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Authority approval processing for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 012-63020000

This page contains the use of Mainframe for PBS Authorities. For Service Officers processing, amending and taking enquiries for Authority approval requests in the Online PBS Authorities system (OPA system), see Online Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Authorities System (OPA System).

Only staff that have Mainframe access and are proficient can use the Mainframe system. Staff can only use the Mainframe system in the following scenarios:

  • the Online PBS Authorities system (OPA system) is down and staff have been directed to use Mainframe
  • processing 'balance of supply' telephone authority approvals for Growth Hormone items for paediatric patients

On this page:

Accessing the Mainframe Authorities processing system

Identifying a patient when processing an Authority application

Searching for a new patient

Recording new patient or visitor in Mainframe or Online PBS Authorities system

Reviewing previous approval and dispensing history for an Authority

Entering an Authority prescription number

Identifying an approved prescriber

Identifying medication for phone or written applications

Selecting and assessing restrictions and Quality Assurance

Recording quantity and repeats for telephone or written authority approval requests

Assessing and finalising an application

Processing Authority approvals for Highly Specialised Drug (HSD) items

Processing a Therapeutic Price Exemption (TPX) application for Authority items

Processing Special Patient Contribution Exemption (SPX) applications for Authority items

Processing Authority application for extemporaneous items

Accessing the Mainframe Authorities processing system

Table1: this table explains the steps for accessing the Authorities processing system in Mainframe.




Access PBS main menu + Read more ...


  • RMNU to access the PBS main menu
  • X (Authorities)

The Authorities processing system opens.


Select option + Read more ...

Select one of the following options:

  • Record Written Authority (RAUR)
  • Record Telephone Authority (RAUR)
  • Record After Hours Authority (RAUR)
  • Amend an Authority (RAUU)
  • Update Patient Comments (RAUC)
  • Enquire on an Authority (RAUE)

Identifying a patient when processing an Authority application

Table 2: this table explains how to identify a patient when processing a phone or written Authority application in Mainframe.




Identify patient + Read more ...

Identify the patient on the system by:

  • Keying the patient's Medicare entitlement, concession or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) number. Confirm the correct patient is found by asking the approved prescriber to state the patient's name, or
  • Searching for the patient using first name, surname and date of birth and/or address

The Resources page contains a list of the different search options that can be used to find a patient.


Determine if patient located + Read more ...

If the patient is located:

  • confirm the patient details are correct and select
  • patient comments will be shown:
    • press [Enter] to proceed
  • Previous authorities history for the patient will show:

If the patient is not located:

  • for a written request, contact the clinic to confirm patient's Medicare details. Service Officers can refer the request to Local Peer Support (LPS) if contact is not possible, for example, unable to make outbound calls
  • there are certain situations where recording a new patient is appropriate. See Table 4, Step 1


Key Authority prescription number + Read more ...

Searching for a new patient

Table 3: this table explains the different search options that can be used to find a patient.


Search options


Groups of information RPQN search or Authorities screen search + Read more ...

The following groups of information can be keyed:

  • Medicare number
  • surname, first name and postcode or locality
  • surname, first name and postcode search (postcode range, for example 3000-3999 for Victoria)
  • surname, first name, postcode range and date of birth

Note: patient name searches will require either a matching address and/or date of birth to confirm match.

Press [Enter].


Address search via RPQN + Read more ...

To search by address:

  • press [PF10], or
  • key RPQN


Previous Authority + Read more ...

Where the approved prescriber has obtained an Authority for the patient previously:

  • use the previous Authority prescription number or phone approval number
  • press [PF3], then [PF6] (enquiry on an Authority)
  • key the prescriber number and dates
  • key the surname and prescriber number
  • press [Enter]

Recording new patient or visitor in Mainframe or Online PBS Authorities system

Table 4: this table explains the process for adding a new patient or recording a visitor from a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) country as a new patient in Mainframe. Also, recording a patient with a special Medicare number in the Online PBS Authorities system when processing a phone or written Authority application.

Note: before adding a new patient, search for the patient to minimise duplicate records. For written applications, contact the surgery to get more patient information.




Check entitlement + Read more ...

Verify that the patient is entitled to access the PBS, for example the patient is:

  • a newborn infant
  • a visitor from a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) country, for example Sweden, who is entitled to access the PBS
  • an Australian Defence Force (ADF) member without a Medicare card

See also Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) eligibility for Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).


Is the Authority Request being processed in Mainframe or Online PBS Authorities system? + Read more ...

Is the Authority Request being processed in:


Key details + Read more ...

Search for patient on RAUP screen using name and postcode and enter.

On the RIDB screen.

Key the following patient details:

  • full name
  • date of birth
  • address

Press [PF5].

The Record Authority Details (RAUB) screen will show.

Note: if the Authority request is for an unnamed newborn, Service Officers must key 'Newborn' as the child's first name when entering the patient's details. If there are multiple children, key 'Newborn 1', 'Newborn 2' and so on.


Access Online PBS Authorities to Request an Authority for an eligible patient without a Medicare number + Read more ...

See also Processing Written Authority requests.

On the Patient search screen:

  • Key the special Medicare number 25437766611 in the Medicare number field
  • Press [Enter] or select Search
  • The bottom of the screen will show the following fields to be keyed:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of birth
    • Gender

Select Next to continue with the Authority application.

Note: if the Authority request is for an unnamed newborn, Service Officers must key 'Newborn' as the child's first name when entering the patient's details. If there are multiple children, key 'Newborn 1', 'Newborn 2' and so on.


Confirm details with approved prescriber + Read more ...

For phone approvals, confirm the patient's details with the approved prescriber.

If the approved prescriber cannot confirm the patient's details (including written approvals):

  • do not approve the patient (the approved prescriber can issue a private prescription)
  • refer the patient to a Medicare Service Centre to get a temporary Medicare number

See Table 6, Step 1.


Record RHCA visitor details + Read more ...

Is the patient a visitor from a RHCA country?

  • Yes, in the Authority Comments field, enter the RHCA country that the patient is visiting from
  • No, procedure ends here

See Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) eligibility for Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for more details.

Reviewing previous approval and dispensing history for an Authority

Table 5: this table explains how to determine if a previous supply exists for an Authority in Mainframe.




View summary of previous Authority details + Read more ...

Press [PF10] to show a summary of previous Authority details.

Note: to view details of a single record, select the corresponding number and press [Enter].


Identify if previous supply exists + Read more ...

Check if previous supplies exist for the same item.


  • previous supplies exist and the system shows more than:
    • 2 months' supply, or
    • one month's supply in the case of Dangerous Drugs
    • go to Step 3
  • there is no outstanding supply:


Determine if application is acceptable for early approval + Read more ...

See Too soon rule.

Is the application acceptable for an early approval?

Note: refer any situations that do not meet the Too soon rule to the Pharmaceutical Adviser (PA).

Entering an Authority prescription number

Table 6: this table explains how to enter the Authority prescription number when processing phone or written applications in Mainframe.

Note: the Authority prescription number identifies the Authority prescription and is usually situated at the top right corner of the Authority prescription form. The prescription number comprises 8 digits.




Enter Authority prescription number + Read more ...

Key the Authority prescription number in the Authority ID field.

Authority applications keyed with an incorrect authority number will cause a delay for the customer at the pharmacy, and result in an increased number of calls to the PBS general enquiry line.


Make sure Authority ID is valid + Read more ...

After keying the number, press [Enter] to confirm.

If the message 'Authority number may be invalid' appears and the number keyed is highlighted in red:

  • Delete the number and press [Enter]. The message 'Authority ID must be entered' will appear. Note: if this is not done and the Authority number is re-keyed, it will appear as though the Authority number is correct (will appear green with no error message) even if it is incorrect
  • Ask the approved prescriber to repeat the Authority prescription number and re-key the number. If the:
    • Authority prescription number is now correct, press [Enter] to confirm, go to Step 3
    • Invalid Authority prescription number warning persists, acknowledge the warning by pressing [Enter], and add the following Authority comment 'Confirmed Auth ID'
      Note: if this Authority comment is not entered, it will be considered an error and feedback will be provided. Go to Step 3

See Step 1 in Table 7.

Identifying an approved prescriber

Table 7: this table explains how to identify an approved prescriber when processing a phone or written application in Mainframe.

Note: a prescriber number is used to identify individual approved prescribers who prescribe medication to patients.




Locate prescriber + Read more ...

