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Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews 107-05010090

This document outlines how to process Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews. This procedure is only for Debt staff.

For Debt Staff only.

On this page:

Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews

Reasonable recovery arrangement

Garnisheeing of continuous income and finishing review

Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews

Table 1




Use the TDF Debtor Matching script to locate and action the reviews + Read more ...

If the script is not working, use this procedure to manually locate, action and finalise TDF Debtor matching reviews. To:


Locate and action TDF Debtor matching reviews + Read more ...

Go to the:

  • National Search (IRNS) screen, or
  • Review Enquiry (IRRE) screen

Code the relevant fields. See Searching for Service Updates and Reviews in the Integrated Review System (IRS).

The TDF Debtor matching review will have 'DBM' in the Rev Rsn field. Other search criteria is determined by individual requirements, for example:

  • work for a team
  • work for an area
  • started
  • due

The Integrated Review System (IRS) is environment based. The IRRE screen only shows reviews in the searched environment for example K, S, R. Regular searches via IRNS are needed to locate and action all reviews.

Note: if a review has the wrong Area/Office Code, it can be updated on the Manage Reviews (IRMR) screen as long as the review status is not:

  • SUB
  • FIN
  • COM, or
  • CAN

See 'Updating Review Region - Transferring a review' in Actioning a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS).


TDF Debtor matching review displays + Read more ...

Select a review by coding 'M' next to the customer name. Press [Enter]. Note: if the Match Data - TDF (IRMD) screen is not automatically displayed, key 'IRMD' in the Nxt field and press [Enter].

Check the Match Data (for example full name, date of birth) IMRD screen. Ensure the details are the same as the customer name/s and date of birth details on the Customer Personal Detail Summary (CPDS) screen.

Note: if the customer has more than one actionable TDF Debtor matching review, only proceed with the latest match. Cancel previous reviews with the reason 'Recently Reviewed' (RRV). The latest match relates to the TDF Signed/Regd field on the IRMD screen and not necessarily the 'Match Load Date:' field.


Correct customer + Read more ...

Is the match data for the correct customer?


Confirm the employer + Read more ...

Is the employer listed in the Match Data already recorded on the customer record? For example, listed on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen or noted in DOCs?

Note: only make contact with the employer afters making the decision to implement a garnishee.


Go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen + Read more ...

Is there an arrangement in place?


Is the debt recoverable? + Read more ...

Is the debt status 'written off'? See Writing off Centrelink debts to determine if the debt is recoverable.


Cancel review + Read more ...

Cancel the TDF Debtor matching review, with the appropriate reason:

  • 'IAP' (Information Already Provided), Employer information already on customer's file
  • 'NVM' (Not a valid match for customer) - Incorrect match
  • 'RRV' (Recently reviewed) - Recently reviewed or Debt written off
  • 'RPR' (Recovery action commenced prior to review) - Arrangement already in place

Prepare a DOC stating 'TDF match cancelled (reason for cancellation)'. Do not include Match Data in the DOC.

Pursue recovery of valid debts. Attempt to put a recovery arrangement in place even if the match is incorrect.

See Arranging cash repayments to recover debts.

Procedure ends here.

Reasonable recovery arrangement

Table 2




Check the History Summary (HS) screen + Read more ...

Has a Q289 been sent within the past eight weeks?


Customer contact + Read more ...

Make reasonable effort to contact the customer to negotiate a recovery arrangement. Update the Review Contact Details (IRCD) screen with each attempt/contact.

Was contact successful?


Send Q289 letter + Read more ...

Send the Q289 to the most recent address. If a customer's address is end dated and the TDF was signed later (see TDF Signed/Regd field) send the Q289 to the Match Data address.

Record all details in a DOC.

Update the IRCD screen. Key the Expected response date field for 14 days. See Actioning a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS). The status of the review will change from REG to HLD.

If the customer:

  • contacts within 14 days, update IRCD screen. Go to Step 4
  • does not contact within 14 days, the 'Expected response date' is reached and review status will change to 'DUE'. See Step 1 in Table 3


Reasonable payment arrangement + Read more ...

Will the customer agree to a reasonable payment arrangement?


Customer agreement + Read more ...

Has the customer agreed with the information in the review?


Customer disagrees + Read more ...

Review the details on the Match Data (IRMD) screen against customer information when:

  • the customer claims the employer details are incorrect, or
  • they are not the same person as the match

Are the match details correct?


IRCD coding + Read more ...

Update the IRCD screen. In the following fields:

  • Date of response, key 'T'
  • Person responded, key 'CUS'
  • Disputed, key 'Y'

Pursue a recovery arrangement even if the Match Data is not correct. See Step 3 in Table 3.

Garnisheeing of continuous income and finishing review

Table 3




Consider garnishee + Read more ...

Consider garnishee of continuing income to recover debts.

Is garnishee suitable and cost effective?


Undertake all relevant steps to apply the garnishee + Read more ...

Follow steps in Garnishee of continuing income to recover debts.

Update the Review Contact Details (IRCD) screen, for example, phone employer, send Q609.

The file may need to be held at this stage pending results of searches to confirm suitability of garnishee.

Note: TDF reviews are managed by IRS therefore additional manual reviews are not needed.

Apply garnishee, then go to Step 3.


Finalise the TDF Debtor matching review + Read more ...

Complete all updates to the IRCD screen before finalising the TDF Debtor matching review.

To finalise the TDF Debtor matching review:

  • go to the Review Summary (IRRS) screen
  • key 'F' next to 'IRS/TDF/DBM – Debtor matching' and press [Enter]
  • update the Attribute Results (IRAR) screen (if possible) and press [Enter] twice
  • code the Review Result field
  • use field help ('?') for a list of relevant codes. The most common are:
    • 'RAC' – recovery action commenced (including garnishee)
    • 'RNC' – recovery action not commenced
    • 'EDI' – external info incorrect or relates to another person
  • key 'Y' in the Finalise Review (Y/N/Q) field and press [Enter]
  • record all details on a DOC

If the match is incorrect pursue further recovery action. If there is a recoverable debt: