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Coding a one-off absence for Carer Payment (CP)/Carer Allowance (CA) when the care receiver is absent 009-06040010

This page contains information on assessing and coding one-off absences for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) when the care receiver is absent. Manual updates can be done in Customer First or the Centrelink System. When possible Customer First should be used.

On this page:

Assessing and coding one-off absence

Further assessing and coding one-off absence

Manual processing for completing the coding of a one-off absence

Assessing and coding one-off absence

Table 1: This table describes the assisted processing instructions for the Customer First workflow to use when assessing and coding one-off absences for CP and CA when the care receiver is absent.




Reason for the one-off absence + Read more ...

Is this one-off absence for the purposes of the child care receiver undertaking education, training or treatment?


Is the care receiver the partner of the carer? + Read more ...


Is the expected length of the absence for more than 14 days or an indefinite period? + Read more ...


Illness separated rate + Read more ...

When an absence is more than 14 days and due to illness, the couple may be entitled to the illness separated rate.

For detailed information, see Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.

If entitled to the illness separated rate, coding the Marital Status (MS) screen will allow the illness separated rate to be paid automatically.

In the carer's record, go to the Marital Status page and click on the Add new details button. Update the following fields:

  • Event Date:
  • Qualifier Code:
  • Marital Status: update this field only if changed
  • Source:
  • Receipt date:
  • Click on the Update button

For coding assistance see, Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.


Launch Temporary Cessation of Care workflow + Read more ...

All absences are to be coded using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow in Customer First.

In Customer First:

  • Run the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow. The Temporary Cessation of Care Summary page will show. This is a display screen only
  • Expand the page for the applicable care receiver by clicking on the arrows (>>) next to the care receiver's name. This will show the full summary of the history of absences for the period displayed. Note: if a different period is needed use the drop down box in the Period to Display: field at the top of the page
  • Press Continue button. The Care Receiver Absence Update page will display

Go to Step 6.

If the workflow is not available or not working, the absence can be manually updated. For manual coding information, see Step 6 in the Further assessing and coding one-off absence table.


Update the Care Receiver Absence Update page + Read more ...

Update the absence by:

  • Selecting the appropriate care receiver from the drop down box in the Care Receiver: field
  • Complete the Start Date: and End Date: fields for the period of absence. Code the End Date: field using the date of the last day the care receiver is away from home. An absence is considered to be a 24 hour period from midnight to midnight
    • For example - if the care receiver returned home on 29 November, code 28 November as this was the last full day the care receiver was absent. This will enable the system to correctly calculate the absence
    • An end date must be coded for a one-off absence. If the carer does not provide an end date, we must contact them to provide an estimate
    • If an estimate cannot be provided and an end date is truly unknown, a 'dummy' date may be coded. This is to be the date the carer's remaining respite is depleted, to avoid any possible overpayment. The end date is to be coded on the ABSN screen as the 64th night that the care receiver was absent from the carer in the current calendar year
    • If a 'dummy' date is coded, advise the carer the date which the CA and/or CP will cancel, unless the carer notifies Services Australia that the care receiver has returned to their care before the remaining respite is depleted. Note: if allowable absences will exceed as at a future date, cancellation for CA will not display on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. CP cancellation will not display if cancellation date is more than 2 Entitlement Period End Dates (EPEDs) into the future
    • The system automatically cancels CP and/or CA when the respite is exhausted. Advise the carer they may be contacted by the agency as the estimated end date draws near. For more information, see What to do with an Absence Manual Follow-up (MFU)

Note: if the care receiver returns earlier or later from an absence the end date may be changed by keying a 'C' in the input field. The new return date must be keyed over the previous date. The correct (i.e. unadjusted) dates must be listed in the DOC attached to the activity on the carer's record.

  • Update the type of absence in the Absence Type: field in Customer First or the Reason: field in the Centrelink System and update the valid code for the carer.
    Note: do not code CP- specific absences (RCP or CWP) for carers receiving CP (XWP)
    Valid reason codes are:
    • RCP - Respite for CP only - would occur where a carer continues to provide constant care while in work/study and they irregularly have absences which exceed 25 hours in a week, and the carer chooses to utilise TCC, 7 days TCC will be recorded. This absence will be counted for CP only. If the carer has temporarily ceased care of the care receiver, but the care receiver is in the care of other CA shared carer during that period, no TCC days will be utilised for CA. If the carer receives CP, this absence will be counted for CP only. Using code RCP will ensure each system maintains an accurate count of absence days used. RCP counts against the TCC (respite) days for CP only
    • CWP (child under 16 in partner’s care only) - is used when the child carer receiver is in the care of the other parent and the CP and CA carer is absent or overseas. This absence will be counted for CP only and will not be counted for CA. If the child is in the care of either parent, CA is payable and TCC provisions do not apply
    • If the carer is in receipt of CA for a child care receiver code ‘ETT’ (Education, Training and Treatment) in the Reason: field. If the absence is for education, training, or treatment, see Carer Allowance (CA) child care receiver undertakes education, training or treatment
    • HSP - Hospitalisation. Code the total duration of all hospitalisation absences as HSP. If the carer exceeds the allowable 63 hospitalisation absence, they can utilise their remaining respite absences. Note: CP (child) and CA (child) care receivers have no limit on days of hospitalisation, but the limit of 63 days for respite still applies. All absences must be coded
    • RSP - Respite. Any other temporary absence. If the carer is paid under the short term care or episodic care provisions, the respite limit will be a pro-rata amount, based on the period for which CP (child) is being granted
  • If the absence is to be regular, update the Regular 24hr Period PFN: field with the number of days per fortnight
  • Absence Extended: field, if the TCC (respite) is to extend past the allowable 63 days per calendar year: Note: delegation for the decision to extend payment/s is at the APS 5/6 level. See Temporary cessation of care (respite) for more than 63 days
  • When completed, click on the Update button. The updates made will be displayed
  • Check for accuracy and click on the Update button again. The Absence Updates Summary page will display


Absence Updates Summary page + Read more ...

  • If required, record additional absences on the Care Receiver Absence Update section of the page (as instructed in Step 6) and click on the Update button when completed
  • When all updates are completed, click on the Continue button
  • The Assessment Results for Activity page will display. Finalise activity and exit the workflow
  • Record details on a DOC in the carer's record
    • If the end date is keyed as a result of an estimate by the Carer, this should be included on the DOC
    • If an extension was considered, the reason for either granting or rejecting the extension must be included on the DOC


If there is more than one carer does one carer receive CP and the other CA in respect of the care receiver? + Read more ...

  • Yes, and:
    • the care receiver was absent from both carers, repeat this process for the other carer
    • only 1 of the carers was absent, procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here.

Further assessing and coding one-off absence

Table 2: This table describes the manual processing instructions to use when assessing and coding one-off absences for CP and CA when the care receiver is absent.




Reason for the one-off absence + Read more ...

Is this one-off absence for the purposes of the child care receiver undertaking education, training or treatment?


Is the care receiver the partner of the carer? + Read more ...


Is the expected length of the absence for more than 14 days or an indefinite period? + Read more ...


Illness separated rate + Read more ...

When an absence is more than 14 days and due to illness, the couple may be entitled to the illness separated rate.

For detailed information, see Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.

If entitled to the illness separated rate, coding the Marital Status (MS) screen will allow the illness separated rate to be paid automatically.

In the carer's record, go to the MS page/screen and update the following fields:

  • Event Date:
  • Qualifier Code:
  • Marital Status: update this field only if changed
  • Source:
  • In Customer First Receipt date:, or in the Centrelink System DOR:

In Customer First click on the Update button or in the Centrelink System press [Enter].

For coding assistance see, Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.


Code the absence + Read more ...

All absences are to be coded using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow in Customer First. For workflow instructions, see Step 5 in the Assessing and coding one-off absence table.

