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Register a customer for Medicare in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) 011-40060010

This document explains the process to search and register a customer for Medicare. It also explains how to search and perform various enquiries in CDMS.

On this page:

Mandatory detailed search in CDMS

Document Verification Service (DVS)

Register a new customer

Register customer's Medicare entitlement

Register a group and get a Medicare card number

Address search in CDMS

Action search results

Immigration Datalink search

Personal details enquiry

Group details enquiry

Program Entitlement Details enquiry

Group history enquiry

Personal history enquiry

Mandatory detailed search in CDMS

Table 1: how to perform a detailed search for a customer where no existing or previous Medicare number is available. This is mandatory before creating a new Medicare registration to confirm that no record exists before creating a new record for a customer.




Search for customer in CDMS + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select:

  • Inquire on Consumer Details
  • the Detailed Search tab


Enter search details + Read more ...

Enter search details as follows:

  • Select All Programs from the Program dropdown menu (mandatory)
  • Key Family Name (mandatory)
  • Select All from the Gender field (mandatory)
  • Key Age or Age Range (mandatory):
    • Search for an age by keying the number in the first field only. For example, key 45 in the first field and leave the second field blank
    • Search for an age range by keying a number in the first and second field. For example, 45 and 50 will return customers between 45 to 50 years old. The age range search can be a maximum of 10 years
  • Leave the Postcode or Postcode range field as default
  • Select Personal tab

Note: Service Officers must search under 'All Programs', as Individual Healthcare Identifiers (IHI) are not found under the 'Medicare Program (default)' search.

If information message 00005 returns, follow the instructions in the message to refine the search or adjust search criteria by including:

  • the first initial, or
  • for newborn enrolments:
    • check the other parent surname, or
    • key baby of or baby of (key mother's first name) or Newborn in the First Name field

Service Officers must check the Medicare card number on the FAO81/enrolment application form to determine if the newborn is already enrolled.


Define search result + Read more ...

Services Officers must do extra checks to confirm no other consumer records have been previously created in CDMS. For example:

  • Does the name have any hyphens or spaces? When searching for a name with a hyphen, search without the hyphen, for example, Mary-Ann and Mary Ann
  • Confirm the spelling of the name/s
  • Did the customer have another surname as a child?
  • Check for other variations of first name, for example, if a customer's name is Oliver, search Ollie
  • Has the customer ever used or been known by any other name?
  • Family and given names may have been transposed in the past
  • Consider ethnic name practices
  • Check the other parent's surname
  • Search customer's second name (optional)

When searching a consumer second name, all consumers matched with the search criteria with the optional second name display first, followed by consumers that match on the other criteria but not the second name.

Possible matches display under Matched Consumers.

Service Officers must scroll through the lists of possible matched consumers in CDMS. Select List 2, List 3 etc, displayed at the bottom right hand side of the CDMS screen. Consumers are listed in Date of Birth descending order (oldest to youngest).

Has a possible match been found after all checks?

Note: check the correct record has been identified by confirming 3 matching points (such as legal name, date of birth, address, etc.), before proceeding with the enrolment.


Possible matches found + Read more ...

Is there more than one match?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, select the consumer, select:
    • the radio button next to the consumer
    • Personal tab

The Personal Details Inquiry screen displays.


More than one match found + Read more ...

  • Return to Inquire on Consumer Details
  • Select Contact Detail Search
  • Search mobile and email address:
    • the closest match displays at top of the list for mobile or email searches that result in multiple records
  • If unable to identify one record using the above process and where the records show both an IHI and an AIR SIN, select the ACTIVE IHI Record and continue with the enrolment

Note: where Service Officers find an existing record, they must take care to avoid creating an intertwined or duplicate record. Make sure the correct record has been identified by confirming a minimum of 3 matching points (such as legal name, date of birth, address, contact details, etc.). This must occur before making any updates to an existing consumer record.

Document Verification Service (DVS)

Table 2: this table explains the steps to be followed when verifying documents for enrolment purposes. This process applies to all Service Officers.




DVS details + Read more ...

  • Identification documents must be verified in the Medicare DVS Portal before processing an application
  • If an application is received and processed in a service centre, DVS is only required if the Service Officer is not satisfied with the validity of the documents
  • For DME applications, DVS is performed within the MEE Portal while assessing the application. See Digital Medicare enrolments (DME) and the MEE Portal


Verify documents + Read more ...

To verify documents, see Table 1 in Identity verification for Medicare enrolments and re-enrolments in the Medicare Document Verification Service (DVS) Portal.


