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Compensation Recovery Teams (CLK) 117-01020000

Contact details

Services Australia website – Phone us >Centrelink phone numbers>Centrelink Compensation Recovery

Office Locator links for:

  • Compensation NSW/ACT
  • Compensation VIC/TAS
  • Compensation SA/NT
  • Compensation WA
  • Compensation QLD
  • Compensation Recovery - Palm Beach

    General processing abbreviations and acronyms

    Table 1: This table contains standard abbreviations and acronyms used in Centrelink Compensation Recovery




    Administrative Appeals Tribunal


    Advance Payment


    Arrears and other Costs


    Compensation Affected Payment


    Claims Assessment and Resolution Services




    Certificate of Determination


    Common Law Settlement


    Compensation Management System


    Compulsory Third Party (Motor Vehicle Claim)


    Corona Virus Supplement


    Current Weekly Earnings


    Direct Deductions


    Dust Disease Board




    Date of Birth


    Date of Injury / Incident


    Date last paid periodic compensation payments


    Debt Management Officer/ Debt Staff


    Department of Social Services


    Desktop Fax


    Department of Veteran Affairs


    Electronic Funds Transfer


    Freedom of Information


    Global Economic Loss Lump Sum Settlement


    Future Gratuitous Services


    Future Loss of Earnings


    Future Preclusion Period




    Impairment Benefit


    Insurance Commission of Western Australia


    Impairment Payment


    Income Maintenance Rate






    Impairment Payment


    Income Support Payment


    Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)


    Loss of Earnings


    Loss of Earnings Capacity


    Loss of Amenities


    Lump Sum Preclusion Period


    Medical payments


    Memorandum of Agreement


    Medicals only claim

    MOD C

    Compensation and Damages Form


    Motor Vehicle Accident


    Motor Accidents Claim


    Non-Economic Loss lump sum settlement


    Notional Weekly Earnings


    Post Gratuitous Services


    Permanent Impairment


    Pre-Injury Average Weekly Earnings


    Public Liability


    Past Loss of Earnings


    Partial Loss of Earnings




    Rehabilitation payments


    Redemption and Other Costs


    Repaid Periodic Compensation Payments


    Return to Work South Australia




    Notice to Prepare Refund Account


    Subject Matter Expert


    Service Officer



    SS Act

    Social Security Act 1991

    SS Guide

    Guide to Social Security Law


    Compensation Advice of Periodic Payments Form


    Compensation Advice of Lump Sum Payments Form


    Compensation Recovery Statement of Financial Circumstances Form


    Compensation Personal Sickness & Accident Claim Form


    Transport Accident Commission


    Terms of Settlement


    Victorian WorkCover Authority


    WorkCover Queensland

    Compensation Terminology – A to K Index




    See also: L-Z

    Centrelink Compensation Recovery


    Compensation affected payment

    Compensation assessed as direct deduction

    Compensation assessed as income

    Compensation clearance

    Compensation divisor

    Compensation management system

    Compensation part

    Compensation payer

    Compensation recovery charge

    Deed of release


    Direct deduction

    Economic loss

    Ex-gratia payment

    Global settlement

    Gradual return to work

    Gratuitous care

    Gross lump sum settlement amount

    Implied authority


    Income text concession

    Injured person


    Compensation Terminology – A to K Terms



    Centrelink Compensation Recovery

    A program delivered by Services Australia on behalf of the government, to recover Centrelink income support payments paid to an injured person in relation to an injury/illness where they have been awarded compensation.

    It is a principle of the social security system that people who are unable to work because of a compensable injury should not receive income support from both the social security system and compensation systems for the same period.


    The person seeking compensation (plaintiff).

    Compensation affected payment

    A social security payment that can be affected by the receipt of, a lump sum compensation payment and/or periodic compensation payments.

    Compensation affects most Centrelink income support payments.

    Compensation assessed as direct deduction

    Applies where the compensation recipient was not receiving income support at the date of the compensable event, compensation is assessed as direct deduction.

    Compensation assessed as income

    An income test concession applies where the compensation recipient was receiving income support at the time of the compensable event, compensation is treated as income.

    Compensation clearance

    The CRT will investigate the customer’s compensation claim and determine if any action is to be taken, and advise Service Officers on the payability of a customer’s CAP.

    Compensation divisor

    The compensation part is divided by the income cut-out amount for a single rate of pension applying at the date of the settlement.

    Compensation management system

    The database system used by the agency to manage Centrelink compensation recovery cases, including to register a case, enter details of relevant parties and action periodic and lump sum payments.

    Compensation payer

    The person who is liable to make a payment of compensation

    Compensation part

    In ALL cases where:

    • the lump sum payment is received as SETTLEMENT of a claim, including as a consent judgement, as an interim payment, or a redemption of periodic payments, AND
    • all or part of the payment is for:
      • lost earnings, OR
      • lost capacity to earn

    then 50% or half the lump sum payment is deemed the compensation part

    In ALL cases where a compensation claim finalised after a contested hearing by a court, tribunal or arbitrator, can be known as a judgment, the specific amounts awarded for economic loss, including the arrears or advance of the periodic compensation payments, are taken to be the compensation part of the lump sum payment and the 50% rule does not apply.

    Compensation recovery charge

    A compensation recovery charge is the legally recoverable amount (debt) raised to the compensation payer or to the customer, when a customer receives a lump sum payment or periodic arrears of compensation payments, for the same period income support payments have been paid to a customer and/or partner.

    Deed of release

    Deed of release provides the terms of settlement, the amount and any other payment components, or deductions from the settlement. The deed of release must contain at least one signature either physical or electronic from the Defendant Solicitor or compensation payer and Plaintiff Solicitor or customer.


    The compensation payer or liable party.

    Direct deduction

    Periodic compensation is assessed as a dollar for dollar rate reduction against the CAP rate otherwise payable.

    Economic loss

    The portion (or component) of a compensation settlement for the claimant's loss of earnings or lost capacity to earn.

    Ex-gratia payment

    A payment that is made without the liability being established or admitted and treated as other compensatory in nature lump sums.

    Global settlement

    Means lump sum settlement.

    Gradual return to work

    When the customer is on a gradual return to work and is in receipt of both earned income (wages) and partial compensation payments.

    Gratuitous care

    If someone provides care for a person who has a compensation claim, this can be added to that claim (settlement).

    Gross lump sum settlement amount

    To calculate the gross lump sum settlement amount add ALL these payments together:

    • the lump sum settlement amount
    • total amount of previously paid weekly compensation payments including GST and Tax
    • all medical, hospital and rehabilitation costs
    • legal costs (known at the time of settlement)
    • advance payments
    • impairment payments
    • pain and suffering payment

    The only allowable deduction before applying the 50% rule is the gross weekly compensation that has been paid.

    Income text concession

    Applies where the compensation recipient was receiving income support at the time of the compensable event, compensation is treated as income.

    Injured person

    The individual who has suffered an injury or illness.


    Injury, illness or disease relating to a compensation claim.

    Implied authority

    Solicitor acting on behalf of the injured worker.


    A ruling or judgement by a judge or tribunal after a contested hearing in finalisation of a compensation claim.

    Compensation Terminology – L to Z Index




    See also: A-K

    Medical costs

    Memorandum of Agreement

    Non-economic loss

    Periodic compensation payment

    Periodic compensation payment period

    Permanent impairment


    Preclusion period

    Redemption Lump Sum

    Redemptions and Other Costs Lump Sum

    Repaid periodic compensation payments

    Saved compensation affect payments


    Settlement date

    Settlement document

    Social Security payment

    Solicitor Defendant

    Solicitor Plaintiff

    Special circumstances provision

    Supplementary payments

    Compensation Terminology – L to Z Terms



    Medical costs

    Medical costs include rehabilitation, hospital and travel.

    Memorandum of Agreement

    The purpose of the Memorandum of Agreement is to have a formal understanding of the agreement between parties and is legally binding.