If the workflow is not available or not working, the absence can be manually updated. When possible manual updates should be done in Customer First.


Manual coding of absence + Read more ...

Absences are to be manually updated only when the workflow is not available or not working. When possible manual updates are to be done in Customer First.

If the care receiver is a child who is in the care of the carer's partner, ensure the absence is coded.

  • Go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) page/screen
  • 'S'elect the appropriate care receiver from the list
    • in Customer First click on the Continue button
    • in the Centrelink System press [Enter]


The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) page/screen will display. + Read more ...

On this screen, 'S'elect;

  • Absence Enquiry: field
  • Absence Details: field
  • Assessment Results: (for Carer Allowance only) field
  • in Customer First click on the Continue button
  • in the Centrelink System press [Enter]


Updating screens + Read more ...

Customer First - manual coding

The Temporary Cessation of Care Update page will display.

  • Ensure the correct care receiver is displayed in the Care Receiver: field. If not, use drop down box to select correct care receiver
  • Go to Step 9

The Centrelink System - manual coding

The Absences Enquiry (ABCE) screen will display.

Field help for the ABCE screen and the Absences Detail (ABSN) screen refers to absences as 'nights'. This will be revised in a future release to clarify that these are 24 hour periods, midnight to midnight.

The ABCE screen provides the summary of the absences taken in the current calendar year.

  • Code 'Y' in the Go to Absences Details Screen (Y/N): field
  • Press [Enter]. The ABSN screen will display


Code the one-off absence details in the following fields: + Read more ...

  • Start Date: field, use the date of the first full 24 hour midnight to midnight period of the absence. For example, if the care receiver left home on 10 January, record the start date as 11 January
  • End Date: field, use the date of the last day the care receiver is away from home. An absence is considered to be a 24 hour period from midnight to midnight
    • For example - if the care receiver returned home on 29 November, code 28 November as this was the last full day the care receiver was absent. This will enable the system to correctly calculate the absence
    • An end date must be coded for a one-off absence. If the carer does not provide an end date, we must contact them to provide an estimate
    • If an estimate cannot be provided and an end date is truly unknown, a 'dummy' date may be coded. This is to be the date the carer's remaining respite is depleted, to avoid any possible overpayment. The end date is to be coded on the ABSN screen as the 64th night that the care receiver was absent from the carer in the current calendar year
    • If a 'dummy' date is coded, advise the carer the date which the CA and/or CP will cancel, unless the carer notifies Services Australia that the care receiver has returned to their care before the remaining respite is depleted. Note: if allowable absences will exceed as at a future date, cancellation for CA will not display on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. CP cancellation will not display if cancellation date is more than 2 Entitlement Period End Dates (EPEDs) into the future
    • The system automatically cancels when the respite is exhausted. Advise the carer they may be contacted by the agency as the estimated end date draws near. For more information, see What to do with an Absence Manual Follow-up (MFU)

Note: if the care receiver returns earlier or later from an absence the end date may be changed by keying a 'C' in the input field. The new return date must be keyed over the previous date. The correct (i.e. unadjusted) dates must be listed in the DOC attached to the activity on the carer's record.

Manual processing for completing the coding of a one-off absence

Table 3: This table describes the manual processing instructions for completing the assessment and coding of a one-off absence for CP or CA in the Customer First.




Updates continued + Read more ...

  • In the Absence Type: field in Customer First or the Reason: field in the Centrelink System update the valid code for the carer.
    Note: Absence rules only apply to a CP (XWP) carer’s CA. Do not record an absence that only applies to CP.
    Valid reason codes are:
    • RCP - Respite for Carer Payment only - RCP would occur where a carer continues to provide constant care while in work/study and they irregularly have absences which exceed 25 hours in a week, and the carer chooses to utilise TCC, 7 days TCC will be recorded. This absence will be counted for CP only. If the carer has temporarily ceased care of the care receiver, but the care receiver is in the care of other CA shared carer during that period, no TCC days will be utilised for CA. If the carer receives CP, this absence will be counted for CP only
    • Using code 'RCP' will ensure each system maintains an accurate count of absence days used. 'RCP' counts against the TCC (respite) days for CP only
    • CWP (child under 16 in partner’s care) - is used when the child carer receiver is in the care of the other parent and the CP and CA carer is absent or overseas. If a child care receiver is in the care of the other parent when the carer parent is absent or overseas, this absence will be counted for CP only and will not be counted for CA. If the child is in the care of either parent, CA is payable and TCC provisions do not apply
    • If the carer is in receipt of CA for a child care receiver code 'ETT' (Education, Training and Treatment) in the Reason: field. If the absence is for education, training, or treatment, see Carer Allowance (CA) child care receiver undertakes education, training or treatment
    • HSP - Hospitalisation. Code the total duration of all hospitalisation absences as HSP. If the carer exceeds the allowable 63 hospitalisation absence, they can utilise their remaining respite absences. Note: CP (child) and CA (child) care receivers have no limit on days of hospitalisation, but the limit of 63 days for respite still applies. All absences must be coded
    • RSP - Respite. Any other temporary absence. If the carer is paid under the short term care or episodic care provisions, the respite limit will be a pro-rata amount, based on the period for which CP (child) is being granted
  • Absence Extended: field, if the TCC (respite) is to extend past the allowable 63 days per calendar year:
  • Update the Source: and DOR: fields
  • Press Update button in Customer First or press [Enter] in the Centrelink System


Updates displayed + Read more ...

In Customer First - the Temporary Cessation of Care Update page will redisplay.

  • Press the Update button
  • If required, record additional absences on the Care Receiver Absence Update section of the page (as instructed from Step 6) and click on the Update button when completed
  • Go to Step 3

In the Centrelink System - the ABSN screen will redisplay with the absence accepted and a new input line. Press [Enter] again.


Continue with assessment + Read more ...

In Customer First

The Temporary Cessation of Care Update page will redisplay with additional fields to allow for further absences to be updated.

  • This will now show the updated data, check the details
  • When all updates are completed, click on the Continue button
  • If the carer is receiving CP (XWP), go to Step 5
  • For Carer Allowance, go to Step 5
  • For Carer Payment, go to Step 4

The Centrelink System

The ABCE screen will redisplay:

  • This will now show the updated data, check the details
  • Press [Enter] and the ABSN screen will redisplay
  • Further absences can be coded, if required
  • Press [Enter]

Note: where an absence has been recorded incorrectly or the customer's circumstances have changed, the absence can be deleted.


Finalise assessment for Carer Payment + Read more ...

Check the calculation for accuracy by:

For the Centrelink System only - the Activity List (AL) screen in the carer's record will now display.

  • 'S'elect the activity
  • 'S'elect the care receiver for whom this absence is for on the CRS screen
  • The CETS screen will display
  • To check the calculation on the ABCE screen 'S'elect the Absence Enquiry: field and the ABCE screen will show the updated data

Customer First and the Centrelink System

  • The Assessment Results (AR) page/screen is displayed with the results of the assessment


Complete activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity on the AR page/screen. Note: for CP the 'AR' must be manually coded in the Nxt: field or the system will default to the AL page/screen and the activity will need to be re-selected.

  • Record details on a DOC in the carer's record including:
    • If the end date is keyed as a result of an estimate by the carer, this should be included in the DOC
    • If an extension was considered, the reason for either granting or rejecting the extension must be included in the DOC

Note: If the carer is getting CP (XWP), their CP will be automatically be cancelled when their only or last payment level CA is suspended or cancelled for any reason. A carer loses their qualification for CP (XWP) permanently if payment level CA is not reinstated without a gap in entitlement.


If there is more than 1 carer does one carer receive CP and the other CA in respect of the care receiver? + Read more ...

  • Yes, and:
    • the care receiver was absent from both carers, repeat this process for the other carer
    • only 1 of the carers was absent, procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here