Customer fails DVS check and attends a service centre + Read more ...

If a customer fails the DVS check and attends a service centre, see Table 4 in Identity verification for Medicare enrolments and re-enrolments in the Medicare Document Verification Service (DVS) Portal.

Register a new customer

Table 3: how to create a new Medicare registration where no registration for the customer already exists. Service Officers must do a detailed search in CDMS before creating a new registration.




New customer registration + Read more ...

Is the customer being added to an existing Medicare card?

  • Yes:
    • Select Register New Consumer on the CDMS Home page
    • The Registration Type screen displays
    • Add existing Medicare card number to the ID Number field
    • Select Get Details
    • Check the results displayed are for the correct customer
    • Select New Consumer
    • The Search for Consumer (Register) screen displays
  • No:
    • Select Register New Consumer on the CDMS Home page
    • The Registration Type screen displays
    • Select New Consumer
    • The Search for Consumer (Register) screen displays


Enter customer's details + Read more ...

Service Officers must complete Table 1 before registering a new customer.

  • Select the Immigration Data Search (tick will display)
  • Key details of the customer in the following fields:
    • Family Name (mandatory) - add 'only name' here
    • First name (initial)
    • Gender (mandatory)
    • Date of Birth (mandatory)
    • Postcode or Postcode range (leave field as default, for example 0001-9999)
  • Select Search

Warning message 01875 displays if the person registering is over 12 months old. Select Yes to continue.

Search result displays:

  • matched consumers
  • exact or possible immigration clients on the Immigration Clients tab

On the Immigration Clients tab, where the:

  • Etm (Entitlement) is a dash (-) and Client Status is Lodged, relationship documents may be required. See Table 4, Step 6
  • Client Status is Refused further documentation is needed. See Table 3 in Applicants for permanent residency eligibility for Medicare for more details

Note: see the Resources page in Document types for Medicare eligibility and enrolment for visa types and more details.

Follow the instructions in all warning messages.


Determine possible matches to customer search + Read more ...

If no records found:

  • A message displays indicating no records were found
  • Select OK to acknowledge the message
  • Go to Step 4

If possible matches found:

  • Consumer details display a possible match of a customer
  • Select the person by using the radio button and select Add to list
  • The Registration Type screen displays

Asn, Curr Etm and Curr Etm Start Date fields will be blank if there is no Medicare entitlement recorded.


  • check the customers previously recorded personal details. For example, address, contact details and bank details. Update as necessary before registering the customer entitlement
  • if there is a system issue adding the customer to the list:

See Table 4 to Register customer's Medicare entitlement.


Record customer's details + Read more ...

Select New Consumer.

The Record New Consumer screen displays. The personal details are filled with any search details previously entered. Complete the following fields:

  • Title
    Note: title not required for children under 14 years of age
  • Only Name Indicator (select if the customer is registering with only one name)
  • Second Name
  • Gender (mandatory)
  • Multiple Birth Indicator (select if the customer is part of a multiple birth)
  • Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander/South Sea Islander Status (mandatory field):
    • No - customer selects no
    • Yes - Aboriginal - customer selects yes
    • Yes - Torres Strait Islander Australian - customer selects yes
    • Yes - both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian - customer selects both boxes. Yes - Aboriginal and, Yes - Torres Strait Islander Australian
    • Yes - Australian South Sea Islander - customer selects yes
    • Prefer not to answer - customer chooses not to answer the question
    • Not applicable - customer was not asked the question (DME application)

Communication indicator - If the customer states they need an interpreter.


Address or contact details + Read more ...

  • Select Address tab
  • Select Address Source from the dropdown box
  • Key locality or postcode
  • Select the locality from dropdown box
  • Start to key the number and street name on the Address line
  • Select the address from the dropdown box


  • Only add a residential address if different from the postal address
  • Do not record residential addresses for children under 15 years of age
  • There is no need to add a mailing and residential address in CDMS. If the customer has only provided a mailing (postal) address such as a PO Box, this is entered in CDMS as the mailing address. See Amend address in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare for more details


Record customer's contact details + Read more ...

  • Select Contact details tab
  • Key the customer's contact details that are available and any comments. Key phone numbers without any spacing
  • Select an option from the dropdown menu in the Source field for any relevant contact details keyed

Note: do not record contact details for persons under 15 years of age.


Record customer's bank details + Read more ...

  • Select Banking details tab
  • Key:
    • BSB number
    • account number
    • account name (key and do not use ampersand '&')
  • Select Notification Source from dropdown box

Note: Account start date field defaults to today's date and cannot be changed.

See Store, confirm and end date bank account details for Medicare EFT payments for procedures. Do not record bank details for persons under 14 years of age.


Complete registration + Read more ...

  • Scroll down and select Validate
  • Action any warning messages and Validate
  • Select:
    • Change to amend the details if required, or
    • Update to confirm the details displayed. A message displays confirming that a consumer record has been created
  • Select OK to acknowledge the message
  • The Registration Type screen displays with the customer's details and customer ID
  • If the details are correct, select Update and see Table 4

Register customer's Medicare entitlement

Table 4: this table explains how to add a customer’s Medicare entitlement. Includes adding eligibility and relationship documents, POA, My Health Record and information relating to the customers Immigration link.




Medicare entitlement details + Read more ...

After registration of a new customer:


Record each customer’s eligibility documents + Read more ...

  • Select Documents tab
  • Select or key the details of each of the customer’s eligibility documents:
    • Eligibility Document (mandatory)
    • Residency Document (if applicable)
    • Reference Text (mandatory) (number or text of the document)
    • Reference Date (mandatory)
  • Select Add
  • The New Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays
  • Select Document tab
  • Repeat above to enter all documents provided separately

See Table 1 on the Resources page for document details to be recorded in CDMS.


Record comments for customer details + Read more ...

  • Select Comments tab
  • Key any comments relevant to the enrolment in the text box


Add Power of Attorney details + Read more ...


My Health Record + Read more ...

My Health Record question can be found on these forms:

  • MS004 - Medicare Enrolment form:
    • Part D
  • MS018 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medicare enrolment and amendment form:
    • Section 8

Was an IHI record found during a Mandatory Search in CDMS used for Medicare registration?

  • Yes, where the customer has previously opted in or opted out (or not stated) while registering with IHI, the My Health Record selection cannot be changed during their registration with Medicare. See Note below.
  • No, continue

Processing if the My Health Record question is not on the form

If the My Health Record question is not asked on the form, select Question is not on form or not answered. Procedure ends here.

Processing My Health Record

Is the customer or additional persons under 14 years of age, and the customer (parent/guardian) has completed the declaration on the My Health Record form?

  • Yes, process according to the customer's or additional person's My Health Record choice. Consumer:
    • does not want a My Health Record
    • does want a My Health Record
  • No, select Question is not on form or not answered

Is the customer or additional persons over 14 years of age and the customer has completed the declaration on the My Health Record form?

  • Yes, process according to the customer's or additional person's My Health Record choice. Consumer:
    • does not want a My Health Record
    • does want a My Health Record
  • No, select Question is not on form or not answered

Do not select:

  • Consumer does not want a My Health Record if the customer has not signed the form
  • Question is not on form or not answered if these conditions are met

Select Validate.

Note: a known issue exists with MHR entitlement registration in CDMS. This happens when Service Officers enrol a new Medicare customer who has an existing IHI record. Service Officers must confirm the My Health Records selections have been updated on the Entitlement History screen. See Processing My Health Record options - tips and error reporting.


Immigration Datalink Search + Read more ...

Where the entitlement type returns:

  • an Immigration Datalink match (except for New Zealand citizens):
    • select the radio button against the record to be linked to the Department of Home Affairs (this should match the 'Application ID' available on the Home Affairs letter where one is provided)
    • select Link button
    • the Confirm New Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays
    • go to Step 8
  • dash (-) or non-alpha, and client status shows:
    • Lodged - this indicates the applicant does not have permission to work, go to Step 7
    • Refused - appeal document and permission to work check required, see the Appeals to a visa refusal table
    • Withdrawn - procedure ends here


Record relationship document details + Read more ...

  • Select:
  • Key the type of relationship document in the Reference text field
  • Select:
    • Validate
    • Return
    • Validate


Confirm new Medicare entitlement details + Read more ...


  • Change to amend the details as required, or
  • Update to confirm the details displayed. A message displays confirming that a consumer record has been created, and
  • OK to acknowledge the message

Register a group and get Medicare card number, see Table 5.


Family registration + Read more ...

If the application has:

  • more than one customer, go to Table 1, Step 1 and repeat the process. Make sure additional family members are added to the same family group
  • only one customer, go to Table 6

Note: if a family enrolment is requested and there is no long names or eligibility difference, make sure that family members are all enrolled on the same card. Do not enrol them on separate cards then transfer them to the one family card.

Register a group and get a Medicare card number

Table 5: how to register a customer at group level and allocate a Medicare card number and duplicate card requests.




Group registration type + Read more ...

After a customer’s entitlement is registered:

  • Select Group on the Registration Type screen
  • The New Medicare Card Details screen displays with a message prompting to check the name of the customer, select OK to acknowledge the message

Service Officers:

  • must check the Individual Reference Number (IRN) order. IRN's must be amended before a Medicare card is created to ensure they follow the position requested on the form. This generally occurs when one family member has a consumer ID and the remaining family members do not, therefore listing them above the member who has a consumer ID
  • cannot change an IRN on a Medicare card once it has been created


  • if there are multiple members to be enrolled as a family, complete the Steps in Tables 1 to 5 before selecting the Group option
  • contact Local Peer Support (LPS) for any issues adding members to a family card. This includes system issues that may occur


New Medicare card details + Read more ...

  • Select Group Contact tab
  • If the contact person is on the card, select the Card Association box
  • In Contact Card Reference Number field:
    • key the customer's card reference number, for example, 1
    • select Get Details
  • The remaining fields populate with the customer's details

If the group contact is not associated with the card:

  • Key details in the Contact Name field as:
    • surname [insert comma],title [insert space] initial
  • Complete Address field:
    • key locality or postcode
    • select Address Sources from dropdown box
    • select the locality from dropdown box
    • start to key the number and street name on the Address line 1
    • select the address from the dropdown box


Issue a duplicate Medicare card + Read more ...

Where a customer has requested a Duplicate card for another person on the Medicare card:

  • Select Issue Details tab
  • Select Duplicate Card check box, and
  • Complete the relevant fields


Comments + Read more ...

  • Select Comments tab
  • Add comments if required


Confirm new Medicare card details + Read more ...

  • Select Validate
  • Action any warning messages and select:
    • Change to amend the details, or
    • Update to confirm the details displayed. A message displays confirming that a consumer record has been created

The new Medicare card record is successfully updated in CDMS and the Medicare number displays.


Issue Temporary card copy (face to face) + Read more ...


  • Group button in Amend Customer details tab
  • Display Medicare Card button to print a temporary copy of the Medicare card


Complete Safety Net registration in CDMS + Read more ...

Address search in CDMS

Table 6




Address search in CDMS + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select:

  • Inquire on Consumer Details
  • Address search


Enter address search criteria + Read more ...

  • Program field (default is All Programs)
  • Country field (default is Australia)
  • Key Locality or postcode - select from the dropdown box
  • Key Address line - select from the dropdown box

For help see Rapid Addressing for Medicare.


Action any address matches + Read more ...

Select Consumers or Groups tab.

If the address:

  • matches an address in the Postal Address File (PAF):
    • the Address Usage - Consumer or Group details screen displays with address details
    • confirm name, address and date of birth, then go to Step 4
  • matches an address with correction:
    • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating that the address matches with correction, select OK to acknowledge the message
    • select Accept to accept the address correction
    • select Change to change the address
    • select Continue to continue with the address keyed
    • confirm name, address and date of birth, then go to Step 4
  • does not match an address:
    • the Address Matching screen displays a message indicating the address is not found
    • select OK to acknowledge the message
    • if no matches return, see Table 2


Customer Group Details displayed + Read more ...

Select the customer or group details using the radio button.

Select 1 of the following as required:

  • Personal - Personal details of the group contact
  • Entitlement - Medicare entitlement details of the group contact
  • Group - Group or card details of a group
  • confirm name, address and date of birth, then go to Table 2

Note: to return to the Inquiry or amendment Search screen, select Search Page.

Action search results

Table 7: this table explains how to check address search results with or without immigration data matches.




Determine search results + Read more ...

What are the search results?


Only one matched customer + Read more ...

Note: this applies to all search types.

The relevant search screen displays, showing the details of the customer. Confirm Medicare number with the customer and proceed with inquiry or amendment.

Procedure ends here.


Only one matched customer with no Immigration Datalink + Read more ...

Note: this applies to all search types.

Procedure ends here.


One or more immigration data matches + Read more ...

Note: this applies to register new customer and/or immigration searches.

  • Check all exact and possible immigration data matches and confirm the correct match. Where there is no existing customer record, select New Consumer and enrol as per immigration data and Medicare Enrolment form (MS004)
  • If a customer record already exists, update the entitlement type on CDMS with the correct immigration data match

Note: eligibility documents and a completed VEVO check done by a Service Officer must be provided where a customer has now applied for permanent residency or protection visa. See Applicants for permanent residency eligibility for Medicare.

Procedure ends here.


More than one matched customer + Read more ...

Note: this applies to all search types.

  • Narrow the search parameters by including the first initial of the first name of the customer
  • If the search returns too many possibilities, include first name (and possibly second name, if relevant)
  • Select the correct customer and proceed with amendment or inquiry

Note: if more than one exact customer record is returned, further investigation is required as it may be a duplicate record. See Duplicate Medicare enrolment and consumer IDs in Medicare for follow up.


No records found + Read more ...

Note: this applies to all search types.

If the customer is:


No record found for an Australian citizen + Read more ...

Where an Australian citizen does not have an existing customer record, this may be due to:

  • residing or previously resided overseas
  • newborn child
  • government and defence force personnel
  • prisoners and inmates

Documentation to prove eligibility is required. See the Resources page in Document types for Medicare eligibility and enrolment.

Procedure ends here.


No record found for a migrant or an applicant for permanent residency + Read more ...

Where the customer is a migrant or an applicant for permanent residency, documentation from the Department of Home Affairs and a VEVO check completed by a Service Officer is required. See Applicants for permanent residency eligibility for Medicare.

Immigration Datalink search

Table 8: this table explains how to search for a customer using the Immigration Datalink (DIAC). Service Officers must take care when matching customers to Immigration Datalink.




Locate immigration data + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select:

  • Register New Consumer
  • New Consumer on the Registration Type screen
  • Immigration Data Search check box


Key customer details + Read more ...

On the Search for Consumer (Register) screen, key as many customer details available:

  • Family Name (mandatory)
  • Gender (mandatory)
  • Date of Birth (mandatory)
  • Postcode or Postcode range (leave field as default, for example, 0001-9999)


Select Search + Read more ...

Select the Search button.

Note: if the person being enrolled is more than 12 months of age, a warning message displays. Follow the instructions in the warning message.

Is a search result found?


Attempt alternative search method or register new customer if no record + Read more ...

The message Information Message - No Records Found displays.

  • Select OK
  • Attempt to search through alternate search options. For an address search see Table 6 or for a detailed search in CDMS see Table 1
  • If a record is still not found, enrol the customer

Procedure ends here.


Match found for immigration client + Read more ...

Are several records found?

  • Yes:
    • refine search by entering a first and/or middle name along with the mandatory search details
    • see Table 7 in Register a customer for Medicare in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS)
  • No, continue with request as appropriate

Personal details enquiry

Table 9: this table explains how to use Personal Details enquiry to display the personal details of a customer who has contact with Medicare. The customer can have entitlements in any number of programs administered by Medicare.




Access Inquire on Consumer Details page + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select Inquire on Consumer Details link.


Search to identify customer + Read more ...

Perform an ID number or name search to identify the customer:

  • ID Number search
  • Name search

Select Personal.

The Personal Details Inquiry screen displays.


View comments with an end date in the past + Read more ...


  • Comments
  • Ended Comments


Further enquiry options + Read more ...

On the Personal Details Inquiry screen, select any of the following:

  • Search Page - returns to the Inquiry Search screen
  • Entitlement - displays the Program Entitlement Details Inquiry screen
  • Group - displays the Group Details Inquiry screen
  • History Summary - displays the Consumer History Summary screen
  • Sensitive Information - displays active and end dated Sensitive Information Indicators

Group details enquiry

Table 10: this table explains how to view the Group details for Medicare cards in CDMS.




Group Details enquiry + Read more ...

Use the Group Details enquiry to display the following information of a group (Medicare card):

  • group contact (cardholder for Medicare) name and address details
  • associated group members
  • current issue details
  • group interactions
  • group comments


Access Inquire on Consumer Details page + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select Inquire on Consumer Details link.


Search to identify customer + Read more ...

Perform an ID number or name search to identify the customer:

  • ID Number search
  • Name search

Select Group.

The Group Details Inquiry screen displays.


Further group enquiries + Read more ...

Service Officers can perform the following actions in:

  • Group Member Details - select a group member and select Group Association to display group association details. Select the Yes link against a group member to view active indicators in the Sensitive Information pop up table
  • Current Issue Details, select All Issues to display all issue details for the group or display Medicare card to print a temporary Medicare card (service centres only)
  • Interactions, to view Medicare mail issued
  • Comments, select Ended Comments to view comments that have an end date


Further enquiry options + Read more ...

On the Group Details Inquiry screen, select any of the following:

  • Search Page - return to the Inquiry Search screen
  • Entitlement - displays the Program Entitlement Details Inquiry screen
  • Personal - displays the Personal Details Inquiry screen
  • History Summary - displays the Group History Summary screen
  • Review - displays the Program Review Details Inquiry screen

Program Entitlement Details enquiry

Table 11: this table explains how to view the customer's Program Entitlement details in CDMS.




Program Entitlement Details enquiry + Read more ...

Use the Program Entitlement Details enquiry to display the following information of a customer:

  • Program entitlement details:
    • entitlement type
    • entitlement start and end date
  • Power of Attorney details
  • Comments


Access Inquire on Consumer Details page + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select Inquire on Consumer Details link.


Search to identify customer + Read more ...

Perform an ID number or name search to identify the customer:

  • ID Number search
  • Name search

Select Entitlement.

The Program Entitlement Details Inquiry screen displays.


Select relevant customer + Read more ...

In Consumers, select the required customer.


View comments with an end date in the past + Read more ...


  • Comments
  • Ended Comments


Further enquiry options + Read more ...

On the Program Entitlement Details Inquiry screen, select any of the following:

  • Search Page - returns to the Inquiry Search screen
  • Personal - displays the Personal Details Inquiry screen
  • Group - displays the Group Details Inquiry screen
  • History Summary - displays the Consumer History Summary screen

Group history enquiry

Table 12: this table explains how to view Group history details in CDMS.




Group history enquiry + Read more ...

Use the Group History enquiry to look up:

  • Group History Summary - summary of the type of change (event) that has occurred to a group record
  • Group History Details - history of data that was added, amended or deleted for a group, see Group History Details

Note: history details are not available for CICS migrated records.


Access Inquire on Consumer Details page + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select Inquire on Consumer Details link.


Search to identify customer + Read more ...

Perform an ID number or name search to identify the customer:

  • ID Number search
  • Name search

Select Group.

The Group Details Inquiry screen displays.


Customer's group history summary + Read more ...

Select History Summary.

The Group History Summary screen displays.

If necessary, select:

  • a filter in the Filter by Event Type field
  • Filter Results

The system sorts and displays a table of events (unlimited). Only 10 records display at a time. If there are more to view, select:

  • Next link - displays the next 10 records
  • Previous link - displays the previous 10 records
  • First and Last links - available to move to the first or last record


History Details record that do not display + Read more ...


  • required event
  • History Details
    Note: if the radio button to select the event does not display:
  • the Service Officer does not have the appropriate security function or role to view the details, contact Local Peer Support for help.
  • a change has occurred as a result of adding or amending a comment


Select group details categories + Read more ...

In Details to be Displayed, select one of the following details categories:

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Address
  • Group Status

Select Display Details to display the group details required.

See the Resources page for Group History categories.


Further enquiry options + Read more ...


  • History Summary - returns to the Group History Summary screen
  • Return - returns to the Inquiry screen

Personal history enquiry

Table 13: this table explains how to view Personal history details in CDMS.




Personal history enquiry + Read more ...

Use the Consumer History enquiry to look up:

  • Personal History Summary - summary of the type of change (event) that has occurred to a customer record
  • Personal History Details - history of data that was added, amended or deleted for a customer.


Access Inquire on Consumer Details page + Read more ...

On the CDMS Home page, select Inquire on Consumer Details link.


Search to identify customer + Read more ...

Perform an ID number or name search to identify the customer:

  • ID Number search
  • Name search

Select Personal.

The Personal Details Inquiry screen displays.


Personal History Summary records displayed + Read more ...

In Personal, select the required consumer.


  • Summary
  • History

If necessary, select:

  • a filter in the Filter by Event Type field
  • Filter Results

The system sorts and displays a table of events (unlimited). Only 10 records display at a time. If there are more to view, select:

  • Next link - displays the next 10 records
  • Previous link - displays the previous 10 records
  • First and Last links - available to move to the first or last record


History Details record that do not display + Read more ...


  • required event
  • History Details

Note: if the radio button to select the event does not display:

  • the Service Officer does not have the appropriate security function or role to view the details, contact Local Peer Support for help
  • a change has occurred as a result of adding or amending a comment


Select group details categories + Read more ...

  • In Details to be Displayed, select one of the following categories:
    • End Date Details
    • Gender and Date of Birth Details
    • Miscellaneous Details
  • Select Display Details to display the group details required

See The Consumer History categories table on the Resources page.


Further enquiry options + Read more ...


  • History Summary - returns to the Group History Summary screen
  • Return - returns to the Processing or Enquiry screen