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Indigenous Health Incentive (IHI) patient registration and withdrawal for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) 012-10070040

This document outlines the process for registering or withdrawing patients from the Indigenous Health Incentive.

On this page:

Assess the IP017 form

Process the IP017 form

Search and update a patient registration, including patient consent for patients over 15 years of age

Assess and process the IP029 form

Search and update a registration using the IHI Patient Search tab

Review patient assessment details and outcome payments

Assess the IP017 form

Table 1: how to assess the PIP Indigenous Health Incentive - patient registration and consent form (IP017).




Log into systems and check practice details + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.

Assess the practice details on the form.

The practice must provide their:

  • Practice ID at Question 1
  • Practice name at Question 2, and
  • Full practice address at Question 3

If the above practice details or pages of the form are missing, check the form version on the bottom left corner is acceptable. For more information see Forms and letters for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream. Check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 10.

If the practice cannot be identified as the Practice details page is missing, finalise the work item as complete in PaNDA, no further action is required.

Note: the practice must use all pages of the current form version.


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show

If no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Check the form version number on the bottom left corner is acceptable. For more information see Forms and letters for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream. Check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, and then go to Step 10.

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form. An address variance may be accepted.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID
    • The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the dropdown. The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, check the form version number and the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 10


Practice status and form version + Read more ...

  • On the Practice Search screen, check the Search Results Status
  • Check the form version number on the bottom left corner of the form is acceptable in the Practice Incentives forms list

Does the status show as Approved and is the form version acceptable?


Patient registration requirements + Read more ...

Have Questions 4, 5 and 6 been answered and did they answer Yes to all questions?


Patient details + Read more ...

Check the patient details at questions 7-9 are complete:

  • Medicare card number and Ref no at Question 7
  • Patient’s name at Question 8
  • Date of birth at Question 9

If the Ref No on the Medicare card number is zero or not stated, check CDMS to find the active card.

If the above patient details are incomplete, see if the patient can be found using 2 of the fields to search CDMS.

Has the patient been found?


Patient descent + Read more ...

Is Question 10 complete?

  • Yes, and the answer is:
    • Yes, go to Step 7
    • No, the patient is ineligible to be registered for the IHI. Keep checking the rest of the form, then go to Step 10
  • No, keep checking the rest of the form, then return the form to the practice. Go to Step 10

Note: the practice can select Yes for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian descent.


Patient consent + Read more ...

The patient must answer 'Yes' to Question 12 to be eligible for the IHI at this pratice.

Has the patient answered 'Yes' to Question 13?


Check the patient declaration + Read more ...

Check the patient declaration details on the form at Question 13. There must be:

  • The patient or parent/guardian’s full name
    • If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature
  • The patient or parent/guardian’s signature
    • for patients under 15 years, the declaration must be signed by a parent or guardian
  • the date of the signature. The date must:
    • be clear and complete
    • not be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
    • be after the practice was registered for IHI

If the above details are missing, keep checking the rest of the form, then go to Step 11.

The patient or parent/guardian check box should be selected. If the check box is not selected and the patient is:

  • over 15 years and has clearly signed the declaration, this is acceptable. Select patient when registering the consent
  • over 15 and someone else has signed the declaration, this is acceptable. Select guardian when registering the patient to identify someone other than the patient provided consent
  • under 15 and someone else has signed the declaration, this is acceptable. Select parent when registering the consent

See the Resources page for more details about acceptable signatures.


Check the practice declaration + Read more ...

Check the practice declaration details on the form at Question 14. There must be:

  • the General Practitioner's (GP) full name
    • If the initial of the first name and the last name only has been provided, this is acceptable
    • If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature
  • the signature of a GP
  • the GP date of signature. The date must:
    • be clear and complete
    • not be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
    • be after the practice was registered for IHI
  • the signature of at least one registered owner or authorised contact person
    Do not check these details if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
  • their full name
    • If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature
  • the owner or authorised contact person’s date of signature. The date:
    • must be clear and complete
    • must not be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
    • must be after the practice was registered for IHI

Accept the form if:

  • the authorised contact declaration is blank, and the GP signing the GP declaration is a practice owner or authorised contact person
  • the GP declaration is blank and the authorised contact signing the declaration is also a current GP at the practice

Are the declaration details complete?

Note: if an authorised contact or owner is not registered on the profile, check the comments and associated documents for changes to the authorised contact persons and/or practice ownership. If the signatory was authorised at the time of signing, accept the form.


Return an incomplete, unacceptable or ineligible form + Read more ...

Incomplete form

Return the form to the practice. Send the PIP IHI patient registration – more information is needed (Z1704) letter when the form needs more details to register patients for the IHI.

  • Address all missing information in the letter
  • If the letter is being completed for more than one patient, include all relevant reasons for each patient in the letter

Ineligible patient

Return the form to the practice. Send the PIP IHI practice registration - patient/s not registered (Z1874) letter when the patients cannot be registered for the IHI.

Missing or incorrect information does not need to be addressed.

The patient is ineligible for the IHI. Providing the missing details will not change this assessment.

Unacceptable Form version

If the form version is unacceptable but has been completed correctly, return the form to the practice. Send the PIP IHI practice registration - patient/s not registered (Z1874) letter.

If the form is unacceptable and the:

  • Practice ID is missing or incorrect
  • form is not signed by an authorised contact person or owner, or
  • questions are incomplete but indicate the patient would be eligible for registration, return the form. Send the PIP IHI patient registration - more information is needed (Z1704) letter, addressing the unacceptable form and the incomplete/incorrect details

If the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified, use the name and address on the form. If there is no name, use Practice Manager.

Complete the correct rejection letter. Go to Step 11


Finalise the work item + Read more ...

Once the letter has been completed:

  • Merge the letter and IP017 into a single PDF
  • Upload the letter and IP017 to the practice profile.
  • In the description field, key Rejected – Patient Name or if more than one patient key Rejected – Multiple Patients
  • Finalise the Work Item as Complete, Request rejected in PaNDA

Process the IP017 form

Table 2




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search
  • The Search Results will show
  • Select the Practice ID to open the practice profile


Search for the patient + Read more ...

  • Select Indigenous Health Incentive from the main menu
  • Select Patient Search/Register/Update from the dropdown
  • The Patient Registration - Search Patient screen will show

If the patient's Medicare card number is on the form or the Service Officer got it from CDMS, use Search criteria 1. Otherwise use Search criteria 2.

  • Key the below patient details:
    • Medicare card number
    • Individual Reference Number (IRN)
    • First name
  • Select I declare that this search is for Indigenous Health Incentive patient registration related purposes only
  • Select Search
  • The Patient Registration - Register/Update screen will show

Has the patient been found?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, or not clearly identified, check search criteria 2:

Search criteria 2

If the patient’s Medicare card number is not on the form, or Search criteria 1 is not successful, use Search criteria 2:

  • Key the below patient details:
    • First Name
    • Select the tick box if the patient is legally known only by one name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
  • Select I declare that this search is for IHI patient registration related purposes only
  • Select Search. The Patient Registration - Register/Update screen will show

Has the patient been found?

If a warning message shows, check the Policy for registration warning messages on the Resources page.


Check current patient registration + Read more ...

If the patient:

  • does not have a current registration at the practice, the Patient Registration - Register/Update screen will show under the Patient Details table a status of Not Registered. Go to Step 5
  • has a current registration at the practice, the Patient Details table will show a status of Registered:
    • The patient registration may need to be updated
    • Select Registration under Action and see Step 4 in Table 3 to check the registration details


Register patient details + Read more ...

Under Answer the following questions select Yes or No to all of the patient registration questions (based on the answers provided on the form).

If the patient, parent or guardian answered No to any of the questions, the patient is ineligible to participate in the PIP IHI. See Step 11 in Table 1.

Note: if the patient has both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian decent, select Yes for both options.


Patient consent details and registration submission + Read more ...

Key the patient declaration date in the When did the patient sign the Patient Consent Form? field and select Submit Registration.

For the ‘Consented by’ question select who signed the declaration from the dropdown and select submit registration.

  • If the patient is under 15 years, Parent and Guardian will be the only available options
  • For patients over 15, the options are Patient or Guardian. Consent can be provided by a guardian where the patient is not capable of providing their own consent. If the form is signed by a guardian it is taken that the patient is not capable of providing then own consent and the form is acceptable
  • See Step 9 in Table 1 for acceptable options to select if the patient/parent/guardian check boxes are not completed

If the patient is registered at another practice, a confirmation window will appear. Select Yes to continue. Patients can be registered at multiple practices.

If registration is:

  • successful, the system will show a message confirming the patient registration
  • unsuccessful, an error message will show. Take the action shown on the error message


Finalise the work item + Read more ...

Finalise the Work Item as Complete in PaNDA.

Procedure ends here.

Note: do not upload successful registration forms to the practice profile.

Search and update a patient registration, including patient consent for patients over 15 years of age

Table 3




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search
  • The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form.

If the details do not match, see Table 1.


Search patient record + Read more ...

  • Select Indigenous Health Incentive from the main menu
  • Select Patient List from the dropdown menu
  • The Patient List screen will show

There are 2 search criteria available to search for a patient:

  • Search criteria 1: enter the patient Medicare number and IRN, agree to the declaration and select Search. The individual patient details will show
  • Search criteria 2 allows a search on multiple search options:
    • The declaration is the only mandatory field
    • Wildcard searches with * at the end of the entry can be used in the name fields
    • Search results will vary depending on the search criteria used
    • Patients can be searched according to registration status

Select the correct patient and then Registration from the Action column to view the patient registration details.


Compare registration details + Read more ...

Compare the below current patient registration details to the details on the form:

  • Does the patient have a chronic disease or mental disorder?
  • Has the patient had, or been offered, the appropriate health check?
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australian descent
  • Practice to be the usual care provider to look after their chronic disease
  • Participation in the IHI

The registration is not considered a duplicate if the patient has turned 15 since the original date of consent. The patient must be re-registered with an updated consent, go to Step 6

Do the details match?


Withdraw the patient to re-register them with new details + Read more ...

  • Close the Patient Registration Details window
  • The Patient List screen will show

Under Patient List:

  • Find the patient
  • Select Update from the Action column
  • The Patient Registration - Register/Update Patient screen will show

Under Withdraw Patient:

  • In the Patient withdrawal consent date field, key in the day before the consent date of the new registration form
  • Select the appropriate reason from the Withdrawal reason dropdown
  • Select Submit Withdrawal. A message will show to confirm withdrawal of the record

The patient registration screen will show.

  • Re-register the patient. Use the new patient registration details on the new registration form
  • Key the new patient consent date as it is written on the new registration form
  • See Table 2 for details on registering a patient

Do not delete the patient record as part of this process. Service Officers need to withdraw and re-register the patient as described above to maintain continuity of the record. If the original record has been entered with incorrect details e.g. typographical or numeric error), escalate to Local Peer Support (LPS) for further investigation.


Update patient consent for patients who have turned 15 years of age + Read more ...

  • Close the Patient Registration Details window
  • The Patient List screen will show

Under Patient List:

  • Find the patient
  • Select Update from the Action column
  • The Patient Registration - Register/Update Patient screen will show

Under Update Patient Consent:

  • In the Patient consent date field, key in the new patient consent date of the new registration form
  • Select who gave consent from the Consented by dropdown
  • Select Update Consent. A message will show to confirm the update

The system will:

  • automatically withdraw the current registration with a date the day before the new consent date entered, and
  • create a new registration with the new consent date and consent type chosen

Do not withdraw or delete the patient record as part of this process. Update patient consent as described above to maintain continuity of the record.


Finalise work item + Read more ...

If the registration is a duplicate, finalise the Work Item as Complete, Already Complete in PaNDA.

If the patient is withdrawn and re-registered:

  • add a comment to the practice profile indicating the patient name and advising the patient was withdrawn from IHI and re-registered with updated details
  • finalise the work item as Complete in PaNDA

If the patient consent was updated finalise the work item as Complete in PaNDA.

Assess and process the IP029 form

Table 4: how to assess and process the PIP Indigenous Health Incentive - patient withdrawal of consent form (IP029).




Assess the form + Read more ...

Check the form is the current version. See Forms and letters for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream for more information on acceptable form versions.

Check the following sections:

  • Patient details: enough information must be provided to clearly identify the patient at Questions 1-3
  • Patient declaration: patient’s full name, signature and date of declaration must be completed

It is acceptable for the patient name to be missing from the declaration but identified from the signature, as long as the patient is over 15 years.

If the declaration date is missing, accept the date of lodgement of the form as the withdrawal date.

The patient or parent/guardian check box is not mandatory.


Log into system and search for the patient using IHI Patient Search tab + Read more ...

Log on to the PIP Online. On the Practice Search screen:

Select the IHI Patient Search tab.

There are 2 options for searching a patient:

  • Search criteria 1 searches on the patient’s Medicare number. Only records linked to the Medicare number will show. Using the IRN will limit the search further
  • Search criteria 2 allows multiple search options:
    • The declaration is the only mandatory field
    • Partial name entries with (*) at the end can be used for a wildcard search
    • Search results will vary depending on the search criteria used

Search criteria 2 will show a maximum of 50 records. Expanding the data entered and minimising wildcard searching will reduce the number of records that show.

See Table 5 for more details on searching. Use the details on the form to find the correct registration.

Can the patient be identified?


Seek Local Peer Support (LPS) + Read more ...

If the patient cannot be identified, contact LPS for help identifying the patient.

Were LPS able to identify the correct patient?


Withdraw patient + Read more ...

Locate the correct patient registration from the search results and select Update in the action column.

Under Withdraw patient:

  • Key the patient declaration date on the form in the Patient withdrawal consent date field
    • If this date is not on the form, key the date of lodgement
  • Select the withdrawal reason from the Withdrawal reason dropdown menu
  • Select Submit withdrawal
  • Go to Step 5


Upload documentation and finalise work item + Read more ...

  • Update Practice ID field with IHI Withdrawal – Patient Name
  • Finalise the Work Item as Complete in WLM. If unable to action request, select Complete > Request Rejected

Search and update a registration using the IHI Patient Search tab

Table 5




Log into system and search patient record + Read more ...

Log on to the PIP Online. On the Practice Search screen:

Select the IHI Patient Search tab

There are 2 options for searching a patient:

  • Search criteria 1 searches on the patient’s Medicare number. Only records linked to the Medicare number will show. Using the IRN will limit the search further
  • Search criteria 2 allows multiple search options:
    • The declaration is the only mandatory field
    • Partial name entries with * at the end can be used for a wildcard search
    • Search results will vary depending on the search criteria used

Search criteria 2 will show a maximum of 50 records. Expanding the data entered will reduce the number of records that show.

Patient registrations will appear in a Search Results table showing the:

  • PIP ID and practice name for each registration
  • the patient details, and
  • registration status


View the patient registration + Read more ...

Locate the correct patient registration in the search results and select Update in the Action column.

The Patient Registration – Register/Update Patient screen will show.

To view the registration details select Registration under Action.Patient Registration Details will show.

Review patient assessment details and outcome payments

Table 6




Log into system and search patient record + Read more ...

Log on to the PIP Online. On the Practice Search screen:

  • Select Indigenous Health Incentive from the Main menu
  • Select Patient List from the dropdown menu
  • The Patient List screen will show

There are 2 search criteria available to search for a patient

  • Search criteria 1: enter the patient Medicare number and IRN, agree to the declaration and select Search. The individual patient details will show
  • Search criteria 2 allows a search on multiple search options:
    • The declaration is the only mandatory field
    • Wildcard searches with * at the end of the entry can be used in the name fields
    • Search results will vary depending on the search criteria used
    • Patients can be searched according to registration status

Select the correct patient and then Assessment from the Action column to view the patient assessment details.

The Patient Assessment Details screen will show.


Review the outcomes items for the patient + Read more ...

The assessment details screen will show the outcomes assessment period. Paid or Not Paid will show against each tier heading for the period.

Outcomes payments are calculated on the relevant Medicare items billed for the patient during a 12-month assessment period. The assessment period starts with the processing of an eligible Tier 1 item.

To review the Medicare item numbers for each outcomes tier select Expand All or the arrow to the left of each tier heading.

The list of Medicare items billed for the patient in the assessment period will show.


Confirm Tier 1 payment eligibility + Read more ...

To be eligible for a Tier 1 payment, the practice must have met the chronic disease and mental health management requirements for the patient. See the IHI guidelines on the Resources page for more details.

Has the practice billed the minimum eligible services?

  • Yes, the patient may be included in the Tier 1 outcomes payment in the next payment quarter
  • No, the practice has not met the minimum requirements for the payment

Note: eligibility for Tier 1 outcome payments is determined by the date relevant MBS items are processed not the date of service. Eligible items will not show on the Assessment Details screen until processed by Medicare.


Confirm Tier 2 payment eligibility + Read more ...

To be eligible for a Tier 2 payment, the practice must have provided a minimum of 5 eligible Medicare services during the reference period. See the IHI guidelines on the Resources page for more details.

Have at least 5 relevant MBS items been processed in the relevant assessment period?

  • Yes, the patient may be included in the Tier 2 outcomes payment in the next payment quarter
  • No, the practice has not met the minimum requirement to trigger a payment