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Recovering debts from organisations 107-05090060

Contact details

Debt and Compensation Program (DCP) Branch and Payment Assurance Operations (PAO) contacts

National Business Gateway

Payments to organisations




Organisation business portal + Read more ...

Some organisations can use the online business portal to conduct business with Services Australia. However, the portal does not display any debt information.

The portal is available for:

Organisations can also contact the National Business Gateway for assistance.


ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) + Read more ...

Services Australia pays ABSTUDY and AIC payments for individuals, directly to a school, university, or a hostel.

See Payments to third parties and institutions for ABSTUDY for more details.

ABSTUDY payments:

  • go to the Direct Deduction Summary (DDS) screen
  • key ‘O’ in the deduction type and the relevant delivery dates, or enter the customer CRN or name
  • select the line for the individual customer
  • the Direct Deduction Details (DDD) screen will show the:
    • customer’s name, CRN, period of payment and payment amount, and
    • organisation's bank details


Paid Parental Leave (PPL) + Read more ...

Employers deliver PPL payments to employees on behalf of Services Australia.

Organisations get PPL funds in advance. Employees get their PPL through their existing payroll cycle.

A debt can occur when there has been a change in the employee’s circumstances that changes their entitlement. The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) will raise any debts against the employer.

For more details see:

PPL payments:

  • find the Employer payment search in Customer First through Workspace
  • key the relevant dates or the employee name and select Continue
  • select the hyperlink for the delivery date from the PPL employer payment screen
  • the PPL employer payment details screen shows:
    • the name, payment date and amounts for each employee, and
    • the organisation’s bank details


Approved Care Organisations (ACO) + Read more ...

ACOs organise and provide residential care to children. They are paid Family Tax Benefit (FTB) while a child is in care.

See Approved Care Organisations (ACO) for more details.

ACO payments:

  • go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen. The organisations FTB payments will show
  • PS screen will also show the organisation bank details
  • go to the FTB Rate Explanation screen (REXFTB). This will show the number of children for which the organisation is getting FTB
  • go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen. This will show the names of the children for which the organisation is receiving FTB
  • sort the FTB Eligibility by keying ‘E’ in the Sort in alternative order field


Assurers + Read more ...

An organisation that is supporting a new migrant financially is known as the assurer. The new migrant is the assuree.

When an assurer stops supporting an assuree, the assuree can apply for a Centrelink payment. The assurer then incurs an Assurance of Support (AoS) debt.


Assurer organisation payment:

  • assurers do not receive payments therefore, there are no payment details on the record
  • assuree details are on the AoS Case Summary (AOCS) screen


Third Party Organisations + Read more ...

Customer payments can go to a third party via:

  • a group schedule
  • payment nominee
  • Income Management
  • Centrepay

For payments made in error and not returned to Services Australia, the organisation incurs a debt.


TPO payments:

  • records of payments made for individuals and directed to third parties are on the individual’s record


Child Care Assistance (CCA) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) + Read more ...

Services Australia does not pursue recovery of CCA and CCB debts.

A small number of organisations have arrangements with the agency. These will continue until the debt is paid or the arrangement breaks. If an arrangement breaks, send an email with the details to the Debt Program Engagement Team.