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Enquiry management for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-10010140

Practice changes that do not need a form

Table 1


Notice of change

Correcting or amending:

  • Phone and/or fax number
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Incorrect title for contacts
  • Incorrect street type (for example, road, avenue, crescent, etc.)

Correcting, amending or changing an existing:

  • owner’s name
  • authorised contact name

  • email or practice letter head advice by contact or owner
  • must be signed by the owner or authorised contact person
  • if notifying a change of name, the notification must include both former and new names

Note: authorised contact names cannot be amended in PIP or WIP – Practice Stream online. The authorised contact details must be removed and re-added.

See: Authorised contact person changes for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream for more details.

Withdrawing from an individual incentive

Adding or updating an ABN

Adding or changing a:

  • company name
  • trading name, or
  • practice name

See also: Forms and letters for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream.

If practice is not relocating, changing the:

  • unit number
  • suite number
  • street number
  • lot number
  • street name,
  • or suburb of a practice

This can happen because of a council or government decision.

The practice must provide:

  • A signed letter from the practice owner(s)
  • Documents to support the change, such as a letter from the council
  • An accreditation certificate that shows the correct address

See also,

Practice relocation for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream.

Review of decision Q&As

Table 2




Question: What does this form mean?

Answer: All PIP/WIP – Practice Stream practices who wish to request a review of decision must complete the Practice Incentives Review of Decision (IP027) form.


Question: Can I ask for assistance from the Service Officer in writing my request for review of decision?

Answer: Service Officers can provide guidance on where to find the relevant program guidelines but cannot assist in the response. It is the practice’s responsibility to state their claim against the relevant program guidelines.

Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.


Question: What am I required to do?

Answer: Practices must complete Practice Incentives Review of Decision (IP027) form. This includes:

  • stating the reason(s) for the review against the relevant guidelines
  • providing any supporting evidence that could assist their case (if applicable)

The complete form must be submitted to Services Australia within 28 days of receiving the decision to be reviewed.

The agency will review its decision in accordance with the PIP/WIP – Practice Stream eligibility criteria and/or payment formula. The agency will advise the practice in writing of the outcome once a decision has been made. The decision will be on a case by case basis.


Question: What kind of evidence can I provide to support my Review of Decision?

Answer: Practices can provide various forms of evidence to help support their request for a Review of Decision. It is recommended that practices do this in the initial request. Forms of evidence include:

  • Fax receipts or telecommunication records
  • Communication (faxes, letters, emails)
  • Supporting letter/s explaining their appeal in further detail
  • Legal documentation (for example, change of ownership documentation, letter from solicitor)


Question: If I am successful, how long will it take for my practice to get its payment?

Answer: If successful, the practice’s payment will be released as soon as possible.

Note: do not give a specific time frame for payment releases. Payments may not be released each fortnight.


Question: Can I use this form for Standardised Whole Patient Equivalent (SWPE) Calculation queries?

Answer: No. All SWPE calculation queries must go through to the Incentive Programs.


Question: Where can I find more information?

Answer: The PIP/WIP – Practice Stream guidelines contain information about program eligibility. For more information or to view the guidelines, go to the agency’s website.

Releasing information to AIR Business Development Officers (AIR BDOs) and Medicare Engagement Officers (MEOs)

Table 3

Requested information

Conditions of release

Requests for basic information about participating practices, such as:

  • Authorised contact/ownership details
  • Accrediting body/accreditation status

Staff can give this information to AIR BDOs and MEOs.

Requests to confirm information about a practice’s participation in the program:

  • if a practice has confirmed their Quarterly/Annual Confirmation Statements (QCS/ACS)
  • if a practice is approved/on hold/withdrawn from the program
  • if payments are being withheld
  • if the practice is subject to compliance or payment recovery action

Staff can give this information to AIR BDOs and MEOs.

Requests to verify unconfirmed information about participating practices or providers, for example:

  • speculation about a practice closure
  • speculation about GPs ceasing employment at a participating practice

If the information does not match the practice profile:

  • explain the information is unconfirmed
  • all changes to practice details must come from an owner/authorised contact of the practice

Requests for copies of payment information or program information, for example:

  • Quarterly/Annual Confirmation Statements (QCS/ACS)
  • payment advices
  • claims, letters or supporting documents

Escalate written requests from Outreach Services Officers to Local Peer Support (LPS) for consideration by Program Management.

Requests for program-level reporting/data on multiple participating practices, for example SAS portal reports on:

  • practices with withheld payments
  • potential practice withdrawals
  • incentive-based compliance activities

Escalate written requests from Outreach Services Officers to Local Peer Support (LPS) for consideration by Program Management.

Requests for resources accessible to Service Officers working on Incentive programs. For example:

  • Operational Blueprint files
  • training modules, and
  • agency education modules designed for practice managers/providers

Self-serve access is available to all agency staff. Encourage Outreach Services Officers to use these resources to perform their routine activities.


Contact details

Practice Incentives Program (PIP)

Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) – Practice Stream

Health professional contact information

Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)