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Carer Payment (CP) (child) exchanged care 009-04070050

This page contains information about the exchanged care provisions for customers claiming Carer Payment (CP) (child).

On this page:

Eligibility and claiming

Supplementary information for CP (child) exchanged care

Eligibility and claiming

Table 1




Qualification + Read more ...

The exchanged care provisions apply only to the separated or divorced parents of the care receiver/s. Note: for the purposes of exchanged care, the term 'parent' applies to carers who are adoptive parents or legal guardians and who are party to 1 or more 'parenting plans', 'registered parenting plans' or 'parenting orders'.

The policy intent is to recognise situations where parents have exchanged care responsibilities as a result of family breakdown and each of the parents is providing constant care to a care receiver every day, even though it may not be for the same care receiver each day.

The exchanged care provisions apply when 2 separated parents:

  • care for 2 or more children under 16 years of age who require constant care
  • provide the care under a 'parenting plan', 'registered parenting plan' or 'parenting order'
  • exchange the care of each child
  • each has a child in their care at all times, even if the carer does not provide the care to the same child/ren every day (unless hospitalisation or temporary cessation of care rules apply). This will enable them to meet the constant care requirements

In addition to the above, to be eligible for CP (child) under the exchanged care provisions:

  • each separated or divorced parent is personally providing constant care to 1 or more of the care receiver(s) combinations
  • the care provided to the care receivers attains a qualifying rating of 'intense' under the Disability Care Load Assessment (child) Determination (DCLAD) (2020)
  • the care receivers have a disability or medical condition that is expected to last for longer than 6 months
  • the provision of the care by the person must severely restrict the person's capacity to undertake paid employment
  • each parent passes the relevant income and assets test and they meet residency requirements
  • the carer must complete the usual carer assessment process

Note: 2 or more care receivers may make up a qualifying child for exchanged care. Where 2 care receivers make up 1 'qualifying child', both of these care receivers must be exchanged at the same time with the other 'qualifying child'. This rule also applies to multiple care.


Claiming + Read more ...

A carer claiming CP (child) exchanged care for the first time (including customers already in receipt of CP) will be required to make a claim. See Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).

For reclaims transferring from another income support payment to CP, carers can submit an online claim or Service Officers can run the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). See Transfers to Carer Payment (CP).

A payment reclaim can be made if the carer claims for episodic care within 24 months of the current CNA and Treating Health Professional medical report. Severe medical conditions and/or disabilities listed from the previous health professional care load assessment or medical certificate will need to be checked whenever a subsequent re-claim is granted.

The claim includes a question asking whether or not there is a formal parenting plan and exchanged care arrangement in place with the separated or divorced parent.

Carers will also be asked if they require referral to support services.

Carers may lodge an early claim to test their eligibility for CP (child) for exchanged care up to 13 weeks before the start of the period of care.


Parenting plans + Read more ...

There must be a 'parenting plan', 'registered parenting plan' or 'parenting order' that confirms the arrangements for care. An original version of this document should be sighted and copied.

The care of the children and the percentage of time spent with each parent must be articulated in a 'parenting plan', 'registered parenting plan', or 'parenting order'. Legislation contains a link to relevant definitions.

For exchanged care to apply, the 'parenting plan', registered parenting plan' or 'parenting order' must include all care receivers who qualify the carer for CP (child) and who are therefore the care receivers exchanged as part of the exchanged care arrangement.

Details of the care arrangements must be provided.

There will be no minimum period of care required as each parent will be expected to be providing constant care to 1 of the 2 or more children (or combined and multiple care situations assessed under the new assessment tool) at all times.

If 1 carer loses CP (child) entitlement it does not mean that the other parent will also lose entitlement. For example, if 1 carer loses entitlement due to their income and assets, this does not preclude the other carer parent from CP (child).

Similarly, if 1 parent does not claim CP (child) within an exchanged care situation this does not preclude the other parent from qualifying under these provisions.

Carers are required to satisfy all other CP eligibility criteria.

Note: a 'parenting plan', 'registered parenting plan' or 'parenting order' may include a child until the age of 18 years. Therefore, the carer would only remain payable under exchanged care rules after the child turns 16 years and 3 months if that child then forms part of a multiple care arrangement. For example, the carer may have been exchanging 'combined care' children and the oldest child turns 16 and is reassessed under multiple care provisions, or is a child with a terminal illness. The carer would then lose eligibility for exchanged care when the child turns 18 or when the parenting plan no longer applies.


Carer with multiple parenting plans + Read more ...

Exchanged care can also operate where 1 carer has 2 (or more) 'qualifying' children (or combined care or multiple care arrangements) that they are exchanging with 2 (or more) different former partners, and where they always have the care of at least 1 'qualifying' child in their care at all times.

For example, if a carer has 2 children (or more in the case of combined or multiple care) born to different former partners, who in their own right qualify a carer for CP, the carer will qualify for CP if, under the parenting plans agreed to by the various parents, the carer is always caring for at least 1 qualifying child.