To locate the approved prescriber:

  • key the prescriber number, and press [Enter], or
  • search for the approved prescriber using the below combination of letters:
    • state or territory code, see the Resources page for the state and territory code list
    • first 4 letters of the approved prescriber's surname
    • first letter of the approved prescriber's first name

Example: SBROWJ for Doctor John Brown from South Australia.

Note: if the approved prescriber does not have a prescriber number, refer to the Provider Liaisons area within the caller's state.


Confirm selection + Read more ...

Confirm and select the approved prescriber.

Confirm the application is being made by an approved prescriber. For:

See Step 1 in Table 8.

Identifying medication for phone or written applications

Table 8: this table explains how to identify medication when processing phone or written applications in Mainframe.




Key details in ITEM CODE field + Read more ...

In the Item Code field, key one of the following:

  • item code for the medication
  • extemporaneous item code, for example, creams, paste and lotions
  • first 4-6 characters of the drug to search for the medication (for example, CITALO for Citalopram)

Press [Enter].

  • An individual item or a multiple selection will show
  • If an item does not show, advise the approved prescriber the medication is not a PBS benefit item. Enter details provided, reject and record


Select strength and form + Read more ...


  • requested strength
  • requested form

Where applicable, key or select:

  • quantity and repeats
  • Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD)
  • Therapeutic Price Exemption (TPX)
  • Special Patient Contribution Exemption (SPX)
  • Public Hospital (PUB)

Press [Enter].

See Table 9, Step 1.

Selecting and assessing restrictions and Quality Assurance

Table 9: this table explains how to select and assess restrictions when processing phone or written applications in Mainframe.




Assess benefit item + Read more ...

Assess the benefit item. If an:

  • Authority required or Restricted benefit item with increase in quantity and/or repeats, go to Step 2
  • Unrestricted benefit item:
    • select the statement 'Increased quantity and/or repeats are required as those listed in the Schedule are insufficient for patient treatment within PBS guidelines' with / (forward slash) and press [Enter]
    • see Table 10, Step 1

See Handle request for increased quantity and/or repeats for unrestricted, restricted and Authority benefit.


Select criteria and assess restriction + Read more ...

Select criteria and assess the restriction. For phone applications, ask for the criteria. If the restriction criteria has:

  • been met, press [Enter]
  • not been met
    • tell the approved prescriber
    • key an assessment result of 3 (rejected)
    • key a reason code for the rejection
    • press [PF8] to update the rejected entry

See Handle request for increased quantity and/or repeats for unrestricted, restricted and Authority benefit.


Identify if questions show + Read more ...

If questions show:

  • Read the questions to the approved prescriber (for phone approvals), unless the prescriber provides the required information for the Q&As for an authority approval
  • Go to display. See Table 10, Step 1
  • Assess answers against the restriction criteria and record responses


Make sure compliance with guidelines + Read more ...

Assess restrictions to make sure compliance with guidelines, and record responses.

If a prescriber goes out of their software system at any time to get more information needed to complete the application, the authority ID number may change. Staff must confirm the authority ID number before generating the approval number.

Recording quantity and repeats for telephone or written authority approval requests

Table 10: this table explains how to request quantity and repeats when processing telephone or written authority approval requests in Mainframe.




Enter details + Read more ...


  • dosage
  • quantity and repeats


Assess request + Read more ...

Assess the request to make sure compliance with quantity and repeat guidelines, see Handle request for increased quantity and/or repeats for unrestricted, restricted and Authority benefit. If the quantity and repeat guidelines are:

  • Met, go to Table 11, Step 1
  • Not met, for:
    • authority required (telephone) items, tell approved prescriber of the allowable quantity and repeats. See information about Calculation of allowable quantity and repeats and How to request changes to quantity and repeats for authority required (telephone approvals – authority required (written) items
    • written applications, see information about reducing quantity and repeats

Then go to Table 11, Step 1.

Assessing and finalising an application

Table 11: this table explains how to assess and finalise a phone or written application in Mainframe.




Key necessary information + Read more ...

Key the necessary information on the Record Authority Details (RAUB) screen, and press [Enter].

Press [PF10] to check the patient history for any outstanding supply. See Table 5, Step 1.


Enter Authority comments + Read more ...

Enter any Authority comments in the Authority Comments field.

See Record comments for Authority approval application.


View comments and make decision + Read more ...

  • press [PF12] to view any patient comments
  • make final assessment decision
  • read the information back to the prescriber including medication, form, strength, quantity and repeats
  • add the assessment result, and press [PF8]

See Codes in the Mainframe for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).


Phone applications + Read more ...

If the application is:

  • Approved, the system will show a phone approval number. Inform the prescriber of the phone approval number. The prescriber must note the phone approval number on the Authority prescription form
  • Rejected, record the application

Note: all phone authorities must be recorded regardless of outcome. Unapproved authorities must be recorded and rejected with the assessment result 3 (rejected).


Written applications + Read more ...

If the application is:

  • Approved - complete an approval assessment letter:
    • With prescriber details
    • With patient name
    • With authority prescription number and medication name
    • With PBS Authority approval number and item code
    • Use window envelopes where available
    • Send to approved prescriber
  • Rejected:
    • Complete the rejection assessment letter, and
    • Send to approved prescriber


For applications received through HPOS:

  • find the Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) mail, using the reference number provided in Workload Manager (WLM)
  • send the result of the written Authority application by replying to the email

See Processing Written Authority requests.


Further approvals and patient comments + Read more ...

Further approvals for:

  • same patient, press [PF6]
  • new patient, press [PF11]

Add any patient comments, as required.

See Record comments for Authority approval application.

Processing Authority approvals for Highly Specialised Drug (HSD) items

Table 12: this table explains the steps for processing Authority approvals for HSD items.




Record and assess application for approval + Read more ...

Access the Authority system. See Table 1, Step 1.

Record and assess the application for approval to supply HSDs as for a standard Authority approval application.


Record Authority details + Read more ...

On the Record Authority Details (RAUB) screen, key:

  • hospital provider number
  • number of days treatment (quantity divided by dose = number of days treatment)

Finalise the application, see Table 11, Step 1.

Processing a Therapeutic Price Exemption (TPX) application for Authority items

Table 13: this table explains the steps for processing a TPX application for Authority items.




Determine reason for exemption + Read more ...

Select the item code with 'TPX' shown.

Ask the approved prescriber to state the reason for exemption.


Approvals + Read more ...

Approvals are generated by the system with a prefix of TPX added to the existing approval number format, for example TPX M1346 RX.

Endorse this approval number, including the prefix, on written authority approvals.

See Pricing and fees in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Processing Special Patient Contribution Exemption (SPX) applications for Authority items

Table 14: this table explains the steps for processing a SPX application for Authority items.

Note: for Authority required items, the restriction criteria must still be met before Authority approval can be granted.




Identify nature of the request + Read more ...

Determine if the:

  • approved prescriber is requesting a SPX
  • request is a Reg 13 supply

Select the item code with 'SPX' shown.


Identify reason for exemption application + Read more ...

Ask the approved prescriber to state the patient's medical condition and reason for exemption.

Note: for written applications, the Service Officer must confirm the application meets the restriction criteria.


Approvals + Read more ...

Approvals are generated by the system with a prefix of SPX added to the existing approval number format, for example SPX M1346 RX.

Endorse this approval number, including the prefix, on written authority approvals.

See Pricing and fees in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Processing Authority application for extemporaneous items

Table 15: this table explains the steps for processing Authority applications for extemporaneous items.




Determine preparation type + Read more ...

Process as usual for written or phone approvals.

Determine the preparation type from the Schedule, either:

  • Standard Formula preparations (as identified by a Reference, for example, APF, QHF, BPC, BP - Note: item codes begin with a '7')
  • Non-standard preparations for example, cream 13Q, lotion 39C, solution 52R


Enter details + Read more ...


  • quantity for approval in the units of the maximum quantity allowed for that preparation (for example, for 13Q - cream - key quantity as grams)
  • number of repeats
  • daily dosage - specified by the approved prescriber
  • restriction code 9999 (for increased quantity and/or repeats)
  • add Authority comments:
    • For non-standards preparations, ingredients and percentile amounts requested - including strength (% or by volume or weight, for example, mL or g)
  • explanation in dosage field and rate of usage, for example, 'apply BD, 500G per month'

Note: it is important that the restriction code is selected before entering any Authority comments. If the Authority comments are entered first, they will be deleted when the restriction code is selected and the Service Officer will be required to re-enter ingredients again.