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Carer Payment (CP) (child) episodic care 009-04070020

This document outlines information to help Service Officers assessing episodic or recurring care provisions for customers claiming Carer Payment (CP) (child).

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Episodic care provisions

These provisions apply when a care receiver under 16 years of age has a severe disability or a severe medical condition that is episodic or recurring and episodes are expected to be at least 3 months in duration and less than 6 months. It must also be likely to result in care being required on and off (episodic) over a period of at least 24 months.

In addition to the above, to be eligible for CP (child) under the episodic care provisions:

  • the carer must personally provide constant care to the care receiver
  • the care provided to the care receiver attains a qualifying rating of intense under the Disability Care Load Assessment (child) Determination (DCLAD) (2020)
  • the provision of the care by the person must severely restrict the person's capacity to undertake paid employment
  • the carer must complete the usual carer assessment process

Extension of episodic care

For an extension of episodic care, the carer will need to provide a Medical Certificate for Carer Payment (for a child under 16 years) Extension and Reclaim of Episodic Care/Extension of Short Term Care (SA395).

This can be provided for subsequent episodes within 24 months of the previous CP - Care Needs Assessment (CNA), and for extensions of a current period of episodic care.

An extension can include an end date on or after the care receiver's 24 month anniversary of the previous CNA, as long as the period on the medical certificate starts before the care receiver's 24 month anniversary of the previous CNA.

Carer Allowance (CA) (auto)

CA (auto) is available to all recipients of (CP) (child).

If CP (child) cancels, CA (auto) will cancel automatically at the same time. The carer will need to lodge a new claim for CA (child) if the child still requires and receives additional daily care due to their disability or medical condition.

The Resources page contains links to the Services Australia website for information for carers and the medical certificate for reclaiming or extending CP for episodic care.

Carer Payment (CP) (child) short term care

Carer Payment (CP) (child) when caring for two to four children each with a disability or medical condition (combined care)

Carer Payment (CP) (child) when caring for a disabled adult and one or more children with a disability or medical condition (multiple care)

Carer Payment (CP) (child) exchanged care

Carer Payment (CP) claims for care receivers aged under 16

Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA)

Assessing claims for Carer Payment (CP)

Child Disability Assessment Tool (CDAT) prior to 1 July 2010

First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow