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Changing claim choice for a newborn or adopted child 007-02010030

PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.

This document outlines how customers can change their claim choice for a newborn or adopted child.

Changing initial claim choice




Customer asks about claim choice + Read more ...

If the customer:

  • asks about their claim choice before making a claim:
    • tell the customer they can use the online estimator options to work out their potential and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) amount
    • if needed, tell them how they can claim
  • has claimed FTB and/or Parental Leave Pay (PPL), go to Step 2


Check FTB/PPL claim status + Read more ...

The Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) is not a claim for payment.

In Customer First

  • Code the Newborn Supplement Questionnaire (!NBSQ) screen when:
    • there is a claim for payment, or
    • a current FTB customer wants to get FTB for another child but is not claiming PPL

In Process Direct

  • Code the Newborn Supplement Questionnaire (NBSQ) screen when processing a claim


If the customer has:


PPL claimed + Read more ...

The system sets up Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU)/Non Benchmark Compliance (NBC) reviews based on the PPL claim status.

  • PPL claim STArted: a review sets up for 28 days. It then resets for another 28 days if the status is the same
  • PPL granted (PPL-ASS or PPL/CUR): the review completes as Newborn Supplement (NBS)/Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU) is not payable for the same child. For a multiple birth, NBS/NBU can be payable with FTB for the other children
  • PPL claim not effective (NEF): a review sets up 28 days from date of the FTB claim. This happens when the 'Intent to claim PPL' indicator is 'No' on !NBSQ/NBSQ when the PPL claim is NEF. If no PPL claim after 28 days, the system assesses NBU/NBS
    • If this indicator is 'Yes' and PPL is NEF, NBS/NBU review sets up 26 weeks from the FTB claim activity date. If no PPL claim within 26 weeks, the system assesses NBU/NBS
  • PPL REJected:
    • If unable to contact the customer, the NBS/NBU review sets up 26 weeks from the FTB claim activity date. Record the attempts to contact in the REJection DOC/Note
    • If the customer does not ask to review this decision, NBS/NBU can be paid with FTB. Go to Step 6

The customer can withdraw their PPL claim.

Procedure ends here.


FTB only claim + Read more ...

If a customer lodges an FTB claim and states on the claim that they (or their partner):

  • want to claim PPL, NBS/NBU is not payable when FTB is. A review sets up 26 weeks from the FTB claim activity date of receipt. If no PPL claim within 26 weeks, the system assesses NBU/NBS. If they state they:
  • do not want to claim PPL, the system assesses when their FTB claim is finalised


Change choice: wants to claim PPL + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • they can still choose to claim PPL, even if NBS/NBU has been paid for the child
  • limits for claiming the maximum PPL period
  • if they (or their partner) receive PPL, any NBS/NBU they received for the child will be a recoverable debt

If the customer (or their partner) receives an income support payment:

If the customer wants to claim PPL:


Change choice: no longer wants to claim PPL + Read more ...

Customers can withdraw their claim for PPL if they will get more NBS/NBU than PPL. This can only occur before the PPL payment determination. They will need to make a claim for FTB if they have not yet done so.

Families and Child Care (FCC) processing staff assess the FTB claim and update the customers claim choice. The claim choice can be actioned within the claim or after the claim has been finalised.

FCC processing staff

  • Assess FTB claim and update claim choice details on the Newborn Supplement Questionnaire (NBSQ/!NBSQ) screen
  • If the claim has already been finalised, in Customer First:
    • Select each child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen
    • Go to the Newborn Supplement Questionnaire (!NBSQ) screen
    • Code 'N'o in the Intent to claim PPL indicator
    • Code Source and DOR: fields
    • Go to Assessment Results (AR) screen and check result includes NBS/NBU assessment
    • Finalise activity and record details on a DOC
    • Record a DOC confirming contact with the claimant, stating they do not want to review the PPL REJected outcome. Tell them if they later seek a review and receive PPL for the child, the NBS/NBU payable will become a debt
    • Procedure ends here

Non FCC processing staff

Annotate FTB progress DOC with customers intended claim choice for their FTB claim. If there is not a progress of claim DOC, see Progress of claim - Families claims.

See, Pre-processing checks for standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments.


Customer overseas or departing within 21 days of lodging claim + Read more ...

Hand-off to Families International Claims (FIC):

  • Add keyword 'FICREQ' to the claim activity
  • UNASSIGN the claim in Workload Management (WLM) using reason 'Second Contact Attempt Required'