    Non-economic loss

    Non-economic loss compensation refers to personal injury compensation that is NOT made in respect of lost earnings or lost capacity to earn.

    Non-economic loss compensation can include pain and suffering and impairment payments, which can be paid under workers' compensation, motor vehicle accident, public liability and criminal compensation schemes.

    Periodic compensation payment

    Periodic Payments are made on a regular basis, for example weekly or fortnightly,

    Periodic payments are deemed to be received from the date they become payable. These payments affect social security income support payments on a dollar for dollar rate reduction basis (most compensation recipients), or as ordinary income depending on the circumstances (some compensation recipients and all partners of compensation recipients). For partners of compensation recipients, the excess periodic compensation is treated as other ordinary income.

    Periodic compensation payment period

    A series of payments made on a regular basis:

    • The period to which a periodic compensation payment, or a series or periodic compensation payments, relates; or
    • In the case of a payment of arrears of periodic compensation payments, the period to which those payments would have related if they had not been made by way of arrears payment.

    Permanent impairment

    A permanent impairment payment is a non-economic loss compensation payment for personal injury that is NOT made in respect of lost earnings or lost capacity to earn.


    The plaintiff is the injured person claiming compensation, also known as the compensation recipient.

    Preclusion period

    A compensation preclusion period is a calculated period of self-support during which a lump sum compensation recipient cannot be paid a compensation affected payment and must repay previously received social security payments if part or all of the lump sum preclusion period falls in the past.

    Redemptions and Other Costs Lump Sum

    Arrears or advances of periodic payments may be included in a lump sum settlement with other compensation components such as, pain and suffering, medical costs, interest etc. Do not separate the periodic payment components to calculate their individual effects under the Social Security Act. Assess the entire settlement as a lump sum. The only exception is arrears of periodic payments with interest only. Assess this as periodic payments in the period they are paid.

    Redemption Lump Sum

    A redemption is where the injured person and compensation payer agree to a single lump sum payment instead of paying ongoing weekly compensation payments for a specified fixed or non-fixed period.

    Repaid periodic compensation payments

    Repaid periodic compensation payment (RPCP) is equal to the periodic compensation payments received.

    Payback between two insurers, has no bearing on the amount the compensation recipient received for lost earning (wages).

    Saved compensation affect payments

    A saved compensation affected payment (SCAP) is a social security pension, benefit or allowance, which was granted before that payment type became a compensation affected payment.


    Where an agreement has been reached either by a consent judgement or other in finalisation of a compensation claim.

    Settlement date

    For Consent Judgements the date the Deed of Release is signed by the Defendant Solicitor or compensation payer and the Plaintiff Solicitor or customer (the earlier of the two dates).

    Settlement document

    For Judgements the date the arbitrator or the court has sanctioned or ratified the decision

    Settlement Documents include deed of release and must contain at least one signature either physical or electronic from the Defendant Solicitor or compensation payer and Plaintiff Solicitor or customer. The signature legally binds an individual to the information in the document.

    Social Security payment

    One of the following types of payments paid under the Social Security Act 1991:

    • A social security pension
    • A social security benefit
    • An allowance

    Solicitor Defendant

    Appointed by the compensation payer or liable party to act on their behalf. Defendant Solicitor provides documentation and other correspondence relating to the compensation case.

    Solicitor Plaintiff

    Appointed by the injured person or claimant to act on their behalf. Plaintiff’s Solicitor provides documentation and other correspondence relating to the compensation case.

    Special circumstances provision

    In situations where the compensation provisions could lead, or have led to extreme hardship or created an inequitable, unjust or unreasonable situation.

    Due to the unforeseen, exceptional or extreme situations, special circumstances provisions can be applied to treat the whole or part of a compensation payment as not having been made or not liable to be made.

    Generally, the provisions are applied to a lump sum compensation payment with the result that all, or part, of a preclusion period is reduced. This may also reduce, or negate altogether, any associated compensation debt.

    Supplementary payments

    Supplementary payments or add-on payments are included in the calculation of a periodic or lump sum charge where the underlying payment is a CAP.