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Role of the employer in Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-09010030

PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.

This document explains the responsibilities of employers for the delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

On this page:

Employer responsibilities

Additional information regarding employer responsibilities

Employer or employee reports a change to an ABN for PPL purposes

Employer responsibilities

Table 1




Notification to employers from Services Australia + Read more ...

Services Australia will issue a letter to employers when:

  • an employer determination has been made that they have to deliver PPL to one of their employees
  • a payability determination has been made about 1 of their employees
  • their role in providing PPL for their employee/s ends

When an employer successfully registers for PPL through Business Hub, they will receive an automatic notification in Business Hub.

Note: if a PPL claim is made not effective (NEF) the employer determination will be revoked and an Employer Obligation Ceased letter is automatically generated. When the employee re-claims PPL, re-index the initial claim as a new claim. This will generate an employer determination letter and the employer is required to respond to this new request. There is potential an employer may receive an Employer Obligation Ceased letter and an Employer Determination letter for the same employee, resulting in enquiries from the employer.

The employer will also receive Payment Advice Reports each time Services Australia sends PPL funding amounts for their employee/s

If the employer contacts to advise the employee:


Employer contacts to advise employee does not meet the work test + Read more ...

When an employer contacts Services Australia to advise their employee does not meet the PPL work test and they intend to apply for a formal review of the employer determination, Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff must collect and record additional information from the employer.

Employer advises employee does not meet the PPL work test

Questions to ask the employer and add answers in a DOC:

Suggested questions:

  • Why do you believe the employee does not meet the PPL work test?
  • When did the employee commence working for you?
  • What was their last date of employment?
  • Has the employee worked 330 hours in a 10 month period during their 13 month work test period?
  • In the employee's work test period did they have unpaid leave?
  • Did the employee have a break of more than 84 days (12 weeks) of unpaid leave?
  • Did your business qualify for and did you pay the employee JobKeeper Payment?
  • Has your business been affected by COVID-19 which may have qualified the employee to a COVID-19 Disaster Payment?

Employees who have not completed 330 hours of paid work for an employer in their 10 month (295 days) qualifying period may still meet the PPL work test when other factors are considered. Some of these other factors may include an employee having:

  • previous periods of PPL/DAP received during the work test period
  • multiple employers
  • self-employment
  • complications or illnesses related to the pregnancy
  • experienced special circumstances which affected their ability to meet the work test, including:
    • family and domestic violence
    • severe medical condition or caring for a close family member with a severe medical condition
    • natural disaster declared by the Commonwealth or a state or territory

Dangerous Job Provision

Birth mothers who stopped working in a dangerous job will be able to move their PPL work test period.

Extended Work Test Provision

PPL employees who do not meet the standard work test because they stopped work, or had their work hours reduced, due to coronavirus (COVID-19) may be able to access the Extended Work Test.

The extended work test will apply to employees who have a child with an expected/actual date of birth or adoption between 22 March 2020 and 31 March 2021.

The work test period for these employees will be extended from 13 months to 20 months before the birth or adoption of their child. See Paid Parental Leave Scheme work test.

COVID-19 Disaster Payments (paid by Services Australia on or after 3 June 2021)

PPL employees who do not meet the standard work test because they stopped work, or had their work hours reduced due to COVID-19 lockdowns on or after 3 June 2021 may still meet the PPL scheme work test.

Further investigation required

If the employer still believes the employee does not meet the work test, advise them their concerns will be referred to the relevant team for further investigation.

In these cases, Services Australia can commence a Secretary initiated review to determine if the employee meets the work test. See Secretary initiated review of decision for additional information.

PPLEPT staff dual skilled in FAO processing are to undertake a Subject Matter Expert (SME) review to confirm the employee meets the work test.

Staff not dual skilled in FAO processing will create a referral for allocation. On the employee’s record, use Fast Note, select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > PPL Work test - Sec Review. The review will be allocated to a dual skilled PPLEPT/FCC staff member.

After completing the investigation, the employer will receive a letter advising them if they no longer need to provide the PPL to their employee.

If the:

If the:

  • ADR has commenced, more than 21 days have passed since it started, and the WTS review has not been completed,
  • the PPLEPT are to hold the ADR DOC for 7 days until the WTS review is completed

Where the employer still needs to provide PPL, make genuine attempts to contact to advise:

  • the outcome of the Secretary initiated review, and
  • their obligation to accept the employer determination


Employer advises employee is not known by the employer + Read more ...

When an employer contacts Services Australia to advise the employee is not known by the employer and they intend to apply for a formal review of the employer determination, Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff must collect and record additional information from the employer.

In some circumstances, an employee's personal details will differ from Services Australia to their employers. Employees have the option when they submit their claim to provide any other name(s) they are known by with their employer. For example, their maiden name. The Employer Determination Letter received by the employer will include an employee identification number and other name provided by the employee in their claim.

If the employer contacts to say they need more details before accepting the employee, the PPLEPT can ask the employer for extra details. This can include, employee's date of birth, address to establish an employee link to be satisfied Services Australia has the right employee.

If the employer is unable or unwilling to provide the additional employee details, the PPLEPT must attempt to contact the customer. If attempts to contact the customer have been unsuccessful, issue a Q999 letter requesting the customer contact Services Australia to provide the relevant information.

The Resources page contains an example of Q999 text used by PPLEPT staff seeking additional information from the employee.

After the Q999 is sent, PPLEPT staff are to:

  • on the employee’s record:
    • complete the Manual Follow-up (MFU)
    • in Process Direct, change status to Completed
    • record a DOC. Use Fast Note, select Auto Text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > PPLEPT - Q999 Employee RFI
    • place the DOC on HLD for 14 days (allow extra time for mail delivery)
  • on the employer’s record:
    • record a DOC. Use Fast Note, select Auto Text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > <PPL claim ID> employee unknown
    • close the DOC


Employee responds to the Q999

When the employee contacts with the above details, tell them Services Australia will use the details they give to link them with their employer so they can provide their PPL.

Staff are to record the information provided by the employee in a Fast Note to PPLEPT (PEP). Select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > PPL Q999 employee details.

When the Q999 Employee RFI or PPL Q999 employee details is allocated, PPLEPT will make an outbound contact attempt to confirm the Q999 details with the employer. If updates are required, see Customer notifies a change of circumstances for Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

If the employee does not contact with the above details, extra evidence may be required to verify the employee meets the PPL work test.

In these cases, Services Australia can commence a Secretary initiated review.

See Secretary initiated review of decision for additional information.

PPLEPT staff dual skilled in FAO processing are to undertake a Subject Matter Expert (SME) review to confirm the employee meets the work test.

Staff not dual skilled in FAO processing will create a referral for allocation. On the employee’s record, use Fast Note, select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > PPL Work test - Sec Review.

The review will be allocated to a dual skilled PPLEPT/FCC processing SME to confirm the employee meets the work test.

PPLEPT staff dual skilled in FAO processing are to undertake a Subject Matter Expert (SME) review to confirm the employee meets the work test.

See Secretary initiated review of decision for additional information.


PPL Work test Secretary initiated review completed + Read more ...

A dual skilled PPLEPT/FCC staff member will review if the employee meets the PPL work test.

If the employee meets the PPL work test, the employer is required to provide the PPL.

PPLEPT staff must attempt to contact the employer to:

  • advise the employer of their obligation, and
  • reiterate the other factors, which contribute to the PPL work test

If contact with the employer is unsuccessful, the PPLEPT are to commence the assisted dispute resolution for employer determination for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) process.

Note: Privacy Act 1988 prevents disclosing and discussing an employee's personal information with the employer.

If the employer refuses to provide the payment to the employee, refer the case to the New Parent Programmes Team. The Resources page contains information about contacting the team.


PPL registration for employers + Read more ...

Employers can register for the scheme online by creating a:

  • Provider Digital Access Account (PRODA) account. The employer will get a Registration Authority (RA) number to register for Business Hub
  • Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS) account. CBOS can be accessed from the Services Australia website

If employers choose not to use online services, or they do not have access to internet. They can contact the PPLEPT to register.

Employers are encouraged to register online for PPL business. This will allow them to self-manage their details and easier communication with Services Australia.

Note: where employers have advised they have multiple ABNs within their organisation, refer them to PPLEPT if they want to provide their PPL payments to employees through a centralised payroll operation.

Once registered, employers will be able to provide their:

  • bank account
  • employee pay cycle
  • PPL contact details

Does the employer have multiple ABNs and elect to use a centralised ABN?

  • Yes, where employers have multiple ABNs within their organisation, they can elect to provide their PPL payments to their employees through one centralised ABN. Where the employer has designated a centralised ABN the PPL employee's payments will automatically update to the centralised ABN within the new claim process
  • No, go to Step 6


Payment information for the employer + Read more ...

If the employer will deliver PPL, an Employer determination letter will issue outlining the obligations of providing PPL to their employee.

The letter must include:

  • employee's (legal) name
  • employee's eligibility for PPL
  • period for which the employer must provide PPL to the employee
  • request to verify the employer's PPL details have not changed
  • employer's obligations under the PPL scheme
  • review and appeal rights of the employer if the employer disagrees with the decision, they are to provide PPL to the employee

Send the employer determination letter electronically or by mail.

If the employer does not know the employee by the name used in the employer determination, the employer must be encouraged to speak with the employee referenced by the employee ID number. The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) cannot provide name information stored on Services Australia systems to employers. However, if the employer provides the PPLEPT with an alternative name, the PPLEPT can confirm whether the employee is known to Services Australia by that name.

Services Australia will work with employers to ensure the PPL amount is advanced to them before they are required to provide PPL to an employee. There will be no obligation on an employer to provide PPL until they have received the required funds from Services Australia.

Payments will be electronically transferred to the employer's nominated bank account by Services Australia and a payment advice will be issued (either electronic or in another written form) with each payment. The payment advice can be issued in different formats: CSV, HTM, PDF and XML. The employer can request the payment advice to be issued in 2 different formats.

CSV files can be loaded into various spreadsheet applications, such as:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Notepad, or
  • WordPad

If an employer is using Microsoft Excel, it is important they ensure the date format is set as ddmmyyyy before downloading and saving the CSV file into Microsoft Excel. The date format ddmmyyyy is compatible with the CSV file date format. If the date format is not set as ddmmyyyy when the CSV file is downloaded and saved in Microsoft Excel, the leading 0 from the date value may drop off, resulting in the date format displayed as dmmyyyy. Employers can fix this by changing the date format settings in their Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to ddmmyyyy.

Alternatively, instead of using Microsoft Excel, employers can download and open the CSV file in Notepad or WordPad. Both will maintain the correct CSV file date format of ddmmyyyy.

Note: the employer's nominated bank account refers to an account 'held and maintained' by the employer with a financial institution to which PPL funding amounts can be paid, and includes an account held with an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI). The References page contains further detail on ADI.

Services Australia is able to make up to 9 fortnightly instalments of PPL funding to an employer. However, an employer can elect to receive funding amounts in 3 x 6 weekly instalments.

Payments will be transferred before the employer's pay cycle. This will be before the pay cut-off date for any changes to the employee's pay for that pay period.

For employers with multiple employees in receipt of PPL, the funds will be issued for all employees, for each pay cycle from Services Australia.


Employer advises alternate Australian Business Number (ABN) + Read more ...

If an employer responds to the employer determination and they provide an alternate ABN to the one advised by the employee they are, by action, presenting themselves as the employee's nominated employer.

The provision of an ABN for PPL purposes does not require confirmation from the employee.

For example, a business may operate several business names under the same ABN, provided they all operate under the same business structure. If additional businesses operate under different business structures, they require their own ABN. An employee must be linked to the ABN within the business structure under which they are employed. However, internal accounting practises used within a business are, unless specified or regulated by legislation, decisions for the business to determine. Therefore, a different ABN can be used at the employer's discretion.

For example, Woolworths Townsville may select to pay their employees PPL through a national office.

Employers who contact Services Australia to advise they would like to elect a centralised ABN for PPL purposes will need the information collected and be referred to PPLEPT to update the ABN table. The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) can refer to the Employer or employee reports a change to an ABN for PPL purposes table for more information.

Mapping will occur during the claim processing and will use a new index table, which stores the centralised ABN data, and will be used during the paymaster determination.

The PPLEPT will maintain the data contained in the ABN index.

Note: in some instances, employers are not required to have an ABN, for example, people who are not in a business and employ household workers, such as nannies, cleaners or gardeners. In these instances, Services Australia will deliver PPL to the employee.


Outsourced or shared payroll arrangements + Read more ...

The arrangements for employers who use outsourced or shared payroll services will be the same as those outlined for other employers.

Employers will be able to nominate:

  • where letters and payment advices from Services Australia must be sent, and
  • the bank account the PPL funds are to be deposited


Employer obligations of funded PPL + Read more ...

PPL amounts paid to employers will not be classified as public monies under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

Employers have an obligation to provide PPL in line with their employee's normal pay cycle. This includes payment delivery dates impacted by employer shut down periods and national public holidays. See Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

Employers will not need a separate bank account for PPL and may earn interest on amounts held in their accounts. As is normally the case, any interest will be treated as income for taxation purposes.

Employers will not be required to provide any regular banking reports to Services Australia. However, employers must keep proper financial records of the receipt of PPL amounts and of payments made to an employee as general business practice. Employers will assist if there are any disputes about the funding amount paid by Services Australia to the employer, or payments provided to the employee (for example, payslips).

PPL payments must be included in the total amounts appearing on an employee's annual or part-year payment summary. The gross amount of PPL provided to an employee in a pay period must appear on a notice (payslip or separate notice) to the employee for that particular pay period. The total amount of Pay As You Go (PAYG) withheld from the total gross taxable payment for that period must also be included in the notice.

If an employer fails to comply with these responsibilities dispute resolution procedures may apply.


PPL and regular employment entitlements/benefits + Read more ...

Leave entitlements

An employee may receive PPL before, after or at the same time as employer-provided paid leave such as recreation leave and maternity leave, and employer-provided unpaid leave. When PPL is received at the same time as a type of leave that ordinarily results in the accrual of leave entitlements or counts as service for the accrual of other entitlements, these existing accrual arrangements will not be affected.

PPL does not replace existing workplace entitlements.


Employers will not be required to make superannuation contributions in respect of PPL and must be quarantined from other amounts which attract a superannuation guarantee liability.

Payroll tax

PPL will not be subject to payroll tax and must be quarantined from other amounts which attract a payroll tax liability.

Workers compensation premiums

Employers will not be required to pay workers compensation premiums in respect of PPL and must be quarantined from amounts which attract workers compensation premium.

For more information about employment entitlements see Fair Work Online.

Additional information regarding employer responsibilities

Table 2




Notices for employees from employers + Read more ...

The employer will give the employee information about their PPL within 1 working day of making the payment (for example, payslip). The record will include:

  • employer's name
  • employee's name
  • period to which the PPL relates
  • date on which the PPL was or will be paid
  • gross amount of the payment
  • net amount of payment
  • ABN of the employer

Note: if an amount is deducted from the gross amount (for example, for salary sacrifice or child support), the record must also include the name, or the name and number, of the account into which the deduction was paid.

If the employer is making payments in addition to PPL to an employee for the same pay period, the PAYG withholding amount for the PPL does not have to be separately identified on the payslip. Only the total amount of tax withheld from the total gross payment for that pay period has to be included. This may occur, for example, where the employee receives a paid leave entitlement in addition to PPL in a particular pay period.

PPL must be included in the total amounts appearing on an employee's annual or part-year payment summary. The PPL does not have to be separately identified.


Information the employer must notify to Services Australia + Read more ...

Once the payment delivery relationship has been established with the employer, they will be required to notify Services Australia if:

  • an employee is no longer in their employment
  • there are changes to their bank account details or pay cycle
  • they have been advanced an incorrect PPL amount by Services Australia which they must repay
  • they are unable to provide PPL to the employee
  • they cease trading, are selling the business, transferring ownership or merging with another business in advance of the change
  • for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, an employee returns to work or works when they are getting PPL, including if an allowable exception reason applies
  • for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, if the employee works on a PPL day during their continuous weeks paid by the employer, not including if an allowable exception reason applies


'Keeping in touch' provision + Read more ...

Keeping in touch provisions apply for a PPL claim for a child born before 1 July 2023.

PPL includes a 'keeping in touch' provision which will allow employees to participate in workplace activities for up to 10 days before they return to work.

Employees can access keeping in touch days during their PPL period or Flexible PPL days before they have returned to work for the first time since the birth or adoption of their child. Once the employee has returned to work, they cannot access keeping in touch, even if they have not used all 10 days.

Work undertaken under this provision will not be considered a return to work for the purposes of the PPL scheme.

Both the employee and the employer must consent to the employee performing work for the employer on a keeping in touch day.

Keeping in touch days requested by the employee cannot occur within 14 days of the birth/entry into care of the child.

Employer requested keeping in touch days must not be within 42 days after the date of birth/entry into care.

The National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act 2009 incorporates a corresponding 'keeping in touch' provision, which allows eligible employees to work up to 10 days during the 12 months unpaid parental leave period without affecting their leave entitlement. 'Keeping in touch' days taken for PPL will count towards the 10 day limit provided under the National Employment Standards.

Work undertaken as part of 'keeping in touch' provisions will count as service and will attract usual employment provisions including pay, superannuation and leave accrual.

See Parental Leave Pay (PPL) customer, for a child born before 1 July 2023, returns to work for questions and answers about the 'keeping in touch' provision.


Employer becomes insolvent or ceases trading + Read more ...

If an employer has been issued with PPL funds for an employee and that business ceases trading or becomes insolvent Services Australia will seek recovery of the PPL from the employer.

The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) will revoke the employer determination from the date the employer is officially insolvent. This date may be in the past, present or future.

Services Australia will provide any future payments of PPL to the employee from the day the employer determination is revoked. This may result in a debt for the employer and/or employee.

Spanning financial years

PPL payments provided to an employee in one financial year will affect their income and taxation obligations for that financial year. Where an employer determination is being revoked very close to the end of a financial year and the employee is receiving future payments (i.e. employer was on a 6 weekly payment cycle), Service Officers should contact the employee to confirm when they would prefer to receive the PPL payments - immediately or in the new financial year.


Employer transfer to a secondary carer for a child born before 1 July 2023 + Read more ...

If the person to whom the PPL is being transferred (for example, father of the child) is eligible to receive 8 weeks or more PPL, and the secondary carer is employed at the time of the PPL transfer, their employer may be required to provide the remaining PPL.


Overpayments to employers + Read more ...

If excess or unused PPL is transferred to an employer and/or an employee an overpayment of PPL occurs. If an employer becomes aware of such situations, the employer must advise Services Australia immediately.

Services Australia will work out who is liable to repay any overpaid amount. If required, Services Australia will contact the employer and confirm the details of the situation.

If an excess PPL amount is in the hands of the employer, the employer will be required to return the overpaid funding amount to Services Australia within 28 days of receiving an account payable letter about the overpaid amount from Services Australia.

If an overpayment of PPL has been received by an employee, Services Australia:

  • will seek recovery of the PPL from the employee
  • may send a notice to the employer to request the employer amends the employee's pay record


Employer reviews and appeals and dispute resolution + Read more ...

Employers and Services Australia

The employer can apply for a formal review of decision when they do not agree to provide PPL to an employee.

The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) will record all  employer requests for an explanation or application for a formal review. If the employer is not satisfied with the outcome of the formal review, they may request a review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Employers and employees

When an employer and employee are in dispute about a matter concerning PPL, the PPLEPT will seek to help the parties resolve the matter. If the PPLEPT does not believe it can help resolve the matter, it will be referred to the Fair Work Ombudsman for investigation. The Fair Work Ombudsman will undertake this investigation in line with its existing processes for investigating an allegation that wages have not been paid.

Employer or employee reports a change to an ABN for PPL purposes

This process is for Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff only

Table 3




Changes to an ABN + Read more ...

Notification will be received by the PPLEPT that a change to a Paid Parental Leave (PPL) employer's ABN is required.

Note: there is no timeframe as to when changes to the Reference Data Facility (RDF) will be processed.

Identify the status of the PPL claim:

If the Employer ABN is being replaced, go to Step 4

For Updates to the RDF register ABN Centralisation, go to Step 5


Changes to an ABN - PPL ASS + Read more ...


  • employee might unknowingly provide a centralised ABN in their PPL claim linked to the head office of their current employer rather than their employer's subsidiary ABN, or
  • internal change of ABN occurs before PPL being administered (PPL ASS EIA/EIR under the incorrect/previous ABN)

Notification of a new ABN can be provided by the PPL employee or by the employer's registered contact on either the centralised or subsidiary ABN.

Obtain the following information before updating the ABN:

  • Go to the XPCIRE screen, select PPL claim. In GRP type P1ED and press continue to find:
    • Employee Identification number
    • Employee alias name
    • Start date with employer, and
    • Employment status, such as permanent or temporary

To change the ABN:

  • Go to the PPL Claim Summary (P1CS)
  • Key an 'I' beside the relevant claim line and select Continue
  • On the PPL Initiate Employer Determination (P1IED) screen, key:
    • Source: INT
    • Date: 'today' date'
    • Would you like to change Paid Parental Leave Payment Delivery Role? - Select the 'Yes' radio button
    • Would you like to force the payment delivery to employer? - Select the 'Yes' radio button
    • Enter the required date in the Date of Effect of Paid Parental Leave Delivery Role Transfer field
    • Complete the relevant details in the Paid Parental Leave Employer Details section
  • Select Continue
  • Key employment start date and Employee Identification number and alias name (if relevant)
  • Select Continue
  • Check any adjustments and action accordingly
  • Select Finalise
  • Select Continue
  • Record ABN updates in a DOC on both the Losing Employer (ABN) and employee records:
    • For employers - Use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employer. Complete the DOC
    • For employees - Use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employee. Complete the DOC
  • Go to the AR (Assessment Result) and complete any ADR DOCs

Once the PPLEPT update the change to the employer ABN details in Customer First, the details will automatically flow through to the online Service. See Employer Registrations for Parental Leave Pay.

If the ABN update cannot be processed due to the ABN reverting to an incorrect ABN, the RDF is required to be updated.

  • To update the RDF, document both the employer and employee records with:
    • for employers - use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employer. Complete the DOC. See Resources for RDF register template
    • for employees - use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employee. Complete the DOC. See Resources for RDF register template
  • Using the PPLEPT Floor Walking (FW) SharePoint, submit a request to have RDF table updated
    • Primary enquiry details - PPLEPT
    • Secondary Enquiry reason - RDF update
    • In the ‘Comments’ field record ‘RDF update required
    • Submit request
  • Place a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on the losing PPL employer ABN/CRN record:
    • Use the DOA reason as 'CRN-Multiple CRNs exist' as this has no requirement for an expiry date, and
    • Select confirm to record the DOA DOC

The request will be assessed by a PPLEPT Local Peer Support (LPS) who has RDF table access. LPS will send a response back to the Service Officer once RDF updates are complete.