Note: exchanged care cases with more than 1 former partner may be of a complexity that requires specialist assessment by the Level 2 Policy Help Desk.


Short term or episodic care + Read more ...

A care receiver for exchanged care can include 1 or more children assessed under the short term care or episodic care provisions.


Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) + Read more ...

CA (child) will automatically be paid to customers receiving exchanged care CP (child) for the same period, and for each of the child care receivers. However, it is only payable automatically if the carer or another person is not already receiving CA (child) for that care receiver, or CA is not payable for another reason, e.g. cancelled due to respite bank exceeded.

If only 1 carer qualifies for CP (child) and the care of the child(ren) is exchanged, the person will qualify for CA automatically for each child who qualifies them for CP. If the person is the only CP customer they will be entitled to receive 100% of the rate of CA for each child in their care.

If 2 carers in receipt of CP (child) are exchanging the care of qualifying children, then the rate of CA payable to each carer is to be determined by the Secretary. The rate will usually be equal to the percentage of care specified in the parenting plan.

The automatic eligibility for CA (child) for CP (child) customers will enable continuation of CA (child) for a CP (child) care receiver if the 63 day hospitalisation limit is exceeded, as long as CP (child) is still being paid for that care receiver.

Any CA (auto) child care receivers will be eligible for a Health Care Card (HCC) in their name in addition to any Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) or HCC held by the carer. Normal concession card hierarchy rules apply.


Qualifying Rating + Read more ...

A care receiver will be given a score based on the Care Needs Assessment (CNA) that they complete and a score based on the Medical Report completed by a Treating Health Professional (THP). They will have to receive a certain score on each of these questionnaires to qualify for CP.

The result from the CNA and the medical reports will not be added or combined. A qualifying score must be achieved on the CNA and on the medical reports for each child, for the carer to satisfy the qualifying rating required for CP (child).

If a person meets the qualifying scores on the CNA and on the medical reports, they will be deemed to have a qualifying rating of intense'. If 2 or more carers meet the qualifying rating for care of 1 child they will be deemed to have a qualifying rating of 'intense'.


Temporary cessation of care + Read more ...

Supplementary information for CP (child) exchanged care

Table 2




Claim + Read more ...

Carers can submit an online claim or have ACC run by a Service Officer which will identify any required forms.

If more than 1 care receiver is involved, the online claim will clearly identify the questions for each child, and if required, the forms being issued for each child.

See Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).


Letters + Read more ...

The carer will receive a letter with information about the new grant and about the exchanged care conditions.


Concession cards + Read more ...

Exchanged care carers will receive a Pensioner Concession Card (PCC).

All CA (auto) child care receivers are eligible for a Health Care Card (HCC) in their name, in addition to any PCC that the carer is issued. Normal concession card hierarchy applies.


Other entitlements + Read more ...

Exchanged care CP (child) carers will be eligible for all other standard pension entitlements including advance payment.


Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes + Read more ...

Specific Treating Health Professional and carer care load cancellation, suspension and rejection reasons will apply.

See Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Payment (CP).


Customer First + Read more ...

Where exchanged care exists, this information will be displayed in Customer First on the Carers Summary page.


Referral to support services + Read more ...

Carers will be offered voluntary referrals to provide support for carers who choose to increase their social and economic participation and support carers who are seeking assistance with their caring role.

The service offer to carers will ensure carers are aware of the referral options offered by Services Australia and assist in connecting carers to their chosen options in a seamless manner.

The 2 referral pathways are to:

  • employment service providers
  • government and non-government organisations who can provide assistance to carers with various aspects of their caring role. Options may include referral to child care services, respite services and organisations that provide support to carers


Identifying multiple parenting plans + Read more ...

A free text field on the Exchanged Care Summary (CECS) screen allows recording of any other parent or guardian who is party to the same parenting plan, and with whom the carer is exchanging care:

  • where known, the Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) of the other parents/guardians are to be recorded against the parenting plan
  • where the other parent/guardian is not a customer, an option is available to record that they are a non-customer. It is not possible to code more than 100% total care


Change in level of care + Read more ...

If there is a change in the level of care as set out in any parenting plan relevant to a carer claiming (or already receiving) CP (child) under multiple care provisions, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) is created.

The MFU is required if:

  • the end date of a parenting plan is reached, or
  • there is a change in the percentage of care recorded on the Exchanged Care Detail (CECD) screen (in Exchange Group 1 or 2) that results in a combined total care percentage of less than 100% for a carer. Where there are multiple parenting plans, the MFU will generate regardless of the parenting plan to which the change in percentage applies

The MFU will:

  • alert the Service Officer that a change in percentage of care has occurred, and to prompt follow-up regarding a carer's continuing eligibility for CP (child) under exchanged care provisions
  • navigate to the Exchanged Care Summary (CECS) screen when selected
  • where applicable, list CRNs of any other carers who are party to the same parenting plan (where known) to help the Service Officer determine if other carers may also require follow-up