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Adding or updating an account-based income stream 108-05060010

This document explains how to assess and code account-based income stream products.

Staff trained in Process Direct, select the Process Direct tab. Staff not trained in Process Direct, select Customer First.

Process Direct

On this page:

Adding or updating an income stream

Updating existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream

Updating existing deemed (category 9) income stream

Updating Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number for existing income streams

Coding a new income stream

Reinstating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream

Adding or updating an income stream

Table 1




Check update(s) needed + Read more ...

If the customer has purchased a new income stream using funds from selling their principal home and they intend to use some or all the funds to purchase a new home, See Sale of principal home

If the customer has supplied a physical copy of an income stream schedule to a service centre, upload a copy of the income stream schedule to the customer's record.

Customers can advise of new account-based income streams or update to existing account-based income stream details through the Manage Income and Assets online service.

  • This online service can be accessed via the Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
  • The customer will be advised within their online update if they need to provide supporting documents and/or the income stream schedule to complete their update

Manual handoff occurs for new account-based income streams and, in some cases, for updates to existing account-based income streams. If manual processing is needed, a DOC with keyword OIAICS will be started on the customer's record which has the:

  • details provided by the customer
  • reason for manual handoff
  • required resolution

Is the customer only contacting to add or update an account-based income stream?


Income and assets updates + Read more ...

Talk to the customer about all income and assets updates needed. For example income stream, shares, and foreign income.

Only code updates if all of them can be completed.

If there are concerns about the details of the customer's information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.

This table describes information needed to update the account-based income stream.

Can the customer provide all the other information needed?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No:
    • Further information or documents will be needed before the updates can be done
    • Check if additional information for the income stream update is also needed
    • Go to Step 3


Update an existing income stream, close an existing income stream or add a new income stream + Read more ...

All appropriately skill-tagged Service Officers can process at the point of contact for all payment types.

Select the following for non-new claim, income and assets updates:

  • Access the customer's record via Customer Summary
  • Enter START into the Super Key
  • Select Income and Assets Update from Task Selector options
  • Select Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) and any additional income and asset types needed
  • Select Start

Check if the income stream is already recorded or if it is a new one.

If the update is to:

  • close an existing income stream. There has been a full commutation or the balance is exhausted, see Table 1, Step 6 in Commutation of asset-tested income streams.
  • add a new income stream. Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed. If a schedule has:
  • update an existing income stream, go to Step 4


Update existing income stream + Read more ...

The Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) will identify the income stream:

  • The product type code for an account-based income stream will be:
    • AIS
    • ALP, or
    • ALA
  • Expand the income stream details to see the product category of:
    • '2' (grandfathered), or
    • '9' (deemed)

Category 2 (grandfathered):

  • Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed for:
    • changes to the provider name and/or product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer
    • any partial commutations if the update is not part of the August income stream review
  • No documents are needed for a change to gross annual income, or current account balance changes, unless the change is because of a commutation

Category 9 (deemed):

  • Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed for:
    • changes to provider name, and/or
    • product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer
  • No documents are needed for current account balance changes


SA330 or similar schedule needed + Read more ...

Is an SA330 or similar schedule needed for the update?


Income stream schedule + Read more ...

Check the schedule can be used.

  • A provider can issue their own schedule with similar questions as the SA330
  • If an income stream is from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF):
    • The form must be completed by the trustee of the fund (generally the customer for an SMSF)
    • An income stream schedule completed by a financial adviser must not be accepted
    • Some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example AMP and MLC, who may complete the form
  • If there are concerns with the details of customer's information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services

Is the schedule able to be used?


Check if the income stream has been updated in this financial year + Read more ...

Check if:

  • a Service Officer has applied an update for the product in this financial year as part of the Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) process, and
  • the date of event (DOV) for this update is before the DOV currently recorded on the Income Stream Details child line

There will be a NOTE about an 'Income stream review manual update'. If needed, the Activities tab in Customer First will also have provider data information for the related product.

Note: for New Claim processing staff and AISR staff, a Fast Note is not required. Go to Step 8.

Did a Service Officer manually update the product in this financial year as part of the AISR process and the DOV to be used now is before the DOV on the Income Stream Details?


Update to be made + Read more ...

Is all the information for all income and asset updates available?


Request documents + Read more ...

Tell the customer all information is needed before any change can be made, to make sure they receive correct entitlement.

Before requesting more information, see Step 3 in the Updating income and assets table.

  • Tell the customer verbally of the information they must provide
  • Record what has been requested on a Fast Note
  • Request forms and information. See Requesting information (CLK)
  • Use the Mail Forms guided procedure if a form is to be sent
  • Select Information to be supplied within 14 Days + Delivery option

Note: where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.

Procedure ends here until documents returned.


Create a Fast Note + Read more ...

Escalate by creating a Fast Note in Customer First. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Older Australians > Update > Action req - Auto Income stream review.

  • Document the action needed
  • If a work item exists, re-categorise as ZIAM_AISR_SUPS

Procedure ends here.

Updating existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream

Table 2




Changes to an existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream + Read more ...

If the customer is notifying changes from 1 July and before the annual August review is completed, go to Step 2.

Otherwise, if the customer is advising:

  • change to the current account balance, go to Step 4
  • partial commutation or a change to the gross income due to a commutation. go to Step 8
  • change to the gross income, go to Step 10
  • change to the provider name and product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer, see Step 1 in Table 4
  • change to the product reference number only following an internal transfer within the provider's system, see Step 1 in Table 4
  • information as part of a review, see:


Changes from 1 July and before August review + Read more ...

  • The customer may be notifying new gross annual income from 1 July or the new current account balance
  • Changes to gross annual income or partial commutations are only needed for grandfathered income streams (category 2)

If there is a need to make the update before the August review, for example, the change will be payment effecting, go to Step 3.

Is the customer's income stream from a SMSF or SAF?

  • Yes, tell the customer they can either:
    • wait for the August review letter and complete the review using online services as outlined in the review letter, or
    • provide a current income stream schedule, that is, a schedule issued on or after 1 July of the current financial year,
    • procedure ends here for Smart Centre Call staff
  • No:
    • Tell the customer the system will update their income stream. Their provider will supply the information directly to Services Australia for the review
    • Procedure ends here


Updates needed before the August review + Read more ...

  • All the information requested for the review must be provided and updated using the Income and Assets Update Task Selector workflow
  • Update all details in the one transaction to prevent re-work because:
    • information on the record does not match information received in the automated income stream reviews process
    • the 1 July account balance was not updated
  • If the customer has provided an income stream schedule:
    • check the date
    • if it is dated before 1 July it cannot be used for the current financial year
    • a new schedule from 1 July is needed

See August review of income streams for full details of updates needed.

1 July account balance

  • Expand the income stream details
  • The 1 July account balance can only be updated once in a financial year:
    • If another update is made in the same financial year, an error '1 July Balance field can only be updated once in a financial year' is displayed
    • If a coding error is made and the activity is completed, delete the applicable Income Stream Details line and re-code with the correct information. Note: if deleting a line, a new line must be added with the correct details
  • The closing balance as at 30 June is usually the opening balance for 1 July. Therefore, the 30 June balance can be accepted as the 1 July balance
  • If the account balance for 1 July is not provided but a current account balance for another date in July is provided, this is acceptable. It can be used to update the 1 July account balance
  • Do not update new gross income amount only. If the event date is after 1 July the system will treat the 1 July account balance as updated as well and not allow any further changes for the financial year

Procedure ends here.


Is the customer contacting to update the current account balance for their or their partner's income stream? + Read more ...


Check details - current account balance + Read more ...

Has the current account balance changed because of a commutation?

  • Yes, the customer must provide an income stream schedule. Go to Step 9
  • No, and the current account balance has:
    • increased significantly. Ask the customer if they have started a new income stream. This is important, as additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream product. Some providers re-use product reference numbers. A new income stream could have the same reference number as the old product. If it is a new income stream, the customer must provide an income stream schedule. Go to Step 9
    • not increased significantly, go to Step 6


Update current account balance + Read more ...

Is the update being done inside a claim?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No,
    • Use the Income and Asset Update Task Selector
    • Select Next and go to the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
    • Go to Step 7


Update current account balance + Read more ...

  • Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • Check details are correct. Note: if there is a difference in the whole dollar amount of the Original Purchase Price field, the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if the schedule shows $66,666.66 and $66,666 was coded, no action is required. However, if $66,667 or $66,665 was coded, recoding is required.
  • On the Income Stream Details line, add a new entry and update the following fields:
    • Event Date, key date of change
    • Current Account Balance, key the new current account balance (whole dollars only)
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save
  • Check the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) displays the updated income stream details
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If the Income and Assets workflow has been used, NOTES will prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)

Procedure ends here.


Verification needed - partial commutation or change to gross annual income due to a commutation + Read more ...

The income stream provider must calculate the gross annual income.
Note: the Resources page has examples of the calculation. It is for specialist staff like the Authorised Review Officers, or for Service Officers who want to understand how the income is calculated.

If the update is not part of the August review, an SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider must be obtained before any changes are made to:

  • commutations
  • gross annual income due to commutations

Has the customer provided a current SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider?


Documents needed + Read more ...

The customer or partner must provide an SA330 or similar schedule from their provider:

  • Tell the income stream owner the SA330 must be completed by:
    • the income stream provider for income streams purchased from a retail provider
    • the trustee for income streams paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF). Note: some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example, AMP, MLC, who may complete the form
  • Record details on a Fast Note
  • Issue SA330 using the Mail Forms guided procedure or tell the customer verbally to provide a similar schedule issued by their provider
    • The customer must provide an income stream schedule for each income stream they own
    • Record a Fast Note detailing what the customer has been asked to provide

Note: where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.

Procedure ends here until the customer provides documents.


Documents provided + Read more ...

Is the update inside a new claim?

  • Yes, go to Step 11
  • No,
    • Use the Income and Asset Update Task Selector
    • Select Next and go to the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
    • Go to Step 11


Updating an existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream + Read more ...

Coding incorrect details in these fields may cause the automated income stream review to fail.

  • Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • Check product details are correct Note: if there is a difference in the whole dollar amount of the Original Purchase Price field the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if the schedule shows $66,666.66 and $66,666 was coded, no action is required. However, if $66,667 or $66,665 was coded, recoding is required.
  • If any changes are required, select Edit against the appropriate product to access the Change Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) options and update as required
    • Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH - Other
    • Update Receipt Date, Channel and Save (if required)
    • Expand the product details and check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, edit the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
    • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date
    • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • On the Income Stream Details line, add a new entry and update these fields:
    • Event Date, key date of change or claim (whichever is the earlier)
    • Gross Income Amount, key the gross annual income amount
    • If the gross income amount entered into the system triggers an edit 'Gross Income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx', go to Step 12
    • 1 July account balance, key account balance as at 1 July
    • Current account balance, key the current account balance from the schedule or SA330
    • For coding new commutations, see Commutation of asset-tested income streams
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save
  • Check the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) displays the updated income stream details
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If the Income and Assets workflow has been used, NOTES will prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will complete and NOTES will replicate to the Document List (DL)
  • If applicable, make sure to record details on a DOC

For instructions on how to add new products using these screens/fields, see Step 3 in Table 5.

Procedure ends here.


Edit - 'E853CQ - Gross income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx' + Read more ...

Is the provided 1 July account balance correct for the current financial year (or the opening balance if the income stream started during the financial year)?

The minimum amount is not recalculated if the current account balance has reduced or partial commutations have been made. The system calculates the minimum amount that may be drawn in the current financial year based on the 1 July account balance.

As part of the government response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), the minimum drawdown limits for account-based income streams under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 have been reduced by 50% for 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years. Customers are able to reduce their gross annual income amount, subject to the reduced minimum based on the existing 1 July account balance.

  • Yes:
    • The gross annual income provided by the customer is lower than the minimum amount displayed in the error message
    • Code the minimum amount as displayed in the error message
    • Include the following information on a DOC: the gross income amount is less than the minimum amount needed to be drawn in a financial year under the superannuation regulations. Services Australia is needed by legislation (section 1099DAA) to apply the minimum in this case. Note the minimum figure calculated by the system
    • If applying the minimum gross income figure results in an unfavourable decision, see Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
    • To complete the update, go to Step 14
  • No, go to Step 13


Account balance not 1 July balance + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • 1 July account balance is needed within 14 days
  • If it is not received, Services Australia will use the balance given as the 1 July account balance and apply the minimum amount which appeared in the system edit
  • The update cannot be completed until either the customer provides the correct information or the 14 days has expired

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 14 days from request date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
  • Keywords: ABPJUL1
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here until information received or 14 days has expired.

Review is due

Has the required information been received?

  • Yes, go to Step 14
  • No. If the 14 days has expired, code the income stream using the information previously provided, applying the minimum income amount


Continue coding + Read more ...

  • For coding a commutation, see Commutation of asset-tested income streams
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save, if needed
  • Check the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) displays the updated income stream details
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish:
  • If using the Process Direct Income and Assets workflow, NOTES will be prepopulate and display for review
  • Add any additional information needed, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will complete and NOTES will replicated to the Document List (DL)
  • If needed, check the Future Activity List (FAL) screen in Customer First and any review for the return of documents completed

Procedure ends here.

Updating existing deemed (category 9) income stream

Table 3




Changes to an existing deemed (category 9) income stream + Read more ...

If the customer is:

Procedure ends here.


Update current account balance + Read more ...

If a commutation has occurred for more than $20,000, which has resulted in the reduction of the current account balance, ask the customer what has happened to the funds. Ask for any supporting documents needed to code new assets purchased.

If the current account balance has increased significantly, ask the customer if they have started a new income stream. Additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream product. Some providers re-use product reference numbers. A new income stream may have the same reference number as the old product. If it is a new income stream, the customer must provide an income stream schedule.

Is the update being done inside a claim?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No:
    • Use the Income and Assets Update Task Selector (START)
    • Select Next and go to Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
    • Go to Step 3


Manual coding + Read more ...

  • Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • Check product details are correct. Note: if there is a difference in the whole dollar amount of the Original Purchase Price field, the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if the schedule shows $66,666.66 and $66,666 was coded, no action is required. However if $66,667 or $66,665 was coded, recoding is required. Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH - Other
  • Update Receipt Date, Channel and Save (if required)
  • Expand the product details and check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, edit the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
  • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date and other existing details
  • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • On the Income Stream Details line, add a new entry and update:
    • Event Date, key date of change or claim (whichever is the earlier)
    • Current Account Balance, key the new account balance (whole dollars only)
    • Source, DOR and Action fields
    • 1 July Balance, leave blank, this is not required coding for category 9 product
    • Note: if the system requires a 1 July balance, see Step 12 in Table 5 for further information on what should be coded
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save
  • Check the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) displays the updated income stream details
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If using the Process Direct Income and Assets workflow, NOTES will be prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information needed, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will complete and NOTES will replicate to the Document List (DL)

Procedure ends here.

Updating Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number for existing income streams

Table 4




Successor Fund Transfer - changes to Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number + Read more ...

If the income stream was grandfathered under the pre 1 January 2015 rules and the customer continues to be receiving an income support payment when the income stream is transferred, the income stream will retain its grandfathered status.

Advice regarding SFTs can be found on the Successor Fund and Intra Fund Transfers page within the Financial Industry and Network Support (FINS) Bulletin.

While in the income stream owner's record, go to the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV).

The product type code will be AIS, ALP or ALA.

Has the customer provided a current SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider?


Documents needed + Read more ...

Customer or partner must provide an SA330 or similar schedule from their provider before the provider name and product reference number can be amended.

  • Request an SA330 or similar schedule issued by their provider, see Requesting information (CLK)
    • DOC what the customer has been requested to provide
    • Select Information to be supplied within 14 Days + Delivery option
  • Tell the income stream owner the SA330 must be completed by:
    • the income stream provider for income streams purchased from a retail provider
    • the trustee for income streams paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF). Note: some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example, AMP. MLC, who may complete the form
  • Record details on a NOTE

Note: where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.

Procedure ends here until documents are returned


Update Provider Name and /or Product reference number when document(s) returned + Read more ...

In the customer's record:

  • Go to the Customer Summary
  • Enter START into the Super Key
  • Select Income and Assets Update from the Task Selector options
  • Select Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • Add additional income and assets types needed
  • Select Start
  • Use Next to go to Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • Select Edit against the appropriate product to access the Change Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) options and update these fields:
    • Provider or SMSF/SAF Name, key name of financial institution, or name of SMSF or SAF. Do not code names of financial planners and accountants
    • Provider or SMSF/SAF ABN, key the funds Australian Business Number (ABN) as stated on the schedule for the ‘Provider Name’
    • Product Name, update the product name as it appears on the schedule, if required
    • Product Reference Number, key the correct product reference exactly as it appears on the schedule. The product reference number is unique to each income stream and may show as the product reference number, account number or policy number on the schedule. Do not code the provider ABN or the product name as the product reference number. If the product reference number is incomplete, for example *********305, obtain the full number from the customer before updating. If there are leading zeroes, code them. Coding incorrect numbers or partial numbers causes the income stream auto updates during the August and February review to fail
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save
  • Check the Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) displays the updated income stream details
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If using the Process Direct Income and Assets workflow, NOTES will be prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information needed, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will complete and NOTES will replicate to the Document List (DL)

Procedure ends here.

Coding a new income stream

Table 5




Checking the details + Read more ...

Before starting the update, check:

  • Where did the money to buy the income stream come from? For example, if the customer used a superannuation investment recorded on Managed Investment (MIS/MIP/MIUS). An update on the MIS/MIP/MIUS will be needed and in the same activity
  • Is it a reversionary income stream? This may be on the income stream schedule:
    • A reversionary income stream has been passed on to another person after the death of the primary beneficiary
      Note: the date of the death of the primary beneficiary will be needed for later coding
    • It must be the same income stream, that is, the details are the same as they were for the primary beneficiary
    • If it was grandfathered before being transferred to the customer, it can retain its grandfathered status if the customer has been receiving an income support payment continuously since 31 December 2014
  • Was it purchased as a result of a family law split? (on the income stream schedule)
    • if the original income stream was grandfathered, the new product can retain its grandfathered status in some circumstances

If the income stream is reversionary, or from a family law split, note the information as it will be needed during coding and when checking the Entitlements (ELD) outcome.

To ensure historical accuracy 1 July balances must be obtained for each year including and after the commencement date. If the product is Category 2, Gross Income must be coded for the same dates.

Is all information required to complete coding available?


Adding new income stream or adding an income stream as part of a new claim + Read more ...

Is the update being done inside a new claim?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No,
    • Use the Income and Assets Update Task Selector (START)
    • Select Next and go to Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
    • Go to Step 3


Adding a new account-based income stream + Read more ...

The following information is to be used to provide information about each of the income stream fields.

On Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV), use add to open the Create Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) options.

Code the income stream details fields:

  • Product Type:
    • Select AIS - Account-Based Income Stream
    • Note: codes ALP (allocated pension) and ALA (allocated annuity) are obsolete; they cannot be used to add a new income stream. Customer records with these product types still exist, can continue to do so and can be updated. They were never converted to AIS. This will not affect assessment
  • Income stream from SMSF/SAF?:
    • Select Yes or No whether the income stream is paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or a small APRA superannuation fund (SAF)
  • Provider or SMSF/SAF Name:
    • name of financial institution, or name of SMSF or SAF
    • do not code names of financial planners and accountants
  • Provider or SMSF/SAF ABN:
    • the fund's Australian Business Number (ABN) as stated on the schedule for the 'Provider Name'
  • Product Name:
    • name of the income stream product as stated on the schedule
  • Product Reference Number:
    • the product reference number is unique to each income stream and may be shown as the product reference number, account number or policy number on the schedule
    • make sure the correct product reference is recorded exactly as it appears on the schedule
    • do not code the provider ABN or product name as the product reference number
    • if the product reference number is incomplete, for example *********305, obtain the full number from the customer before updating. If there are leading zeroes, code them
    • incorrect coding causes the income stream auto updates during the August and February review to fail
  • Event Date/Commencement:
    • this date must match the Purchase Date field
    • Note: this is not the Date of Event (DOV) field
  • Purchase Date:
    • purchase date of the income stream as stated on the schedule. If the income stream is reversionary the date is the original purchase date


Income stream details + Read more ...

Term or Relevant Number field

The relevant number is needed for the assessment of grandfathering (category 2) account-based income streams.

Coding of the field is needed when adding new deemed account-based products (category 9), but is not used for assessment calculations.

The number should be on the schedule. It is based on:

  • the life expectancy and age of the income stream owner, or
  • the reversionary beneficiary's age on the purchase date

Use the value provided on the schedule for coding this field. If the relevant number on the schedule is incorrect, or the schedule does not have the relevant number, and the product is a:

  • category 9 (deemed) account-based income stream:
    • code as declared on the schedule unless system errors as too low or it is missing then use the life expectancy factor for the customer's age on purchase date to update the Relevant Number field
    • see the life expectancy factor for the appropriate table of life expectancy or use the relevant number calculator
  • category 2 (grandfathered) account-based income stream: - check if the schedule has nominated a reversionary beneficiary:


Income stream details continued + Read more ...