Procedure ends here.


Changes to an ABN - PPL CUR + Read more ...

An employee might unknowingly provide a centralised ABN in their PPL claim linked to the head office of their current employer rather than their employer's subsidiary ABN.

Notification of a new ABN can be provided by the employee and registered contact on either the centralised or subsidiary ABN.

Where PPL payments have started, the PPL claim will need to be rejected and re-granted by PPLEPT staff who are dual skilled in FAO processing.

Staff not dual skilled in FAO processing will create a referral for allocation. Use Fast Note, select Auto Text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > <PPL Claim ID> PPL Regrant.

The Fast Note will be allocated to a dual skilled PPLEPT/FCC staff member.

Record ABN updates using Fast Note > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employer on the Losing Employer (ABN) only. Make genuine attempts to contact the employer to advise of the outcome.

Procedure ends here.


Replacing an ABN + Read more ...

Employer advises their existing ABN is being replaced by a new ABN.

  • All employees who have previously lodged a PPL claim under the existing ABN need to be moved to the new replacement ABN
  • Place a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on the losing PPL employer ABN/CRN record:
    • Use the DOA reason as 'CRN-Multiple CRNs exist' as this has no requirement for an expiry date
    • Copy and paste the RDF register template and complete any required information. See Resources for RDF register template, and
    • Select confirm to record the DOA DOC
  • If required, scan all relevant emails and letters to the new employer's record. See Searching for and indexing private trusts and companies to create a new employer record
  • If employer advises their existing ABN is being replaced by a new ABN, record updated information in a DOC on both the losing PPL employer (ABN) and associated employee records
  • Document both the employer and employee records with:
    • for employers - use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employer. In the losing PPL employer’s record, annotate the PPLEPT ABN Change - Employer DOC with the RDF register template and complete any required information. See Resources for RDF register template
    • for employees - use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use > Families > Updates > PPLEPT ABN Change - Employee
  • Using the Tier 1 - Request for LPS Assistance - Centrelink online form, submit a request to have RDF table updated:
    • Program - Boutique Families
    • Benefit - PPL
    • Primary enquiry details - PPLEPT
    • Secondary Enquiry reason - RDF update
    • Submit request
  • Staff to separately email the losing PPL employer’s ABN or CRN to the PPLEPT team’s RDF update mailbox


Request received to update the RDF register ABN Centralisation + Read more ...

Only limited PPLEPT Local Peer Support (LPS) with the RDF resource are responsible for maintaining and updating the RDF table.

Staff with the RDF resource will need to contact the PPLEPT SSO to obtain the losing employer’s ABN/CRN.

Note: Staff are to record the updates in the PPL.ORG.CENTRALISED.ABN excel spreadsheet. For assistance, refer to the PPLEPT Senior Service Officer (SSO).

In Customer Record:

  • key 'RDF' in the Sys field and 'C' in env
  • select Enter
  • key 'RDRD' in the Next field
  • select Enter

On the RDF table listing screen RDTL, search for PPL.ORG.CENTRALISED.ABN.

  • Select the table, then select [Enter] to pass the definition screens RDTD and RDCD
  • In the 'RDF' row list RDRL, select or search the ABN to update
  • Select [Enter]
  • Key 'a' on the RDRL screen to add a new ABN

If error message 'E038RD - Duplicate key CENTRALISED.ABN/ SUBSIDIARY.ABN/ START.DATE' displays, undertake a search on the RDRL screen to see if a centralised ABN already exists. If the ABN:

  • already exists, procedure ends here
  • does not exist, escalate the system error through normal escalation procedures