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Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Paid Parental Leave scheme customer/child going overseas 007-02080000

The Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) information in this file is for historical assessments/information only. DAP was only available for customers with children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. Claims for DAP closed 30 June 2024.

PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.

This document outlines information for Service Officers to decide if FTB, CCS and/or Paid Parental Leave scheme payments (Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP)) are payable while a customer and/or their child are overseas and for how long. It also explains the action to be taken by the Service Officer and the customer before the departure.

On this page:

Initial assessment of overseas absence

Assessing temporary absences

Recording overseas absences

Initial assessment of overseas absence

Table 1




Customer advises they and/or their children are going overseas + Read more ...

Service centre and Smart Centre staff conduct the portability interview.

Centrelink International Services (CIS) are responsible for cases where:

  • the customer is going overseas for more than 26 weeks, and
  • they will continue to receive a Centrelink payment other than FTB/CCS for more than 26 weeks

The customer may contact after using the Travelling outside of Australia service within their online account. If the online service has already coded the absence, details are recorded in a DOC. The online service may refer the customer to contact to:

  • have their absence coded, or
  • explore further portability for their situation

Note: if a customer has already advised of a temporary absence from Australia, but it is now determined that the customer has stopped residing in Australia, see Changing Australian residence details for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme customer/child.

Is the customer's child going overseas without the customer?

This includes if the child/ren are going overseas with the customer's partner but the customer is remaining in Australia or travelling separately to the child/ren.

  • Yes, the Portability Script - Departures and Returns cannot be used. Record the information in a DOC on the customer's record. Go to Step 2
  • No, go to Step 7


Is the child's overseas absence temporary? + Read more ...

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, the customer loses qualification for FTB and CCS for any child who departs Australia to live in another country. See Table 3, Step 2


Check the payment the customer receives + Read more ...

Does the customer receive CCS, PPL or DAP only?


Check return rules for child + Read more ...

Is the child's date of departure less than 6 weeks since the child's last return to Australia and was the child overseas for more than 6 weeks in the previous absence?


Return rules apply + Read more ...

The original date of departure is used to assess FTB entitlements. FTB (both Part A and Part B) for that child will cancel from the date of the child's departure.

CCS, PPL and DAP are not affected by child absences from Australia.

If the child is returning overseas after an extended absence, ensure that they are still residing in Australia. If not, all payments for that child will cease on departure.

See Table 3, Step 2.


Entitlement to payment for a temporary departure (not return rule affected) + Read more ...

FTB (both Part A and Part B) for that child can be paid for up to 6 weeks from the date of the child's departure. If still overseas at the end of this period, FTB will cancel.

CCS, PPL and DAP are not affected by child's absences from Australia.

See Table 3, Step 2.


Customer is going overseas with or without child/ren + Read more ...

Is the customer in receipt of CCS only?


Run the Portability Script + Read more ...

Run the Portability Script - Departures and Returns. The script should always be used when available.

The script will prompt the Service Officer to ask relevant questions of the customer including:

  • destination
  • date of departure
  • expected date of return
  • who is going
  • reason for absence, and
  • to produce documentation (if required)

Is the script working?


Ask the customer details of their travel + Read more ...

Ask the customer the:

  • date of departure
  • date they expect to return to Australia, and
  • country they are travelling to

Is the overseas absence temporary?


Customer is leaving Australia to live in another country + Read more ...

FTB/CCS/PPL will cancel from date customer leaves Australia to live in another country.

Any add-ons will cease on departure from Australia as the main payment will be cancelled.

  • FTB only:
    • Advise the customer of the procedure for reconciliation of FTB and check if the customer or their partner will still be required to lodge a tax return
    • The customer may need to continue to update their income estimate needs to include all income they will earn during the entire financial year, including any foreign income
  • FTB/CCS: advise the customer if they ever decide to return to Australia they would need to reclaim payment
  • PPL/DAP: advise the customer that their payment will cancel from the date of departure. It cannot be granted for the same child

In all cases:

  • Explain the decision to the customer
  • Record all details of the interview in a DOC including any overseas contact details
  • Advise the customer to refer to the Services Australia website for international phone numbers for Centrelink International Services (CIS). See the Resources page for the Services Australia website
  • Check if any of the customer's dependent children are also going overseas
  • Issue a Pre-Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter

Go to Step 11.