Section 9A/B/BA Compliant Indicator: select No

  • Start Date Original Commuted Product: leave blank
  • Product Cancellation Reason:
    • leave blank when adding a new income stream
    • if the income stream is fully commuted, cancel the income stream. Do not delete. If the product is cancelled, it stops to be assessed under income and assets tests


Superannuation Payment Details - Event Date field + Read more ...

Select the date for the Event Date field using the following information.

Reversionary beneficiary

  • The Event Date is the day after the date of death of the primary beneficiary (deceased spouse or partner), which is the date the customer (reversionary) is entitled to the income stream payment
    Note: this date is displayed on the Partner Details (MS) screen
  • Assessable income from the income stream includes:
    • any lump sum arrears, and
    • regular ongoing payments
  • Normally lump sum arrears are paid for the period from the day after date of death to the date regular payments start
  • The income stream is assessed from this date even though other income and assets are assessed at the end of the 16 week bereavement review, if the customer does not advise the changes before the review
  • Waiver provisions effective from 9 May 2018:
    • If the assessment of lump sum arrears result in a debt during the bereavement period for the surviving spouse, give consideration to waiver provisions contained under Class of Debt, Section 1237AB(1) of the Social Security Act 1991. See the Resources page for a link
    • All of the conditions included in the legislation must be met
    • These waiver provisions cannot be used to waive debts outside the 14 week bereavement period, or debts which occurred before 9 May 2018
    • If there is a debt that may be waived, record the details on a separate NOTE. It will be considered by Payment Assurance Operations

New claim

The Event Date will be the:

  • date the income stream was purchased if the income stream was purchased after the:
    • the date of grant of the payment
  • lodgement date for an early claim
  • start date of the 8 week assessment period for new LIC claims
  • payment grant date in all other cases

Note: if the customer or partner is current on an income support payment, Residential Care Assessment (RCA), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or Low Income Card (LIC), and the income stream is not recorded, see below under ‘Previously undeclared income stream’.

Previously undeclared income streams

The first Event Date will be the:

  • date the income stream was purchased if the customer or partner were current on income support payment, Residential Care Assessment (RCA), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) before the purchase date, or
  • earliest date of grant of income support payment, RCA, CSHC or LIC for customer or partner if the income stream was purchased prior to this date

Note: If client and/or partner were or are only SHC/CUR-NOI & the product was purchase after any ISP was cancelled, then historical details are not required nor is any historical coding needed. See Non-income tested (NOI) concession cards for more information if required.

Additional Event Dates may need to be added to the record for subsequent updates.


Superannuation Payment Details continued + Read more ...

The system updates these fields:

  • Channel Type, automatically displays whether the income stream was:
    • CSO if manually updated by Services Australia staff for new or existing income streams
    • ISP if auto bulk updated with data sent by the provider or
    • WEB if auto updated using online services for income stream reviews
  • Product Category, automatically displays the category of the income stream for assessment purposes. The category for account-based income streams is:
    • 2 Assets tested (long term) income stream, or
    • 9 Assets tested (long term) deemed income stream


Gross Income Amount field + Read more ...

Code the gross annual income amount exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents, if stated).

Note: if the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field is updated only once, when adding a new income stream.

Did the gross income amount entered trigger an edit 'Gross Income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx'?


Edit - 'Gross income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx' + Read more ...

Is the 1 July account balance provided as at 1 July of the current financial year (or the opening balance if the income stream started during the financial year)?

  • Yes:
    • The gross annual income provided by the customer is lower than the minimum amount displayed in the Edit
    • Code the minimum amount as displayed in the Edit
    • Include the following information on a DOC: the gross income amount is less than the minimum amount needed to be drawn in a financial year under the superannuation regulations. Services Australia is needed by legislation (section 1099DAA) to apply the minimum in this case. Note the minimum figure calculated by the system
    • If applying the minimum gross income figure results in an unfavourable decision, see Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
    • If adding a new income stream, continue coding. Go to Step 11
  • No, go to Step 10


Account balance not 1 July balance + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • 1 July account balance needed within 14 days
  • If it is not received, Services Australia will use the balance given as the 1 July account balance and apply the applicable minimum income amount
  • The update cannot be completed until either the customer provides the correct information or the 14 days has expired

In Customer First, create a manual review for 14 days on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 14 days from request date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
  • Keywords: APBJUL1
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here until the information is received or the review becomes due.

Review is due

  • If the 14 days has expired, code the income stream using the information previously provided, applying the minimum income amount
  • Go to Step 11


Superannuation Payment Details (continued) + Read more ...

Income Frequency field:

  • Record income as ANN - annually
  • If another value is coded, an edit displays - check the gross income amount reported on the schedule is an annual amount

Original Purchase Price field:

  • The amount originally paid for the income stream, not reduced by any commutations
  • The purchase price of an account based income stream cannot be $0
  • Additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream product
  • Code exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents if stated). Note: if the income stream is reversionary, it will have the same purchase price as the original income stream
  • This field was created from 6 December 2004For products coded before 6 December 2004, a system conversion populated this field with the value from the old Purchase Price Less Commutations field. Before December 2004, there were no communication fields. The Purchase Price Less Commutations field had to be manually adjusted by any partial commutations

Note: the Original Purchase Price field is used for assessment purposes for category 2 (grandfathered) account based income streams only. The field is not used for assessments for category 9 (deemed) account based income streams after coding. If the income stream product being coded is a category 9 income stream, the original purchase price will not affect the customer's ongoing entitlement.

Commutation Date field:

  • Relates to the amount coded in the Latest Commutation field
  • This date is only for information and is not the date of effect
  • If there is more than one commutation amount, the most recent commutation date must be recorded
  • If the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field does not need to be updated

Latest Commutation field - the commutation amount

  • If the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field does not need to be updated
  • If an update is needed:
    • The value in this field will continue to display until it is replaced with a new value
    • When the income stream is subsequently updated and there is no new commutation amount to be updated. For example, only the current account balance is to be updated, manually remove the amount displayed in the Latest Commutation field to avoid any confusion
    • This amount will correctly get auto added to the amount displayed in the Previous Commutations field
    • Check if commutation details were previously provided and recorded
    • If there is more than one commutation amount provided, the total of all the amounts must be recorded
    • When coding an income stream for the first time, code the sum of all commutations since the purchase date

Previous Commutations field:

  • The total commutations made from 6 December 2004 up to the current date will display
  • Commutations made before 6 December 2004 if recorded previously would have been adjusted in the Original Purchase Price field
  • Purchase Price less Commutations field - system displays original purchase price less total commutations made


Superannuation Payment Details (continued) - 1 July balance field + Read more ...

1 July Account Balance field - account balance as at 1 July:

  • Only grandfathered category 2 account-based income streams need updating. This field is not required for category 9 products
  • The closing balance as at 30 June is usually the opening balance for 1 July. Therefore, the 30 June balance can be accepted as the 1 July balance
  • If the customer purchased the income stream during the current financial year, code the purchase price
  • If the customer purchased the income stream post 1 January 2015 and the 1 July account balance is not available, code the current balance
  • Do not code a nominal $1 value
  • For category 2, or grandfathered account-based income streams the system calculates the minimum income amount needed to be drawn from the income stream in a financial year based on the 1 July balance
  • This field can only be updated once during the financial year:
    • If an error has been made in coding and the event has been updated, delete the applicable Income Stream Details line and re-code with the correct information
    • If deleting a line, a new line must be added with the correct details
  • The system will not accept $0 without a cancellation reason


Superannuation Payment Details (continued) - Current Account Balance field + Read more ...

New income stream or new claim

Note: an additional Event Date may need to be added to record the current account balance when a later current account balance is available on the schedule or from investment statements.

Code the current account balance (whole dollars only) as at the Event Date.

  • When the date of event (DOV) is the date of purchase, code the purchase price
  • Code a known account balance closest to the Event Date which may be:
    • the 1 July account balance rather than the current account balance on the schedule
    • the last known balance on the deceased primary beneficiary's record for a reversionary product

SMSF - customer not able to provide the latest account balance

  • Period is 1 July to 31 December, (in the first half of the current financial year)
    • The customer does not have the 1 July account balance or current balance
    • Code a known account balance closest to the Event Date. This may be the 1 July account balance from the prior year
    • A customer estimate can be accepted for the current balance
    • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: customer's payment type
      Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
      Due Date: 1 January
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
      Keywords: SMSFJUL1
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
    • This would be in line with the August review for account-based income streams from SMSFs
  • Period is 1 January to 30 June, (in the second half of the current financial year)
    • Request the current account balance as at 1 July in the current financial year
    • The customer has until March to complete the financials for the previous financial year as under tax rules. If not done, an estimate can be calculated. A suggested formula is the 1 July balance for the previous financial year, less gross annual income and commutations
    • The 1 July balance for the previous financial year cannot be accepted

While a customer can request their accountant prepare an estimated balance at any time, do not ask for this. The customer is likely to be charged a fee.


Superannuation Payment Details (continued) - check details + Read more ...

The following fields are calculated and displayed by the system when the Create Income screen (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) has been updated.

  • Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV)
  • From the Income Stream Details actions, select Edit

Check the following information in these fields:

  • Deductible Amount (Income):
    • System calculates the deduction amount by which the gross income amount from an income stream is reduced to determine assessable income
  • Term Elapsed (Years):
    • System displays the period elapsed since the start date. It is not used for any calculation or assessment for this product
  • Assessable Income Amount:
    • System calculates and displays this amount - gross income amount less deductible amount (income)
  • Assessable Asset Amount:
    • System calculates and displays this amount. The current account balance is an assessable asset

If coding a new reversionary income stream, or an income stream following a family law split and the original income stream was grandfathered, go to Step 15.

In all other cases, go to Step 17.


Superannuation Payment Details - reversionary beneficiary or family law split + Read more ...

Check the Product Category field.

If the original income stream was grandfathered it will have been a product category 2.

Grandfathered status will be retained for a:

  • reversionary income stream if:
    • the customer was receiving an income support payment at the time the income stream reverted to them
    • they have remained on an income support payment since that date, and
    • the income stream details reported on the schedule for a reversionary beneficiary such as the purchase date, purchase price and relevant number, must be the same as the original income stream
  • a new income stream following family law split if:
    • the customer was receiving an income support payment at the time of the family law split, and
    • they have remained on an income support payment since that date

Will the income stream retain its grandfathered status?

  • Yes, and:
    • the system has automatically applied the grandfathered status (a product category 2 is displayed on the Change Income Stream Details), go to Step 17
    • the grandfathered status must be manually restored. Go to Step 16
  • No, the new account-based income stream will automatically be updated as a category 9 deemed income stream when the activity is finalised. Go to Step 17


Superannuation Grandfathering Group + Read more ...

Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) and add a new line to the Superannuation Grandfathering Group.

The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) - Centrelink DVA Clearance Team only can update the following DVA overrides. Refer cases by email.

  • Customers who transfer from a DVA service pension to a Services Australia income support payment provided their income stream was grandfathered at the time of transfer
  • Current Services Australia income support payment (types AGE, ISS, SER) since 31 December 2014 with an income stream eligible to be grandfathered. The email to the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) - Centrelink DVA Clearance Team must include the customers and their partners Customer Reference Number (CRN), income stream product reference number and the reason for referring the details to the team

The following fields will display system generated information or can be coded manually for the specific grandfathered override reasons outlined below only.

  • Event Date. This identifies the date on which an account-based income stream was grandfathered ('saved') under the pre-1 January 2015 assessment. Deeming was extended to account-based income streams from 1 January 2015. It will be:
    • 1 January 2015, if the income support payment grant date is before 1 January 2015
    • the date the customer started receiving payments from a reversionary income stream
    • the date the new income stream was purchased as a result of a family law split
    • the payment grant date when transferring from DVA to Services Australia
  • Reason code. This is the grandfathering reason code. The following codes may apply:
    • FAM - Family Law Split
    • REV - Reversionary Beneficiary
    • DVA - Transfer from DVA to DHS or partner on DVA income support payment
    • MAN - Manual Override
    • For the reason codes FAM, REV, DVA and MAN, a warning message will advise the staff member to contact the FINS Service Desk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility. Contact the helpdesk to check if the income stream is eligible to retain grandfathered status before a manual override is applied
    • For reason code SOV (SHC overseas), a warning message will advise the staff member to contact the Cards Helpdesk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility. This code applies to CSHC holders
    • Contact the Cards Helpdesk to check if the income stream is eligible to retain grandfathered status before using this code
  • End Date:
    • This field is not relevant when adding a new income stream
    • This is the date the grandfathering stops and the income stream reverts to a Category 9 Assets Tested (Long Term) Deemed income stream. For example, in the case if a customer is not in continuous receipt of an income support payment or benefit status changes to SUS, CAN or CZR (some exceptions apply), the system will automatically update this field

Select Save.

Check details of the new income stream are correct and the Product Category field displays '2'.

Note: add the manual override information to the NOTE when finalising the transaction.


Finalise activity + Read more ...

  • Check the new income stream details on Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) are correct
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If using the Income and Assets workflow, NOTES will prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information, as per Online Document Recording (ODR)
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will complete and NOTES will replicate to the Document List (DL)

Did the system show the edit 'E001OG DVA reverse clearance needed, select for help'?

Reinstating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream

Table 6




Updating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream which has lost its grandfathered status + Read more ...

When a customer with a grandfathered income stream has their income support payment suspended, the system will automatically change the category 2 grandfathered income stream to a category 9 deemed income stream.

If payment is restored from the date of suspension, the system will automatically reinstate the grandfathered status.

If the payment is restored from another date and this means the customer receives part payment each fortnight, the grandfathered status must be manually reinstated.

For example, JobSeeker Payment customer with an existing grandfathered income stream goes overseas for 7 days. Payments suspended the day they leave the country and restored automatically on their return. In this case, if the customer receives a part payment in the entitlement period they were temporarily suspended, they are considered to still be in continuous receipt of an income support payment and their income stream can retain the grandfathered status.

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) is generated if the restoration date is within 27 days of the date of suspension. The keyword for the MFU is 'RESGRA'.

Check if the customer has received a part payment for each fortnight before reinstating the grandfathered status. The income stream must be updated in a separate transaction with the date of receipt (DOR) as the end date of the grandfathered status, so any arrears are paid. Once the income stream update activity is finalised, cancel the MFU from the Activity List (AL) screen.

Who can make the update?

An APS5 and above can update the Grandfathering Override field in Process Direct.

Note: an APS3 and above can update the Grandfathering Override field in Customer First).Expand the appropriate product from Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) and edit the Superannuation Grandfathering Group:

  • Event Date: Leave the existing start date as is
  • Reason code: This is the grandfathering reason code. Update 'MAN' - Manual Override
  • End Date: Make note of the end date. Code this date as DOR to enable payment of arrears, if any. Remove the displayed end date
  • Select Save
  • Update Receipt Date and Channel and Save

A warning message will advise the staff member to contact the FINS Service Desk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility.

  • Check details of the income stream on Income Streams (SUPS/SUPI/SUPV) are correct and the Product Category field on Income Stream Details displays '2'
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
    • If using the Income and Assets workflow, NOTES will prepopulate and display for review
    • Add any additional information, including details of the manual override
  • Select Finalise. The transaction will completed and NOTES will replicate to the Document List (DL)

Procedure ends here.

Customer First

On this Page:

Adding or updating an income stream

Updating existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream

Updating existing deemed (category 9) income stream

Updating Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number for existing income streams

Coding SUPI for a new income stream

Coding SUPV for a new income stream

Reinstating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream

Category rectification activities

Adding or updating an income stream

Table 1




Check update(s) needed + Read more ...

If the customer has purchased a new income stream using funds from selling their principal home and they intend to use some or all the funds to purchase a new home, See Sale of principal home

If updates relate to a category rectification Fast Note, see Step 1 in Table 8.

If the customer has supplied a physical copy of an income stream schedule to a service centre, upload a copy of the income stream schedule to the customer's record.

Is the customer only contacting to add or update an account-based income stream?


Discuss all of the income and assets updates the customer would like to make + Read more ...

Discuss all of the income and assets updates the customer would like to make during their contact. For example, income stream, shares, foreign income.

Only proceed with the coding if all updates needed can be completed.

If there are concerns with the legitimacy of the customer's information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.

This table describes information needed to update the account-based income stream.

Can the customer provide all the other information needed?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No:
    • further information or documents will be needed before the updates can be done
    • check if additional information for the income stream update is also needed
    • go to Step 3


Update an existing income stream, close an existing income stream or add a new income stream + Read more ...

All appropriately skill-tagged Service Officers can process at the point of contact for all payment types.

Navigate to the Pension/Annuities Summary (SUPS) screen. Check if the income stream is already recorded or if it is a new one.

If the update is to:

  • Close an existing income stream. There has been a full commutation or the balance is exhausted, Table 1, Step 6 in Commutation of asset-tested income streams.
  • Add a new income stream, Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed. If a schedule has:
  • Update an existing income stream, go to Step 4


Update existing income stream + Read more ...

The SUPS screen will identify the income stream:

  • The product type code for an account-based income stream will be:
    • AIS
    • ALP, or
    • ALA
  • Product category will be:
    • '2' (grandfathered), or
    • '9' (deemed)

Category 2 (grandfathered):

  • A Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed for:
    • changes to the provider name and/or product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer
    • any partial commutations if the update is not part of the August income stream review
  • No documents are needed for a change to gross annual income, or current account balance changes, unless the change is because of a commutation

Category 9 (deemed):

  • A Details of income stream product (SA330) or similar schedule completed by the provider is needed for:
    • changes to provider name, and/or
    • product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer
  • No documents are needed for current account balance changes


Is an SA330 or similar schedule needed? + Read more ...

Is an SA330 or similar schedule needed for the update?


Income stream schedule + Read more ...

Check the schedule can be used.

  • A provider can issue their own schedule with similar questions as appear on the SA330
  • If an income stream is from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF):
    • The form must be completed by the trustee of the fund (generally the customer for an SMSF)
    • An income stream schedule completed by a financial adviser must not be accepted
    • Some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example AMP and MLC, who may complete the form
  • If there are concerns with the legitimacy of customer's information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services

Is the schedule able to be used?


Check if the income stream has been updated in this financial year + Read more ...

Check if:

  • a Service Officer has applied an update for the product in this financial year as part of the Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) process, and
  • the DOV to be used now is before the DOV on the SUPV screen

There will be a DOC on Document List about an 'Income stream review manual update'. The Activities tab in Customer First will also have provider data information for the related product.

Note: for New Claim processing staff and AISR staff, a Fast Note is not required. Go to Step 8.

Did a Service Officer manually update the product in this financial year as part of the AISR process and the DOV to be used now is before the DOV on the SUPV screen?


Update to be made + Read more ...

Is all the information for all income and asset updates available?


Request documents + Read more ...

Tell the customer all information is needed before any change can be made, to make sure they receive correct entitlement.

Note: if requesting an income stream schedule, do not insist on the customer providing an SA330 only. A provider can issue their own schedule with similar questions that appear on the SA330, and this can be accepted.

  • Tell the customer of all the information they must provide
  • Request forms and information. See Requesting information (CLK)
  • Select Information to be supplied within 14 Days + Delivery option
  • Record details of the contact and what was has been requested on a DOC
  • Use the Mail Forms guided procedure if a form is to be sent

Note: where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.

Procedure ends here until documents returned.


Create a Fast Note + Read more ...

Escalate by creating a Fast Note in Customer First. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Older Australians > Update > Action req - Auto Income stream review

  • If a work item exists, re-categorise as ZIAM_AISR_SUPS

Procedure ends here.

Updating existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream

Table 2




Changes to an existing grandfathered (category 2) income stream + Read more ...

If the customer is notifying changes from 1 July and before the annual August review is completed, go to Step 2.

Otherwise, if the customer is:

  • Advising a change to the current account balance, go to Step 4
  • Advising a partial commutation, or a change to the gross income due to a commutation, go to Step 8
  • Advising a change to the gross income, go to Step 10
  • Advising a change to the provider name and product reference number following a Successor Fund Transfer, see Step 1 in Table 4
  • Advising a change to the product reference number only following an internal transfer within the provider's system, see Step 1 in Table 4
  • Providing information as part of a review, see:


Changes from 1 July and before August review + Read more ...

  • The customer may be notifying new gross annual income from 1 July or the new current account balance
  • Changes to gross annual income or partial commutations are only needed for grandfathered income streams (category 2)

If there is a need to make the update before the August review, for example, the change will be payment effecting, go to Step 3

Is the customer's income stream from a SMSF or SAF?

  • Yes, tell the customer they can either:
    • wait for the August review letter and complete the review using online services as outlined in the review letter, or
    • provide a current income stream schedule, that is, a schedule issued on or after 1 July of the current financial year,
    • procedure ends here for Smart Centre Call staff
  • No:
    • Tell the customer the system will update their income stream. Their provider will supply the information directly to Services Australia for the review
    • Procedure ends here


Updates needed before the August review + Read more ...

  • All the information requested for the review must be provided and updated using the Income Stream Update guided procedure
  • Update all details in the one transaction to prevent re-work because:
  • If the customer has provided an income stream schedule:
    • check the date
    • if it is dated before 1 July it cannot be used for the current financial year
    • a new schedule from 1 July is needed

See August review of income streams for full details of updates needed.

1 July account balance

  • The 1 July account balance can only be updated once in a financial year:
    • If another update is made in the same financial year, an error 'E011SN - 1 July Balance field can only be updated once in a financial year' is displayed
    • If a coding error is made and the activity is completed, delete the page and re-code with the correct information. Note: if deleting a page, a new page must be inserted with the correct details
  • The closing balance as at 30 June is usually the opening balance for 1 July. Therefore, the 30 June balance can be accepted as the 1 July balance
  • If the account balance for 1 July is not provided but a current account balance for another date in July is, this is acceptable. It can be used to update the 1 July account balance
  • Do not update new gross income amount only. If the Event Date is after 1 July the system will require an updated 1 July account balance as well, and not allow any further changes to the 1 July balance for the financial year

Procedure ends here.


Is the customer contacting to update the current account balance for their or their partner's income stream? + Read more ...


Check details - current account balance + Read more ...

Has the current account balance changed because of a commutation?

  • Yes, the customer must provide an income stream schedule. Go to Step 9
  • No, and the current account balance has:
    • increased significantly. Ask the customer if they have started a new income stream. This is important, as additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream product. Some providers re-use product reference numbers. A new income stream could have the same reference number as the old product. If it is a new income stream, the customer must provide an income stream schedule. Go to Step 9
    • not increased significantly, go to Step 6


Update current account balance + Read more ...

If the update is being done inside a claim:

Is the Income Stream Update guided procedure working?
Note: there are known issues that impact on guided procedures when switching between 'Customer Record' and 'Workspace' in Customer First.

  • Yes:
    • Run the guided procedure
    • When complete, check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
    • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • The guided procedure will create a DOC
  • No, it is not working. go to Step 7


Manual coding when guided procedure not working + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the appropriate product from the SUPS screen and select Continue
  • Check details on the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen are correct. If correct, select Continue. If any changes are required, update as necessary and ‘C’orrection is required, not ‘I’nsert for SUPI screen
    • Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH – Other
    • Update Receipt Date and Source (if required)
    • Select Continue
    • Check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, correct the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
    • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date
    • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • On the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen make the necessary changes to following fields:
    • Event Date: date of change
    • Current Account Balance, key the new current account balance (whole dollars only)
    • Source, DOR and Action
      Note: if there is a whole dollar difference in the Original Purchase Price (OPP) field the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if OPP is $66,666.66 and $66,666.00 was coded, this is correct. However, if $66,667.00 was coded recoding is required.
  • Select Continue
  • Check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here.


Verification needed - partial commutation or change to gross annual income due to a commutation + Read more ...

The income stream provider must calculate the gross annual income.
Note: the Resources page has examples of the calculation. It is for specialist staff like the Authorised Review Officers, or for Service Officers who want to understand how the income is calculated.

If the update is not part of the August review, an SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider must be obtained before any changes are made to:

  • commutations
  • gross annual income due to commutations

Has the customer provided a current SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider?


Documents needed + Read more ...

The customer or partner must provide an SA330 or similar schedule from their provider:

  • Tell the income stream owner the SA330 or a similar schedule must be completed by:
    • The income stream provider for income streams purchased from a retail provider
    • The trustee for income streams paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF). Note: some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example, AMP, MLC, who may complete the form
    • A provider can issue their own schedule with similar questions that appear on the SA330, and this is can be accepted
    • Record details on a Fast Note
    • Procedure ends here until documents are returned
  • Issue SA330 using the Mail Forms guided procedure or tell the customer verbally to provide a similar schedule issued by their provider
    • The customer must provide an income stream schedule for each income stream they own
    • Record a Fast Note detailing what the customer has been asked to provide

Note: where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.

Procedure ends here until the customer provides documents.


Documents provided + Read more ...

If the update is being done inside a new claim:

Is the Income Stream Update guided procedure working?
Note: there are known issues that impact on guided procedures when switching between 'Customer Record' and 'Workspace' in Customer First.


Run the Income Stream Update guided procedure + Read more ...

Gross annual income

  • Check the amount of the gross annual income. See Resources page for examples, if needed
  • Update the gross income amount exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents, if stated)
  • If the gross income amount entered into the system trigger an edit 'E853CQ Gross Income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx', go to Step 13

Commutation details

  • Check the commutation details:
    • Record each commutation once. If a commutation(s) is already there, do not include it again in this update and see Commutation of asset-tested income streams for help with updating partial commutations
    • The Total Value of Commutations field in the guided procedure is the total of all commutations for this update
    • If there is only one commutation to be included, record that amount
    • If there is more than one commutation amount provided, the total of all the amounts must be recorded
    • The guided procedure codes the Latest Commutation field on the customer's record
  • Check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Guided procedure will create a DOC
  • Make sure the FAL screen is checked and any review for the return of documents is completed
  • Procedure ends here


Manual update when guided procedure not working + Read more ...

Coding incorrect details in these fields may cause the automated income stream review to fail.

'S'elect the appropriate product from the SUPS screen and select Continue.

  • Check details on the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen are correct. If correct, select Continue. If any changes are required, update as necessary and ‘C’orrection is required, not ‘I’nsert for SUPI screen
    • Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH – Other
    • Update Receipt Date and Source (if required)
    • Select Continue
    • Check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, correct the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
    • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date
  • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • On the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen make the necessary changes to following fields:
    • Event Date, key date of change
    • Gross Income Amount, key the gross annual income amount exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents, if stated)
    • If the gross income amount entered into the system triggers an edit 'E853CQ Gross Income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx', go to Step 13
    • For coding a commutation manually, see Commutation of asset-tested income streams
    • Source, DOR and Action
      Note: if there is a whole dollar difference in the Original Purchase Price (OPP) field the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if OPP is $66,666.66 and $66,666.00 was coded, this is correct. However, if $66,667.00 was coded, recoding is required.
  • Select Continue
  • Check details on the SUPS screen are correct
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Make sure the FAL screen is checked and any review for the return of the documents completed
  • Record details on a DOC

For instructions on how to add new products using these screens/fields, see Step 3 in Table 5.

Procedure ends here.


Edit - 'Gross income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx' + Read more ...

Is the provided 1 July account balance correct for the current financial year (or the opening balance if the income stream started during the financial year)?

The minimum amount is not recalculated if the current account balance has reduced or partial commutations have been made. The system calculates the minimum amount that may be drawn in the current financial year based on the 1 July account balance.

As part of the government response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), the minimum drawdown limits for account-based income streams under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 have been reduced by 50% for 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years. Customers are able to reduce their gross annual income amount, subject to the reduced minimum based on the existing 1 July account balance.

  • Yes:
    • The gross annual income provided by the customer is lower than the minimum amount displayed in the Edit
    • Code the minimum amount as displayed in the Edit
    • Include the following information on a DOC: the gross income amount is less than the minimum amount needed to be drawn in a financial year under the superannuation regulations. Services Australia is needed by legislation (section 1099DAA) to apply the minimum in this case. Note the minimum figure calculated by the system
    • If applying the minimum gross income figure results in an unfavourable decision, see Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
    • If completing the update using the guided procedure, go to Step 15
    • If completing the update using manual coding, go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 14


Account balance not 1 July balance + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • 1 July account balance is needed within 14 days
  • If it is not received, Services Australia will use the balance given as the 1 July account balance and apply the minimum amount which appeared in the system Edit
  • The update cannot be completed until either the customer provides the correct information or the 14 days has expired

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 14 days from request date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
  • Keywords: ABPJUL1
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here until information received or 14 days has expired.

Review is due

  • If the 14 days has expired, code the income stream using the information previously provided, applying the minimum income amount
  • If the update is being completed using:


Continue coding using the guided procedure + Read more ...

Commutation details

  • Check the commutation details:
    • Record each commutation once. If a commutation(s) is already there, do not include it again in this update, and see Commutation of asset-tested income streams, for help with updating partial commutations
    • The Total Value of Commutations field in the guided procedure is the total of all commutations for this update:
    • If there is only one commutation to be included, record that amount
    • If there is more than one commutation amount provided, the total of all the amounts must be recorded
    • The guided procedure codes the Latest Commutation field on the customer's record
  • Check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Guided procedure will create a DOC
  • Make sure the FAL screen is checked and any review for the return of documents is completed
  • Procedure ends here


Continue manual coding + Read more ...

  • For coding a commutations manually, see Commutation of asset-tested income streams
  • Source, DOR and Action fields
  • Select Continue
  • Check details on the SUPS screen are correct
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Make sure the FAL screen is checked and any review for the return of the documents completed
  • Record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here.

Updating existing deemed (category 9) income stream

Table 3




Changes to an existing deemed (category 9) income stream + Read more ...

If the customer is:

Procedure ends here.


Update current account balance + Read more ...

If a commutation has occurred for more than $20,000, which has resulted in the reduction of the current account balance, ask the customer what has happened to the funds. Ask for any supporting documents needed to code new assets purchased.

If the current account balance has increased significantly, ask the customer if they have started a new income stream. Additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream product. Some providers re-use product reference numbers. A new income stream may have the same reference number as the old product. If it is a new income stream, the customer must provide an income stream schedule.

If the update is being done inside a claim:

Is the Income Stream Update guided procedure working?
Note: there are known issues that impact on guided procedures when switching between 'Customer Record' and 'Workspace' in Customer First.

  • Yes:
    • Use the guided procedure
    • Check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
    • Add the current account balance as at the date on the latest schedule. This must be in whole dollars. If cents are shown, round down to the nearest whole dollar
    • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • Guided procedure will create a DOC
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Manual coding when guided procedure not working + Read more ...

Only in a claim or in cases if the Income Stream Update guided procedure is not working, the update can be applied manually:

  • 'S'elect the appropriate product from the SUPS screen and select Continue
  • Check details on the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen are correct. Update the appropriate fields as required to amend the discrepancy and select Continue:
    • Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH – Other
    • Update DOR and Action fields (if required)
    • Expand the product details and check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, edit the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
    • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date with the existing data
    • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • On the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen make the necessary changes to following fields:
    • Event Date, key date of change
    • Current Account Balance, key the new current account balance
    • Source, DOR and Action fields
      Note: if there is a whole dollar difference in the Original Purchase Price (OPP) field the product must be cancelled and recoded. For example, if OPP is $66,666.66 and $66,666.00 was coded, this is correct. However, if $66,667.00 or $66,665.00 was coded, recoding is required.
  • Select Continue
  • Check the SUPS screen displays the updated income stream details
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here.

Updating Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number for existing income streams

Table 4




Successor Fund Transfer - changes to Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number + Read more ...

If the income stream was grandfathered under the pre-1 January 2015 rules and the customer continues to be receiving an income support payment when the income stream is transferred, the income stream will retain its grandfathered status.

Advice regarding SFTs can be found on the Successor Fund and Intra Fund Transfers page within the Financial Industry and Network Support (FINS) Bulletin.

While in the income stream owner's record, go to the Pension/Annuities Summary (SUPS) screen.

The product type code will be AIS, ALP or ALA.

Has the customer provided a current SA330 or similar schedule from the income stream provider?


Documents needed + Read more ...

Customer or partner must provide an SA330 or similar schedule from their provider before the provider name and product reference number can be amended.

  • Request an SA330 or similar schedule issued by their provider. See Requesting information (CLK)
    • Select Information to be supplied within 14 Days + Delivery option
    • Record a DOC detailing what the customer has been requested to provide
  • Tell the income stream owner the SA330 or a similar schedule must be completed by:
    • The income stream provider for income streams purchased from a retail provider
    • The trustee for income streams paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF). Note: some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator, for example, AMP. MLC, who may complete the form
    • A provider can issue their own schedule with similar questions that appear on the SA330, and this can be accepted

Record details on a DOC
where the customer or partner is unable or unwilling to provide information due to FDV (Family and Domestic Violence), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider

Procedure ends here until documents are returned


Update Provider Name and/or Product Reference Number when document(s) returned + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the appropriate product from the SUPS screen and select Continue
  • On the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen make the necessary changes to the following fields:
    • Provider or SMSF/SAF Name, key name of financial institution, or name of SMSF or SAF. Do not code names of financial planners and accountants
    • Provider or SMSF/SAF ABN, key the fund's Australian Business Number (ABN) as stated on the schedule for the 'Provider Name'
    • Product Name, key the product name as it appears on the schedule, if required
    • Product Reference Number, key the correct product reference exactly as it appears on the schedule. The product reference number is unique to each income stream and may show as the product reference number, account number or policy number on the schedule. Do not code the provider ABN or the product name as the product reference number. If the product reference number is incomplete, for example *********305, obtain the full number from the customer before updating. If there are leading zeroes, code them. Coding incorrect numbers or partial numbers causes the income stream auto updates during the August and February review to fail
    • Source, DOR
    • Action, key 'C' (system will not accept 'I')
  • Select Continue
  • On the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen, select Continue
  • Check details on the SUPS screen are correct
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here.

Coding SUPI for a new income stream

Table 5




Checking the details + Read more ...

Before starting the update, check:

  • Where did the money to buy the income stream come from? For example, the customer used a superannuation investment recoded on Managed Investment Summary (MIS) screen. An update on the MIS screen will be needed and in the same activity
  • Is it a reversionary income stream? This may be on the income stream schedule
    • A reversionary income stream has been passed on to another person after the death of the primary beneficiary
      Note: the date of the death of the primary beneficiary will be needed for later coding
    • It must be the same income stream, that is, the details are the same as they were for the primary beneficiary
    • If it was grandfathered before being transferred to the customer, it can retain its grandfathered status if the customer has been receiving an income support payment continuously since 31 December 2014
  • Was it purchased as a result of a family law split, (on the income stream schedule)?
    • if the original income stream was grandfathered, the new product can retain its grandfathered status in some cases

If the income stream is reversionary, or from a family law split, note the information as it will be needed during coding and when checking the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

To ensure historical accuracy 1 July balances must be obtained for each year including and after the commencement date. If the product is Category 2, Gross Income must be coded for the same dates.

Is all information required to complete coding available?


Adding new income stream or adding an income stream as part of a new claim + Read more ...

If the update is being done inside a new claim, or if there are multiple updates needed to the income stream:

In other cases, if the Income Stream Update guided procedure is working, use it.
Note: there are known issues that impact on guided procedures when switching between 'Customer Record' and 'Workspace' in Customer First.

  • The guided procedure will collect all the information needed to code a new income stream
  • Go to Step 3


Adding a new account-based income stream + Read more ...

The following information is to be used to:

  • provide information about each of the guided procedure fields
  • support manual coding for claims or when the guided procedure is not working

Code Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen in these fields:

  • Product Type Code:
    • 'AIS' (account-based income stream)
    • Codes ALP (allocated pension) and ALA (allocated annuity) are obsolete; they cannot be used to add a new income stream. Customer records with these product types still exist, can continue to do so and can be updated. They were never converted to AIS. This will not affect assessment
  • Income stream from SMSF/SAF?:
    • 'Y'es or 'N'o whether the income stream is paid from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or a small APRA superannuation fund (SAF)
  • Provider or SMSF/SAF Name:
    • name of financial institution, or name of SMSF or SAF
    • do not code names of financial planners and accountants
  • Provider or SMSF/SAF ABN:
    • the fund's Australian Business Number (ABN) as stated on the schedule for the 'Provider Name'
  • Product Name:
    • name of the income stream product as stated on the schedule
  • Product Reference Number:
    • the product reference number is unique to each income stream and may be shown as the product reference number, account number or policy number on the schedule
    • make sure the correct product reference is recorded exactly as it appears on the schedule
    • do not code the provider ABN or product name as the product reference number
    • if the product reference number is incomplete, for example *********305, obtain the full number from the customer before updating. If there are leading zeroes, code them
    • incorrect coding causes the income stream auto updates during the August and February review to fail
  • Purchase Date:
    • purchase date of the income stream as stated on the schedule. If the income stream is reversionary the date is the original purchase date
  • Commencement Date:
    • same as purchase date


SUPI screen continued + Read more ...

Term or Relevant Number field

The relevant number is needed for the assessment of grandfathering (category 2) account-based income streams.

Coding of the field:

  • is needed when adding new deemed account-based products (category 9),
  • but is not used for assessment calculations

The number should be on the schedule. It is based on:

  • the life expectancy and age of the income stream owner, or
  • the reversionary beneficiary's age on the purchase date

Use the value provided on the schedule for coding this field. If the relevant number on the schedule is incorrect, or the schedule does not have the relevant number, and the product is a:

  • category 9 (deemed) account-based income stream:
    • code as declared on the schedule unless system errors as too low or it is missing then use the life expectancy factor for the customer's age on purchase date to update the Relevant Number field
    • see the life expectancy factor for the appropriate table of life expectancy or use the relevant number calculator
  • category 2 (grandfathered) account-based income stream: - check if the schedule has nominated a reversionary beneficiary


SUPI screen continued + Read more ...

  • Section 9A/B/BA Compliant Indicator field
    • 'N'o
  • Start Date Original Commuted Product field
    • leave blank
  • Product Cancellation Reason field
    • leave blank when adding a new income stream
    • if the income stream is fully commuted, cancel the income stream with the appropriate cancellation reason. Do not use 'OTH'. Do not delete. If the product is cancelled, it stops to be assessed under income and assets tests. Use 'C'orrect in the Action field and code the cancellation reason. The SUPV screen will display and the Event Date field can be coded
  • Complete Source, DOR and Action fields and select Continue. The Pension/ Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen will display

See Step 1 of Table 6.

Coding SUPV for a new income stream

Table 6




Code the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen - Event Date field + Read more ...

Select the date for the Event Date field using the following information.

Reversionary beneficiary

  • The Event Date is the day after the date of death of the primary beneficiary (deceased spouse or partner), which is the date the customer (reversionary) is entitled to the income stream payment
    Note: this date is displayed on the MS screen
  • Assessable income from the income stream includes:
    • any lump sum arrears, and
    • regular ongoing payments
  • Normally lump sum arrears are paid for the period from the day after date of death to the date regular payments start
  • The income stream is assessed from this date even though other income and assets are assessed at the end of the 16 week bereavement review if the customer does not advise the changes before the review
  • Waiver provisions effective from 9 May 2018:
    • If the assessment of lump sum arrears result in a debt during the bereavement period for the surviving spouse, give consideration to waiver provisions contained under Class of Debt, Section 1237AB(1) of the Social Security Act 1991. See the Resources page for a link
    • All of the conditions included in the legislation must be met
    • These waiver provisions cannot be used to waive debts outside the 14 week bereavement period, or debts which occurred before 9 May 2018
    • If there is a debt that may be waived, record the details on a separate DOC. It will be considered by Payment Assurance Operations

New claim

The Event Date will be the:

  • date the income stream was purchased if the income stream was purchased after the date of grant of the payment
  • lodgement date for an early claim
  • start date of the 8 week assessment period for new LIC claims
  • payment grant date in all other cases

Note: if the customer or partner is current on an income support payment, Residential Care Assessment (RCA), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or Low Income Card (LIC), and the income stream is not recorded, see below under ‘Previously undeclared income stream’

Previously undeclared income streams

The first Event Date will be the:

  • date the income stream was purchased if the customer or partner were current on income support payment, Residential Care Assessment (RCA), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) before the purchase date, or
  • earliest date of grant of income support payment, RCA, CSHC or LIC for customer or partner if the income stream was purchased prior to this date

Note: if client and/or partner were or are only SHC/CUR-NOI and the product was purchased after any ISP was cancelled, then historical details or historical coding are not required. See Non-income tested (NOI) concession cards for more information if required.

Additional Event Dates may need to be added to the record for subsequent updates.

Purchase of new income stream by existing customer

  • The Event Date is the purchase date of the product
  • This also applies to income streams purchased from the proceeds of a family law split
  • An additional Event Date may have to be inserted if the schedule provided is for a later date. For example:
    • A customer purchases income stream on 1 May
    • Schedule is issued on 15 May with a current account balance as at that date
    • The balance at purchase, that is, purchase price, to be coded with an Event Date of 1 May and a new page to be inserted with Event Date 15 May and balance at that date


SUPV screen continued + Read more ...

The system updates these fields. They will not display until the screen is completed and Continue is selected.

  • Channel Type field. Automatically displays whether the income stream was:
    • CSO if manually updated by Services Australia staff for new or existing income streams
    • ISP if auto bulk updated with data sent by the provider, or
    • WEB if auto updated using online services for income stream reviews
  • Product Category field. Automatically displays the category of the income stream for assessment purposes. The category for account-based income streams is:
    • 2 Assets tested (long term) income stream, or
    • 9 Assets tested (long term) deemed income stream


Gross Income Amount field + Read more ...

Code the gross annual income amount exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents, if stated).

Note: if the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field is updated only when adding a new income stream.

Did the gross income amount entered trigger an edit 'E853CQ Gross Income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx'?


Edit - 'Gross income not equal to or greater than $XXXX.xx' + Read more ...

Is the 1 July account balance provided as at 1 July of the current financial year (or the opening balance if the income stream started during the financial year)?

  • Yes:
    • The gross annual income provided by the customer is lower than the minimum amount displayed in the Edit
    • Code the minimum amount as displayed in the Edit
    • DOC the customer record with the following: the gross income amount is less than the minimum amount needed to be drawn in a financial year under the superannuation regulations. Services Australia is needed by legislation (section 1099DAA) to apply the minimum in this case. Note the minimum figure calculated by the system
    • If applying the minimum gross income figure results in an unfavourable decision, see Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
    • If adding a new income stream, continue coding. Go to Step 6
  • No, go to Step 5


Account balance not 1 July balance + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • 1 July account balance needed within 14 days
  • if it is not received, Services Australia will use the balance given as the 1 July account balance and apply the applicable minimum income amount
  • the update cannot be completed until either the customer provides the correct information or the 14 days has expired

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 14 days from request date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
  • Keywords: ABPJUL1
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here until the information is received or the review becomes due.

Review is due

  • If the 14 days has expired, code the income stream using the information previously provided, applying the minimum income amount
  • Go to Step 6


SUPV screen (continued) + Read more ...

Income Frequency field:

  • System records 'annual'
  • If another value is coded, an edit displays - check the gross income amount reported on the schedule is an annual amount

Original Purchase Price field:

  • The amount originally paid for the income stream, not reduced by any commutations
  • The purchase price of an account-based income stream cannot be $0. Additional money cannot be added to an existing income stream
  • Code exactly as stated on the schedule (including cents if stated). Note: if the income stream is reversionary, it will have the same purchase price as the original income stream
  • Check details on the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen are correct. Update the appropriate fields as required to amend the discrepancy and select Continue
    • Note: if a correction to the purchase date or purchase price is required, update the Product Cancellation Reason field to OTH – Other
    • Update DOR and Action fields (if required)
    • Expand the product details and check the cancellation date of event (DOV). If needed, edit the auto generated DOV to the correct cancellation date
    • Recode the product with the corrected original purchase price and/or purchase date with the existing data
    • Note: correction to the purchase price is only required if there is a whole dollar discrepancy
  • This field was created from 6 December 2004. For products coded before 6 December 2004, a system conversion populated this field with the value from the old Purchase Price Less Commutations field. Before December 2004, there were no commutation fields. The Purchase Price Less Commutations field had to be manually adjusted by any partial commutations

Note: the Original Purchase Price field is used for assessment purposes for category 2 (grandfathered) account based income streams only. The field is not used for assessments for category 9 (deemed) account based income streams. If the income stream product being coded is a category 9 income stream, the original purchase price will not affect the customer's ongoing entitlement.

Commutation Date field:

  • Relates to the amount coded in the Latest Commutation field
  • This date is only for information and is not the date of effect
  • If there is more than one commutation amount, the most recent commutation date must be recorded
  • If the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field does not need to be updated

Latest Commutation field - the commutation amount

  • If the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015, this field does not need to be updated
  • If an update is needed:
    • The value in this field will continue to display until it is replaced with a new value
    • When the income stream is subsequently updated and there is no new commutation amount to be updated. For example, only the current account balance is to be updated, manually remove the amount displayed in the Latest Commutation field to avoid any confusion
    • This amount will correctly get auto added to the amount displayed in the Prev Commutations field
    • Check if commutation details were previously provided and recorded
    • If there is more than one commutation amount provided, the total of all the amounts must be recorded
    • When coding an income stream for the first time, code the sum of all commutations since the purchase date

Prev Commutations field:

  • The total commutations made from 6 December 2004 up to the current date will display
  • Commutations made before 6 December 2004 if recorded previously would have been adjusted in the Original Purchase Price field
  • Purch Price - Commutations field - system displays original purchase price less total commutations made


SUPV screen (continued) + Read more ...

1 July Account Balance field - account balance as at 1 July:

  • Only grandfathered category 2 account-based income streams need updating. This field cannot be updated if the purchase date is on or after 1 January 2015
  • The closing balance as at 30 June is usually the opening balance for 1 July. Therefore, the 30 June balance can be accepted as the 1 July balance
  • If the customer purchased the income stream during the current financial year and the 1 July account balance is not available, code the purchase price. Do not code $1
  • For category 2, or grandfathered account-based income streams the system calculates the minimum income amount needed to be drawn from the income stream in a financial year
  • This field can only be updated once during the financial year:
    • If an error has been made in coding and the event has been updated, delete the page and re-code the product details
    • If deleting a page make sure a new page is inserted with the correct details
  • The system will not accept $0 unless there is a cancellation reason on the SUPI screen


SUPV screen continued- Current Account Balance field + Read more ...

New income stream or new claim

Note: an additional Event Date may need to be added to record the current account balance when a later current balance is available on the schedule or from investment statements.

  • Code the current account balance with the amount as at the Event Date
  • When the DOV is the date of purchase, code the purchase price
  • Code a known account balance (whole dollars only) closest to the Event Date which may be:
    • the 1 July account balance rather than the current account balance on the schedule
    • the last known balance on the deceased primary beneficiary's record for a reversionary product

SMSF - customer not able to provide the latest account balance

  • Period is 1 July to 31 December, (in the first half of the current financial year)
    • The customer does not have the 1 July account balance or current balance
    • Code a known account balance closest to the Event Date. This may be the 1 July account balance from the prior year
    • A customer estimate can be accepted for the current balance
    • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: customer's payment type
      Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
      Due Date: 1 January
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Check if account balance for 1 July has been received via document lodgement or verbally for <insert product reference number>. See OB 108-05060010.'
      Keywords: SMSFJUL1
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
    • This would be in line with the August review for account-based income streams from SMSFs
  • Period is 1 January to 30 June, (in the second half of the current financial year)
    • Request the current account balance as at 1 July in the current financial year
    • The customer has until March to complete the financials for the previous financial year as under tax rules. If not done, an estimate can be calculated. A suggested formula is the 1 July balance for the previous financial year, less gross annual income and commutations
    • The 1 July balance for the previous financial year cannot be accepted

While a customer can request their accountant prepare an estimated balance at any time, do not ask for this. The customer is likely to be charged a fee.


SUPV screen continued + Read more ...

The following fields are calculated and displayed by the system when the screen in completed. Select:

  • Continue to return to the SUPS screen
  • The product being added to go to the SUPI screen
  • Continue to return to the SUPV screen

Check the following information in these fields:

  • Deductible Amt (Income):
    • System calculates the deduction amount by which the gross income amount from an income stream is reduced to determine assessable income
  • Term Elapsed (Years):
    • System displays the period elapsed since the start date. It is not used for any calculation or assessment for this product
  • Assessable Income Amount:
    • System calculates and displays this amount - gross income amount less deductible amount (income)
  • Assessable Asset Amount:
    • System calculates and displays this amount. The current account balance is an assessable asset

If coding a new reversionary income stream, or an income stream following a family law split and the original income stream was grandfathered, go to Step 10.

In all other cases, go to Step 12.


SUPV - reversionary beneficiary or family law split + Read more ...

Check the Product Category field.

If the original income stream was grandfathered it will have been a product category 2.

Grandfathered status will be retained for a:

  • reversionary income stream if:
    • the customer was receiving an income support payment at the time the income stream reverted to them
    • they have remained on an income support payment since that date, and
    • the income stream details reported on the schedule for a reversionary beneficiary such as the purchase date, purchase price and relevant number, must be the same as the original income stream
  • a new income stream following family law split if:
    • the customer was receiving an income support payment at the time of the family law split, and
    • they have remained on an income support payment since that date

Will the income stream retain its grandfathered status?

  • Yes, and:
    • the system has automatically applied the grandfathered status (a product category 2 is displayed on the SUPS screen), go to Step 12
    • the grandfathered status must be manually restored. Go to Step 11
  • No, the new account-based income stream will automatically be updated as a category 9 deemed income stream when the activity is finalised:
    • check new income stream details on the SUPS screen are correct
    • complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • guided procedure will create a DOC or Service Officer to create a DOC for manually coded activities
    • make sure the FAL screen is checked and any review for the return of documents is completed
    • procedure ends here


SUPV screen (continued) - grandfathering + Read more ...

The following fields will display system generated information or can be coded manually for the specific grandfathered override reasons outlined below only.

Only the DVA Clearance Team (SCS) can update the following DVA overrides. Refer cases by email.

  • Customers who transfer from a DVA service pension to a Services Australia income support payment provided their income stream was grandfathered at the time of transfer
  • Current Services Australia income support payment (types AGE, ISS, SER) since 31 December 2014 with an income stream eligible to be grandfathered. The email to the DVA Clearance Team (SCS) must include the customers and their partners Customer Reference Number (CRN), income stream product reference number and the reason for referring the details to the team
  • Action '_' field. 'I' for Insert
  • 2015 Saved Date field. This identifies the date on which an account-based income stream was grandfathered ('saved') under the pre 1 January 2015 assessment. Deeming was extended to account-based income streams from 1 January 2015. It will be:
    • 1 January 2015, if the income support payment grant date is before 1 January 2015
    • the date the customer started receiving payments from a reversionary income stream
    • the date the new income stream was purchased as a result of a family law split
    • the payment grant date when transferring from DVA to Services Australia
  • Reason (RSN) field. This is the grandfathering reason code. The following codes may apply:
    • FAM - Family Law Split
    • REV - Reversionary Beneficiary
    • DVA - Transfer from DVA to DHS or partner on DVA income support payment
    • MAN - Manual Override
    • For the reason codes FAM, REV, DVA and MAN, a warning message will advise the staff member to contact the FINS Service Desk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility. Contact the helpdesk to check if the income stream is eligible to retain grandfathered status before a manual override is applied
    • For reason code SOV (SHC overseas), a warning message will advise the staff member to contact the Cards Helpdesk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility. This code applies to CSHC holders.
      Contact the Cards Helpdesk to check if the income stream is eligible to retain grandfathered status before using this code
  • End Date field:
    • This field is not relevant when adding a new income stream
    • This is the date the grandfathering stops and the income stream reverts to a Category 9 Assets Tested (Long Term) Deemed income stream. For example, in the case if a customer is not in continuous receipt of an income support payment or benefit status changes to SUS, CAN or CZR (some exceptions apply), the system will automatically update this field
  • Complete Source:, DOR: and Action fields and select Continue
  • Check details of the new income stream on the SUPS screen are correct and the Product Category field displays '2'

Note: add the manual override information to the DOC when activity is finalised.


Finalise activity + Read more ...

  • Check the new income stream details on the SUPS screen are correct
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen

Did the system show the edit 'E001OG DVA reverse clearance needed, select for help'?

Reinstating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream

Table 7




Updating the grandfathered status for an existing income stream which has lost its grandfathered status + Read more ...

When a customer with a grandfathered income stream has their income support payment suspended, the system will automatically change the category 2 grandfathered income stream to a category 9 deemed income stream.

If payment is restored from the date of suspension, the system will automatically reinstate the grandfathered status.

If the payment is restored from another date and this still means the customer receives some payment is each fortnight, the grandfathered status has to be manually reinstated.

For example, JobSeeker Payment customer with an existing grandfathered income stream goes overseas for 7 days. Payments suspended the day they leave the country and restored automatically on their return. In this case, if the customer receives a part payment in the entitlement period they were temporarily suspended, they are considered to still be in continuous receipt of an income support payment and their income stream can retain the grandfathered status.

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) is generated if the restoration date is within 27 days of the date of suspension. The keyword for the MFU is 'RESGRA'.

Check if the customer has received a part payment for each fortnight before reinstating the grandfathered status. The income stream has to be updated in a separate activity with the date of receipt (DOR) as the end date of the grandfathered status so any arrears are paid. Once the income stream update activity is finalised, finalise the MFU.

Who can make the update?

An APS3 or above can determine if the Grandfathering Override field should be coded.

Note: Process Direct remains restricted to APS5 or above, an APS3 or above can update the Grandfathering Override field in Customer First.

Update the SUPV screen with:

  • 2015 Saved Date: Leave the existing start date as is
  • Reason (RSN): This is the grandfathering reason code. Update 'MAN' - Manual Override
  • End Date: Make note of the end date. Code this date as DOR to enable payment of arrears, if any. Remove the displayed end date
  • Complete Source field, DOR: code the noted end date and select Continue

A warning message will advise the staff member to contact the FINS Service Desk (Level 2 Policy) for confirmation of grandfathering eligibility.

  • Check details of the income stream on the SUPS screen are correct and the Product Category field on SUPS and SUPV screen displays '2'
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details of the manual override on the DOC created by the guided procedure or Service Officer to create a DOC for manually coded activities
  • Procedure ends here

Category rectification activities

Table 8




Investigate the product + Read more ...

Check the customer's record for any account-based income stream products. Determine if the income stream category is currently assessed incorrectly.

Was an account-based product identified?


Identify the product category which should be assessed + Read more ...

Examples of screens to check:

  • XDS - will provide information on customer's entitlement history
  • XDE - will provide information on the customer's rate of entitlement historically
    • If a 0.00 rate line is identified, check to ensure this has not been deleted by a subsequent activity
    • More details and breakdown of the pension components are found by entering any of the following in the CMPNT field: PSMIN, PSREM, PSBAS and CES

Note: see Continuous receipt of an income support payment for more information. Customer must have received a part payment in each fortnight to maintain grandfathering (category 2) status.

Should the income stream be assessed as a grandfathered (category 2) income stream?


Product should be a deemed (category 9) income stream + Read more ...

As the current account balance has already been recorded, cancel and recode the income stream product from the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly. If the product is already category 9 and correction is not required, go to Step 10.

  • Screenshot the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen (with the provider information, purchase date, reference number and relevant number) as these will be needed for recoding
  • Screenshot the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen data for all date of events after the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly, as these will need to be recoded. Also take a screenshot of the DOV at or immediately prior to the date when grandfathering occurred incorrectly
  • Return to SUPI screen
  • Code Product Cancellation Reason field as OTH
  • Source field, key 'INT'
  • DOR field 24/09/2020
    Note: if activity is being completed after 24/09/2021, DOR is 12 months prior to today's date due to system limitations. If the date the product category started being assessed incorrectly was within the last 12 months, the DOR will be the same as the Date of Event
  • Action field, key 'C'orrect
  • Continue to SUPV
  • Code the Date of Event as the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly + 1
  • Select Continue
  • Return to SUPV screen. Delete the data from the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly by placing a 'D'elete in the Action field
  • Select Continue, then return to SUPV screen
  • Enter the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly as the Event Date and Insert a new page. This will ensure the data is zeroed from the date of event (DOV) that the grandfathering occurred incorrectly
  • Select Continue
  • Create a new product on SUPI screen, recoding the previous details
  • Record any entries on SUPV screen from the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly
    • Note: record a DOV for the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly, using the data screenshots for the DOV at or immediately prior to the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly from SUPV of the now cancelled product
    • Insert account balances in the Current Account Balance field for each DOV change

Once coding is finalised, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, then select 'do not finalise'. The user must progress to the AR screen for the system to reassess the product categories when a product is cancelled and recoded for rectification.

Check the coding and ensure products are now assessing as category 9 income streams. If category is assessing incorrectly contact technical support.

Go to Step 6.


Product should be a grandfathered (category 2) income stream + Read more ...

Check the record for income stream schedules for each financial year that the product has been assessed incorrectly. Check Document Tools in Customer First for documents provided.

To check for provider data in Customer First:

  • In Workspace, go to Online Interaction Summary
  • Select Search
  • Select Income Stream COC-AIS product
  • Go to Attachments tab
  • Select Income Stream Data from Provider to open the provider data

To check for provider data in Process Direct:

  • Open the customer's record
  • Go to all transactions
  • Locate 'Automated Income Stream Reviews - Income stream data from Provider' and select
  • Select the Documents icon
  • Find a Form Title 'Income Stream Data from Provider' form
  • Select View under the Doc View column

Were all of the required income stream schedules/provider data located?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, contact the customer and advise that we require income stream information to ensure an accurate assessment has occurred historically. Request the missing income stream schedules. See Requesting information (CLK). Procedure ends here until schedule(s) returned


Correct income stream category and apply schedule data + Read more ...

The income stream requires amendment to assess as grandfathered (category 2) product. Cancel and recode the income stream product from the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly. If the product is already category 2 and correction is not required, go to Step 10.

  • Screenshot the Pension/Annuities Identification (SUPI) screen (with the provider information, purchase date, reference number and relevant number) as these will be needed for recoding
  • Screenshot the Pension/Annuities Details Variable (SUPV) screen data for all date of events after the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly, as these will need to be recoded. Also take a screenshot of the DOV at or immediately prior to the date when grandfathering occurred incorrectly
  • Return to SUPI screen
  • Code Product Cancellation Reason field as OTH
  • Source field, key 'INT'
  • DOR field is 24/9/2020
    Note: if activity is being completed after 24/9/2021, DOR is 12 months prior to today's date due to system limitations. If the date the product category started being assessed incorrectly was within the last 12 months, the DOR will be the same as the date of event (DOV)
  • Action field - code is 'C'orrect
  • Select Continue to go to SUPV screen
  • Code the DOV as the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly +1
  • Select Continue
  • Return to SUPV screen. Delete the data from the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly by placing a 'D'elete in the Action field
  • Select Continue, then return to SUPV screen
  • Enter the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly as the Event Date and Insert a new page. This will ensure the data is zeroed from the Date of Event that the grandfathering occurred incorrectly
  • Select Continue
  • Create a new product on SUPI screen, recoding the previous details
  • Record any entries on SUPV screen from the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly
    • Note: record a DOV for the date the grandfathering occurred incorrectly, using the data screenshots for the DOV at or immediately prior to the date grandfathering occurred incorrectly from SUPV of the now cancelled product
    • Insert the 1 July balance for the relevant financial year in the 1 July balance field, annual gross income amounts, commutations and account balances from the applicable financial year Centrelink schedules

Once coding is finalised, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, then select 'do not finalise'. The user must progress to the AR screen for the system to reassess the product categories when a product is cancelled and recoded for rectification.

Remain in the activity and check the coding to ensure products are now assessing as category 2 income streams. If category is assessing incorrectly contact technical support.

Go to Step 6.


Code Review of Assessment (ROA) screen + Read more ...

As the discrepancy occurred due to departmental error, ROA must be coded from the date Services Australia started assessing the income stream product category incorrectly.

Access ROA screen by typing ROA in the Nxt field.

Complete the following:

  • Section of SSA Review based on: 126
  • Source of error: Centrelink
  • Customer notified of Original Decision?: No
  • Review requested within 13 weeks of original decision: No
  • As Delegate, do you authorise the use of date of effect rules based on S109 for this assessment?: Yes
  • Start Date for Review of Decision: is the date the product category started being assessed incorrectly
  • Select Continue

Take activity to the AR screen and check outcome is correct before finalising.

Were arrears limited due to the limiting date? For more information, see Payment of arrears after reassessment and stopping a payment.


Determine if debts or arrears occurred + Read more ...

Were debts or arrears raised as a result of the activity?

  • If:
    • arrears were paid, go to Step 8
    • debt of $50 or more raised, go to Step 9
    • debt of <$50 or no reassessment occurred, finalise the activity and DOC as required. DOC the activity as required. See Resources for DOC templates. Procedure ends here


Arrears generated + Read more ...

Make 2 genuine attempts to contact customer to tell them of arrears payment.

Tell the customer that Services Australia identified an issue with how their income stream was assessed, and this has been fixed. As a result, arrears payable have been identified and paid.

Finalise the activity and DOC the activity as required. See Resources for DOC templates.

Close the associated DOC on Activity List (AL) screen.

Procedure ends here.


Debt raised + Read more ...

Finalise the activity and DOC the activity as required. See Resources for DOC templates.

A debt shell will be created on Activity List (AL) screen. Add notes to the debt shell activity on the AL screen, noting that a debt waiver is recommended as debt was caused by a system error resulting in the incorrect assessment of the customer's income stream.

Annotate the DOC created as part of this activity and document the debt waiver recommendation.

Close the associated DOC on AL screen.

Procedure ends here.


No action required + Read more ...

Annotate the 'Category rectification' Fast Note with the investigation results, then Complete the Fast Note.

Procedure ends here.