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Raising debts for prepayments, including prison release payments, Crisis Payment (CrP) and Anticipated Payment 107-04020070

This document outlines details regarding the provisions allowing prepayment of certain Centrelink payments. Also outlined is the process to raise a debt under subsection 1223AA of the Social Security Act 1991.


A prepayment is a payment made to a customer before their correct entitlement is determined. This may occur with the following payments:

  • prison release payments
  • Crisis Payment (CrP)
  • Anticipated Payment (also known as a Hardship Advance)
  • Social security payments during public holiday periods

A debt will occur where Services Australia later discovers the amount was:

  • not payable, or
  • payable at a reduced rate

The above applies despite the customer having met their notification requirements.

Note: CrP is not recoverable unless:

  • the customer was not entitled at the time of grant, or
  • it was paid while the customer was in receipt of an Assurance of Support (AoS)

Payment and reporting arrangements over national public holiday periods

Create a new debt record manually on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

Workload Management

Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

Eligibility for Crisis Payment (CrP)

Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable