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Assessing Carer Payment (CP) when the care is shared 009-04050010

This document explains the process to be followed by Service Officers when a Carer Payment (CP) customer notifies they are sharing the care of a care receiver with another carer.

Assessment of CP for a care receiver when the care is shared




Is the carer already receiving CP for this care receiver? + Read more ...


Has the CP carer started sharing care of the care receiver they are receiving CP for? + Read more ...

  • Yes, temporary cessation of care (respite) (TCC) provisions apply to CP while the care receiver is in the care of the other person. Once all TCC is utilised, CP will be cancelled
  • No, this procedure does not apply


Carer is claiming CP for this care receiver + Read more ...

From the start date of the claim, are pre-existing shared care arrangements in place with respect to the care receiver for whom they are claiming CP?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, constant care applies from the start date of the claim. CP can be granted if the carer is otherwise qualified
    • if shared care arrangement has commenced after the start date of the claim, temporary cessation of care (respite) (TCC) provisions apply to CP while the care receiver is in the care of the other person. Once all TCC is utilised, CP will be cancelled
    • for TCC purposes a 'day' must include an overnight stay - that is, a whole 24 hour period from 12:00am to 12:00am (midnight to midnight)
    • part days do not count in the calculation of absences for CP
    • see Coding a regular absence for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) when the care receiver is absent
    • procedure ends here


Pre-existing care arrangements at time of new claim for CP + Read more ...

These steps apply to shared care for CP for both adult and child care receivers.

Is the care receiver absent from the carer for the same amount of time each fortnight (including holidays, if applicable)?


Is the absence from the carer only one full day per week or less? + Read more ...

A full day is 24 hours, midnight to midnight.


To determine if constant care is being provided on a daily basis + Read more ...

Obtain the information from the carer:

  • Does the carer reside at the same address as the person they are sharing the care of the care receiver with?
  • Is the shared care arrangement in accordance with a court order, parenting plan or registered parenting plan? If so, get a copy of the relevant paperwork. The Resources page contains more details on parenting plans, registered parenting plans and parenting or Court Orders
  • Is the Court Order, parenting plan or registered parenting plan being adhered to?
  • What is the arrangement during school terms and when does the child usually leave and return to the carer's care?
  • What is the arrangement during school holidays and when does the child usually leave and return to the carer's care?
  • Does the Court Order or parenting plan specify an impending change in the care arrangements?

Based on the available information is the care receiver expected to be absent from the carer for at least 63 days (midnight to midnight) in the current calendar year and the next calendar year?

  • Yes, the claim can be rejected as constant care is not being provided
  • No or Unsure:
    • Provide the carer's responses and relevant paperwork (if applicable) in a request to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk (see the Resources page for a link), place the claim on hold and record in a Note or DOC on the carer's record