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Linking sibling records with customers/students/Australian Apprentices/job seekers - Parental Income Test (PIT) 108-02010110

This document outlines how to link records of dependent siblings for whom ABSTUDY, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Additional Boarding Allowance and Youth Allowance (YA) may be payable. This allows the system to transfer information relevant to the Parental Income Test (PIT) and its family pool between the sibling records.

Benefits of automatic transfer of information

Consequences of this automatic transfer of information include:

  • dependent siblings in receipt of YA, ABSTUDY or AIC Additional Boarding Allowance only notifying Services Australia once of changes to their circumstances which cause a change to their maximum rate of payment (for example, at home versus away from home rate or changes to maximum rent entitlements). The changes will update on all the family members' records in the family pool
  • maximum payment rates for all siblings will contain consistent up-to-date information which will ensure they are receiving their correct entitlement

The system will transfer information relating to the following changes in the family's circumstances, which may affect the PIT, between sibling records:

  • an addition of a sibling to the family pool
  • a sibling leaves the care or responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • a sibling ceases to be dependent on their parent(s)/guardian(s)

Service Officers can create or delete links between any siblings as the situation arises.

Requirement for CRNs

Ensure the ABSTUDY or YA customer's record links all parents and dependent siblings. Sometimes:

  • a parent may not have received family assistance, or
  • a Social Security pension or benefit, or
  • a child record is unavailable because no one has accessed it for a long time

Conduct a thorough search for the customer record before:

  • updating the customer's details, or
  • adding a new record

A CRN will enable:

  • data matching of parent income details with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • changes to the statuses of parents and siblings who have received a Low Income Health Care Card, pension or benefit from Services Australia. This will help determine the rate of payment for YA or ABSTUDY

The Resources page contains processing help for Parental Income Test, (PIT) links, and access to the Data Quality Unit Intranet page.

Changes which may affect the Parental Income Test (PIT)

Creating, updating and ending Parental Income Test (PIT) links with dependent student, Australian Apprentice and job seeker recipients or claimants

Parental Income Test (PIT)

Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN)