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Return to sender (RTS) mail for Incentive Programs 012-10010130

This document outlines how to manage returned mail for the PIP, WIP - Practice Stream, and General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (GPACAI).

On this page:

Process the RTS mail for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream

Process the RTS mail for GP ACAI

Process the RTS mail for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream

Table 1




Open work item in PaNDA + Read more ...

  • Launch Work Optimiser – Medicare desktop
  • Select ‘Ready’
  • Open the work item.
  • Identify the work type:
    • Practice Incentives Program (PIP), go to Step 2
    • Workforce Incentives Program (WIP) – Practice Stream, go to Step 2
    • GP Aged Care Access Incentive (GPACAI), see Table 2


Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems:


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search
  • the Search Results will show
  • if no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Go to Step 4

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the RTS mail.

If the details match, go to Step 6

If the details do not match, check the company or trading name:

  • Select the Practice ID
  • The Practice Summary screen will show
  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Ownership Details from the drop down
  • The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the RTS mail?


Search using the practice address + Read more ...

If the practice ID is not correct, search for the correct practice

On the Practice Search screen:

  • In Locality, key the suburb/town from the correspondence address
  • In Postcode Range, key the address postcode
  • Select Search
  • Search results will show
  • Check the practice name and full practice address against the search results

Is there a match to the practice details in the search results list?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No,
    • add a processing note to PaNDA: 'The practice ID is not valid. The correct practice ID could not be located. No further action taken'
    • Complete the work item in PaNDA
    • Procedure ends here


Confirm the practice details + Read more ...

If a matching practice name and address are listed in the search results:

  • Select the Practice ID
  • The Practice Summary screen will show
  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Contact Details
  • The Contact Details screen will show

Check if the RTS mail is addressed to a listed authorised contact person (ACP).

If the details match, go to Step 6.

If the addressee is not a current ACP, check the current owner’s names:

  • Select Practice details from the Main menu
  • Select Ownership details
  • the Ownership Details screen will show

Check if the RTS mail is addressed to a practice owner.

If the details match, go to Step 6.

If the addressee is not a current ACP or practice owner, check the Associated Documents for changes to the practice ownership and/or ACPs since the date on the RTS mail.

Was the RTS mail addressed to a previous practice owner or ACP?

  • Yes, and the RTS mail is
    • A PIP Annual Confirmation statement, go to Step 8
    • A WIP – Practice Stream Quarterly Confirmation statement, go to Step 9
    • Other PIP or WIP – Practice Stream correspondence, go to Step 10
  • No, add the following processing note to PaNDA: ‘The practice ID is not valid and the correct practice ID could not be located. No further action taken.’ Complete the work item in PaNDA. Procedure ends here


Practice Summary screen + Read more ...

Does the postal address on the Practice Summary screen match the postal address on the RTS mail?

  • Yes, and the RTS mail is
    • PIP Annual Confirmation Statement (ACS), go to Step 8
    • WIP – Practice Stream Quarterly Confirmation Statement (QCS), go to Step 9
    • All other PIP or WIP – Practice Stream correspondence, go to Step 10
  • No, go to Step 7


Associated documents + Read more ...

Search for the associated documents for notification of a new practice and/or postal address.

Practices can notify of a new practice and/or postal address using:

Has the practice notified a new practice and/or postal address or change of ownership since the date on the RTS mail?

See also Associated documents and comments for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream.


PIP ACS + Read more ...

Go to the Confirmation Statement screen in PIP Online and check the Current Details

Is the status showing as ‘confirmed’?

  • Yes,
    • Add processing note in PaNDA noting the ACS is already confirmed
    • Add a comment in PIP Online noting the return mail
    • Go to Step 10
  • No, go to Step 10


WIP – Practice Stream QCS + Read more ...

Go to the Quarterly Confirmation Statement screen in WIP – Practice Stream Online and check the Current Details

Is the status showing as confirmed?