Record a departure to live in another country + Read more ...

Are any or all of the customer's dependent children leaving Australia?

Assessing temporary absences

Table 2




Temporary overseas absence + Read more ...

Portability can be affected if the customer holds a certain type of temporary visa that qualifies them for some payments.

If the customer is not recorded as an Australian citizen on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen, check their visa subclass on this screen. For more information, see References for a link to the Social Security Guide Chapter 9.2.

Does the customer hold a certain temporary visas that qualify them for some payments?


Customer holds a certain temporary visa + Read more ...

A customer receiving payment because they have a visa subclass 060, 070, 449, 786 or 785 (granted before 16 December 2014) is not payable if they leave Australia.

Does the customer hold one of the above visa subclasses?


Check if the customer is travelling for an approved reason + Read more ...

A customer holding a visa subclass 309, 785 (granted on or after 16 December 2014), 790 or 820 may receive a payment for a specific negotiated period if they are going overseas for an approved reason.

Is the customer going overseas for an approved reason?


Approved reason for going overseas + Read more ...

Advise the customer they will need to speak to an Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer for an assessment of their portability.

  • If they have evidence for their travel and are:
    • registered for online services, they can use Upload documents to provide the evidence
    • not registered, they can either take the evidence to a service centre for scanning to their record, or post it. For address details, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers
  • Transfer the call to CIS and explain the customer's circumstances. The CIS Service Officer will take over and complete the portability interview with the customer
  • If it is not possible to transfer the customer immediately to CIS, create a referral:

Process Direct

  • Select > Referral
  • Referral type: International Services (CIS)
  • Referral reason: Portability
  • Referral detail: Restricted Portability
  • Check Payment type is FTB - Family Tax Benefit
  • Select Next
  • Referral details display. Update the following as required:
    • Vulnerable or suspended customer
    • Call customer required
    • Translation required
    • Appeal request
    • Add additional information, ensuring to record the travel details including dates and reason for travel and confirm current telephone contact details
  • Select Next
  • Select Finish

Customer First

  • Create a Fast Note. Select Auto text > Centrelink International Services > Portability > CIS Restricted Portability Referral
  • Record the travel details including dates, reason for travel and current telephone contact details

Tell the customer an officer from CIS will contact them as soon as possible.

Procedure ends here.


Check return rules for customer + Read more ...

Is the customer's departure from Australia less than 6 weeks since their last return to Australia and was the customer overseas for more than 6 weeks during the previous absence?


Return rules apply + Read more ...

The original date of departure is used to assess entitlement:

  • FTB (both Part A and Part B) will cancel from the date of departure
  • CCS entitlement will reduce to a zero rate from the date of departure
  • PPL and DAP can continue for up to 56 weeks from the original date of departure

The Resources page contains information about FTB portability periods and the effect on FTB rates.

Go to Step 12.


Entitlement to payments for a temporary departure (not return rule affected) + Read more ...

FTB (both Part A and Part B) can continue for up to 6 weeks from the date of departure. If still overseas at the end of this period, FTB (both Part A and Part B) will cancel.

CCS can continue if entitlement exists for the first 6 weeks of a temporary overseas absence.

PPL and DAP can be paid to Australian residents if entitlement exists during the first 56 weeks of a temporary overseas absence.

If the customer continues to pay rent for their home in Australia, Rent Assistance (RA) can be paid for 6 weeks from departure.

If the customer is recorded as being overseas (via the Immigration Datalink seen on the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen) the customer will have an activity test result of 100 hours for a maximum of 6 weeks from the date of departure for CCS. No time limit applies if it is the partner of the CCS customer who is outside Australia.

International agreement – ‘additional child payment’

A customer and/or partner may receive both FTB and additional child payment overseas if:

  • they are paid a proportional rate under an international agreement
  • the agreement attracts an additional child payment, and
  • they continue to be eligible for FTB

In these cases, FTB will be paid for up to a maximum of 6 weeks overseas.

Portability extension

Under limited and specific circumstances certain Australian Defence Force and Australian Federal Police (International Deployment Group) personnel who are deployed overseas may be entitled to an extension of portability for FTB (including Part A above base rate and FTB Part B), CCS and PPL for up to a maximum of 3 years from the original date of departure.

If the 6 week period is exceeded, it will affect eligibility and entitlement, unless a portability extension has been approved.

Requests for portability extensions are assessed on a case by case basis and must be referred to Centrelink International Services (CIS) for assessment.

Is the customer travelling without the child, or in receipt of CCS, PPL or DAP only?

Yes, go to Step 11

No, go to Step 8


Check return rules for child + Read more ...

Is the child's date of departure less than 6 weeks since the child's return to Australia and was the child overseas for more than 6 weeks during the previous absence?


Return rules apply (for child) + Read more ...

The original date of departure is used to assess entitlement:

  • FTB (both Part A and Part B) for this child will cancel from the date of their departure
  • CCS, PPL and DAP are not affected by child absences

If the child is returning overseas after an extended absence, ensure that they are still an Australian resident. If not, all payments for that child will cease on departure.

Go to Step 12.


Return rules do not apply + Read more ...

FTB (both Part A and Part B) at the normal rate can be paid for up to 6 weeks from the date of departure. If still overseas at the end of this period, FTB will cancel.

CCS, PPL and DAP are not affected by child absences.

Go to Step 12.


Check if child/ren and partner are not travelling + Read more ...

If the FTB customer is travelling without a child(ren) and the partner is not travelling, the partner may become eligible for FTB.

See Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for individuals and Partner of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer claims family assistance and/or Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

Go to Step 12.


Complete portability interview + Read more ...

Advise the customer:

  • of the portability decision, particularly if their payment will cease
  • about what will happen to their payment when they return to Australia:
    • FTB/CCS, see continuation of payment on their return to Australia
    • PPL:
      - For a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023 - PPL days: the customer may be eligible for some or all of their PPL days if they return to Australia and meet PPL eligibility requirements within 2 years of the child’s birth or adoption
      - For a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023 - Once the PPL period ceases, it cannot be re-granted for the same child, even if the customer returns to Australia within the PPL period
      - Flexible PPL days: for PPL children born or adopted before 1 July 2023 the customer may be eligible for some or all of their Flexible PPL if they return to Australia and meet PPL eligibility requirements within 2 years of the child’s birth or adoption
    • DAP: once the DAP period ceases, it cannot be re-granted for the same child, even if the customer returns to Australia within the DAP period
  • Determine if the customer has to contact when they have returned to Australia
  • Ask the customer for any contact address or phone number whilst overseas
  • If they are payable ask the customer if they wish to nominate an agent to act on their behalf while they are overseas. If so, record the agent details in a DOC
  • For FTB/CCS customers, check with the customer if any income or activity details have changed and, if so update the system with the new information
  • If the customer plans on being overseas long term (for example, 2 years), advise the customer of the procedure for reconciliation of FTB, reconciliation of CCS and check if the customer or their partner will still be required to lodge a tax return. The customer may need to continue to update their income estimate

Finalise interview

  • Record all details of the decision in a DOC
  • Advise the customer to refer to the Services Australia website for a list of international phone numbers for CIS if they need to contact from overseas
  • Issue a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter

See Table 3, Step 1.

Recording overseas absences

Table 3




Code customer's absence + Read more ...

  • Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer has provided new address details. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia
  • Record the overseas telephone number and email address if available
  • Update any change in rent details or accommodation
  • Update the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen

Are any of the customer's dependent children also going overseas?


Code the child's absence + Read more ...

Go to the:

  • Child Selection (CHS) screen and select the child(ren) travelling outside Australia
  • Customer Advised Child Travel (CHRSCD) screen

Does an error message appear 'I083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header'?


Update child record + Read more ...

Update the CHRSCD screen.

If the child is leaving Australia to live in another country, update the Child Country of Residence (CHCRES) screen.


  • Make sure that any temporary absences from or temporary visits to Australia are not coded on CHCRES
  • The CHCRES screen cannot be updated if the departure date is more than 28 days in the future. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: FTB
    • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
    • Due Date: within 28 days of the departure date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Child is departing Australia to live overseas on [insert departure date]. Code CHCRES screen with the departure date and the country.'
    • Keywords: INVIRN
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • If the child is travelling without the customer, record details of the absence in a DOC on the customer's record

Repeat this step for all children leaving Australia. Go to Step 5.


Update child's customer record + Read more ...

Key the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN: field and press [Enter].


  • Make sure that any temporary absences from Australia are not coded on CRES
  • The CRES screen cannot be updated if the departure date is more than 28 days in the future. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: FTB
    • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
    • Due Date: within 28 days of the departure date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Child is departing Australia to live overseas on [insert departure date]. Code CHCRES screen with the departure date and the country.'
    • Keywords: INVIRN
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Repeat steps if required for any other children also travelling outside Australia
  • Return to the customer's record (generally using 'FL' in Nxt: field)
  • If the child/ren is travelling without the customer, record details of the absence in a DOC on the customer's record
  • 'S'elect the started activity in the customer's record

Go to Step 5.


Complete procedure + Read more ...

  • Key 'AR' in Nxt: and press [Enter]
  • Finalise the activity. Note: the reassessment will not occur until the customer and/or child/ren leave Australia
  • Do not supress the auto advice

Procedure ends here.

If a system issue arises for:


Coding requirements when child is born overseas + Read more ...

Child is born overseas with no departure date coded (has not yet arrived in Australia)

Record the child's (overseas) country of birth on the CHIMME and CHCRES screens. Do not record a departure from Australia as the child has not yet entered Australia and therefore has not departed.

If the child is recorded as in care from birth, the system will assess the child as temporarily outside Australia for the first 6 weeks from birth. The system will cancel FTB 6 weeks after the child's date of birth (or earlier if the parent departed Australia prior to the child's birth and is still outside Australia).

Child arrives in Australia and is assessed as residentially qualified as an FTB child, or is living with a customer who is residentially qualified for FTB

Once the child arrives in Australia, update the CHCRES screen.

Any future departures for the customer or child will be treated as temporary if their CRES/CHCRES screen is recorded as living in Australia. If the child is not recorded as living in Australia on their CRES/CHRES screen, when they leave Australia they will cease to be an eligible FTB child.

Note: ensure that the overseas-born child is in the care of the FTB customer. If the child resides overseas and the FTB customer is living in Australia there would be a concern as to whether the child is really a dependent child in their care. If the child is not a FTB child from birth, do not record them as in care from birth.

Procedure ends here.


Residence override for customers + Read more ...

Where the system generates an incorrect assessment for a FTB customer due to residence or portability, the Service Officer may apply a manual override.

Submit a query via the online query referral form (the Resources page has a link) to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk. They will assess if coding via the Family Tax Benefit Residency Override (FRESOVR) screen is appropriate.

If appropriate, forward Level 2 Policy Helpdesk confirmation to Manual Intervention Team (MIV) for coding by specialist staff.

Recording the FRESOVR screen (specialist staff access only - see the Resources page for details of requesting system access):

  • Key '!FRESOVR' in Nxt: and press [Enter]
  • 'S'elect the required options from the What type of override do you want? drop down box

For example, the system is incorrectly reducing the FTB rate or cancelling due to portability, 'S'elect the override MRP (Meets residency and portability rules). This will enable FTB to remain current.