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Coding an absence where no Carer Payment (CP) link exists 009-06010060

This document outlines the process where Carer Payment links between the carer and care receiver records on Centrelink's computer system do not exist.

No carer payment link between carer and care receiver




Register absences by creating a DOC + Read more ...

When there is no Carer Payment link between the care giver and the care receiver, it is necessary to register absences by creating a DOC with the following format:

  • Summary Line - In the Sum: field record 'Number of <Respite or Hospitalisation> Days in <current year> = NNN for <care receiver's name>'
    • Where NNN equals the running total of nights of this particular type of absence that will have been used by the end date of this particular absence
    • For example, Number of days of Hospitalisation in 2001 = 14 for Joe Bloggs
  • Keyword - In the Keywords: field code 'TAB'
  • Text - In the Txt: field record information about the absence, including start and end dates


Does the carer also receive Carer Allowance for the same care receiver? + Read more ...


The absence must also be coded for Carer Allowance, using the appropriate procedure: + Read more ...