  • Yes,
    • Add processing note in PaNDA noting the QCS is already confirmed
    • Add a comment in WIP – Practice Stream Online noting the return mail
    • Investigate the address and reason for return mail, go to Step 10
  • No, go to Step 10


Contact the practice + Read more ...

Contact the practice to confirm the below details as appropriate. Go to Contact details in PIP and/or WIP – Practice Stream online to locate the practice phone number and authorised contact person/s.

Check if:

Do not update the practice profile unless the required forms or documentation have been provided.

If the practice is verbally told to provide a specific form or other documentation, this must be followed up with a letter.


Preferred communication method + Read more ...

When speaking to the authorised contact person or owner, check if the practice’s preferred communication method is online or paper. Go to:

  • PIP Online > Practice Details > Contact Details > Update Online Subscriptions
  • WIP – Practice Stream Online > Practice Details > Contact Details > Update Online Subscriptions

If ‘receive printed copy by mail’ is selected, discuss changing the communication preference to online (HPOS). Explain the advantages of instant and guaranteed receipt of communication.

If the practice is interested, assist them with using HPOS to update their communication preference.

Note: at least one practice owner or authorised contact person must have their RA number linked to the practice profile to access online communication. See Online Services for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream.

Select Practice staff system access from the main menu to confirm the linked RA numbers.


Practice contact attempts + Read more ...

Make at least 2 genuine contact attempts over 3 working days.

Note: the PaNDA work item should be ‘Pended – Department of Health’ during this follow up attempt.

After each call attempt, add a processing note with the date, time and outcome of the call

If the details on PIP and/or WIP-Practice Stream Online are no longer valid, search for different phone number via an internet search.

If contact with the practice is:

  • successful, go to Step 13
  • unsuccessful, add a comment to the practice profile noting the unsuccessful contact attempts. Go to Step 13


Payment holds + Read more ...

Check if the RTS mail relates to one of the following:

  • Relocation
  • Amalgamation
  • Change of practice Ownership
  • Practice closure
  • WIP - Practice Stream Quarterly Confirmation Statement
  • PIP Annual Confirmation Statement
  • Payment Summaries

Does the RTS mail relate to one of the above?

See also Payments for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream.


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment to the practice profile.

Include the:

  • RTS mail type
  • Reason why the mail was returned to sender
  • New mail details, including:
    • The authorised contact person, and
    • Practice address or postal address
  • Any details discussed with the practice
  • Date and time of the call

Note: if the practice verbally advises changes to the practice profile, send a follow up letter requesting the forms.

See also: Associated documents and comments for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream


Re-send returned mail + Read more ...

Check the practice’s preferred communication method.

If posting:

  • retrieve original RTS mail from the Mail Compactus
  • complete the Return to sender cover page on the Resources page with the new practice address or postal address
  • re-address to the secondary contact, practice owner/s or 'The Practice Manager' if needed
  • attach the RTS to the Return to sender cover page
  • post the documents to the practice in a new envelope

If online communication is selected:

  • return the document to the practice via HPOS mail centre. See Sending letters via HPOS Mail Centre for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream

Do not use HPOS if

  • the RTS mail or subsequent practice communication indicates a practice closure
  • there is no longer an owner or ACP with online access registered on the practice profile. Correspondence must be resent via post


Complete the work item + Read more ...

Add any relevant processing notes to the PaNDA work item.

Complete the work item in PaNDA.

Process the RTS mail for GP ACAI

Table 2




Returned mail received + Read more ...

Open work item in PaNDA.

Assess the RTS mail type.

Is the work item a GP ACAI work item?


Check provider details + Read more ...

Check that the address on the letter/form match the provider details in the Provider Directory System (PDS).

Log on to the PDS.

Search for the practitioner:

  • Select Provider from the Provider Directories menu
  • Select View from the drop down
  • Key Provider stem (first 6 digits)
  • Select Search

Does the address on the letter match the preferred mailing address for the provider on PDS?

  • Yes, and the RTS mail is a:
  • No, and the RTS mail is a:
    • GP ACAI payment advice, re-send the RTS mail to the preferred mailing address, go to Step 8
    • all other GP ACAI RTS mail, go to Step 3


Check for outstanding GP ACAI payments + Read more ...

Go to Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments > GP ACAI. Open the 'GP ACAI held and failed payments' report (the report) for the current payment quarter.

Search for the provider number in the report.

  • Open the RTS letter. In the top right of the letter will be the practitioners 8 character provider number. Write down the first 6 digits of the provider number (the provider stem)
  • Open the report. Select ‘Ctrl’ and ‘F’ and key the 6 digit provider stem in the find what field. Note: if the 6 digit provider number starts with 0, only key in the numbers after the 0’s. For example, if the provider number is ‘000123’ search ‘123’
  • In Within, select workbook from the dropdown
  • Select Find All

Did the search result find a matching provider number in the provider number column?


Contact the provider + Read more ...

Contact the provider via phone using their preferred telephone number on the Provider View page.

Attempt contact options in the order of:

  • mobile number in PDS contact details
  • landline in PDS contact details
  • contact number linked to the provider location

Make at least 2 contact attempts over 7 working days. A security check must be performed before discussing the RTS mail.

Note: the PaNDA work items should be ‘Pended – Department of Health’ during this follow up attempt.

If contact with the provider is:


Successful contact + Read more ...

If the RTS mail is a GP ACAI payment advice:

  • advise the provider Services Australia have returned mail
  • confirm the address to redirect the payment advice
  • suggest they update their preferred mailing address via HPOS
  • redirect the payment advice the address provided by the provider, go to Step 7

If the RTS mail is a banking details form or a request for banking details letter:

  • advise the provider:
    • they have an outstanding GP ACAI payment
    • they need to add/update their SIPACAI bank details. This can be done via HPOS
    • if applicable, they should update their preferred mailing address/contact details
  • ask the practitioner if they have time to update their bank account details

Does the practitioner want to update bank details now?

  • Yes, explain the process of how to add/update their bank account details through HPOS
  • No, or they don’t have HPOS access, or would prefer to complete a form:
    • advise the practitioner the GP ACAI banking details (IP011) form and instructions on how to update bank details using HPOS will be emailed to them
    • ask for their preferred email address
    • send the approved email template with the IP011 form attached. Staff who do not have access to the external email box should escalate the request to LPS. LPS will send the email

Go to Step 7.


Unsuccessful contact + Read more ...

If contact was unsuccessful:

  • add a processing note to the work item in PaNDA confirming contact attempts. The processing note must include the date and time of the call attempts and the phone number used
  • complete work item in PaNDA
  • go to Step 7


Update the GP ACAI Held and Failed payments report + Read more ...

Locate the provider line in the current GP ACAI Held and Failed payments report

In the comments fields note:

  • the date/s of contact and phone number used
  • if contact successful/unsuccessful
  • action taken and/or advice provided


Re-send returned mail + Read more ...

Note: do not re-send RTS ACAI banking details forms if the provider confirms the update or the email was sent in Step 3. Process the confirmed work item.

  • Retrieve original RTS mail from the Mail Compactus
  • Complete the Return To Sender cover page on the Resources page with the new provider address
  • Attach the RTS mail to the Return To Sender cover page
  • Post the documents to the practice in a new envelope
  • Add a processing note confirming the action taken
  • Complete work item in PaNDA
  • Procedure ends here


Return a form where there is no outstanding payment + Read more ...

If the provider does not have an outstanding GP ACAI payment, return the form using the z2072 GP ACAI - more information needed letter.

  • Select the ‘unable to process’ and ‘GP ACAI has ceased’ options
  • Use the provider’s preferred mailing address in PDS. If the RTS mail was returned from the preferred mailing address, use the address on the IP011
  • Upload the letter to PaNDA
  • Add a processing note stating the provider has no outstanding GP ACAI payments
  • Print and send the letter
  • Complete the work item in PaNDA
  • Procedure ends here