) screen, update the:

  • business or property status to reflect that the business has either ceased or been sold, use the code CEA (Business has ceased). If using Customer First update on the Real Estate/Business Identifying (REBI) screen
  • business income to nil

The assets continue to be maintained until customer supplies a revised balance sheet reflecting what has happened to the assets of the business.

For more information on assessment and coding of the business:


Customer's notification obligations + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

Advise the customer that if they recommence the business while in receipt of a payment, they must notify Centrelink according to their notification provisions. An interim profit and loss statement and interim balance sheet for the business must be provided so it can be reassessed.

Record the assessment details on a DOC.

Assessing income and assets when a business has been sold

Table 2: this table describes the steps to assess income and assets following the sale of a business in which a customer has an interest. Portions of this process can be completed by Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) only.




Customer advises their business has been sold + Read more ...

Was the business conducted by a private trust or company?


Business was conducted by a private company or private trust + Read more ...

An updated balance sheet is required reflecting what has happened to the proceeds of the business.

Can the customer supply this?

  • Yes:
  • No:
    • current customers are required to make a statement regarding their changed circumstances, pending an updated balance sheet being available
    • new customers are required to lodge a claim (and modules), pending an updated balance sheet becoming available
    • refer to Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
    • no further action for Service Officers, CAOs go to Step 7


Business was conducted as a sole trader or partnership + Read more ...

A contract of sale is required to verify that the business has been sold and to verify the amount received from the sale of the business. If available, an updated balance sheet should also be requested.

Can the customer supply a copy of the contract of sale?

  • Yes, obtain and copy the contract of sale. Go to Step 4
  • No, obtain a statement regarding their changed circumstances, pending the contract of sale becoming available. Go to Step 4


Determine if any income or assets are to be maintained + Read more ...

If customer is not receiving any income from the business that has been sold, then no income from the business is to be maintained.

Follow up what the customer has done with money received from the sale of the business, that is, were the proceeds invested or have other assets been purchased?

Business assets value will be set to zero.


Code income and assets + Read more ...

Update the customer's record with current income and assets. Update the Business Details (BUS) screen and any other screens necessary. For more information on coding, see Assessing and coding the Business details for sole traders and partnerships MOD F.

On the Business Detail (BUS) screen, set the:

  • income amount to zero by coding the total net income from the business as zero in the Income p.a. $: field
  • income percentage to zero by coding both the percentage income for the customer and the percentage income for the partner as zero in the % Income (C/P): field
  • date of event is the same as the date of settlement on the contract

If the assessed assets of the business have reduced to zero code a zero in the Net Asset Customer $: field and Net Asset Partner $: field.

When updating the Real Estate/Business Identifying (REBI) screen, if the business has been sold, then update the Sold/Gifted/Ceased field as CEA (Business has ceased).

The SLD (Property sold) option in the Sold/Gifted/Ceased: field is to be used for sale of the property not sale of the business.

Note: a system error E607CQ may be presented if the customer's relationship status has changed since the Real Estate (RE) screen was last updated.

If this error is presented:

  • take a screen shot of all historical pages on the REBI and BUS screens
  • delete the relevant entry on the Real Estate and Business (REBS) screen and in the same activity recode all the relevant information including historical REBI and BUS screen entries and the correct % of ownership for both the customer and partner (or ex-partner)

Once the property details have been recoded the REBI screen should no longer display the E607CQ error.

Record the details on a DOC.


Check if gifting/deprivation applies + Read more ...

Did the customer receive adequate financial consideration for the sale of their share of the business?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No:
    • Apply deprivation if the consideration received was less than the value of customer's share of the business. For more information, see Assessing deprivation/gifting
    • Procedure ends here


Assess balance sheet and statement + Read more ...

For Complex Assessment Officers (CAOs) only

  • The updated balance sheet of the entity and statement from the customer should be assessed to determine what has happened to the sale proceeds of the business, whether these have been:
    • distributed to shareholders or beneficiaries, or
    • reinvested by the entity
  • The entity will continue to be assessed while the entity remains in existence
  • Update the entity record with any changes to the income or assets of the entity as a result of the sale of the business
  • Update the entity record with any extra distributions or dividends paid by the entity
  • Update distributions to controllers to zero
  • Record the details on a DOC